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Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2)

Page 5

by Amanda Bennett

  I sat up on the side of the bed next to her, catching the blush that began running into her cheeks. I placed a kiss to her rosy cheeks, all the while laughing at her embarrassment. Heidi came strolling into the room, knowing what we were up to. I could tell she knew by the smirk she was wearing.

  “And, what are we up to this morning boys and girls?” She snickered.

  “Oh you know, the usual. Just some early morning sex.” I couldn’t help teasing Bennett, just a little bit. Heidi and me started laughing uncontrollably while Bennett’s face grew to the brightest shade of red I had ever seen.

  “Gray! Are you serious right now?” Uh oh, someone was pissed. This was so not the way I wanted to start this morning off.

  “Button, you know I was just kidding.” I tried to wrap my arms around her but she wasn’t having it. “Bennett, seriously?” No way she was that mad at me.

  “I’m just playing, Baby. I don’t care if Heidi knows how hot and bothered I get you.” She winked at me and I sat there shocked as shit to see her talking that way in front of someone else. “What? I’ve changed a bit since high school, Gray. My face may still change colors but the embarrassment as dissipated. “

  I quickly wrapped her in my arms, pulling her onto my lap. “Well in that case, let’s just do it right here in front of Heidi. I’m sure she won’t mind.” I chuckled as I snuggled my nose in the crook of her neck.

  Heidi just rolled her eyes while checking Bennett’s vitals one last time. “You ready to go home, Hon?”

  “Beyond ready, you have no idea.”

  “And you, Gray? Are you all ready to have her home?” Heidi winked at me and I knew exactly what she was referring to. I had let her in on my little secret a couple days ago. I needed to make sure that she would help me persuade the doc to let her go home sooner rather than later.

  “Absolutely! Nothing else could make me happier, well, maybe a couple things.” I squeezed Bennett around her waist before I made my way into the bathroom. I needed to call Theo and see where they were.

  I peeked out the door first; making sure that the officer from last night was still posted outside the room. He gave a small wave and I nodded in return. He’s damn lucky he was still there or I would have had to have his badge. After the mix up and no sign of Raylon, I was still a bit on edge. The whole reason I had these guys here was to prevent something like that from happening again.

  Theo’s phone went straight to voicemail, so I tried Hannah’s. After three rings, I hung up and tried Theo again. This time he answered.

  “What’s going on?” Shit, I had woken them up. I forgot how early it still was.

  “Sorry man, I just realized what time it was. Just checking in. We should be getting out of here soon.”

  “Everything is ready. We ended up just crashing here last night. It was way late when we finished up and Hannah wanted to be here when Bennett got home. I hope you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all. I’ll text you guys when we are closer to getting out. Talk to you soon.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I brushed my teeth and gathered up our toiletries before heading out of the bathroom. I wanted all of our things together when the doctor said we could go. I had been waiting far too long for this day and I didn’t want to waste anymore time. When I emerged from the bathroom, Bennett was nowhere to be found. I dropped our stuff into the duffel bag next to the cot and went to find her doctor.

  The officer outside caught me before I could make it to the desk. “They took her to get one last MRI. Doc said he just wanted to make sure all looked good. I sent Officer Doyle with her. They should be back shortly.”

  “Thanks man, I appreciate it.”

  I slipped back into the room and finished packing up our things. I wanted to grab a quick shower before heading home, so I jumped in, hoping to be done by the time Bennett got back.



  As I lay in the obnoxiously loud MRI machine, for what felt like the seventeenth time, I couldn’t help but feel a little bit scared. I hadn’t mentioned it to Gray yet, but I was almost terrified to go home. I hadn’t been there since the whole ordeal with Raylon happened, and I wasn’t sure I could handle it.

  I’d wanted to bring it up to Gray, but could never find the right way to put it. Honestly, I didn’t want to go back to that house at all. I wanted to burn my bed, pack up my shit and get the hell outta dodge. I just wasn’t strong enough to relive that night over and over, everyday.

  Heidi’s voice cut into my thoughts a moment later. “Okay Hon, we’re all done.”

  “Okay.” I sighed.

  A few seconds later, I was being pulled out from inside the machine. I let out a sigh of relief, given that I was a tiny bit on the claustrophobic side. Heidi helped me get back into the wheelchair, and then we were headed back to my room.

  “Hey Heidi, can I ask you a question?”


  “Do you think I should say something to Gray about not wanting to stay in my house?” I knew the answer but I guess I just needed to hear it from someone else’s perspective.

  “Honey, I think you need to do whatever makes you feel comfortable. If you’re not okay with staying in that house anymore, then you need to get out of it. You and Gray have a lot to work on, and taking care of that little thing in your belly is priority number one. You need to do what is best for your baby. Personally, I wouldn’t be able to stay there either. I’m just saying.”

