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Soul Surrender (The Soul Mark Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Cara E Holt

  “You okay?”

  She responds with a genuine smile. “Never better.”

  Noah coughs getting all our attention and looking at Lorcen he gestures with his head to where Kol leans in the doorway. Lorcen’s jaw ticks in response and he glares at him.

  Kol looking nonplussed looks at his watch and then at me. “Half an hour flower, Okay?”

  I nod and wait for him to leave before I turn back to my friends.

  Noah scoffs. “Flower. So he thinks he can give you pet names now?”

  “Just leave it Noah okay?” I sigh. “Kol isn’t the bad guy in this situation.”

  Lorcen swears under his breath. “You’re defending him now?”

  I release a big breath. “He has done nothing wrong. He had this situation thrust on him, just like I did. He has been nothing but kind towards me. He’s a good guy.”

  This brings another scoff from Noah. “Good guy? He is the prince of lust. He feeds on lust. He encourages husbands and wife to stray, it’s what he does.”

  Lorcen’s eyes narrow. “He’s what??”

  Noah shrugs when I glare at him in warning. “Well he is. I’m just stating fact. He has the power to seduce any woman. Make her forget who she loves. He can make her think of nothing but him. No female can resist him when he uses his evil demon mojo.”

  I groan inside. Could Noah stir the pot anymore if he tried? “Can you just button it and stop please?”I look over to Lorcen who looks about ready to combust and take off after Kol. “He hasn’t tried anything with me. Okay?”

  “He wants to though. I see the way he looks at you.” Lorcen snaps angrily.

  I walk over to stand right in front of him. I’m so small that his gaze passes over the top of my head.

  “Look at me Lorc.” I demand. His stormy green eyes meet mine. “He knows I love you. He knows it would be a waste of time even trying. Can we please not talk about Kol? I only have twenty minutes left.”

  Lorcens eyes soften and he checks me over. “Have you come to tell me something? Are we.., are we having a baby?”

  My eyes bug out of my head. “God no.” I look to Alana. “I thought it was you?”

  Alana shakes her head. “Not me, I have been dipped in some pool with magic that says it isn’t me.”

  “Leora is pregnant.” We both say in stereo and smile when we realise we said it at the same time.

  “This is bad.” Noah states and we all nod in agreement. This was bad. My sister had been knocked up by a power crazy fae.

  “What do we do?” Alana asks as she sits beside Blaine and rests on his shoulder.

  “What can we do?” Lorcen replies with a shrug. His eyes fall back on me. “Are you going to be here tomorrow?”

  My stomach dips and I give him a shake of my head. “Lucifer won’t allow it.”

  “Bastard.” Blaine grinds out, looking pissed off.

  I laugh. “Believe me I have called him a lot worse. I puked all over his shoes the other day, it felt so good.” I plaster on a smile. “Honestly guys its fine. What plans do you all have?”

  Alana and Lorcen share a look. “We have all been invited over to your parents.” Alana tells me, her voice hesitant, clearly worried that it might upset me.

  My heart drops in my chest but I keep the smile on my face. “That’s great. I’m glad you will all be together.”

  “My first human Christmas and you won’t be here princess.” Noah gives me his best bottom lip.

  I look briefly at my watch. “Damn. I don’t have long left. I need to go see my parents.”

  I quickly hug everyone and then we sift to outside my parents home. The outside of the house is decorated with Christmas lights and I can’t help but smile at the sight.

  “He hates putting the lights up you know. He doesn’t half moan when mum nags him into doing them.”

  We climb the steps to the door and I knock and step back and wait. I hear footsteps and my breathing picks up pace. The door swings open and my brother stands before me.

  “Shit.” He exclaims before grabbing me and pulling me into his arms. “Sis. God I have missed your annoying arse.”

  I smile into his chest, revelling in the hug. I was worried he would treat me differently now he knew we were not blood related, but I was glad to see things were the same as always.

  “Missed me?”

  He ruffles my hair playfully. “You know it.” He leaves his hands on my arms and checks me over. “How you doing? You okay?”

