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Soul Surrender (The Soul Mark Series Book 3)

Page 13

by Cara E Holt

  Lucifer bobs his head side-to-side. “It is an ancient magic relic that has been missing for centuries. I like to collect valuable things.”

  Part of me thinks his explanation is nonsense, another part of me thinks that this is a feasible reason. Lucifer does seem the type who would collect magical and powerful relics.

  “And you’ll let me and my father go? With no strings attached? You’ll leave me and my family and friends alone?”

  “Of course. I always keep my word.” He adjusts his collar. “Come let us visit your father. That may help you decide.”

  “You’re taking me to Tartarus? How can I be sure this isn’t a trick and you don’t intend leaving me there?”

  Lucifer rolls his eyes and sighs. “I can assure you it is no trick, besides Kol will accompany us.”

  Knowing Kol will be with me reduces my suspicions that this is a trap. “Okay. Take me to see my father and then I will consider your offer.”

  He smiles. “Excellent. Follow me.” He releases his arm from Lilith and whispers softly in her ear before he turns and opens a fire portal. He steps through and Kol taking my hand in his leads me forward and through the portal.

  We step through and before us set in a great cliff wall are two extremely large stone doors. They are intricately decorated with figures whose hands reach out almost as if asking for help. Their faces are a mix of horror and despair. At top of these two ginormous doors, is a large sleeping stone dragon. I jump and step back into Kol when one of the dragons stone eyes suddenly opens. Slowly with a large rumble and groan the thing comes to life and climbs down from its position above the doors. It was a real fucking dragon, with red scales and amber coloured eyes and it was magnificent and scary as shit all at the same time. The dragon moves towards us and as it does the ground beneath us shakes and the sound of its steps echoes around this rocky space. The dragon stops before Lucifer and lowers her head to the ground. Lucifer steps forward and pets her on her large snout.

  “Campe. My girl. Open the doors for me.”

  The dragon blinks as if in answer and then it swings it huge tail and places the very end of it in a lock in the centre of the doors. There is yet again a huge rumbling and groaning sound as the two large doors swing open, giving me my first and hopefully last ever glimpse of Tartarus.

  Campe’s large amber eyes follow us as we walk past her and towards the doors. Her paws could easily crush me with little effort. Her red skin glistens and looks striking against her amber eyes. I know I hadn’t seen a dragon before but as dragons go she was stunning.

  When we step through the doors, the sight of the landscape around me stops me dead in my tracks. The skies here are orange like fire and the air is so hot and humid. Black rocky mountains lie before us and seem to go on for miles with no end. I lift my head up to examine the skies and among the fire-lit skies, strange winged creatures fly above us.

  “Gargoyles.” Kol tells me in my ear.

  My mouth falls open. I guess really that given over the last four months or so I had learned that virtually every fairy tale creature from the story books was real, that I should have known Gargoyles exist. The atmosphere here is hard to put into worlds. The air reeks of pain and suffering. Like the very air I am breathing is thick with evil.

  “Stay close to me okay? Do not leave me side. Only Lucifer has authority here. If we are separated from him our immortals days are over.”

  I shudder at his words and move a little closer to his side. My eyes dart around us feeling an evil presence all around us. This really was hell.

  I hear a low rumbling noise that comes up through the rocky floor beneath our feet. It steadily gets louder. Lucifer quickly steps to the side and pushes his arm out to push me and Kol to his side. Less than a second later a hooded figure with fire for eyes comes into view. The figure is riding a cart pulled by two horse-like creatures. I say horses as they have the build of them but that is where the similarities end. These creatures have no skin on their flesh. It as if they have been skinned and all that lies beneath is now exposed. As the carriage hurtles past, I get to see what it carries. In the back of the cart are souls. Shadowy figures with no real form, their eyes are blank and devoid. One reaches out as it passes and screams for mercy. I press myself as far into the wall as I can. This was where real evil souls came to suffer. As fast as it came the ghostly rider and its occupants are gone.

