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Bound by Hatred (The Singham Bloodlines Book 2)

Page 14

by MV Kasi

  “By the way, I forgot to thank you this morning,” she said while bringing two steaming bowls towards the table. “The agency you contacted is sending the teachers tomorrow.”

  “You are welcome, Prajapati,” he replied with a smile.

  “I just hope they stay for a while.”

  “Don’t worry, they will,” he reassured. “We have used this agency before for the Singhams as well. The teachers are quite passionate and determined. They are not in it solely for the money.”

  She nodded and placed the bowls on the small table between them and was about to sit while adjusting her shirt, when she suddenly froze. Her hands kept patting around her waist as panic filled her eyes.

  “My chain,” she said in an urgent tone. “I lost my chain somewhere.”

  Leaving the food, she ran towards the bed and began searching.

  Frowning, he joined her in the search. “Relax. It must be lying somewhere in the cottage. I saw it on you early this evening.”

  She wasn’t listening. She frantically ripped off the sheets and pillow cases and continued to search.

  A few minutes later, he found her chain lying next to the bed under the night stand.

  “I found it,” he said.

  He watched her as her body slumped in relief.

  He went to her and gently put it around her waist and tightened the clasp which had come loose.

  “Thank you,” she murmured, looking unusually uncomfortable and embarrassed.

  Something tightened in his chest when he saw her off balance. “Let’s go eat, I’m famished,” he said with a smile, trying to ease her discomfort.

  She smiled a little in return, and they went back to their meal. But as soon as they had finished eating, she insisted on leaving right away.

  That night when he watched her drive away, he realized he was no longer content with how little he knew about her.

  He wanted to know why the privileged daughter who lived in a mansion had wanted to be a cook.

  He wanted to know who had given her the waist chain and what significance it held.

  He wanted to know more about the faint but obvious pale criss-cross lines that covered most of her back.

  He wanted to know why she hadn’t learned to read or write when she was such a passionate learner.

  He wanted to know everything about Sabitha Prajapati.


  Dev was going over a few spreadsheets when there was a loud blast and the ground underneath his feet shook.

  Immediately, he got up and ran out of his office towards Sabitha’s.

  “Sabitha!” he shouted, opening the door with force and almost knocking it off the hinges.

  Sabitha was standing in middle of the room, placing her gun in the holster.

  “Are you alright?” he asked.

  “Yes. What happened?” she asked as they went out together.

  “No idea. I just heard the blast. I think we might be under attack. I want you to leave while I tackle this. I’ll call you when everything is cleared.”

  She turned and glared at him even as they broke into a run. “Have you gone mad?” she snapped. “I’ll never leave when my people are in danger. I’m not a bloody delicate flower to be kept safe while the big, strong men save the world. Never say such things to me again.”

  Even though he was worried about her, he grinned. “Fine.”

  As soon as they reached outside, they saw the dust that had risen in the air.

  “What happened?” Dev asked one of his men, containing a cough.

  “Some kind of grenade, I think.”

  “Send our men to search the perimeter. I’m sure whoever did this is still around.” Dev passed the order to his man.

  “Dhruv,” Sabitha called out softly.

  The man appeared from somewhere out of the dust like a mirage. “Yes, madam.”

  “I want you to take some of our men to join the Singhams in the search. I want whoever is responsible for this, standing in front of me alive by end of the day today.”

  “Sure, madam,” Dhruv replied and disappeared back into the dust.

  Meantime, Dev and Sabitha checked whether anyone was badly hurt and also assessed the damage done to the construction.

  “It’ll probably put our schedule behind by a couple of months,” Dev said grimly.

  Sabitha frowned. “We’ll hire more workers to make up for some of the delay.”

  Dev nodded.


  An hour later, one of the men was caught.

  “Tell us who the fuck sent you to do this!” Dev shouted as he punched the man who was strung upside down in one of the backrooms.

  Apart from the painful grunts and groans as he was beaten, the man had remained frustratingly silent.

  “Tell us!” Delivering one last kick, Dev turned away in disgust, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

  Sabitha was seated in the room, watching everything while her personal bodyguard briefed her about something.

  “We know he’s a Senani,” Dev told Sabitha. “I have a feeling the order might have been given by someone within the main Senani family.”

  Sabitha got up from the chair and went towards the man. “Name,” she said softly.

  The man remained silent, but Dev could see him visibly trembling.

  Everyone had heard about Sabitha Prajapati’s torture methods. There were rumors about the brutality involved. He had heard someone saying that people who were tortured by her preferred death. Some had even said the sound of her voice featured in the victim’s nightmares over and over.

  Dev was about to witness it in person.

  “I’m giving you a minute before I handle you my way.”

  Dev noticed how she always spoke softly. She barely raised her voice with anyone. He was sure that soft tone scared the shit out of people more than any loud yelling would.

  “Your minute is up,” she declared.

