Hard Choices
Page 79
Dayton Peace Accords, 138
de Klerk, F. W., 293–94
DeLong, Victoria, 529
Democratic National Conventions:
(1992), 8, 9
(1996), 9
(2004), 2
(2008), 9, 10–11, 591
(2012), 591–92
Democratic Party: party unity in, 5, 8, 9, 10
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), 279–82
Dempsey, Martin, 392, 407, 476–77
Deng Xiaoping, 72, 73, 495
Denmark, 502
Dewan, Linda, 599
DiMascia, Gina, 598
Diplomatic Security Service, 35, 394
Direct Line, 516
disabilities, people with, 559–60
Djerassi, Alex, 598
Dlamini-Zuma, Nkosazana, 296
Doctors Without Borders, 125, 208
Doe, Samuel, 275
Doherty, Glen, 382, 398, 404–5, 415
Dole, Bob, 560
Dolo, Adolphus (“General Peanut Butter”), 274
Dominican Republic, 535, 540
Donahoe-Chamberlain, Eileen, 599
Donilon, Tom, 23, 196
and Benghazi, 388, 392
and Egypt, 340, 341
and Gaza, 480
and Latin America, 265
and National Security Council, 45, 192, 436
and Omani back channel, 436
Dorsey, Jack, 548
Dougherty, Jill, 7
Dowd, Katie, 600
Duvalier, “Baby Doc,” 529
Dyson, Sheila, 599
Eagleburger, Lawrence, 31
East Africa, U.S. embassies bombed in (1998), 131, 171, 383, 406
East China Sea, 74, 79, 521
Edelman, Marian Wright, 559
Coptic Christians in, 348, 349, 575
disorganization in, 346
elections in, 332, 347
Hillary Clinton’s travels to, 346–48, 484–87
Innocence of Muslims aired in, 386–88, 399, 401–3, 405, 412, 574
and Israel/Palestine, 322, 325, 349, 477, 481, 484–87
military rule in, 350
and Muslim Brotherhood, 341, 345, 346, 347–49, 351, 386, 472–73, 477, 481, 484–86
peaceful protests in, 200–201, 447
and terrorism, 474
transition sought for, 344–45, 347–50, 379, 455, 460
U.S. relationship with, 340
violent protests in, 338, 339–46, 347–49, 355, 364, 386
Einhorn, Bob, 426, 439, 598
Eisenhower Administration, 417
Ekho Moskvy, 229–30
Elbegdorj, Tsakhiagiin, 62
Elizabeth II, queen of England, 226
El-Keib, Abdurrahim, 388
Ellsberg, Daniel, 552
El Salvador, 254, 256, 406
Emanuel, Rahm, 17, 23, 138, 316, 320
energy, 520–23
and cookstoves, 523–25
and economics, 508–9
electricity, 256, 494, 504
extraction practices, 522–23
and jobs, 515–20
and resource curse, 277, 522
Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas, 255–56
Engole, John Robert, 293
Enriquez, Lesley, 250
Entebbe raid (1976), 307
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 493, 501
Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip, 215, 216–18, 322, 374, 375, 430–31, 463, 478
Erwin, Lisa, 598
Espinosa, Patricia, 250, 251, 252, 266
Eurasian Union, 239
European Union, 44, 575
and Afghanistan, 140
and Balkans, 223
and climate change, 498, 500
energy sources for, 240–42
and financial crisis, 210, 213
and Iran, 439
and NATO, 205, 211–14, 242
Nobel Peace Prize to, 214
and the Quartet, 323
and Turkey, 219
and Ukraine, 240, 241
U.S. relationship with, 205–7
Evans, Jonathan, 598
Export-Import Bank, 539
Fabius, Laurent, 208–9, 457
Fahy, Alden, 598
Fair Labor Association, 519
Fallows, James, 121
Fang Lizhi, 85
FARC, 252–53
Farmer, Paul, 540
Fattal, Joshua, 435, 436
Fayyad, Salam, 310
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 530
FedEx, 511–12
Feed the Future, 279
Feingold, Russ, 134, 279
Feinstein, Dianne, 2, 17
Feldman, Dan, 160, 161, 598
Feltman, Jeff, 331, 356–57, 598
