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Buck Naked

Page 2

by Vivi Anna

  Sabine parked the bike around back, where other hotel guests' vehicles were located. She went into the cramped but cozy reception office. A middle-aged woman sat behind the old wooden desk. She smiled as Sabine entered.

  “Good afternoon. What can I do for you?”

  “I need a room for the night.”

  “Certainly.” She slid a form in front of Sabine. “If you can just fill this out.”

  Sabine rested her hip against the worn desk as she filled out the form, being extra cautious about what information she provided. Her caution had kept her out of jail.

  “How are you paying?”

  “Cash.” Sabine took out the money and gave it to the woman just as a pale, rake-thin girl bounced into the office. Her long white-blond hair swirled around her as a soft, warm breeze blew through the open door.

  “Kathy, I need some more change.”

  The girl handed Kathy two twenties. She smiled at Sabine, her blueberry eyes crinkling with delight.


  Sabine smiled back as she took her room key. “Hello.”

  “Are you from Montreal?”

  Sabine nodded.

  “Oh, I’ve always wanted to go there. It must be so pretty. I heard the buildings there are so old and beautiful.”

  “They are.”

  Kathy handed the girl her change. “Don’t bother the guests, Nicki.”

  “I’m not bothering, I’m just curious. You’re not offended, are you?”

  Sabine laughed, taken with the youth. “Of course not.”

  They walked out of the office together.

  The girl stuck out her bony hand. “I’m Nicki.”

  Sabine shook it. “Sabine.”

  “Sabine. That’s such a pretty name. Are you a model?”


  “Well, you should be. I’d kill to look like you.”

  “There are models out there that would kill to look like you. To be tall and thin like you.”


  Sabine nodded.

  Nicki smiled. “Are you staying here at the hotel?”

  “Yes, my car broke down on the highway. Quinn is going to fix it.”

  “He’s a good mechanic. Nice to look at, too.”

  “I noticed.”

  “You should come down to the spa later. I can give you a treatment.”

  “You work at the spa?”

  “Yeah, I’m the masseuse.”

  She wriggled her long fingers in the air. Sabine admired the daintiness in them, wondering how strong they could be.

  “I might do that.”

  “OK, see you later.”

  Nicki sprang down the pathway to the open door of the spa. Sabine watched her go, a chuckle in her throat. The girl was like the Energizer bunny.

  Her room was clean, quaint, and smelled of jasmine. She unzipped her bag and laid out her clothes. She took out her toiletries and an assortment of sex toys. She dumped them on the bed; a dildo, a vibrator, and 'the tongue'…technology’s gift to the single girl.

  Sabine took the vibrator and unscrewed the top. She tilted it. A long line of diamonds slid out into her hand. She tossed the vibrator onto the bed, and held the necklace up to the light.

  It sparkled like a million stars. Or at least one hundred and fifty thousand, she hoped.

  Sabine smiled smugly as she slid the necklace into the vibrator and screwed on the top. No one would ever think to check inside her fuck toy. It was a perfect hiding spot. She chuckled softly at her own genius.

  Stealing it had been relatively easy. Fencing it was always the hard part. That was where most thieves got caught. They planned the heist enough times to do it in their sleep, but never took the time to really plan out the transporting and selling of the items.

  That was why Sabine had never even been close to capture in the past five years. She was an expert planner. She had had this trip all planned out too. Damn car! She had it checked thoroughly before leaving. Jean was a top-notch mechanic and a useful ally. He would never miss something wrong with her car.

  Not unless he was no longer an ally.

  Sabine tucked her toys back in her suitcase and zipped it up. She rummaged in her purse, and came up with her cell phone. She’d have to phone him. Maybe there was an explanation. She would be able to tell in his voice immediately if she’d been compromised.

  She opened the phone. No tone. She opened her door and walked out onto the balcony. She dialed the number, looking down at the picturesque courtyard below as her phone rang.

