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The Forbidden City

Page 11

by Ian Page

  Turn to 275.


  Closing your eyes, you summon a vision of the future at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point. Your Power of Prophecy tells you that the wall of flames will not burn you.

  Turn to 240.


  The deadly clutch of the Deathgaunt forces you to your knees. You are already too weak to resist and you quickly pass into the realm of the undead to join the ranks of Shasarak's army of tormented souls.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points, you cast about yourself the illusion that you are an old beggar and hurriedly cross the street. The escort looks on in amazement and, totally confused, flee the wrath of the advancing Shadakine. Urik, however, with his long tail and eccentric feathered dress, attracts the attention of the Shadakine, one of whom charges straight at him with his sword held high.

  If you wish to fire a long-range attack from your Staff at the Shadakine warrior threatening Urik, turn to 159.

  If you wish to charge the Shadakine and fight with him in close combat, turn to 99.


  A wide road, the great Suhn Road, runs parallel to the river. You see a long line of men, women, and children marching slowly along the road away from the city like forsaken souls journeying towards their doom. Shadakine warriors walk up and down the line, brandishing their flails brutally.

  ‘Grey Star,’ says Urik, ‘I thought … There are others here in marsh. They … ’ Before he can finish, a wave of men pour out of the brush that lines the marsh and run towards the column of slaves with a roar, waving their swords above their heads. They wear veils over their faces, but otherwise share no common uniform.

  The few Shadakine guards fall into defensive positions along the road, but the swiftness of the ambush prevents them from deploying effectively. Only a few of the veiled soldiers are felled by a volley of crossbow bolts before the Shadakine are beset by their attackers. ‘Shall we?’ you ask Urik. A broad smile creases his old face and he gives vent to a bellowing yell as he shambles out of the brush towards the fray as fast as his old bones will permit. You follow close behind.

  Turn to 144.


  You sense the dismay of the Wytch as plainly as if it were your own, as you quench the light of her Kazim Stone. Quickly, you withdraw your power before she finds some other way to attack you — you feel very faint after your prolonged test of minds. You have exerted 4 WILLPOWER points and lost 5 ENDURANCE points. Remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

  If you are still alive, turn to 114.


  Wielding your Staff high above your head, you wait for your chance to strike. Hugi manages to wriggle free from the coils of the beast and, as he rolls clear, you bring your Staff down with a mighty blow. A crackle of energy rips through the creature as your Staff crushes its head. The Scree Wyrm contracts into a knot and flips over and over in the throes of death to disappear from sight into one of the many pot-holes that dot the plain. You have lost 1 WILLPOWER point effecting this attack.15

  Turn to 85.

  [15] If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points, you may choose to simply subtract the specified number of WILLPOWER points. This may leave you with a negative WILLPOWER score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in Section 175 of War of the Wizards for resolving this problem: For the WILLPOWER points you lack, you use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point).


  Sado prepares his men to charge. A familiar yellow light attracts your attention, shining from the highest turret of the fortress. It can only be the light of the Kazim Stone, a powerful instrument of pain in the hands of a Shadakine Wytch.

  The yellow glow expands and then envelopes the flagging soldiers who stand before the fortress. You see their resolve tighten as the Kazim Stone robs them of their fear. ‘Sorcery!’ breathes Sado in a desperate voice. You feel the gaze of Sado and his men burning into you like an accusation. Slowly, the Shadakine advance, tightening the ragged line of their defence in preparation for a counterattack; they move like automatons as the Kazim Stone burns into their minds.16

  If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and wish to use it against the Kazim Stone, turn to 6.

  If you have the Magical Power of Enchantment and wish to use it against the Shadakine, turn to 146.

  If you wish to challenge the power of the Kazim Stone with your Staff, turn to 234.

  [16] You are forced to choose to use a Magical Power, even though all the Powers that are available to you may require you to use more WILLPOWER points than you currently possess. If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points, you may choose to simply subtract the number of WILLPOWER points required to use the Power you select. This may leave you with a negative WILLPOWER score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in Section 175 of War of the Wizards for resolving this problem: For the WILLPOWER points you lack, you use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point).


  Casting your mind back, you recall seeing a proliferation of Mustow pods growing in the Gurlu Marshes. These strange, fungal growths are renowned for their pungent odour when broken open. At your command, a large number of these are brought to you by some of Sado's followers. You order that the Mustow pods be hurled over the walls of the fortress in large numbers, and soon many Shadakine can be seen pouring out of their barracks, eyes streaming, as the Mustow pods explode within the fortress, emitting great clouds of foul-smelling gas. The gates are thrown open and a horde of Shadakine spill into the street where Sado's army, disguised as civilians, lies in wait.

  Turn to 207.


