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Buck Naked

Page 3

by Vivi Anna

  Nicki sucked the banana into her mouth. She gagged, and started to cough.

  Sabine laughed and patted her on the back. “Easy, cherié, you’re not a vacuum. However much they’d love us to be.”

  Nicki giggled and tried again. This time she did it slowly and carefully.

  “Good job.” Sabine grinned. “Now you can add some long licks on the side, then a tongue swirl on the tip, then slide it back in.”

  “That sounds too complicated to remember.”

  “Just pretend you’re eating an ice cream cone. You could even buy some flavored lubricant to dribble on his cock. Strawberry, even.”

  Nicki laughed. “You’re fun.”

  Sabine smiled, feeling at ease and relaxed. Something she had not felt in a long time. “So are you.”

  * * *

  Teaching Nicki how to give head had been a perfect distraction from the things on Sabine’s mind. She needed a new plan to fence her necklace. She also needed to find out if there was a police bulletin out for her. She tried to call Mr. Smith in Vancouver, but had no luck in speaking with him. She’d have to keep trying until she reached him. Luckily, Jean did not know the name of her fence, just where she was heading. She was also lucky she had switched license plates along the way, or certainly her car would have been already spotted. Possibly, the plan could still go through, but she did not want to risk it. She stayed out of jail because of her caution.

  Caution should have stilled her feelings for Evan, but instead only fueled her lust. She knew playing around with him could only be hazardous. Putting her at risk of discovery, possibly arrest. That of course, fueled her lust even more.

  She’d have to track down Nicki’s gorgeous cousin, Evan, and pump him for information. Or if time permitted, he could pump her.

  Chapter Three

  After a long hot shower, Sabine worked up a thirst. She phoned down to the front desk and asked where one could get a drink and some entertainment. Kathy at the front told her to go to Fisherman’s Tackle, just up the road.

  Sabine dressed in a short cotton summer dress with spaghetti straps. She didn’t wear any underwear. It was too hot for underwear, she concluded.

  She walked the short distance to the bar. It was an old rundown wooden structure that sagged with age. She stepped cautiously onto the deck and opened the cracked wood door. It creaked as she opened it.

  She stepped into a dark and smoky room. She looked around at its rustic furnishings and smiled. How adorable, she thought.

  All eyes turned on her the minute she set foot into the room. She sashayed up to the bar and took a seat on one of the stools. She crossed her legs slowly. The boys playing pool nearly dropped their sticks. The girls with them pouted.

  “What can I get you, little lady?”

  The bartender was a bear of a man with a scruffy beard. He leaned on the bar toward Sabine and smiled. A front tooth was missing.

  Sabine smiled. “A Slippery Nipple.”

  He choked. “Excuse me?”

  “You know, the shooter?”

  “Oh right. The shooter.”

  “I’ll have one of those and scotch on the rocks.”

  The barman chuckled. “Coming right up.”

  Sabine surveyed the room as he made her drinks. The place was modest and cramped. Old scarred wooden tables were haphazardly placed around the room. Three booths, with duct-tape holding them together, lined up along a wall. Dartboards lined another wall, and a pool table was shoved, as a second thought, into a corner. It was the kind of bar that every small town had, dirty and smoky. A place that was packed every Friday and Saturday night with locals wanting to let off a little steam, and to find that next sexual conquest. Sabine loved it.

  The boys playing pool still eyeballed her. She smiled and moved on. There was a young couple in a booth, and another couple in a corner table. They were a good-looking couple. A couple you see often on the pages of entertainment magazines or in society papers. They had the look of money on them.

  They both smiled at her. She smiled back. She knew the smile. She’d seen it often enough. “We find you attractive and exciting.” She might take them up on that if nothing else presented itself. Some would find that shameless, but she was a woman that liked sex. She was not ashamed of her pursuit of it. She was always careful in her selections and relied on contraceptives for her safe conduct. To hell, she thought, for those who condemned her behavior. Those who thought love and sex went hand in hand. Sabine had been around long enough to know that that was a myth perpetrated by married women and naïve single virgins looking to get married.