Fernandez, Jose, 599
FEST (Foreign Emergency Support Team), 393–94
Finland, 502
Finny, Clarence, 598
First Amendment, 557
First Nations, 502, 505
Fitzgerald, Lance, 598
Fleming, Sue, 598
Flores, Oscar, 600
Florio, Marie, 598
Flournoy, Michèle, 132, 572
Fogarty, Dan, 599
Foley, Tom, 30
Ford, Betty, 10
Ford, Gerald R., 566
Ford, Robert, 448–49
Foreign Policy (magazine), 45
Forum for the Future, 331, 337
Fox, Vicente, 247
and Iran, 424–25
and Libya, 213, 368, 372–77
and Syria, 463
and Turkey, 219
U.S. soldiers buried in, 206
Franklin, Benjamin, 556
Freedom House, 60, 256
Friends of the Syrian People, 452, 459–60, 464
Froman, Mike, 498
Fu, Bob, 95
Fulgham, Alonzo, 599
Funes, Mauricio, 256
G-7, 363
G-8, 363, 368
Gandhi, Sonia, 59
Gao Yaojie, 69
García Márquez, Gabriel, 252
Gates, Robert M.:
and Afghanistan, 129, 130, 133, 147, 148, 155
and bin Laden operation, 170, 171, 191, 192
and counterterrorism, 190
as Defense Secretary, 24–25
and Egypt, 340, 341, 387
and Libya, 366, 370
and North Korea, 56–57, 58
Gates Foundation, 292, 584
Gaza Strip, 307, 314, 471–87
cease-fire negotiated in, 304–5, 306, 471, 477–87
elections in, 472
ground invasion threatened, 481, 482, 484, 487
Hamas in, 310, 313, 421, 438, 472–74, 475, 477–79, 481–83, 487
humanitarian aid in, 485
Israeli air strikes into, 476–77, 485
Israeli siege of, 305, 321, 472, 473, 474, 481, 484
and Qatar, 474–76, 479
rockets fired from, 304–5, 312, 471, 472, 476, 477–79, 480, 484, 485, 487
weapons smuggling into, 485–86
zero hour in, 484, 485–87
Gazprom, 239, 241
Gbowee, Leymah, 274
Gehry, Frank, 33
Geithner, Tim, 72–73, 84, 94, 97–98
Gelber, Ethan, 597
General Electric (GE), 494, 507–8, 516
Geneva Protocol (1925), 466
Genghis Khan, 62
Russian invasion of, 229, 231, 236, 239, 451
terrorism in, 442
Berlin Wall in, 206
and global financial crisis, 210
and Syria, 463
U.S. relationship with, 205
and climate change, 501
President Obama’s trip to, 270
Ghattas, Kim, 358
Gibbs, Robert, 187, 344, 492
Gilani, Yousaf Raza, 155r />
Gillard, Julia, 44, 50
Giuliani, Rudy, 172
GLIFAA (Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies), 578–79
Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, 524–25
Global Counterterrorism Forum, 189, 200
global economy:
dollar as reserve currency, 514
in emerging economies, 513
and energy, 508–9
free markets in, 512–13
international trade, 233, 235, 242, 509–11, 513, 515–17, 525
middle class, 525–26
and U.S. debt default, 513–15
U.S. exports, 516–17
and workers’ rights, 518–20
Global Security Contingency Fund, 389
Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World (NIC), 25
global warming, see climate change
Glynn, Pat, 598
Godani, Behar, 598
Goldberg, Phil, 599
Goldstein, Cary, 598
Goldstone, Richard, 318–19
Goldwyn, David, 599
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 13
Google, 556
Goosby, Eric, 291, 599
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 212
Gordon, Phil, 220, 599
Gore, Al, 8, 54, 55, 494
Gore, Tipper, 8
Gottemoeller, Rose, 234, 599
Graham, Lindsey, 134, 502
Greeley, Horace, 13
Greene, Nicholas, 598
Gross, Alan, 264
Grossman, Marc, 163, 165, 166, 599
Guantánamo Bay, 22, 158, 165, 573
Guinea-Bissau, coup in, 272
Gül, Abdullah, 215, 462–63
