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Bound by Hatred (The Singham Bloodlines Book 2)

Page 13

by MV Kasi

  She found his smile creepy as hell. It looked unnatural. She had heard he was a cold-blooded bastard who showed emotion on his face. He did only when he deliberately hurt or tortured women.

  “I wanted to apologize to you on behalf of my people,” he said. “I heard a few of them are causing trouble with the transportation of your goods.”

  She didn’t bother responding. She knew there was a good possibility of Revanth Senani knowing and maybe even encouraging his people to cause trouble for the Prajapatis. But without concrete proof, she couldn’t voice her doubts.

  “Please have a seat, Sabitha. Let’s use this opportunity to discuss if I can help you in any way with the shipping company or anything else.” He waved at someone. “Would you like coffee or tea and what kind of snacks would you like while we talk?” he asked.

  She frowned. “We are not talking. I have important things to discuss in private with my men. I’d appreciate if we are provided some privacy,” she said in a cold voice.

  Revanth Senani watched her with his dead eyes. “Sabitha, you need to stop viewing me as your enemy. I know you are not ready yet, but I’m okay to give you time to adjust to the idea. You will ultimately be my queen. I promise to take over all your responsibilities and worries and rule your people along with mine.”

  Sabitha controlled herself from clenching her fists. She didn’t want to show any visible reaction to the man in front of her. Unlike her or the Singhams, she noticed how Revanth Senani had used the word rule as opposed to lead. The fact that he thought he would be doing her a favor by taking over her responsibilities—which meant seizing her control and power—was even more offending.

  She looked him in the eye with a cold look. “All you have proven to me by spouting the nonsense you just did is that you are delusional. Leave, or my men and I will find another room.”

  Revanth Senani let out a short laugh even though from the vein bulging out from his neck, she could make out he was angry. “You are more stubborn and headstrong than I had expected. My parents and grandfather warned me about this, asking me not to pursue you. But I’m glad I didn’t listen to them.” He gave her another sweeping look. “You are what I need. I’m not going to listen to anyone who speaks against our union. Even the fact that your cousin was responsible for the death of my younger brother does not affect how I feel about you. Although I’m very impatient by nature, I’m willing to wait for you.”

  Sabitha ignored his rant. She was about to instruct her men to find another room when Revanth Senani decided to leave.

  Giving an internal sigh of relief, she went ahead with her scheduled meetings and discussions.


  By the time Sabitha was done with all her meetings and her grandfather was discharged from the hospital, and they reached the Prajapati Mansion, it was quite late. She met with Sanjay as usual while having dinner. He briefed her about things that needed her attention at the Prajapati Estate.

  As soon as he was done, she went to her room and freshened up. A few minutes later, she went down and was about to get into her SUV when she saw Dhruv on the other side, trying to accompany her.

  “I’m going on a personal errand, Dhruv. I prefer to go by myself,” she said.

  Dhruv looked taken aback. She watched as his eyes widened slightly as comprehension dawned. His jaw clenched, but he nodded and got out of the vehicle.

  Sabitha didn’t care or try to defend herself. Although she did care about the well-being of her people, she did not care what they thought about her as long as they did not openly display any disrespect towards her.


  Sabitha reached the cottage close to midnight. She saw a sleek sports car parked outside and dim lighting coming from the cottage.

  Parking her SUV, she went to the door and pushed it open to go inside. She barely took a step inside before she was grabbed around her waist by hard, powerful hands and banged against the wall.

  Dev Singham attacked her mouth as though he had been starved.

  She kissed him back with an equal hunger.


  Sabitha continued to meet with Dev Singham at the cottage most nights. During the day, they worked together at the site where their people were much more at ease with each other.

  One of the units’ initial planning was almost completed with only finishing touches remaining. Sabitha knew starting that plant would help her people tremendously. She was quite happy with how things were proceeding.

  She truly enjoyed working with Dev Singham. He was extremely knowledgeable and patient with her while explaining how things worked. But sometimes he did drive her crazy by arguing about some obvious decisions they had to make. She somehow suspected he did that for a reason.

  “Tell me you like this,” a deep growl demanded next to her ear while the slapping noises of the flesh filled the air around them.

  She was on the bed on her hands and knees while Dev Singham pounded into her from the back.

  “I like it,” she gasped. It was the truth. She really did. In fact, she loved it.

  “Tell me you love it so damn much because you know you belong to me.”

  She moaned.

  “Tell me!” he demanded, pinching her nipple. “Say you are mine!”

  “Ughh…” She groaned, feeling close to shattering. “Maybe I should have also put the rule of gagging you or taping your mouth shut whenever I wanted,” she said between gasps.

  She felt his lips stretch on her shoulder as he smiled. She knew he got off on her snapping back at him or threatening him with bodily injuries. He liked it so much that each time she did it, he got even more animalistic.

  He began pounding into her like a lunatic, his movements turning frenzied. When her release came, she screamed, literally seeing stars behind her eyes as her body shook with all-consuming pleasure that ripped through her body.