  The creature floats across the river. Within the shimmering tatters of its grey robe, you perceive the dim outline of a tormented and eyeless face. It is a Deathgaunt, an undead spirit raised by Shasarak, the Wytch-king, to roam the world of the living.

  Turn to 169.


  As the fire rages all around, you fall into the trance state necessary to transport your mind to the Elemental Plane. A silent scream of fear howls amidst images of fire and such is the urgency of your need, you expend 3 WILLPOWER points. The smoke and heat are beginning to choke you and still no answer comes from the Elemental Plane. Urik suddenly slumps to your feet, barely conscious.

  Your mind is then offered a strange vision, further evidence of the growth of your powers and the strength of your mastery over the Lesser Magicks. Four humanoid figures appear, representatives of the four Elements of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water, their bodies formed of the Element they represent. Each bows in turn, arms outstretched in a humble gesture. You must choose the Element you wish to help you.

  If you require the aid of the Element of Air, turn to 90.

  If you choose the Element of Water, turn to 228.

  If you choose the Element of Fire, turn to 261.

  If you choose the Element of Earth, turn to 309.


  You brace yourself for combat but the man in the shadows quickly sheathes his sword and steps out of the darkness. It is Samu, the ebony giant you saved from the mind grip of the slavemaster. He strides towards you, hand outstretched in a gesture of greeting. ‘You are leaving Karnali?’ he asks.

  ‘I must,’ you say, solemnly. ‘I must reach Desolation Valley beyond the Mountains of Morn before the turning of the next full moon.’

  Samu raises his eyebrows in surprise. ‘You are going into the dead lands?’ he asks. ‘None has ever returned from there: you will perish for sure.’

  ‘I have to try, or die in the attempt. There's too much at stake.’ You briefly describe the nature of your quest and its ultimate goal: to throw dow
n the Wytch-king and all his works.

  Samu is silent for a while, deep in thought. Once, he was a proud king, the ruler of a nomadic people called the Masbaté, a warrior nation that dwelt upon the rolling savannah of the Great Lissan Plain. Of his brave people, only he remains, the sole survivor of the depredations of the Wytch-king of Shadaki, riven of his family, his nation, and of hope by the cruelty of an inhuman tyrant. With smouldering eyes that hint at his bitter loss, he looks down on you. ‘I will come with you, I think,’ he says. ‘You will have need of my strength to partner your bravery.’

  You thread your way among the dark, deserted streets of Karnali and leave by the west gate. With a man such as this by your side, how can you fail?

  Turn to 50.


  ‘We are friends, Gatekeeper. Open up now,’ you say, uncomfortably.

  ‘State your business,’ the Gatekeeper replies.

  ‘We are merchants,’ continues Hugi, taking up the charade. ‘Here to trade our silks for the rich treasures of Gyanima.’

  ‘What's the password?’ the Gatekeeper snaps. ‘You can't come in if you don't know the password.’

  ‘Crows foot!’ says Hugi immediately and more than a little hopefully.

  The Gatekeeper holds his hand out in front of his face and looks it up and down as if checking off an invisible list. ‘No, that was yesterday. You've given me the Luneday password.’

  ‘But today is Luneday,’ replies Hugi indignantly.

  ‘It is?’ says the Gatekeeper, astonished. Mutely, all three of you nod your heads. ‘Very well then, you may pass.’

  The Gatekeeper vanishes and moments later reappears in the archway, lifting the non-existent bar on the non-existent gate and ushering you in with a show of great respect.

  Turn to 104.


  A minute passes and the door slides shut as silently as it opened. Gradually, you sense that the room is becoming colder. A chill wind rises from nowhere, sending a shiver down your spine. It is not ordinary cold air causing you to tremble — it is the familiar presence of a Deathgaunt. It materializes in the centre of the cavern, close to where you stand. ‘Welcome,’ it hisses menacingly, as it stretches out its wispy fingers to claw at your soul. You fight to hang on to life, but it is a fight that you cannot win. Here, in the chamber of Shasarak the Wytch-king, the Deathgaunt draws on a power that you cannot resist, and you are borne swiftly from the realm of the living.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  Before going to sleep that night, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. The following morning you continue your journey. Hugi has made no attempt to escape, but he keeps very quiet, especially when Samu is around.

  As the miles pass by, the Mountains of Morn loom larger in the distance, aloof and forbidding. The land is becoming sparse of vegetation as you approach the region known as ‘the dead lands’.

  If you do not have enough food in your Backpack to complete your quest and want to gather supplies before going any further, turn to 32.

  If you have enough food, turn to 195.


  Steeling yourself, you launch a massive bolt of mental energy at the magic-locked door. There is a deafening shriek as the bolt glances off the granite surface and explodes into the ceiling of the chamber. A shower of rock and dust rains down and a shock wave throws you to the floor. You realize that the door is held by a power far greater than your own.