Gulf Cooperation Council, 352, 358–60, 438–39
Gulf War (1991), 351, 438, 477
Habib, Bubaker, 376
Hackett, John, 598
Haddad, Essam al-, 486
Hague, William, 208, 368, 457
Haiti, 527–44
agriculture in, 541, 542
Caracol project in, 541–42, 544
and democracy, 247
development plan for, 535–41, 544
earthquake in, 208, 527–32, 535–36
elections in, 542–43
Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 542–44
poverty in, 533, 534–35
refugees from, 535
sovereignty of, 531
UN mission in, 247, 260
USAID in, 527, 530, 537–41
voodoo in, 528–29
Hale, David, 598
Hamas, 304–5, 309–10, 313, 315, 421, 438, 472–74, 476–79, 481–83, 487
Hammer, Michael, 599
Haniya, Ismail, 474
Hanley, Monica, 600
Hanssen, Robert, 41
Hariri, Rafic, 331, 334
Hariri, Saad, 334, 337
Hariton, Lorraine, 599
Harney, Kenneth, 375–76
Harper, Stephen, 503
Harris, Harry, 577
Haughey, Sharon, 226
Havel, Václav, 101, 211–12
Hayes, Jeff, 158
HEAL Africa, 282
Heaney, Seamus, 224
Helms, Jesse, 537
Helsinki Accords, 566–67
Henley, William Ernest, “Invictus,” 296
Heumann, Judy, 599
in Iran, 418, 442
Israel attacked by, 312, 331, 421
in Lebanon, 312, 313, 333, 383, 418, 421, 453
in Syria, 453, 461, 468
Hicks, Greg, 390, 396–97
Hilburn, Paul, 598
Hill, Christopher, 599
Hillman, David, 598
Hirschhorn, Ellie, 598
Hochstein, Amos, 598
Hof, Fred, 598
Holbrooke, Richard, 40, 231, 342
and Afghanistan/Pakistan, 28, 29, 132, 139–42, 143, 149, 150–51, 155, 157–59, 169, 175, 182, 189
and Bosnia, 138, 150, 164
and Dayton Peace Accords, 138
death of, 161–62
heart attack of, 159–61
and Iran, 422, 434
To End a War, 150
Holder, Eric, 190, 251
Hollande, François, 208
elections in, 266, 267–68
Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 256, 259–60, 263
ouster of Zelaya in, 265–68
Hong Kong:
and international trade, 512–13, 514, 515
and internet communication, 556
Hoover, Judith, 598
Hormats, Bob, 599
Hu Jintao, 69, 72, 74, 85, 92
and Iran, 429, 432
and transition, 86, 96
and U.S.–China relationship, 73, 95
human rights, 558–89
civil rights, 558–59, 565
and Helsinki Accords, 566–67
human trafficking, 517–18, 547, 573
and “invisibles,” 576
LGBT, 576–84
people with disabilities, 559–60
religious freedom, 574–75
State Department reports on, 574–75, 577–78
and UN, 111, 364–65, 557, 564–65, 567, 573–74, 575–76, 580
Universal Declaration, 557, 564–65, 567, 573, 580
women’s rights, 66, 68–69, 152–53, 158, 560–64, 567–73, 584–85
workers’ rights, 517, 518–20
Human Rights Campaign, 586
Human Rights Watch, 557
Hungarian Revolution, 566
Huntsman, Jon, 511
Hurricane Katrina, 3, 532
Hurwitz, Sarah, 598
Hussain, Rashad, 599
Hussein, Saddam, 134, 191, 352, 367, 421, 457, 462, 477
Hussein bin Talal, King of Jordan, 323
Ibrahim, Hafez, 354
Iceland, 502, 503
İhsanogğlu, Ekmeleddin, 574
immigration laws, 550
and Burma, 116
and climate change, 495–96, 498, 499
economic growth in, 440, 495, 521
and energy security, 441, 521
Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 440–41
and Iran, 440
middle class in, 526
and Pakistan, 59, 140, 156, 171, 178, 185, 186
strategic autonomy of, 440
U.S. relationship with, 58–60
and climate change, 494, 495
democracy in, 60, 215
East Asia Summit in, 113–14
economic growth in, 495
Hillary Clinton’s travel to, 51–52, 113
tsunami in (2004), 533, 535
