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The Forbidden City

Page 10

by Ian Page

  If your current ENDURANCE total has now fallen to 9 or lower, turn to 202.


  You place your hand upon the door and concentrate hard. The key that opens the door is the Black Rod.

  The use of this Magical Power has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  If you wish to use the Black Rod to open the magic-locked door, turn to 148.

  If you would rather use the Magical Power of Sorcery to open the door and possess 3 or more WILLPOWER points, turn to 279.


  Cowering with fear, you step back, flinching at the sight of the sinister spectre. Silently, it reaches out a transparent hand and touches your forehead. The cold of the Deathgaunt's touch freezes your very soul. You fall to the ground, plunging into the dark well of unconsciousness. You have lost 4 ENDURANCE points.

  If your current ENDURANCE total is now 10 or higher, turn to 66.

  If your current ENDURANCE total is now 9 or lower, turn to 202.


  In desperation, you hurl the Black Rod of Shasarak at the shadow beast. The demon towers above you and your heart is filled with dread as the Kleasá is unharmed by the impact of the Black Rod. The rod falls with a clatter to the rocky floor and swiftly, the Kleasá stoops and picks it up.

  Turn to 310.


  That evening, Samu and Urik return with an abundance of game, wild berries, and Lianor. After the meat has been cooked and the food shared out, you find that you have far more food than you can carry. You may carry as much food as you wish but remember that one Meal counts as one item in your Backpack.

  The following morning you pass into the region known as the dead lands.

  Turn to 195.


  You draw on the energy of the Astral Plane, the source of power for the magic of Sorcery. You draw just 1 WILLPOWER point of energy (cross this off your Action Chart) and cast it at the Gem. Immediately, it begins to glow with a rosy hue. As you merge your power with that of the Gem you begin to understand its true nature. The Gem is a transmitter of thought, a device capable of increasing and amplifying mental energy. This is how it enables others, even the unskilled, to exert control over the minds of men. Your Magical Power of Sorcery will allow you to transmit this power great distances.

  If you wish to exert 2 WILLPOWER points in your attempt to control the mind of the user of the Kazim Stone, turn to 14.

  If you wish to exert 3 WILLPOWER points in your attempt to control the mind of the user of the Kazim Stone, turn to 142.


  You approach a tall, dusty building with a high-domed roof. You turn the door handle. Nothing happens; it is locked. As you release the handle, you hear the scuffle of naked feet coming from behind the door. The thief, Hugi, produces a large set of keys. ‘Do you want it opened?’ he asks, confidently.

  If you want him to open the door, turn to 39.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 119.


  You jump to the door to impede their escape and deal wide, slashing blows at the wretches. Despite their fear, they fight back with all the strength their wasted bodies will allow.

  3 Dead City Wretches: COMBAT SKILL 18 ENDURANCE 25

  If you win the combat, turn to 308.


  Finally the second dog weakens and dies and you breathe a sigh of relief. You have expended a great deal of energy in the fight but, at Urik's insistence, you travel as fast as the muddy ground will allow, following the winding course of the shallow waterway and crouching low below the line of the tall marsh grass.

  Turn to 156.


  At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you cast an illusion transforming your companions and yourself into the guise of ragged courtiers. When the guards and the crowd have rushed past, you run in the opposite direction. ‘Follow me!’ says Hugi. ‘I've found a way out of here.’ He leads you back to the throne room.

  Turn to 38.


  You lunge at the giant but his reflexes are surprisingly quick and your blow misses. With colossal strength, the giant brings his sword down on your neck, killing you instantly.

  You are dead. Your quest has failed.


  After a brief pause, the group of Shadakine warriors comes wading through the marsh grass. The leader barks commands, ordering his men into positions that provide them with cover. There is no sense of urgency in their actions and they seem unconcerned by the possibility that you may pose any kind of threat to them.

  If you wish to make a long-range attack with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 155.

  If you possess the Magical Power of Sorcery and wish to form a Shield of Sorcery around you, turn to 199.


  You draw on the vibrant energy of your will, shaping it to your needs by creating a shimmering force field before you. ‘Urik,’ you call, ‘behind me quickly.’ Urik obeys. The tension mounts as you await discovery.

  The use of this Magical Power has, so far, cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 183.


  Samu appears at your side and attacks the writhing creature with his broadsword. Hugi and Urik grab you by your cloak and pull you away from the fight as Samu's sword cuts back and forth in wide sweeping arcs. ‘He more danger to you than Scree Wyrm,’ shouts Urik, pointing at Samu, who is lost in a berserk fury.

  Illustration XII—Samu, lost in a berserk fury, battles with the Scree Wyrm.

  Suddenly, a loud cry makes you start. It is Hugi — he is struggling in the bony coils of another Scree Wyrm. You dare not attack the creature with a blast from your Staff for fear of hitting the struggling thief.

  If you decide to engage the creature in close combat, turn to 206.

  If you do not wish to attack the Scree Wyrm, turn to 255.