  If you have the Magical Power of Psychomancy and wish to use it, turn to 170.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 224.

  If you do not possess either of these skills, or if you do not wish to use them, turn to 242.


  The broad, dark leaves of the Azawood tree are much sought after by alchemists and magicians, for the smoke of the burning leaves is said to grant protection against the forces of evil, and when dried and crushed, they can be sprinkled into various potions as a charm to increase magical potency.

  You may break off three of these leaves and place them in your Herb Pouch. Remember to mark these items on your Action Chart and don't forget that your Herb Pouch can hold only a maximum of eight items at any one time.

  Turn to 257.


  Night falls before Samu and Urik return. They have caught fresh game and Urik has discovered a store of Lianor. After the meat has been cooked over the fire and the food shared equally amongst the four of you, you discover that there is enough food for six Meals.

  The following morning, you come to the region that men call ‘the dead lands’.

  Turn to 195.


  Dwarfed by the looming shadow beast, you step forward. You offer the Black Rod of Shasarak with a terrible fear in your heart. The demon surges towards you and the Black Rod is drawn from your grasp.

  Turn to 310.


  A flash of gleaming white light leaps from your Staff, tearing open the darkness of the night. The pallid glow of the Kazim light shrinks, curls, and is utterly consumed by the force of your challenge. The Shadakine panic and run, casting their weapons and armour aside as they scatter in all directions. The soldiers of the Freedom Guild give vent to a victorious cry as Sado of the Long Knife leads them into the fortress of stone.

  Illustration XIII—A flash of gleaming white light leaps from your staff, tearing open the darkness of the night.

  If your current WILLPOWER total is 15 or higher, turn to 48.

  If your current WILLPOWER total is 12–14, turn to 189.

  If your current WILLPOWER total is 11 or lower, turn to 114.


  As politely as you can, in the face of your obvious horror at the provender laid before you, you refuse. The deranged king's face contorts with fury. ‘You dare to insult the Imperial Court of Gyanima!’ he roars. At once the assembled nobles turn into a snarling mob.

  ‘Guards!’ The guards of the king, armed with javelins, enter the banqueting room. Their aim is deadly and true. Before you have had the opportunity to defend yourself, your heart is impaled upon a steel point.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You begin to climb the stairway but you have only taken a dozen steps when suddenly they collapse, dropping you, Urik, and Hugi to the ground in a cloud of dust and rotten wood. You have lost 1 ENDURANCE point due to the fall.

  As you are picking yourselves up, a crowd of wretches pours into the side street. A large, hairy man carrying a wooden club, gives you a malicious grin. ‘Big trouble,’ comments Urik, as you are led away by the mob.

  Turn to 41.


  You tell Sado of your plan and he nods his approval. You leave the large cavern and ascend into the city. Standing on a city wall, you place the Pipes to your lips and blow. The sound is very high-pitched and you can hear nothing but Urik places his hands to his ears. An hour later, you see some movement on the edge of the swamp: the Chaksu have answered your call just as you had hoped. Quickly, you leave the city wall and tell Sado to proceed with the rest of his plan — to attack the Shadakine garrison housed in a fortress in the heart of the city.

  Disguised as ordinary citizens, you, Urik, and Sado lie in wait on a street that borders the granite fortress of the Shadakine. As the first of the Chaksu smashes down the east gate of the city, the alarm is raised and a host of Shadakine warriors pours out of the fortress to meet the peril.

  Turn to 207.


  You drop your Shield of Sorcery and fire. At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points, you hurl a bolt of force in the direction of the movement. A bright plume of flame erupts among the marsh reeds and a terrible scream breaks the heavy silence of the swamp. A Shadakine warrior staggers to his feet, a ball of raging fire. Wreathed in flames, he stumbles through the foliage, clawing desperately at his body before plunging into the lake to extinguish the fire. As he hits the water, the two Eijalfish dart towards hi

  ‘We go?’ asks Urik, half-rising to his feet.

  If you wish to use this chance to swim away, turn to 74.

  If you would prefer to recreate your Shield of Sorcery instead, turn to 152.


  You stare at the magic-locked door and concentrate on the secret that will open its lock.

  If you possess the Black Rod, turn to 96.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 170.


  You enter a small clearing that is sheltered by a toa tree. Curled in its shade, you see a strange, reptilian creature, four feet long, with large, soft eyes that look at you pleadingly with more than a hint of human intelligence. A large wound oozes blood from its side. Urik explains that it is a young Chaksu, a much sought after beast. The adult grows to as much as ten feet in height and Chaksu hide is an expensive commodity, much in demand due to its toughness and elasticity. It is said that the wealth of the city of Karnali that stands on the edge of the Gurlu Marshes was built upon its trade in Chaksu hides and hunters frequently come to the marshes in search of their fortune.


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