  She nearly swallowed her tongue as she gazed into a pair of icy blue eyes. It wasn’t the blue eyes that were the problem, however, it was that body of his. It was wrapped tightly into a Royal Canadian Mounted Police uniform.

  There was two of them, talking casually to Nicki one floor down. The other was a small, pretty Asian woman. She also was looking up at her.

  Merde! Major problem. Time to disappear. Sabine turned to go back into her room just as Jean answered the phone.


  “Do I have a problem?”


  “Do I?”

  “Non, c’est impossible.”

  She could hear a tremor in his voice.

  “I’m very busy right now, Monique. Give me your number. I will call you back.”

  She flipped the phone closed. Something was wrong. Jean never used her name on line before. Thank goodness, she used an alias. He never wanted her number before either. In the past, he had insisted that she call him. He had definitely talked. To whom she couldn’t be sure. But she knew her fence location had been compromised.

  She shoved her phone back in her purse, and sat down on the bed. She’d have to phone Mr. Smith and rearrange their plans. She smiled and fell backward onto the bed. Thank goodness her car broke down. No one would think to look for her in the middle of the Alberta prairies in the small town of Buck Lake. Except possibly one RCMP officer. Was it possible he knew about her? Could there be a warrant for her arrest? Or at least to be brought in for questioning?

  She didn’t think so. She had been meticulous in the robbery. No one could place her at the scene of the crime, and she confided in no one of her plans. Thief rule number one: always do jobs alone. Rule number two: never get too close to anyone, there’s always a chance of exposure.

  She sat up and grabbed her room key. She had to find out if the RCMP officers were asking about her. She’d have to pump Nicki for that information.

  Sabine went down the winding wooden stairs to the main floor, wandered down the wooden promenade to the spa, passing quaint wooden benches, and potted plants along the way. The door was wide open. She went in and looked around. The waiting room was cozy and warm with two wicker chairs and matching table. The table was stacked with fashion magazines, and in the corner was a water cooler. A radio was propped up on the little front counter, twangy country music playing. No one was there. She stepped back out and looked across the courtyard. She could see the tall, blond girl sitting on a picnic table, licking an ice cream cone.

  Nicki spotted her and waved her over.

  “Were you looking for me?” she asked eagerly.

  “Yes, I was.” Sabine sat down on the table beside her.

  “Did you want that massage?”

  “Sure. When you’re done your ice cream.”

  “Did you want one? They make the best ice cream.”

  Sabine watched as Nicki’s tongue snaked out and gathered the cold cream on the pink tip. An ice cream would be quite enjoyable on the hot day. Sweat dribbled down her neck and snaked its way down between her breasts. It continued its path down her sternum and tickled her belly button. Sabine squirmed on the table as need swelled inside. Yes, an ice cream would do nicely. Too bad, she couldn’t slather it where she needed it most.

  “I’d love one.”

  Nicki got up and went into the little mobile ice cream shack. She scooped ice cream into a cone and handed it to Sabine.

“I got you strawberry. You look like a strawberry girl.”

  Sabine smiled. “I am. Thanks.” She dragged her tongue across the icy treat. It felt divine. She wondered if anyone would notice if she 'accidentally' dropped the whole thing into her halter-top. Her nipples were rock-hard and aching. They needed to be attended to. She wondered if the RCMP officer liked strawberry.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I was talking about you to Evan and Suki.”

  “Evan and Suki?”

  “Our local RCMP, Evan Brady and Suki Tanaka. I told them you were a supermodel. I know you said you weren’t but you sure look like one, so I didn’t think you'd mind.”

  “What did they say?”

  “I don’t think they believed me until you stepped out onto the balcony.”

  “Impressed, were they?”

  “Suki wasn’t. Nothing impresses her. Everyone calls her Frosty, because she’s really you know…cold and...” she put her hand up to her mouth so no one could over hear, “frigid.”

  “What about Evan?”

  “Oh, he pretended to not care, but he noticed you, that’s for sure. He’s a man, isn’t he?”