  The brief moments that pass before the first of the Shadakine spots you feel like an eternity. Instantly he throws himself to the ground and rolls behind a rock at the edge of the lake. He shouts to his comrades and the tall rushes shiver and sway as the warriors approach.

  You hear a sharp command and, immediately afterwards, a dozen crossbow bolts whistle through the air only to be deflected by your Shield of Sorcery. All falls strangely silent. Suddenly, a second volley of quarrels shoots towards you, only to be deflected in the same way. This time, however, you feel your Shield weaken.

  If you wish to expend more WILLPOWER points to strengthen your Shield of Sorcery, turn to 68.

  If you wish to leave it at the same strength, turn to 95.


  You have been walking down the passage for several minutes when Samu suddenly notices that Hugi is missing.

  If you wish to go back along the passage to look for Hugi, turn to 161.

  If you wish to look for Hugi in the banqueting room, turn to 94.

  If you wish to look for Hugi in the throne room, turn to 302.

  If you wish to continue without Hugi, turn to 127.


  With the ferocious hound snapping at your heels, you and Urik thread your way along the shallow waterway leading from the bog. Sadly the muddy ground slows your progress and you are unable to outrun the wild beast. Instead, you stop suddenly and swing your Staff in an arc that smashes into the Magdi's snout. It is not a serious injury but your bravado has paid off. The Magdi is too stunned to move against you, one head lolling uselessly to one side in a daze and the other too confused to understand what has happened.

  If you wish to kill the Magdi, turn to 149.

  If you wish to flee, turn to 156.


  Hugi examines the bridge closely. After a short spell of deliberation, he turns and says, ‘It will bear our weight, but it would be best if we cross one at a time. Who wants to go first?’ He steps away, indicating that he has no intention of crossing first.

  Urik gives him a disapproving look and steps forward. ‘I am Kundi, an old man, but do not fear to
cross.’ After scowling at Hugi, he runs across the bridge as fast as his old bones will allow. A cloud of dust falls from the bridge and a couple of loose stones tumble and fall into the black water below.

  ‘Me next,’ says Hugi, running across the bridge with nimble feet before anyone can try to take his place. His light passage makes no impression on the bridge and he calls across to you and Samu. ‘It's perfectly safe,’ he says, unhelpfully.

  Samu turns to you: ‘I am the heaviest. You should go next.’

  If you have a Rope, turn to 164.

  If you do not have a Rope, turn to 294.


  After a short wait, a Rock Giant burrows its way into the passage. It strides purposefully through the wall of flame and does not return. You have learnt nothing and the wall of flame remains. The use of this spell has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 201.

  If you wish to fire at the wall of flame with your Staff, turn to 117.

  If you wish to walk through the wall of fire, turn to 240.


  You aim a bolt of energy from your Staff at the nearest crossbowman and fire. A streak of white-hot fire slices through the air, exploding into a massive wall of flame that engulfs the howling Shadakine warrior. The man is completely incinerated and all that remains is a smoking crater in the ground. The Ooslo gives a cry of distress, soaring up into the air at high speed. Below, the Shadakine break and scatter in all directions, plunging into the tall marsh reeds that surround them.

  The effect of your attack leaves you quite amazed. Your powers are greatly increased since last you used them. At the cost of only 2 WILLPOWER points (remember to deduct these from your current WILLPOWER points total), you have delivered an attack that, previously, would have drained a great deal more.

  You are now high in the air and the Shadakine have all moved out of sight. You begin to wonder, however, exactly how to control your feathered mount. Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 5 or lower, turn to 15.

  If the number you have chosen is 6 or higher, turn to 140.


  You totter on unsteady feet. The exertion has made you weak but the supportive hand of Samu bears you up. ‘Are you all right?’ he asks. You nod. ‘Then I must away,’ says Samu, drawing his great sword. ‘The Shadakine must be purged from my land forever!’ He turns and runs towards the noise of battle with an easy, athletic stride. Your efforts have drained you of 4 ENDURANCE points.

  If you are still alive, turn to 133.


  The Kazim light gutters as the energy of your Staff absorbs and consumes its fulvous light. The Shadakine stand frozen, their faces racked with fear and uncertainty.

  Turn to 286.


  You are wrenched towards the very edge of the falling bridge. Helplessly, Samu dangles at the end of the Rope, looking at the fast-moving waters of the Belzar. ‘I … I can't hold it,’ you shout in a strained voice to Urik and Hugi. They start forward, but as they step onto the bridge, bricks and stones fall into the river at an alarming rate. ‘Stop!’ you scream, ‘or we're all doomed!’

  Before anyone can act, the strain on the Rope is suddenly released and you fall backwards. Samu, seeing your plight, has cut the Rope with his sword, allowing himself to fall into the running water. Horrified, you watch as Samu struggles against the current. Then he is gone; there is no trace. ‘Grey Star!’ Urik shouts. ‘Come away … the bridge!’ Eyes blurred with tears, you stagger away from the bridge. Too numb to speak, the three of you walk towards the gate of the Forbidden City.