  She continued her survey. Her eyes rested hungrily on the booth in the back. Surprise. Surprise.

  Evan sat alone drinking a beer. He didn’t look up at her.

  The barman set her drinks in front of her.

  “Merci.” She took the shooter and pounded it back. She grabbed her other drink and slid off the stool. Time to do some pumping.

  She swayed up to Evan’s table. He looked up at her as she approached. She was like sex-on-a-stick.

  “Want some company?”

  He said nothing as he stared at her. His eyes bore into hers like sharp icicles. She swallowed the saliva pooling in her mouth. His icy distance was making her hot.

  She sat down across from him. “Not much of a talker, are you?”


  “Good. I like the strong silent type. There’s more to a mouth than talking.”

  She took a sip of her drink, looking at him over the glass. He continued to stare at her. She set her glass down and stared back. Her legs were quivering. She moved them to stop the quake. With each movement, her cunt throbbed. It ached so bad it hurt. She shifted on the seat to quiet the pulse.

  “You’re the local law here, aren’t you?”

  “Yup.” He took a swig of his beer.

  “Must be quiet. Not a lot of action going on in a small town like this.”

  She rubbed her finger over the rim of the glass seductively. He never glanced down.


  “On what?”

  “On what you’re into.”

  Sabine licked her lips. The man was driving her insane. And all he was doing was looking at her. His indifference to her made her want him desperately. It took everything in her not to beg.

  “So, what are you into, Constable Brady?”

  * * *

  Evan took another swig of beer. His mouth was dry. Looking at her sucked the life out of him. He’d never seen such a gorgeous woman before. She was exotic looking, with her thick, shiny dark hair, green eyes, and taffy-colored skin. Her nipples begged him to touch them through the thin cotton of her dress. He thought he’d go mad with want of her. But he was damned if he was going to let her see that.

  “Definitely not supermodels.”

  “Really? And why not? You don’t like beautiful women?” She smiled.

  “To look at, sure. But I need a woman that has a brain. Some wit, and some adventure. Someone that’s not afraid.”

  “Not afraid of what?”

  “Life, love, sex, anything I show her.”

  “I’m not a supermodel. I have an IQ of 138, and I’m not afraid of anything.”

  He grinned. “Is that a challenge?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  They stared at each other like boxers across the ring. Neither one looking away. No hesitation. No fear.

  “I’m not interested.” He took another swig of his beer.

  “C’est la vie. No harm in trying, is there?” She picked up her drink and pounded the rest back. She set it down gently on the table and smiled. “I’ll see you around.”

  Evan watched her as she got up from the table. He nearly swallowed his tongue when he noticed that she was not wearing any underwear. He caught a glimpse of one full, round buttock before she adjusted her dress. Maybe he was making a mistake. Maybe he read her wrong. Maybe she didn’t want to play.

  * * *

  Sabine let the
breath out slowly that she had been holding. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. How could he not be interested? This was more teasing, she was sure. His pupils were dilated with lust, that she knew. She’d seen it many times before. If this was the sport he wanted to play, then she was game.

  Sabine chuckled softly. He was teasing her with his words. She’d had foreplay before, but not like this. She was dripping with desire. She could feel the silky moisture on her inner thighs. Her tits ached painfully. Her nipples couldn’t get any harder, and more peaked.

  Before she walked out the door, she glanced briefly over her shoulder. She knew Evan was watching her. She could almost feel his eyes burrowing their way into her body. She smiled and winked, then pushed the door open. She walked out into the sultry night air.

  There was a slight breeze as Sabine walked down the road to the hotel. The air felt glorious over her sweaty skin and under her skirt. She needed a shower again. Her thighs almost stuck together from the sticky residue of her lust. That man drove her wild, even without touching her. She almost fainted at the thought of his hands on her. She imagined the damage he could do to her with one firm touch of his thick, callused finger.