  He joined her soon, roaring into the night before collapsing on top of her. Then groaning, he rolled away and pulled her close.

  It took her a while before she could catch her breath. She turned to look at him. “You knew damn well I was right this morning during our meeting, but you still argued. Just so I would stay angry and have angry sex with you tonight,” she accused.

  A grin broke on his handsome face. “Ah. Figured it out, did you,” he said, his breath still coming out fast. “Admit it… it worked. That was a spectacular performance from both of us.”

  She shook her head in exasperation but smiled. It had been quite spectacular.

  He dragged her on top of him and they lay quietly, each lost in their own thoughts. Listening to his heartbeat under her ear, Sabitha watched the soft glow of the moonlight outside the window. She knew she had to leave and be home to resume her duties for the next day.

  She was about to move away to get off the bed, but he held her tight.

  “I have to leave,” she said softly.

  He slowly let her go. “I have to be in the city tomorrow for a few meetings,” he said.

  She nodded. With both their work schedules, it was a miracle that they were able to meet as often in the little cottage.

  She knew Dev Singham had a huge presence and responsibility in the manufacturing and corporate sectors due to which he also had to socialize heavily. She had no idea how he managed to balance both the worlds, but she admired how he did it in style.

  He looked as comfortable in suits socializing with the high-profile bigwigs as he did with the workers at the ground level. The man was a human dynamo.

  She finished putting on the last of her clothes while he watched. The way he lay on the bed and watched her, she was half tempted to join him and simply cuddle with him for the rest of the night.

  Cuddle? Where the hell did that come from?

  She was definitely not the kind to cuddle.

  Before her lack of sleep made her do crazy things, “I’ll see you at the site tomorrow,” she told him softly before walking out of the cottage.

  As she drove towards Praj
apati Mansion, she realized that being with Dev Singham was more than just extraordinary—it was thrilling and exciting and at times even frustrating. But lately, each time she left him, she also felt confused and conflicted. He had become like a drug she had become addicted to. Even though she knew it wasn’t going to end well for her, she still kept coming back for more.

  But like the man she was seeing, she decided to live for the moment and not think too much of the consequences.


  Raidu was still in a coma. It had been close to two months since Raidu was found shot in his hotel room. Dev was frustrated that all the information stuck in Raidu’s head would either remain a secret if he died or they’d have to wait a long time. However, according to the various doctors who had checked Raidu, he was supposed to have made a full recovery.

  “Did the doctor agree?” Dev asked Abhay.

  Dev was driving back from the city to the Singham province after a long day.

  “Yeah. I’m flying the doctor to the hospital first and then will arrive home by the evening,” Abhay’s voice spoke through the car speakerphone.

  “You don’t have to go each time to speak with the doctors, Abhay. I can go for those too. Anika will want you by her side at this time.”

  “I know. But you already have too much on your plate with the rest of the investigation and other obligations. Besides, Anika was the one who suggested that I personally go since I spoke to this particular doctor. Anika is anxious to bring Raidu out of the coma as much as us.”

  Dev knew even though Anika was close to being six months pregnant, she sometimes still accompanied Abhay to meet with various doctors or meet with investigators to find out the progress.

  “Last night, Anika was telling me that she thinks Raidu was following orders either from Neelambari or someone working with her,” said Dev.

  “Yeah, she told me that before as well,” Abhay answered.

  “We’ve been thinking in similar lines, too,” said Dev. “That Raidu followed someone’s orders. I don’t think Raidu would ever follow Neelambari Prajapati’s orders, though. Because at the time of the massacre, the feud had already started. The Singhams and Prajapatis hated each other.”

  “Yeah. Logically it doesn’t make much sense as Raidu has no loyalty or motive to follow Neelambari Prajapati’s orders. But we can’t keep guessing. Unless Raidu wakes up, we won’t be able to find out the truth.”

  Dev could feel Abhay’s frustration. It had been close to four months since Abhay saw Raidu in San Francisco for the first time. It wasn’t a long time in other people’s standards, but with the influence and amount of involvement they had so far, Dev had expected to find out the answers much sooner.

  “Still nothing on the man who shot Raidu?” Abhay asked.

  “Nothing. The police are still frantically trying to provide us with some information. The investigators are equally baffled.”

  Dev gave the details of what they had uncovered so far which didn’t amount to much. After he ended the call, he sighed tiredly. He was about to take the road that led up to the Singham Mansion, but he slowed down and took a diversion instead.

  He knew what would make him forget everything and bring peace to his mind.

  The same place he had been visiting for over the last two months.

  Pulling over next to the road, he sent a text message which had only one word.



  “Say you are mine!” Dev growled as he moved his hips in slow movements.

  “No!” Sabitha Prajapati snapped back from under him even as her nails dug into his shoulders and her heels dug into his ass, clutching him close. “And you are getting very repetitive, asshole,” she hissed out.