  I nod and he takes my hand in his and pulls me into the house. “Mum, Dad, it looks like Christmas has come early.”

  I stop and take in the scene before me. Mum is sat on the sofa with her legs up resting across my dad’s lap watching television and dad is reading on his kindle.

  “Hey, Mum and Dad.”

  Two sets of eyes snap to mine. My mum hurriedly stumbles to her feet and comes rushing towards me. She takes my face in her hands. “Oh, my baby girl.” She pulls me into her embrace then. Dad comes up behind and wraps his arms around both of us.

  They both pull back and look me over. “Are you okay? Are you home? Has he let you go?”

  I chuckle. “One question at once guys.”

  She takes a strand of my chin length bobbed hair. “You cut your beautiful hair.”

  I grimace. My mum loved my hair and would never let me cut it when I was younger. “Yeah sorry about that. I needed a change.”

  My dad’s gaze is fixed on my eyes, he keeps looking back at them.

  “The eyes are.., well yeah. The demon side of me is more present due to me being in the underworld. I can’t seem to turn them back much anymore.”

  My Dad pats my arm. “Don’t ever apologise for who you are sweetie. You could have horns and a tail and we would still love you.”

  I laugh. “Good to know Dad.” I look at my watch conscious of time. “I don’t have long before I have to go back.”

  Mum looks gutted by this news but she quickly plasters back on a smile. “Well we’ll have plenty of time together tomorrow.”

  I wince. This was going to hurt them. “I won’t be here tomorrow mum. Lucifer won’t allow it.”

  My Mums face drops and she tears up. Dad rubs her hands as he holds it in his. “Well then we will have a proper Christmas day when we finally get you home for good. How does that sound?”

  “That sounds perfect.” I love my Dad. He always tries to see the positive in every situation.

  My Mum rushes over to the tree and comes back with a gift in her hands. “I presume we are at least allowed to give you a present?”

  “I’m sure its fine.” I take it from her and smile in thanks. “I feel bad I haven’t got you guys anything. I haven’t come across any shops in the underworld.”

  “This is fucking bullshit.” Scott grinds out, his blue eyes full of anger. “That bastard can’t even let her home for one day?”

  “Scott. Language.” Mum chastises him.

  “Sorry but it makes me so mad.” He stalks forward again and pulls me in for another hug. “Just promise me you’ll find a way out of this so we can get you home for good.”

  I look up at him and squeeze his nose between my fingers. Something I used to do to wind him up when we were growing up. “I promise.” I look at my watch again and my stomach sinks as I realise that I am out of time. “I have to go. I want you all to enjoy tomorrow. Do it for me, okay?”

  “Taylor will hate that she missed out on seeing you.” Scott comments.

  “Tell her I said hi. How about a family hug?” I ask them all, opening my arms. My Mum rushes into my embrace and then Scott and Dad wrap their arms around both of us. “I love you all so much.”

  I take a gulp to stop the tears that are threatening. I won’t walk away from them crying, as that will just raise their pain if they see I am hurting. I instead give them all my warmest and best smile. Lorcen who has been silent and allowing me time with my family, can sense I am struggling and he suggests we sift back to our home. When we arr
ive, Kol is sat in the lounge on one end of the L-shaped sofa, whilst my friends gather at the other end or stand around the room. The atmosphere is tense and they all look uncomfortable being in his demon presence.

  “You ready?” He asks standing and facing me.

  I give him a nod but then quickly turn back to Lorcen. “So I’ll see you soon.”

  He offers me a sad smile. “You know it. Gra Geal, mo chroi.”

  “I love you too.”

  To be this close to him and not touch him is taking every ounce of willpower I possess. I want to feel his skin under my fingers. I want to feel his kisses down the back of my neck. I blow him a kiss and he pretends to catch it in his palm and put it to his own lips.

  “Let’s go.” I tell Kol. I can feel my resolve slipping, and I’m about to bawl like a baby at any second. “I’ll see you guys soon.” I quickly tell my friends before turning and walking out the door with Kol. Leaving them behind will never get easier, I realise. In fact I am convinced that as time goes by it will only get harder.