  Turn to 124.


  You pour more energy into your Shield of Sorcery so that Urik and the Ooslo bird are secure within its protection. This exertion costs you 4 WILLPOWER points. It is a wise move as you soon find out.

  Turn to 44.


  The Black Rod suddenly erupts into flame in your hand. You scream with pain as the yellow fire shoots up your arm and explodes within your body. You fall to the ground before the Shadow Gate. Tanith calls out your name but you have no ears to hear; you are a victim of the malignant fire of Shasarak. The last sound that you hear is the Wytch-king's snarling laughter.

  You have failed before the very gateway of your quest.


  The following morning, Urik scouts the ground. You both decide to head for the city of Karnali which stands on the northernmost edge of the Gurlu Marshes, on the far side of the Suhni River. Urik explains that you are about to enter the heart of the swamp and the danger is sure to increase. He takes you to the top of a low hill and you survey the land ahead. You have the choice of two routes. To the northwest, the land comprises a mixture of low, twisted bushes and shrubs, and further on, a jungle of gnarled, lichenous trees. The more direct route lies to the north but the land there is more perilous. Tall marsh grass abruptly gives way to a broad expanse of quagmire and bog, interspersed with squat, black trees and stagnant pools. Urik tells you that the ground is highly treacherous, containing concealed quicksand and soft mud.

  If you wish to take the slower route to the northwest, turn to 2.

  If you wish to take the more direct route to the north, turn to 12.


  The stark land is silent: no bird sings, no flower grows. The silence is oppressive and your senses recoil against the evil of the place. You have entered ‘the dead lands’.

  As you walk, you kick up clouds of ash and dust. Everywhere it is impossibly grey — the very soil has been charred to cinders. ‘How … ’ you breathe into the silence, ‘how in the world did this happen? What could blight the land as utterly as this?’

  ‘You do not know the legend?’ asks Hugi, surprised.

  You shake your head. ‘Go on,’ you say, if only for the comfort of another human voice.

  Turn to 111.


  As the giant charges towards you, the silver flame of your Staff kills the slavemaster instantly. The use of this spell has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points. The giant falters, apparently confused. He shakes his head and looks at his sword as if it were not his own. The Gem around the slavemaster's neck continues to glow.

  If you wish to attack the giant, turn to 179.

  If you wish to take the Gem from around the dead slavemaster's neck, turn to 131.


  The wretch lies dead at your feet. Hugi taps you on the shoulder and points down the street. A swarm of howling wretches is charging towards you. There are hundreds of them: a ragged, tattered army of madmen, besmirched with grime and dust. The curse of the city of the dead is upon them. It is the curse of a life spent amongst mouldering ruins and decay, of an existence that has endured against the utter desolation of ‘the dead lands’.

  Immediately, you turn and run, as do Hugi and Urik. The wailing pack are close behind.

  Turn to 84.


  You hold the Gem tightly in your hand and allow its power to flood through you. Immediately, your mind is assailed by a multitude of memories, for the Gem is ancient. You sense the good and ill wills of those who have possessed the Gem in the past; easiest to define is the evil of the Shadakine slavemaster who owned it last. Uncomprehending of its power, he had used it for petty thefts and crimes, manipulating those who had earned his displeasure.

  You gradually come to understand the true nature of the Gem. It is a transmitter of thought, a magical item capable of increasing and amplifying mental energy. It is capable of controlling only one mind at a time, but your Magical Power of Sorcery will enable you to transmit this power across a great distance. The use of the Power of Psychomancy has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  You exert 2 WILLPOWER points and attempt to control the mind of the user of the Kazim Stone.

  Turn to 14.


  You concentrate the power of your mind, shaping your will to the creation of
a magical force field. You complete your spell just in time to deflect the dark cloud of crossbow bolts that whistle towards you. Angered by his failure, the Shadakine officer orders his men to reload. A second volley comes hurtling towards you, only to be deflected in the same way, but this time, your Shield weakens.

  If you wish to expend more WILLPOWER points on strengthening your Shield of Sorcery, turn to 68.

  If you do not, turn to 95.


  It is the last day of your tortuous journey. You are roused by the cries of the Shadakine and, a few minutes later, you are dumped on the ground by the slave bearers. ‘Beware, the fighters of the Freedom League!’ You see little of the battle that ensues. You glimpse many soldiers with red veils over their faces and the fall of the cruel Shadakine captain.

  Finally, the battle ceases and you and Urik are freed from your bonds by the red-veiled soldiers. ‘My thanks,’ you say, as your Staff and Backpack are returned to you.

  ‘You are lucky, friend,’ says one of the soldiers. ‘We are only scouts, clearing the way for tomorrow's attack upon a Shadakine slave train.’ You are given food and enjoy a comfortable sleep that restores to you 2 ENDURANCE points and 1 WILLPOWER point.


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