  Lucifer steps out back on to the path and we follow suit. We climb up a path that winds up one of the tall cliffs until we come to an opening within the cliff wall. There stands a large iron door. Lucifer places his hand over the lock and it makes a creaking noise as it magically turns and unlocks and swings open. The air in here is rancid. It smells of decay. Lucifer puts a hand to one of the metal lanterns hanging from the wall and it lights with fire. Now I can see the room we have entered and my heart drops to my feet when I see who is here. In the centre of the room chained to a large stone pillar, is my demon father. His head hangs low, and his chest that is naked is marred by cuts and burns. His feet are black with filth. Gone is the fine and strong man that swooped in and saved me just a couple of months ago.

  I cry out and run to him and gently use my hands to raise his head. His eyes roll and he seems to have no awareness of his surroundings. It breaks my heart to see him like this. I know I have only met him once but he is my blood.

  “Father. It’s me. I’ve come to take you home.” I stroke his face softly and try to catch his eyes, but he is vacant.

  “He’s incoherent. He won’t answer you.” Lucifer states very matter of fact.

  I turn my gaze to him and my eyes burn into his. “How can you treat him like this? He has stood beside you all these years. He fell from heaven for you.”

  Lucifer snarls in response. “He betrayed me. He broke a blood oath. He deceived me, all these years. He put his daughters before his devotion to me.” He straightens his purple tie and calms himself. “Now let us talk terms. You have two options open to you. You stay here become my sons mate and have his child and I will release your father now. You of course will have chosen to take your place beside my son and will therefore live in the underworld but you will be free to come and go as you please.”

  “The second option.” I encourage, there was no way the first one was a consideration. I was not up for spending the rest of my immortal long life living in the underworld.

  “The second option is you give me the Tuatha sword and I release you and your father but neither of you will be welcomed in my realm again. Your father will live out his immortal life away from his own realm.”

  I cock my head to the side, my gaze firmly on Lucifer. “Why is Kol and I having a child so important to you?”

  His face doesn’t falter, giving nothing away. “Why with your heritage and my sons, your child would make for a very powerful immortal being.”

  “So this is about power?”

  He nods. “That and also about keeping the family line strong.”

  I look to Kol and he holds his hands out and shrugs. If Lucifer has some plan up his sleeve then his son clearly has no clue as to what it could be. Really there was only one option. I had my chance here to get myself and my father out of here, for good. Then again the Tuatha sword, was just that, it was forged from the magic of the ground in Ireland. It was a Tuatha treasure and meant to be possessed by a Tuatha god or goddess, not the ruler of hell.

  I close my eyes and call out with my fae magic to the sword. It answers instantly and appears in my palms. Looking down at it and understanding that I was taking a grave risk in what I was doing, I hold out my hands and offer it to Lucifer. He grins as he takes it into his grasp and looks at it like a boy looks at his favourite football player. The deed was done, whatever the fallout from this, I would have to take responsibility for it. Lucifer flicks his hand and the chains holding my father upright against the post disappear and he slums forward on to the ground with a heavy thud. I rush to his side and look to Kol.

me lift him please.”

  Kol goes to the other side of my father and with one easy move, he swings him up over his shoulder.

  “Thanks.” I tell him. I had not been looking forward to dragging my beast of a father back through Tartarus.

  Lucifer swiftly exits the room and I fall beside Kol as he carries my father out with us. My father was safe and the relief I felt was enormous. We walk back down the rocky mountainside and eventually find our way back to the large stone doors that are now sealed close.

  “Campe.” Lucifer calls. “Open the doors my pet.”

  Even though the doors are thick and heavy you can hear the noise of the dragon coming to life and stepping down from above the doors. Seconds later there is a large groaning noise and the two doors swing slowly open. I don’t look back upon Tartarus as we leave, it was a place I wanted to leave behind and hopefully forget all about. As we pass through we come across Campe who is lay down on the ground watching us. Lucifer walks up to her and opens his hand and offers her a large shiny red gem stone. He places it by her paw and pats her large snout. Campe looks longingly at the gem stone and clasping it in her paw opens her giant wings and takes off into the air, her huge tail narrowly missing us as it swings by.

