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Olivia's Guardian

Page 2

by St. Andrews,Rose

  She flared her nostrils. “Ohhh, all right, but you keep your hands to yourself! Touch me again and…”

  He turned to her, his eyebrow going up. “Yes?”

  “I’ll… think of something,” she grumbled.

  “Olivia, remember you have only yourself to blame for any discipline you get from me. The law is quite clear on that matter. Now, I’m willing to cut you some slack there, when we’re in private, but public appearances must maintain a certain decorum, understand?”

  “Yes, all right,” she spat.

  They continued on in silence. Olivia sat there squirming, the sting in her bottom fading, as it always did, but this time there was something else.

  An itch.

  Olivia was confused. In her previous regens, a spanking was always fun, which was what she’d come to expect, but this one was stoking a fire between her legs the like of which she’d not felt in at least forty years! She was frankly glad when they arrived at her lakeside home. It was such a nice place, a ranch-style house with a broad front lawn, flowers in the backyard, and a little dock going out into the lake. Her boat was still tied up there and she longed to get out on the water. That was the place she felt most at ease, with the wind in her hair, the sun on her back, and her little sloop slicing through the blue water.

  It was where she could be alone.

  She bounded out of the car and promptly fell flat on her face. Caleb rushed around to help her up.

  “I can stand!” she snapped.

  “I know, I’m just trying to… help.”

  “Yeah, yeah, okay, I get the point, and… thank you,” she mumbled. “Come on, I’ll show you your room.”

  They headed inside, the wide and spacious living room looking especially big to her. She was used to that, it happened after every regen, what with her going from six-six to about four-six, and she accepted the fact that it would be quite a few years before she grew back to her old height. Turning left, she led him to the guest bedroom.

  “Wow, nice place,” he said, setting his bag on the bed. “Thank you, Olivia, this is a fine room. Now, the law requires I check your room for safety, the kitchen, and the general grounds for physical dangers.”

  She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes, I remember the drill. Goodness, you truly are a ‘by the book’ type, aren’t you? Come on, I’ll show you.”

  They went back down the red tiled hallway to the living room and continued on to her wing of the house. Her regen room was a bit dusty (she hadn’t cleaned it too well before going to the center). Standing in the doorway, she heaved another sigh. She did so hate having to use the room.

  Caleb stepped up next to her, towering over her. “What’s this, a child’s room? Do you have grandchildren that come to visit?”

  She groaned. “No, this will be… my room.”

  “Ohhh, of course. I’m sorry, what was I thinking? It’s cute—I mean, nice, and it fits you.”

  “You mean all the furniture is the right size for me!”

  He shrugged. “Um, yeah. So, you live here all alone? Have you never had any children?”

  “Children? Are you out of your fucking mind? Damn, no one has children, not in Neo Providence.”

  “Oh, I see. So, a room all set up ahead of time. I guess you’re an old hand at regens. What’s it like?”

  Olivia did a double take, looking up at him in awe. “‘What’s it like?’ Wait a second, have you never done one?”

  “Me? Well, no, I haven’t,” he mumbled.

  She let out a long slow whistle. “Wow, a newbie. Wait, so you’re a first-timer! You’re really as old as you… are? That means you’re… what, about thirty?”

  “Thirty-two, yes,” he said with a nod. “I take it you’re much older than me.”

  “By almost three centuries. That explains your accent; you’re from Neo London, right?”

  “Um, yes, you guessed it. So, how about the kitchen?”

  She turned and crooked her finger at him to follow. “This way. Hmmm, that explains it. I’d heard that people in some of the outer villages were starting to have children again. You have any siblings, neighbor kids you grew up with?”

  “I had some friends,” he said slowly.

  “Man, I can’t wrap my head around that, a community with children. Why, it’s been… probably a century since I saw a child. Anyway, here it is, and yes, I promise not to use anything without supervision.”

  “Very nice. Now, why don’t you set the table while I walk the grounds real quick, and then I’ll make you a light meal? As I understand it, you need to eat a lot in the coming weeks to sustain your growth.”

  She nodded. “True, otherwise my body will stop growing and I’ll be stuck at this size.”

  He headed out the back door and she set to work. Another sigh escaped her lips. She grew fatigued after only a few minutes and everything was too high for her to reach without her step stool. He was back before she’d finished and he made her soup and several regen biscuits. She hated regen biscuits! However, she knew how important it was that she eat them.