U.S.–ASEAN meeting in, 113
U.S. relationship with, 46
Innocence of Muslims (video), 386–88, 399, 401–3, 405, 412, 574
Insulza, José Miguel, 259
Inter-American Development Bank, 541
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 419, 424–26, 428, 430
International Criminal Court (ICC), 278, 364
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 112, 563, 569
International Red Cross, 304, 532
internet, 546–57
censorship of, 546, 548, 549
and First Amendment, 557
influence of, 49, 402–3, 406
multistakeholder approach to, 557
networking via, 550–52
terrorists’ use of, 547, 555
“Texts from Hillary” on, 378
Twitter, 423, 546, 548–49, 551–52
as value-neutral, 546
“Invictus” (Henley), 296
Iran, 416–46
and Afghanistan, 140, 419, 422
in Axis of Evil, 419
and Egypt, 344
elections in, 422, 442–44
Green Movement in, 422–24
Hezbollah in, 418, 442
hikers imprisoned by, 435–36
hostage rescue attempt
in (1980), 170, 192, 195
hostages taken in (1979), 383, 393, 417–18
and internet, 423, 548–49, 557
and Israel, 307, 308, 312, 314, 417
nuclear program of, 217, 218, 233, 260, 332, 340, 351, 354, 416–17, 418–19, 420–21, 424–34, 436, 438, 442, 443, 444–46
and oil, 421, 439–41, 521
and provocation, 355–56, 358
Quds Force, 453
Revolutionary Guard, 418, 420, 421, 442, 443, 453, 549
Revolution in, 418, 419, 443, 446
sanctions against, 231, 233, 235, 243, 420, 425–34, 438, 439–42, 444–46
Shah of, 341, 417
smart power applied in, 34
and Sultan of Oman, 416–17, 419, 434–48, 442, 444–45
and Syria, 314, 442, 452–53, 456, 460
Tehran Research Reactor, 425, 439
and terrorism, 351, 417–18, 437, 438, 442, 446, 472, 476
theocracy in, 341, 575
and Turkey, 217, 260
in Axis of Evil, 419
Bush Administration focus on, 43, 131, 134–35, 148, 205, 207, 419, 424, 425
“Clear, hold, and build” policy in, 136
COIN in, 135
Hillary Clinton’s vote on, 134–35, 136–37
and Israel, 417
lessons learned in, 134, 137, 138, 455, 457, 462
no-fly zone in, 366, 367
oil and gas in, 350–51, 440
Special Operations in, 193
“Sunni Awakening” in, 136, 138, 352
and terrorism, 418
training local soldiers in, 462
U.S. diplomat killed in, 384
U.S. invasion of, 205, 207, 421
war in, 25, 45, 73, 136, 148, 229, 364, 461, 464, 466
Iraq Resolution (2002), 136–37
Iraq Study Group, 134
Good Friday Agreement, 224–25, 226, 313
Northern, 224–26
Irish Republican Army, 224
Eid al Fitr, 404, 419
and extremists, 313, 473, 475–76
and restrictions on women, 130–31, 352–53, 354–55
split within, 352
Arab-Israeli War (1948), 325
and Arab Peace Initiative (2002), 314, 315
birth rate in, 312
and Camp David Accords, 338, 473, 484
and cease-fire, 349
establishment of (1948), 304
and Gaza, see Gaza Strip
and Golan Heights, 314
and Goldstone Report, 318
Hezbollah attacks on, 312, 331, 421
Hillary Clinton’s travels to, 302–3, 305–6, 319, 480–82, 483
and intifada, 301, 308, 407, 472
and Iran, 307, 308, 312, 314, 417
Iron Dome defense system in, 306, 438, 478–79, 480, 487
and Jerusalem, 317–19, 320, 321, 328, 330
as Jewish homeland, 304, 306, 487
and Jordan Valley, 325–26
MDA in, 303–4
military edge of, 438, 487
natural gas reserves in, 350–51
and Oslo Peace Accords, 301, 303, 305, 307
and Palestine, 301–30
public image of, 478
and self-defense, 477–78, 479, 486, 487