  “Where is she going?” I ask in awe as I watching her beautiful wings take her up higher and higher.

  “Dragons collect gem stones. She will be taking the one she has just been given to her lair.”

  “Dragon like bling huh?.” I exclaim in amazement as she disappears out of sight. Lucifer places his hand on one the stone doors and with his eyes alight with flames the doors respond and swing close. The sound of the lock securing them, ensuring no one gets in or out.

  “Get them out of here, son.” Lucifer orders as he creates a portal of fire and without a backward glance walks through it, taking the Tuatha sword with him. As soon as he has gone, Kol takes my hand in his and portals us by hellfire back into the human realm.


  Sunshine beats down on me and I raise my face to the skies and soak it in. I was home. I was free.

  I quickly call out to my mate. ‘Lorcen I need you and Alana now. If you aren’t at home, get home now.’

  The front door flies open and Lorcen stands there. Before I can give him a smile, he sifts and stands right in front of me.

  “My father, can you help Kol get him to our bed?”

  Lorcen looks from me to my father who is still swung over Kol’s shoulder.

  “Lift him down.” He tells Kol. “We’ll take an arm each.” Once they both have hold of him, I touch Lorcen’s elbow and sift us all to our bedroom.

  They both drop him as gently as they can on the bed and I straighten him out and make him look comfortable. It concerns me that he hasn’t stirred at all. I sit beside him and stroke his cheek softly.

  “Where’s Alana. I need her help to heal him.”

  Lorcen stands behind me and takes in my father and all his injuries. “Are those burns?”

  “Hell fire.” Kol announces. “It is the one thing that can cause serious injury to demons.”

  “Alana’s at Blaine place. I can portal over there now and fetch her back?”

  I look up at him and smile. “It’s okay. I’ll try summoning her.” I close my eyes and call upon my sister.

  “Ebony. Does this mean what I hope it does? Are you home?”

  I release my father’s hand and move to stand before him. I reach out for his hand and take it in mine. “I’m home, I’m free.”

  A flurry of emotion crosses Lorcen’s face and his eyes glisten with unshed tears. He sweeps me up by the waist and twirls me around. He comes to a stop and looks down at me, his eyes telling me all the things he’s feeling. I wrap my arms around his waist and lean my head against his chest. I revel in the feeling of touching him, being close to him. It is hands down the best feeling in the world. For the first time in a while, my heart relaxes and I feel safe. I pull back and his pale green eyes meet mine, a thousand unspoken words pass between us. Nothing would separate me from this man again. He was my home and my place was by his side. Lorcen leans down to kiss me and though it kills me, I place my finger on his lips and stop him from touching mine. I look over his shoulder to where Kol stands awkwardly trying to look at anything but the two of us.

  “I need to speak with Kol.” I tell him softly. “Will you stay with my Dad?”

  He smiles softly. “Of course. Don’t be too long okay?” He drops a quick kiss on my forehead and allows me to pull away from him. “Five minutes okay? And then I’m coming to find you and whether he’s here or not I’m going to kiss the shit out of you love.”

  My heart swoons and fans itself and I’m too flustered to speak so I just nod and then turn to look at Kol and gesture for him to follow me. I sift out into the yard.

  “So.” I say, as I stand there, hands in my pocket, kicking at the grass with my foot. “I’m home.”

  Kol who is also stood hands in pockets smiles at me. “You are flower.”

  “I’m sorry.” I blurt out. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t be what you wanted. I hate that I have caused you pain. You..., you mean so much to me...”

  I don’t get chance to say anymore, he pulls me into his arms and hugs me tightly. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his waist and hug him back, hopefully communicating how I feel.

  “Truth is I knew early on that you were never going to be mine. No matter how much I hoped for it, you were and would always be his. I’m okay with that flower, so long as I know you’re happy and loved, I can walk away and live my life.”