  Evan was definitely all man, Sabine thought. Sabine’s hormones raged when she saw him again. Even from a distance, she could feel his inner fire. The flames had shot up and licked at her most sensitive spot.

  “Is he married?” Sabine gave herself a mental slap in the head. What was she thinking? That wasn’t the question she was going to ask.

  “Divorced. Going on five years now. Don’t think he’s had a girlfriend since.”

  Nicki finished the last of her ice cream.

  “You sure know a lot about him.”

  “It’s a small town. Everyone knows everyone’s business.” She got up and adjusted her sweaty shorts. “Besides, he’s my cousin.”

  Sabine mentally slapped herself in the head again. She’d have to watch what she said to the girl. Who knew what she’d tell her cousin?

  “How ‘bout that massage?” Nicki asked.

  Sabine smiled. “Sure.”

  They walked back to the spa. Sabine tossed her unfinished cone into the trash.

  “Did Evan ask anything about me?”

  “No. Why, are you interested? I could set you two up.”

  They went into a small but homey massage room. Nicki shut and locked the door. The long white massage table took up most of the room. Surrounding it, along the walls, were slender white tables, with flowered cloth coverings and flower vases full of sweet-smelling wildflowers. Sabine smiled at the dainty decor. It was a lot like Nicki.

  “No, no, don’t do that. I was just wondering. Besides, I just broke up with someone and I’m not looking for a replacement,” she lied. Sabine hadn’t had a boyfriend in over four years. Too many problems. Too messy. She didn’t like messy.

  Nicki busied herself with oils and towels. “Well, my Aunty Sue always said the best way to get over a man is to get under another one.”

  Sabine laughed heartily. “She sounds like my kind of girl.”

  Nicki laughed. “Yeah, she’s a lot of fun. Except she’s on her fourth husband, so I try and not take relationship advice from her.”

  Nicki handed Sabine a towel. “You can get changed over there.” She pointed to the corner where a curtain hung.

  “I’m not shy.” She slipped off her halter-top. She was braless. Her breasts were perky and firm. Her nipples pebbled with delight at the freedom.

  Nicki quickly averted her eyes. “Um, you have really nice boobs.”

  Sabine smiled and looked down at herself. “I’ll cover up if it bothers you.”

  “No, it’s all right. I’m just not used to seeing another woman naked.”

  Sabine undid her shorts and peeled them down her sweaty legs. “But you work in a spa. Surely, everyone is naked. What about when you do bikini waxes?”

  “The customers wear underwear. I wax around it.”

  Sabine laughed. “What about a Brazilian?”

  “I don’t even know what that is.”

  Sabine pulled her panties off. She kicked them in the corner with her shorts. “It’s this.”

  Nicki turned around. Her eyes widened.

  Sabine was buck-naked save for a small tuft of dark brown pubic hair on her mound.

  “You had that all waxed off?”

  Sabine lifted herself up onto the massage table. She spread her legs slightly, displaying her fuzz free sex. A little droplet of lust dribbled into the crack of her ass. She was enjoying this. Teasing Nicki was turning her on. Actually, any attention would do. She was still feeling sore from Evan’s obvious disinterest. Sabine didn’t like not being lusted after. She felt it was unnatural for a woman of her stature. Anyway, she’d never seduce the girl. Her experimentation with women was in the past.

  Sabine had had a couple of sexual encounters with women. Once in Europe, when she was touring with her then-boyfriend JP. They had a threesome with a Dutch stripper. It had been enlightening and entertaining. Then when Sabine was in college, she had one night of very hot liberating sex with her English professor. Beth had been married, but was looking for something to spice up her life. She found it in Sabine.

  Nicki stared, mesmerized by the display. “Didn’t it hurt?”

  “A little. If it’s done right, it hurts quite nicely.”

  Nicki blushed. Sabine narrowed her eyes. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to embarrass you.” Sabine grabbed the offered towel and covered herself up.

  “You didn’t. It’s just I’ve never met someone so…”



  Sabine chuckled. “Sometimes it is the same thing, no?” She rolled over onto her stomach. Nicki draped a towel over her round, tight ass.