  “Then tell me what I want to hear! Say you are mine!” he growled. A slow smile took over his face. “Asshole? Baby, you are giving me ideas for later,” he chuckled.

  He saw the sexiest scowl on her face as she gritted her teeth.

  “Shut up. And move faster!” she instructed, clutching him tightly. Her face was filled with lust similar to his.

  He groaned and almost lost control. Gritting his teeth he somehow managed to stop from doing as she instructed. He didn’t know why but he kept insisting on asking her to say those words, even if she wouldn’t mean them. He just wanted to hear her say she was his. The primal thrill of hearing those words from her would simply be outstanding.

  “I won’t go any faster,” he said, deliberately keeping up the slow pace even though it was a torture for him as much as it was for her. “I will go on like this all night, unless I hear those words. I’ll keep you on the edge, not allowing you to come. You want to come, don’t you?” he softly taunted.

  Her beautiful eyes narrowed. Her legs and hands slowly slid away from him. The next instant, she shoved him hard with a force that had him automatically move to an upright position. And then she sat up with a smooth move and pushed him hard once again until his back hit the mattress.

  With a determined look on her face, she climbed on top of him.


  Delicious smells wafted in the air.

  Dev was sitting on a dining chair in the small kitchen of the cottage with a smile spread across his face.

  Sabitha Prajapati, the most cunning, violent and dangerous woman in the three neighboring provinces was… cooking.

  He watched as she moved in smooth, confident and graceful movements while she prepared the meal.

  He had noticed that she was always graceful. Even when she moved on top of him, and his eyes rolled over with pleasure, sometimes he forced himself to keep his eyes open, only because he wanted to watch her move. There was an effortless sensuality in all her movements.

  Over the past weeks, the little cottage had turned into their own paradise and also their war zone.

  He had never seen or even met someone like her before.

  She was beautiful, strong, fierce and fiery. She was also a brilliant leader for the Prajapatis. He had known that fact even when he had hated her, but now that he didn’t, he realized how much she had done for her people. Her brain was constantly at work. She not only asked him and the architects and engineers plenty of questions on how things worked, but she also had an amazing photographic memory.

  Never had he debated on topics such as business management or some random physics and math theories while he was in bed with a woman.

  She was even curious about sex. She wasn’t a naive virgin or anything, but she had not been very experienced. However, she was a fast learner. She always watched his face whenever she took him in her mouth or pleasured him in other ways. Just like he knew what she enjoyed the most, she had already figured out about him, too.

  She fascinated him in other ways in bed as well. Until her, he was only used to submissive women or at least women who pretended to be innocent and meek. They liked following his orders both in and out of bed, making them seem like they were sweet and helpless while he was in charge completely, taking care of their needs.

  He had always been and also rather enjoyed being the dominant one. But with Sabitha Prajapati, he had to fight for that dominance, and earn it. She bit him, scratched him and cursed him during their struggle for dominance. And when she finally submitted to him in bed, giving up complete control, it was more than spectacular.

  It wasn’t just her who lost control—she also made him lose control as well when he was with her. He gave in completely to his animal instinct when he claimed her.

  He grinned recalling how she had threatened him just a few minutes ago, saying she would cut off his cock if he spanked her hard again.

  His eyes fell on her sweetly curved ass. For once he was glad she refused to wear any of his shirts which would have covered his current tempting view. Even though he had told her he didn’t mind, she didn’t touch any of his personal belongings.

  Right below the simple shirt she had worn that day, he could see the reddened ass cheeks. He would have felt guilty abo
ut it if he hadn’t felt how hard she had climaxed because of those spanks he had delivered during the heat of the moment.

  He had wanted to be gentle the last time, but she always awakened something primal in him that wanted to claim her and possess her completely. And only when he did, the beast inside him calmed.

  Even though he was more than exhausted due to his long work week and because of the marathon they just had after going at it against the wall, on the floor and then finally a couple of times on the bed, his body was still primed and ready to go again, wanting to claim her. The only thing that stopped him was the jewelled knife in her hand that she was using to cut something in an extremely efficient and precise manner.

  “What’s so funny, Singham?” she asked, throwing him an offhand look.

  “I was just thinking that if I were to tell people that the most dangerous woman in the province was cooking, no one would believe me. And also that if that knife weren’t in your hands right now, you would have been bent over that counter, shouting my name.”

  She raised a regal eyebrow and went back to cooking. He could see the tiny smile that was hovering over her lips while she fought not to let it out completely.

  They had been meeting at the cottage for a little over two months. Sometimes they ended up getting hungry after their heated and intense sessions. At first, she began to stock up on a few snacks, and then later, she began bringing ingredients for making quick simple meals.

  When he had asked her about where she had learned to cook and why, she had simply shrugged.

  “I learned cooking when I was a child. At some point, I had wanted to be a cook.”

  She had surprised the hell out of him when she revealed that information. But apart from that little tidbit, she didn’t share anything much of her life. And neither did he talk about his. He knew bringing their pasts as a topic of conversation might affect what they currently had between them.


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