  I pull back from him, with tears falling down my face. “Walk away, but we’ll still see each other right?”

  He sighs and looks away over my head. “I think it’s best if we don’t.”

  I push at his chest. “You can’t mean that? You just can’t. I can’t not see you. I need you.”

  “Why? Why do you need me flower? You have your mate, your family and friends. Why does it matter?”

  I shake my head searching for the right words. “It just does. I can’t say goodbye to you. I need to see you.”

  “Why?” He presses again.

  “Why?” I ask annoyed. “Why? Because you stupid stubborn demon, I love you.” I snap my mouth shut and cover it with my hand. Holy shit I did love him? Did a part of me loved this demon before me?

  He smiles then and brushes my cheek with his finger. “And there it is. The truth.” He must see the panicked look cross my face. “It’s okay Ebony. I know what you feel for me isn’t a patch on what you feel for him, but knowing that you do love me. Knowing I have a small piece of your heart is enough for me.” He sighs and drops a kiss on my forehead. “I need some time. What I feel for you, is so much more than what you feel for me. I need time to accept that fully and allow myself to let go.” He pushes my hair out of my face. “I love you flower, I always will.”

  “So this is goodbye?” I sob, my heart not able to take that he is walking away from me. I had come to rely heavily on him.

  “For now. Maybe one day we can be the friends you wish us to be.”

  I gulp and I lift my chin up and try to be brave and say goodbye to my dark demon. “Okay. Kol, prince of lust it has been a joy and privilege to be a part of your life.” I hold out my hand to him and he scoffs and pulls me into him for one final hug.

  “Go and be happy flower. Live your life.” He says into my hair and then he is gone and I am left stood alone in the garden with silent tears falling down my face.

  “You okay?” I turn around to find Lorcen leaning in the doorway watching me. I quickly wipe my tears and give him a smile. “I’m okay. Goodbyes are hard.”

  Lorcen holds out his hand to me and I walk to him and place mine in his.

  “So what now love?” He asks looking down at me with a cheeky grin.

  “Now you kiss the shit out of me please.”

  He chuckles. “With pleasure.”

  His lips mean mine and it is
fire and heat. My soul has yearned for his touch, to feel these lips against mine. I meet his kiss hungrily and pour everything I feel for him into this kiss.

  “Never again am I being parted from you.” He tells me breathlessly before his lips are once again back on mine.

  “Ebony?” My sister comes rushing into the yard and stops when she takes in Lorcen and I. “Oh my god you’re kissing. Does this mean..?”

  I nod laughing. “Yep. I’m home. For good.”

  She squeals in delight and grins. “I’m so happy. I’d come and give you a hug but I don’t think he’s for letting you go.” She jokingly gestures at Lorcen.

  “Not a chance.” He replies chuckling into my hair.

  “Dad is upstairs.” I tell her, from where my head rests on Lorcen’s chest.

  Alana looks in complete shock. “Dad, as in Dad the demon?”

  I nod. Before I can tell her what to expect she has sifted. Lorcen and I quickly sift up to the bedroom behind her and when I get there she is just stood still at the end of the bed looking at him.

  “He’s sick?”

  “Yes, he’s been tortured with hell fire. I need to heal him, but I can’t do it alone. I need your help.”

  Alana looks at me eyes wide. “I’ve never tried to heal anyone before. What if I can’t do it?”

  “You can.” I tell her firmly. “We’re bad ass goddesses remember.”

  She scoffs and brushes her red hair off her shoulder. “I wish I shared your optimism.”

  I walk over to her side and take her hand in mine. “I’ll talk you through it. We can do this.”

  Alana nods looking determined. “Okay. As you like to say, let’s do this shit.”

  “That’s the spirit sis. You go sit on his left side. I’ll go sit on his right okay.”

  She nods and sits on the bed on his left side and I sit on the opposite side.

  “Now place your hands over his body and close your eyes.” I instruct. As soon as I see she has done as I tell her, I close mine and do the same. “Now pull on your magic, get it to reach out to his body.”


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