  Choking down the last bite of the last one, she grimaced. “Damn, you’d think after all this time they could improve the taste of these suckers.”

  “Perhaps you should try to do it in your new life,” he said with a smile.

  Olivia grumbled under her breath. She wasn’t sure if he was serious. Despite having lived long, she’d never really done anything with her life, and being reminded of that fact upset her. She decided to let it go, this time. After all, they had a long time together, and she had mixed feelings about sharing her life with a man again.

  There was still that itch, and she decided to relax in her room and scratch it. Once there, she closed and locked the door, got undressed, and stretched out on the small bed. At least here she felt normal.

  The lingering sting to her cheeks was electrifying. She’d never known such a sensation, not in all her previous lives. Her husband had rejected her fetish as unnatural, and that had been part of the reason he’d left. The other had been the fact that, after his last regen, he’d met a willowy bimbo with an overdeveloped chest. Beyond that, she’d been too timid to ever go to any sort of professional help.

  She lay there, her right hand squeezing and kneading her red cheeks, and her left slid between her moist thighs. Her young body felt strange as it always did after a regen. Soft and supple, her muscles weak, and her nerves fresh and new, and alive! She moaned, her fingers easily slipping inside herself as she pinched her right cheek hard. Her teeth bit down hard on her lip. The pain was delicious; it sent a surge of sexual fire straight to her pussy. There it enflamed the nerve endings that her fingers were stimulating, and she gasped. Her thighs twitched, her back arched, and her nipples grew hard. Writhing about, she felt sweat trickle across her naked flesh, her jaw dropped, and she came hard.

  Biting down on her pillow, she choked out a scream of delight, and she was able to keep herself in a state of bliss for several minutes. It was wonderful; she’d not known a true sexual climax in about forty years. That was partially due to the fact that she’d waited until she was in her eighties before going in for a regen. She then rolled around on the bed a few times, hugged herself, and settled down. Heaving a happy sigh, she smiled and closed her eyes. Inside of ten minutes, she fell into a deep and refreshing slumber.

  * * *

  Olivia sat up in bed with a gasp. Pain rippled through her body in stark contrast to her earlier pleasure. Her arms wrapped about her abdomen, which was on fire, and she rolled to the side of the bed. She tried to stand up straight, but the pain forced her to double over, and she wailed.

  “C-C-Caleb, Uncle Caleb, help meeee,” she cried.

  Despite her soft voice, she knew Caleb would hear her. The home was fully wired, as per the regen laws. Heavy footsteps resounded in the hall, and a moment later the door thumped.

  “Olivia, what’s wrong? Unlock the door!”

  “I… can’t, can’t… reach,” she gasped.
  “Stand clear, I’m coming in,” he shouted.

  Bam crash! The door was torn from its hinges and Caleb erupted into the room. Olivia tingled and (for a moment) forgot her pain. He was so dashing and forceful, just like some sort of swashbuckling hero in an old movie. She squealed as she suddenly realized she was stark naked.

  “Oh, don’t look at me!”

  He dashed to her side. “What’s wrong, are you sick? Can you stand?”

  “Pain… stomach. Get me… clothes.”

  “Olivia, now is not the time to be concerned about appearances. We’ve got to get you back to the center,” he said, looking around, and snatching the sheet from the bed. “Here, I’ll wrap you in this.”

  The soft cloth slipped around her, Caleb hoisted her up in his arms, and a moment later they were in the hover and racing along the road. He’d switched the car to manual and was actually driving. Olivia’s eyes grew large and she let out a near continuous series of squeaks.

  “Caleb, slow down! Goodness, are you some sort of racecar driver? I’ve never known anyone to drive so fast.”

  “Fast? Damn, Olivia, if you think this is fast, I better be sure to never truly floor it, you’ll die of fright. Here we are. Now, hold on, I’ll help you.”

  Pulling into the parking lot, he stopped and dove out of the car. Before she could even begin to release the straps, he was there helping her, and then gathered her up in his arms.

  “Whoa! Caleb, take it easy, slow down. Remember, my stomach is killing me.”

  “All the more reason to get you in there quickly.”

  He carried her inside and a few minutes later they were in an exam room. Caleb stood off to the side while the doctor ran a bio-scan.

  “Hmmm, excess matter in the gastrointestinal tract,” Dr. Archer said with a frown. “Olivia, did you follow all of the pre-regen requirements?”