  A branch snapped behind her. Sabine stopped walking. She glanced behind her, spying a figure in the shadows on the road. She smiled.

  “I thought you weren’t interested?”

  “I’m not. Just making sure you’re not causing any trouble.”

  “What kind of trouble could I possibly cause?”

  He chuckled. “I know your type, girl. Anywhere you go you expect to be catered to, bowed down to. When you bat those pretty eyes or cross those shapely legs, you expect the world to fall to their knees.”

  “If you really knew my type, Constable, we wouldn’t be talking.”


  “Why don’t you walk up here beside me?”

  “No, thanks. I’m fine where I am.”


  “A cautious man is not necessarily a frightened one.”

  She laughed. “Suit yourself.”

  Sabine continued walking. She heard the footsteps behind her. They comforted her, yet excited her. He thought he was protecting his town from her. Little did he know that it was her who needed protection from him. She found him far more dangerous than any would-be abductor. Dangerous men were her one and only weakness. And this one made her feel as meek as a lamb.

  She made it to the hotel and walked up the flight of stairs to the second floor balcony. She knew that he was still watching her. She could still feel his gaze burning her flesh. She walked calmly to her door. Before she unlocked the door, she turned to look over the balcony railing. He was standing below, looking up at her.

  She smiled down at him. “Last chance, Constable.”

  “I’ll take the risk.”

  Sabine was vibrating inside. She wanted to run down the stairs and rip at his clothes. She wanted to attack his flesh, find purpose in his mouth. She never felt so wanton.

  “Suit yourself.” She turned to go into her room, but quickly turned back. “But here’s a little preview of the coming attractions.”

  Sabine slipped the straps off her shoulders. The dress slithered to the ground. She stepped out of it and put her hands delicately on her rounded hips. She stood in the open air, deliciously naked, for anyone that cared to look.

  * * *

  Evan gasped as she stood naked above him. Her bronzed skin glistened in the hotel lights. Her breasts were perfectly round and perky. Her nipples tilted up to the heavens, where he was certain she was made. Only with the grace of God could Mother Nature create such an exquisite example of a woman. Her body was sleek and muscular. Her stomach was flat, her hips flared. He couldn’t see beyond that. The top board on the railing blocked his view. He cursed the craftsmanship.

  “Who are you?” he said with awe in his gruff voice.

  She laughed. “Just a girl looking for a good time.”

  She stepped closer to the railing, and propped one high-heeled foot up onto the board, her legs spread wide for his viewing pleasure. She trailed a finger over her displayed sex. It was hot and wet, aching for his touch. She brought her glistening finger up to her mouth, slid it between her lips and sucked it dry.

  Evan groaned loudly at the display. No woman had ever sordidly shown herself to him. His ex-wife had been prudish about sex. They had always done it in the dark. The wildest she had ever gotten was to straddle him on top. Evan desired more from his sex life. He wanted a woman who was not afraid of her sexuality. Not afraid to take for her own pleasure. To thrill at her own abandon. He'd found it in Sabine. But could he survive her vicious assault on his hormones?

  “Girl, you could get arrested for that.”

  She laughed. “Then come up and arrest me. I could use some good discipline.”

  He groaned deep in his throat at the thought of her bound and at his mercy. “I’m not on duty.”

  “But I am.” Suki stepped out of the shadows, dressed impeccably in her uniform.

  Evan stumbled back, shocked at her arrival. “I was just getting the situation under control.”

  Suki glanced down at his crotch. The fabric of his jeans strained with the enormous erection. “Yeah, sure you were.”

  Sabine smiled down at the petite woman. She was not ashamed of her nakedness. “I was just showing Constable Brady that I was unarmed and harmless.”

  “I doubt that very much. And I am going to arrest you for indecent exposure.”