  I fully agreed with everything she was saying. I knew I wasn’t strong enough to stay there, and I knew that Gray would never expect me to. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  I didn’t say anything else the whole rest of the ride to my room. I needed to have a conversation with Gray about it, and it couldn’t wait any longer. The officer outside my room held open the door for Heidi to push me through. I didn’t know if Gray would be waiting or not, but I could only assume so. I had felt so bad not telling him where they were taking me, but I figured he would ask if he was worried.

  “Hey love, how did it go?”

  I could just die happy looking at his gorgeous face. His lips were pulled up over his perfectly straight white teeth. His permanently tanned skin looked even more so today and his blue eyes stood out against his copper hair. Damn he was HOT!

  I didn’t realize I was staring until Gray cleared his throat. “You like what you see?” He winked while running his fingers across the now week old hair on his chin.

  “Maybe.” I was lying and we both knew it.

  Heidi interrupted, “I’m going to go find the doctor and let you guys get ready to go, okay?”

  “Thanks Heidi.” We exchanged a knowing smile and then she disappeared through the door.

  “Gray, I think we should talk about something.” I couldn’t bring myself to look into his bright hopeful eyes. I was terrified of how he could possibly react.

  “Button, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?” His voice sounded strained with worry.

  “I don’t think I can live in that house anymore. Actually, I know I can’t live there. I was thinking, maybe, well maybe we could go stay at your house. What do you think?”

  Next thing I knew Gray was lifting me up out of the wheelchair and onto his lap. He brushed my hair back with his hands, and then lifted my chin up so I was looking right into his eyes. “I don’t want you to have to go back there. I want you to feel safe, and I know you won’t feel safe there. You and our baby are my priority, not some stupid house. You hear me?”

  I nodded as I pressed my lips against his. I don’t know why I was worried about talking to him. I knew he would want me to be safe. A few more minutes of kissing and then I was standing up. “I’m going to go get dressed.” I winked in his direction as I made my way to the bathroom.

  I slid into a pair of skinny jeans and a red cashmere sweater that Gray had brought me. It felt amazing to be able to wear normal clothing and not pajamas. Although my jeans, were definitely starting to feel too tight ar
ound my growing waist. I smiled at myself in the mirror after looking down at my belly. I couldn’t wait to see our baby. I was suddenly over run with emotion as stray tears were slowly falling down my face. Of course, they were happy tears, but tears non-the less. I quickly brushed my teeth and headed back into the room where Gray stood patiently waiting for me.

  “Wow! You look absolutely beautiful.” He reached for my hand, pulling me into him.

  I pressed my palm to his chest as I stood gazing into his hypnotizing eyes. “Thanks.” I blushed.

  The doctor emerged into the room moments later, “All set to go you two?”

  “More than you know.” I responded happily.

  “Well let’s get you discharged then.”

  A great big smile spread across my face as I listened to all of my instructions. He explained my medications, how to take them, what to look out for, and how best to take care of myself for the next couple of months.

  “Now, I want you on somewhat of bed rest. I’m not saying you have to stay off of your feet all of the time, but try to take it easy. At least for the next month or two, okay? Any questions, either of you?”

  “Just one.” Gray piped up, “Can we go now?” He let out a low chuckle and the doctor laughed along with him.

  “You are free to go.” The doctor waved his arms in the direction of the door.

  I shook his hand and thanked him for all that he had done for me, for us. Gray grabbed our bags and we headed out into the hall. I spotted Heidi behind the desk and waved her over. “Hey girly, call me when you get done working today. We should get together soon, okay?”

  “Of course. I’ll call you went I get done with my shift. Go home, relax and hang out. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  We gave each other a quick hug before I turned to grab Gray’s hand. The officer who had been posted up outside of my room was now escorting us out to Gray’s car. I guess you can never be too cautious.



  My heart was practically beating out of my chest as we neared the small dirt road. I glanced over at Bennett just in time to see her current state of confusion had multiplied. I didn’t want to ruin anything so I pretended to be oblivious to her reaction. I slowed as we reached the small call box, just outside of the gate. I punched in the seven-digit code and the metal gates sprang to life, welcoming us with open arms.

  I looked at her out of the corner of my eye and a small smile spread across her face. I smiled internally, knowing this was working. The vast expansive land opened up to a thousand pine trees, standing tall and proud. I couldn’t tell you how old they were but they were the size of small skyscrapers; a protective shield almost.

  “Gray, where are we?” Her voice was soft and I could barely hear her.

  “Just wait and see, Baby.” My hand instinctively reached out for her thigh, giving it a small squeeze. “Just wait.”

  I watched her face light up with excitement. She was practically bouncing in the seat next to me. As we neared the driveway, I feared she would freak out a bit. I had to admit the house was more than I could have even imagined. Seconds later, we were pulling into the round driveway that reached the ten concrete steps leading to a very large wooden door.

  “Gray?” I could her the hesitation in her voice.

  Shit! Was this a bad hesitation? “Yes Button?”