  I am in a melancholy mood when we arrive back in the underworld. The demon part of me settles when we come back here. It recognises here as home. Kol stays silent, I think realising that I need silence right now. Tonight would be my fourth task for Lucifer. One more after this one and I will see my father and get him out of the hell he is locked inside. I was under no illusions that Lucifer would up his game for these last two tasks. He seemed determined to pull the darkness that lurks in me out to the surface.

  “You want me to give you some space for a bit?” Kol offers. He hovers in the living area, hands in his pockets, looking all tense and uncertain what to do.

  I shake my head in response. “Can we go flying? I need some release from all this shit.”

  He smiles. “Of course. If flying will put a smile back on your face, then let’s get out there.” He holds the glass door open for me and I step back outside. Now all my tops had discreet slits in them that allowed my wings to unfurl. As a human I’d never had to think about the dilemma of how I release my wings when I’m wearing a top. For someone who had never been a fan of heights, I now loved flying. It was a complete feeling of freedom, soaring in the air, above everything. It was a freedom I now craved regularly to counter-act the lack of control I had in my own life right now. When I’m up in the air, I forget all my troubles. Kol rushes past me and takes off into the night sky.

  “Race you flower.”

  I grin as I run towards the edge of the cliff and leap up into the air, my powerful wings pushing me higher into the skies. I knew there was no way I could actually beat him. He was a master in flight. He could turn sharply and swoop so fast, but I loved a challenge. I pull my wings back and push forward, using the wind to push me further and faster. In front of me I see the outline of Kol’s large imposing wings as they fade further away. I smile to myself, the bastard was a show-off. Suddenly my vision blurs and I feel the world fading away.

  I’m no longer flying. I am stood in a dark cavernous cave, Fire light torches hung on the walls light the way ahead. I follow the torches until I come into a large room within the cave walls. In the centre of the room lies a stone table. In a trance like state I move towards the table. I pull a knife from my pocket and holding my hand over the stone table I pull the blade across my palm making it bleed. The blood drips down on to the grey stone. The blood falls into an encryption that is carved deep into the stone of the table and the blood begins to travel around the table, as it moves along the table in the grooved pattern it glows a pale yellow colour. I watch as it moves all the way around the table until it meets back where it started. There is a loud groaning sound and suddenly the ancient looking table moves. The top slides open to reveal a chamber inside. I peer over and jump back in fright when I see a skeleton inside. It is what it is holding in its hands though that draws my interest, because in its bony hands lying along its body is a silver spear. The spear is covered in symbols. The spear holds great magic, a magic I know and recognise to be that of my blood – the Tuatha. This was the spear of Lugh – one of the four great Tuatha treasures. With anxious hands I reach inside the stone grave and break off the fingers holding the spear in order for to lift it out. It is heavy and I struggle to lift it, but I somehow manage. With the spear in my hands I turn and stop dead still as I see Devlon stood in front of me. He smiles, that cunning and crazed smile I saw many times during my brief time as his prisoner.

  “Well done my love. Bring it to me.” He beckons me with his hand and I glide forward without question and offer it out to him. Holding the spear in one hand he raises it and stares at it with wonder. His other arm rubs my belly and I look down to see I’m pregnant. “One step closer to achieving our destiny my love. Soon everything we desire will be ours.”

  “Ebony! Ebony!” A voice shouts anxiously, pulling me from the cave. I am being gently shook by two strong hands on my arms. I slowly open my eyes and see Kol above me, his face etched with concern. “Thank fuck.” He exclaims, relief evident in his tone. He rubs the back of his neck and takes some deep breaths. “You passed out in the fucking sky flower.”

  I reach out my hand and brush the hair out of his eyes. “Relax now. I’m okay, you saved me.” I slowly sit up rub my forehead. “This used to happen a lot, before I awakened.” Then I recall my vision and my heart drops. “Kol. Devlon has the spear of Lugh. Leora retrieved it for him from some crypt in a cave somewhere. Shit, this is really bad.” I drop my face into my hands. “Can he use the spear to activate the cauldron?”