  She began circling the man. “Thousands of people… working round the clock… just so they could improve their living conditions and provide a better future for their children. And what do you do?” she asked, extending her hand. “You collaborate with some people who want to get back at us for petty reasons.”

  A thumbscrew was placed into her palm by one of her bodyguards.

  “Let’s start with your right-hand thumb first, shall we?” she asked. “Then we can make sure you won’t be able to throw a grenade once again, destroying all of our hard work.”

  The man’s breathing became noisier.

  Soon screams filled the room as Sabitha used the thumbscrew.

  The man broke down after two fingers and gave them a name.


  Sabitha was washing the blood off her hands in the small sink set up in her office, when the door to her office opened. She grabbed a napkin to dry her hands.

  She deliberately didn’t look up. She knew she would find a disgusted look on Dev’s face. Even the staunchest man would have his stomach turn after witnessing what she just did. She told herself she wouldn’t feel disappointed if Dev told her they couldn’t continue their affair anymore.

  She supposed it was better to end it when they had good memories of their time together.

  When the silence continued for too long, she looked up to see why he wasn’t saying anything.

  Her hands paused at the expression he held on his face. There wasn’t any disgust on his face. The bloodlust was evident in his wild eyes, but there was another kind of lust.

  “That was so fucking hot,” he growled, slowly coming towards her.

  She frowned. “What was?”

  “You. What you did to that man.”

  That threw her off completely. “You find torturing someone, hot?” she asked.

  “No. I find you torturing some bastard who damn well deserved it, hot. I could barely stop myself from taking you on the spot right there.” His eyes blazed as he stopped in front of her and looked at her.

  She shook her head. “You a
re crazy to be thinking of me that way while I torture someone.”

  “Why?” he asked, reaching out and rapidly unbuttoning her shirt. “I have every right to be thinking that my girlfriend is hot when she scares the bloody shit out of the bad guys.”

  “Don’t call me that!” she snapped, but then a small smile escaped her.

  He smiled in a predatory manner. “You are my girlfriend, baby,” he said, cupping her breast in a possessive manner. “The hottest girlfriend a man could ever have. Damn, that scene is getting me revved up like crazy. I hope you don’t mind that I’m going to be skipping the foreplay. I’ll make it up to you later at our cottage.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t get too excited, Singham. It’s a common enough thing for me to do when required.”

  “I know. But I haven’t seen you in action before.” He managed to maneuver them onto her bed and had pulled down both their pants.

  “You are a sex addict,” she gasped, clutching him as he slammed into her. As usual, both her body and mind were more than ready and prepared for him.

  “No, baby,” he grunted. “Just addicted to you. Only you.” He covered her mouth, mingling her pleasured gasps she uttered along with his groans.

  She let herself go, giving up complete control as he determinedly took them both towards the finish line.


  Much later, after they gave orders and oversaw part of the clean up, they drove to the cottage. They resumed where they had left off.

  It was almost dawn, when their bodies cooled and they lay quietly next to each other. He pulled her closer and held her.

  Sabitha frowned. Dev’s hands were wrapped around her body and he lay behind her, not touching her in a sexual way.

  It was almost like a cuddle. Then he did something even worse. He lazily lifted her hand and began tracing the lines on her palm before bringing it closer to kiss it softly.

  She squirmed out of his arms, feeling uncomfortable.

  He dragged her back and held her again as though she was his damn teddy bear.

  “Singham, you better let me go. I’m not wired for cuddles or hugs,” she warned.

  He chuckled and pulled her even closer. “That’s where you are wrong, Prajapati. I know you’ll enjoy them. If not, then you better get used to them. Just like you will have to get used to enjoying my company when we go on dates.”

  Sabitha frowned. He might be right about the cuddles, but he was not right about the dates. “I’m not the dating kind, Singham.”

  He turned her towards him and watched her with a smirk. “Then you better start being one. Considering how much you make use of my body, the least you could do is pamper me and buy me dinner.”

  “You are such an ass,” she said with another smile.

  “I know I am.” He grinned. “But come one, Prajapati. Indulge me. Your treat.”

  “You always make the women you are dating pay for the dinner?” she asked with amusement. “No wonder they don’t stick to you beyond a short amount of time.”

  He laughed. “Nope, I always pay. But you are going to be an exception.” He looked thoughtful. “But you know what? Let me take you someplace first. I’ve been planning to take you there for a while. And then we can go on that dinner.”

  She thought about it and nodded. “Fine, but let me first see whether I can make some time to free up an evening.”

  He grinned, looking as though he had won a lottery.

  She knew she had to leave in few minutes, but she refused to go back to cuddling. She pulled his head closer. “Kiss me,” she ordered softly.

  Immediately, the smile disappeared from his face and his eyes hooded with a predatory look. “Sure, madam,” he said, mimicking her men. And then he drawled, “With utmost pleasure,” before attacking her mouth.

  His large hands groped her, making her moan before he rolled on top of her.