  “Whose house is this?” Worried was evident on her face.

  “You’ll see. Let’s get you inside.” I smiled.

  I threw the truck into park and ran around to help her down. Once her feet were firmly planted on the ground, I took her hand in mine and lead her up the stairs. I made sure to take my time, not wanting to hurt her. When we reached the front door, I pulled our intertwined hands up to my lips. I pressed a small kiss to the back of her hand and smiled down at her worried beautiful face.

  I motioned for her to twist the knob and she did so, without hesitation. The house was silent as a small gasp broke through the air. I dropped our hands and moved to stand behind her. I gently gripped onto her shoulders, lightly pushing her forward.

  I reached behind me and flipped on one of the light switches against the wall. The foyer lit up gloriously. Light bounced off of every nook and cranny. I could hear her take in an audible breath before propelling herself forward.

  I felt her cold hand reach for mine, pulling herself around to face me. I went to open my mouth to ask her a question, but her lips were instantly on mine. Her kiss was hard, lustful and passionate. I found myself getting lost in her mouth. Our tongues swiped against one another and my hands pushed back into her hair. I gave a small tug and a lustful moan escaped her lips. I would have carried her straight into the bedroom, but I heard someone clearing their throat. As much as I didn’t want to, I forced myself to pull away from her.

  “Well, I see you two have made yourselves at home already.” Hannah let out a giggle before she ran into Bennett’s open arms. “Oh Bennett, I’m so glad you’re home. We have missed you so much.”

  “Me too, Han. Me too. I’m not sure I’m home though. I still have no clue whose house we are in.”

  Hannah smiled at me and let out a hearty laugh. Theo was right behind her laughing along.

  “Why do I get the feeling you all are laughing at me?” She sounded hurt and it broke my heart.

  I took her face in between my hands, “That’s because you are home, love. This is our house.” I searched her expression for any sign of disappointment.

  “Are you serious?” My thumbs quickly caught the stray tears that had begun to fall from her eyes.

  “Bennett, no. Why are you crying? Do you not like it?” Damn it! I knew it was too much too soon.

  Her watery eyes looked straight into mine, “I love it. This is all so amazing. I don’t even know what to say.”

  My lips found hers once again, this time I drug it out as long as I could. “I just wanted you, us, to be safe and happy. You, me and our little baby.” I ran my hands down over her belly and whispered softly in her ear, “Welcome home, Baby.”



  As soon as I set foot in that doorway, I just knew where I was. I didn’t want to assume anything though, so I didn’t let myself get too excited. I glanced around the entryway in awe. The house was ginormous. It was probably more room then we would ever need, but I was fine with it. More than fine actually. I knew what Gray must have been through in the last little while and for him to find the time to do this, for me, was beyond amazing. I was at a loss for words.

  “Do you want a tour? The surprises aren’t even close to over.” He winked and I gladly went with him.

  The foyer was all marble tile with a large W monogram in the middle, directly below the antique chandelier that hung down from the vaulted ceiling. There was a large winding staircase to the left and a small sitting room to the right. I found myself coming to the conclusion that not only did he buy us a house but he also had it furnished.

  I looked over at Theo and Hannah, knowing that those two were in on it the whole time. “Assholes,” I muttered under my breath as I walked into the small room to the right. I stretched out my hand running my fingers across the soft buttery leather couch. There was a matching loveseat sat across from it on the opposite wall and one small oak table in between the both of them. A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth but I secretly pushed it away. Gray knew how much I hated surprises and I was bound and determined to make him squirm.

  We all walked through the entryway into what opened up to a very large kitchen, dining room and living room. I went to the kitchen first. All of the counters were black marble that almost exactly matched the flooring throughout. The knotty alder cabinets lined three walls, showcasing a commercial grade stainless steel stove. I panned around and made my way over to the breakfast bar that separated the kitchen from the dining room.

  My fingers grazed and touched every piece of furniture. It was all brand new and relief washed over me, dreading the sight of our bed.
I passed by the eight-seater bar height oak dining room table as I made my way to the living room. It was open and large. It already had a homey feel to it and nobody had even lived in it yet. Another matching set of leather couches sat in front of a huge 60” television that hung over an oak incased fireplace.

  I turned to look at Gray who sat emotionless at the table. I knew he was wondering if I liked everything, but I wasn’t giving it up that easily. He pointed to the glass French doors to my right. I nodded as I made my way over to the wall of windows, opening the French doors that led out back. I briefly closed my eyes as the sun warmed my face for the first time in weeks. When I opened them, my mouth fell open when I saw our backyard.

  There were rolling beautifully green grass hills for miles. There was snow splattered across all over but it only added to its beauty. I tucked my arms into my jacket pockets as a small crisp breeze hit my skin. I stepped onto the wood deck and smiled wide. The deck wrapped around the sides of the house and right in the middle sat a huge gas fire pit. There was a sunken in bench that wrapped around it and I was in love.


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