  Kol shakes his head from where he kneels beside me. “I have no idea flower. Tuatha history is not something I am familiar with.”

  “I need to see Lorcen.”

  Kol gives me a look that tells me that chances of that happening are slim. “You know he won’t allow it.”

  I clench my fists. “But this is important.”

  Kol shrugs his shoulders. “Not to Lucifer it isn’t. He couldn’t care less what happens to the seelie realms.”

  I shake my head. “This isn’t just about the seelie realms. Once he has control of the fae lands, he intends to take the Elven realm and then the human world is next on his list. Will Lucifer be comfortable with some deranged power-hungry fae controlling earth?”

  He shrugs again. “All I know flower is he hasn’t seemed at all concerned about it up to now.” He sighs and stands up. “Look we’ll figure this out okay? I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we are expected.”

  I groan. “I really don’t need Lucifer’s shit right now.” I was really not in mood to deal with Lucifer and would likely do or say something stupid that would get me in hot-water.

  We enter the hall and Lucifer is sat on his seat at the head of the room waiting for us. Strangely the room is empty, no crowd tonight to see me deliver out Lucifer’s cruel punishments.

  “At last. I was about to send the guards over to fetch you.” He barks out, clearly impatient with waiting for us.

  “Oh give it a rest. We are what? Two minutes late.” I snap. I can’t help it. I have so much going on right now and having to deal with this is testing my limits.

  Lucifer’s eyes darken. “I think you forget who you are speaking to. Maybe you would like to spend a few nights in Tartarus like your father.”

  Kol puts a hand on my arm and steps forward. “Let’s not be hasty. Is there no court tonight?”

  Lucifer ignores his sons question and continues to glare at me. “So my son tells me you are not with child.”

  “No. I’m not. My sister Leora is the one who is pregnant. She’s the one that’s with Devlon who now has the cauldron and the spear and is ever closer to controlling all realms.”

  Lucifer eyes light up. “Your sister is pregnant? You are sure of this?”

  “Yes I walked into her mind earlier. She is pregnant and Devlon is the father. I have been mirroring my sister’s symptoms.”

  Lucifer’s eyes sparkle with something like excitem
ent. He looks back to where Lilith sits looking as regal and beautiful as ever. “I need confirmation. Go.”

  Lilith raises a brow in question but does not argue. She stands, brushes down her black silk dress and walks through a ring of fire that appears from nowhere.

  I fold my arms and stare at Lucifer. “What does it matter to you if my sister is pregnant?”

  Lucifer doesn’t answer me, he simply smirks which makes me more certain than ever that he is up to something. I glance at Kol and he too is studying is father with a puzzled look on his face.

  “Did you enjoy your little trip home? How is that fae prince of yours?”

  I glare at him. “Let’s not pretend you give a damn about how he is. He misses me, he wants me home.” I sigh. “Look if there’s no court tonight may we be excused. It’s been a really draining few days and I’m in a piss-poor mood right now.”

  “You may go, but then would you not like to talk about how you may be able to return to your mate for good?”

  My head whips up to meet his face. “Is this some sick joke?”

  He frowns. “Of course not. I do not joke. You do not wish to mate with my son, am I correct?”

  I glance in discomfort at Kol and he just gives me a smile as if to tell me it’s okay.

  “Look Kol is a great guy, but no, I love my mate and that will not change.” I keep my eyes trained on Lucifer. I cannot look at Kol’s face right now and see any slither of hurt there.

  Lucifer strokes his chin with his hand. “That is disappointing but I guess things change and well I may be willing to broker a deal with you.”

  “A deal?”

  A ring of fire opens in the room and Lilith steps through, she glides towards us and places her arm around Lucifer’s.

  “She speaks the truth. Her sister is pregnant. She appears to be around four months.”

  “Thank you darling.” Lucifer looks briefly thrilled. “Now back to this deal. I am willing to release you from the oath, if you are willing to give me the Tuatha sword.”

  If I wasn’t puzzled before, then now I am completely bamboozled. “What could you possibly want with the Tuatha sword?”


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