  “I’m not a prude, you know. I’ve had sex. In fact, I’m getting married next week.”

  “Really? Let me guess. Tall, dark, wears a John Deere hat?”

  “How did you know?”

  “He gave me a ride into town when my car broke down.”

  “Really. He never told me that when I talked to him.”

  “Honey, they never do.” Sabine looked back at Nicki’s furrowed brow, and laughed. “Don’t worry love, I’m definitely not interested. Besides he told me he was getting married to a real sexy chick.”

  Nicki smiled. “He did?”

  “You bet.” She smiled as she lay back down. The girl was adorably naive. Sabine thought that she’d never been that innocent. Probably not even when she was born.

  Nicki squirted oil onto her hands. She rubbed them briskly together, then set them on Sabine's back. She rubbed them over her shoulder blades.

  “You have gorgeous skin.”


  Nicki continued to rub and massage Sabine’s back. She had good hands, Sabine thought. Firm and long, but not rough. She applied the right pressure at the right spots. Sabine closed her eyes, thoroughly enjoying the rapt attention to her stiff muscles. She wondered if Evan’s hands would be as thorough.

  She imagined that they would be rough and strong. Molding and squeezing at his leisure. Caring only for his pleasure. Taking what he wanted. Giving only what she begged for.

  “Can I ask you something?” Nicki asked.

  Sabine broke out of her carnal thoughts. “Sure.”

  “Well, you, ah, seem very open about certain things, so I was wondering if you could give me some sexual advice.”

  Sabine’s eyes flashed open. “Okay, I’ll try.”

  “I want to give Dean a really good blowjob.”

  Sabine sat up on the table. “Okay, do you have a dildo in here, or something like that?”

  Nicki blushed again. “No.”

  “You don’t own a dildo?”

  Nicki shook her head.

  “Girl, you’re in real trouble. Okay, let me go up to my room.”

  “No, wait, I thought of something.”

  Nicki bolted out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Sabine
shook her head. She couldn’t believe that in this day and age, a girl didn’t have at least one sex toy. It was a crime. It was unconstitutional. It should be part of the Canadian Charter of Rights. “It shall be written that all women of the age of sixteen be given a dildo, a vibrator, and —optional—a butt plug for their full enjoyment, and shall never feel embarrassed for having such items.”

  Sabine smiled. She was enjoying herself. She really liked this girl. Teaching was something she’d always dreamed of doing. Sure, she had wanted to teach elementary school, but this was going to be far more interesting and rewarding.

  Nicki burst into the room. She had two big yellow bananas in her hands and was grinning wildly.

  Sabine laughed as she grasped the yellow phallus. “That’s perfect.”

  Nicki beamed with pride.

  Sabine sat up on the table, pulling the towel forward to cover her front. “Do you have a robe?”

  Nicki handed her a soft white terry robe. She slipped it on, then patted the spot next to her on the table. Nicki jumped up next to her.

  “Okay, the first thing you have to learn is the right pressure to put on the guy’s penis.”

  Nicki wrapped her long hand around the banana, squeezing tightly. “Like this?”

  Sabine chuckled. “Not unless you want him to squeal like a girl.”

  Nicki blushed, and relinquished her hold.

  “Cherié, it’s all right. They’ll let you know how hard they like it. Just start off with a firm grip at the base of his cock.” Sabine held up her fruit and gripped the banana around the curve.

  Nicki mimicked her actions.

  “Now wet your lips thoroughly.” Sabine stuck out her tongue and ran it thoroughly around her plump lips. “They’ll think it's because you think their cock’s the yummiest thing you ever had in your mouth, when in fact it's because you don’t want them to stick clumsily on their dick.”

  Nicki laughed while she licked her lips.

  Sabine put the tip of the banana up to her mouth. “Open your mouth wide—not too wide, though, don’t want them getting too excited.” She opened her mouth. “And move your head down on it slowly, sensuously.”


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