  They had to wait for ten days until they found an evening where both of them could make time for their date. Sabitha had tried to tamp down her anticipation as their day drew closer. However, unlike most women, she did not have any fancy dresses to wear for their date. She knew she could have easily ordered one, but she decided to wear what she was most comfortable in.

  She was glad, because Dev Singham picked her up from their cottage wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

  He looked different as she was used to seeing him mostly in his formal suits. While he looked effortlessly good-looking in suits, in informal wear, he looked positively mouthwatering.

  “Stop looking at me like that or we’ll end up being be late for our date,” he said with a warning laugh.

  He had escorted her into his sleek sports car and drove them to the city. She expected him to be taking her to a show or something along those lines, but never the place she stood in front of.

  “You are taking me to a gym for our date?” Sabitha asked in surprise.

  “Not just a gym, a fight club,” he said. He was grinning, and he looked excited.

  She smiled. “You want to get your butt kicked again in front of an audience, Singham?”

  He laughed. “Yup. That and can’t wait to show you off. Especially your moves.”

  Taking her hand in his, he took her inside. Everyone seemed to know him, and they threw curious and surprised looks at her.

  “Alright. There is no women’s changing room because this is a men’s only club. But you can change here while I wait outside,” he said as he handed over a parcel.

  Inside was a tank top and tights, similar to what she had worn during their last practice. After changing into them, she stepped out.

  “Dammit!” he said with a mock scowl. “Bad move on my part. I should have gotten you a sweatshirt and loose track pants. Last time, during our fight, I was busy ogling you and getting my arse kicked.”

  “I know,” she said with a secret smile. “That’s why I had worn them in the first place.”

  “That was quite cunning and devious of you, Prajapati.”

  She laughed. “I fight quite dirty and rely mostly on my instincts.” She ran her eyes over him. “You are quite a distracting sight yourself, Singham,” she said. Apart from wearing gym shorts, his toned, muscular body was completely bare.

  “Well, show me all your moves,” he said, leading her out of the changing area.

  A strange lightness and happiness took over her as she went along with him to a fighting ring that had been cleared for them.

  Over the next hour or so, they fought. She loved how he didn’t hold back on her. He gave it his all. And whenever he got a strike on her, he simply explained the technical aspects of the fight moves and showed her how to attack from a different angle.

  She absorbed everything and was more than impressed. A primal part of her loved that he was not only strong enough to take her on, but also win over her. That is, of course, if the fight was to be fair. The last time, at the Singham Estate, she had pretended to be in distress to fool him into letting her go before she began choking him with her legs.

  He continued to spar with her. Soon they were sweaty and breathless and a little tired.

  He stopped after they finished that round. Then slowly he pulled her close to place a soft kiss on her cheek, not caring that they had spectators. “Ready to move on to the next part of our date?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  He held her close and led her towards the shower area.

  On the way, she caught him scowling at men who stared at them.

  “I didn’t think this through completely,” he said after a while.

  “Think what?”

  “How it would affect all the men. I don’t blame the poor buggers, but I’m not happy about it either.”

  “What are you talking about, Singham?”

  “A hot girl who loves to fight… they are all drooling over you, the idiots.” He let out a growl.

  She laughed at his silliness.

  As soon as they reached the shower area, he lock
ed the door, cutting off access to others. And then his lips descended on hers. His hands found her tank top and tugged on it. It was stuck to her skin too tightly due to the sweat, so he tore it off.

  She moaned when his hands finally held her bare skin. He pushed her tights down before shedding his own. Then he pulled them into one of the shower stalls and let the warm water spray on them.

  He applied soap on her body, running his big hands all over her. After the water washed away the last of the traces of soap, he placed his lips on the minor bruises that had formed due to their fight.

  She watched the muscles play over his body while he tended to her. Reaching both her hands, she pushed him away. His back met with a thud on one of the shower walls.

  Slowly, keeping eye contact, she knelt down in front of him. His eyes heated and turned even darker. As she moved closer, his hands crept into her hair and clutched her.

  As she pleasured him over the next few minutes, his voice grew hoarser while he told her how much he loved it and how beautiful she looked right then.

  She could feel his muscles tense underneath her fingers, and she prepared for his release. But he pulled away.

  There was an absolute feral look on his face. “Hold on,” he instructed before he picked her up and made her sit on a tiled bench.

  Her heart pounding with anticipation, she held the edges. She expected him to join their bodies instantly, and she wanted that badly. But she was surprised when he lifted her hips off the bench and placed her legs over his ripped, muscular shoulders. He was strong enough to balance most of her weight.

  His eyes glittered with lust, but she felt his tongue lick her with unaccountable tenderness on her damp crevice. The tenderness did strange things to her insides. She cried out when she felt his tongue move higher to the sensitive bundle of nerves. She clutched his hair tightly with one hand as he flicked his tongue relentlessly over her again and again.

  Soon a blinding light overtook her, and shudders racked through her body while her legs shook where he had placed them on his shoulders.


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