  Sabine grabbed her tits in both hands and squeezed them. “These are anything but indecent.”

  Suki cursed under her breath and stepped toward the stairs. Evan quickly grabbed her arm. He looked up at Sabine.

  “Girl, I suggest you get your ass inside your room immediately. I’ll take care of things down here.”

  Sabine must have heard the angry restraint in his voice, since she decided not to press her luck. The last thing she needed was to be fingerprinted and booked. She picked up her dress and quickly went into her room, winking at Evan before she firmly closed the door.

  “You’re pressing your luck, Evan.” Suki crossed her arms over her chest defensively. “That girl is dangerous.”

  “Yeah, I noticed. Just the way I like them.”

  Suki shook her head. “You’re the law here, asshole. You can’t be acting like a horny teenager wagging your dick around every time a good-looking girl walks by.”

  “I’m not wagging my dick.”

  “If I waited a couple more minutes, I’m sure you would have had it out.”

  “I can control myself, Suki, I’m not a teenager.”

  “You’re damn lucky I saw this, and not someone else. Grow up and stop thinking with your cock. This is so unlike you.”

  Suki marched back to her patrol car. He watched as she left. He didn’t even hear the car approach. He was completely lost in the sight of Sabine. Someone could have easily ambushed him from behind, and he wouldn’t even have noticed. He shook his head. He desperately needed a cold shower. Suki was right. He needed to get control. But it would be damn near impossible with this temptress strutting about his town, infecting him with wanton desire.

  * * *

  Sabine peeked out the window. She watched as Evan walked away from the hotel, with one last glance behind him. She stepped back into the room and fell backwards onto the bed. She giggled. What was she thinking? She nearly got herself arrested. She had better be more careful. The last thing she needed was to be exposed.

  To be identified.

  She was usually so meticulous and careful. She never made herself vulnerable to anyone. Vulnerability led to feelings. Feelings led to things she didn’t even want to contemplate. No man was worth exposing herself, literally or figuratively. Especially not a lawman. He was the most dangerous man of them all. But damn it, she was still hopelessly aroused. It would take everything she had to avoid him, but avoid him she must.

  Sabine trailed a lazy hand over her s
till-naked body. She shivered at her touch. If only it was his hands. She cursed under her breath and trailed her hand down to her throbbing cunt. She gently separated her lips and pressed down firmly on her clit. The only way to get past this potentially obsessive desire for Evan was to please herself. No good waiting for him, when she could do it with just as much expertise if not more. She slipped a finger deep inside and sighed. It just wasn’t as much fun.

  Chapter Four

  Sabine slowly opened her eyes as a resounding thud echoed in her room. She put a tentative hand to her head, hoping the sound was not inside. The thud came again. She sat up and looked to the door. It was definitely coming from outside. She looked down at the clock radio on the nightstand, then closed her eyes and swore. It could not possibly be that early. The thud came again. This time a clang and a hoot accompanied it. Sabine swung her legs over the bed and stood. What in hell was going on out there?

  She quickly got dressed in a short cotton skirt, tank top and sandals. She pinned her hair up in a twisted bun, slipped on her sunglasses and went out the door. As she stepped out onto the balcony, she immediately noticed a lot of people milling about in the courtyard. Most of them had donned cowboy hats, tight Wranglers and boots. The day was definitely looking up.

  Sabine went down to the restaurant. She needed strong coffee. And immediately. It was against all that was good and holy to start the day without the immediate jolt of caffeine.

  Several people bid her a good morning as she neared the restaurant. They sat on benches with paper plates piled high with pancakes and sausage balancing dangerously on their laps. The warm homey smell of syrup wafted to Sabine’s nose. She couldn’t remember the last time she had syrup-smothered pancakes and greasy, crisp sausage. Saliva pooled in her mouth as she opened the door.

  The restaurant was packed full of people. Some were just standing in the aisles eating their breakfasts. Sabine groaned as she saw the line-up for coffee.


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