  “All?” she squeaked, swallowing hard. “I… um, well… I think I covered most of them.”

  He grunted. “You ate after midnight the night before the regen, didn’t you? No, don’t bother answering; it’s the only thing that could have caused digestive blockage! There’s also signs of sexual activity. Why, Olivia, you old cougar, you.”

  “What?” she squealed louder. “Oh, Um, well, you see…”

  “What are you two talking about?” Caleb said. “If you think she and I… that we… no, absolutely not! We just met.”

  Archer’s eyebrows went up. “Oh? Ahhh, engaging in a bit of… personal fun, eh, old girl? Well, we’ll need to check you out thoroughly once we give you some relief.”

  He moved to the counter and began mixing something in a vat.

  Check? Relief? Oh, that so does not sound good!

  Chapter Three

  Olivia’s face was beet red. She couldn’t believe her humiliation as she was held on the exam table by the extender arms. The mechanical arms forced her to kneel, head down, arms at her sides, and still-red butt high in the air. She was also buck naked! The worst part was that Caleb was still there.

  “Dr. Archer, pleeease, make him leave! Shit, we only just met,” she whined.

  Smack! The doctor gave her a firm slap to her bottom. “Olivia, hush. He needs to be here to see how to do this. Caleb, she’s going to need daily enemas for at least a week, and then bring her back for a follow-up exam. It’s vital that she get cleaned out properly. If not, the material will fester inside her, and then she’s looking at serious trouble.”

  “How serious?” he said.

  “Her intestines could become infected and literally die. All right, Olivia, deep breath, and try to relax,” Dr. Archer said, spreading her cheeks.

  Olivia groaned. His gloved hands touched her, the second man to touch her ass in one day. Then came the cold lubricant, the nozzle entered her, and then the flow began. She whined and squeaked as she was filled. It felt like a gallon was flowing into her body, and yet it kept coming.

  She just died!

  Finally, when she truly thought she was going to pop, he stopped and stuffed a massive plug in her. She squeaked as she felt her anus stretching, the ribs of the plug sort of clicking their way inside her, all four of them, each bigger than the one before. That damn plug was now well seated inside her and wasn’t going anywhere. A button was pushed, the arms shifted her as they held her tightly, and she was rolled over and her legs spread wide.

  “Hey, what’s going on? Come on, I need to go!”

  Archer knelt between her legs. “You’ll go when it’s time to go. That medicine needs to sit inside you for at least thirty minutes. Remember that, Caleb. Now, let’s get you checked out.”

  She gasped as an icy cold speculum entered her and her lips were spread wide. The doctor reached inside her with a small device, and he stroked and probed her clit and inner cavity with the instrument. That it also vibrated as he moved it about further drove her wild.

  “Oh! Doctor, noooo, please, I’m okay, I was just… I was…”

  He chuckled. “Oh, I know what you were ‘just,’ young lady, but here’s the thing, once more you forgot the pre-regen instructions. Sexual activity is ill-advised the first day after emerging from your pupa. Your body is still very sensitive. So, we need to ensure you haven’t damaged yourself.”

  He continued to probe, the various devices ticking and stimulating her clit and g-spot, and embarrassing her more than she’d ever known. What she didn’t understand was why she also felt herself getting damp. Her abdomen clenched and tightened as her breathing sped up, and then it ended. She almost screamed in frustration as she opened her eyes to see the doctor stepping away from her. Taking several deep breaths, she tried to calm down, and then the arms released her.

  “What’s the word, Doc, can I take our girl home?” Caleb said.

  The doctor grabbed a hospital gown and held it out to her. “Yeah, she’s okay, but she’ll also need to watch her diet for a while. I’ll have the nutritionist give you some things for her. Now, this is important, she has to eat only these foods for a week, and she has to eat everything at each meal. The old ‘clean your plate’ rule. Don’t be afraid of being stern with her on this point, it’s vital.”

  “You got it!”

  “Oh, and that reminds me, failure to follow pre-regen protocols is a very serious offense. I trust you’ll… attend to that at once?”

  “Um, now?” Caleb said.

  He chuckled. “No, go home, let her go, and then deal with it, but I expect you to deal with it, clear?”

  “Yes, sir,” Caleb said firmly.

  Olivia finished dressing and groaned again. Shit, one day with this big lug and I’ll getting beaten right and left! “Can we go now? I want to get this… stuff out of me!”

  The doctor gave Caleb the mix for her enemas, they stopped at the nutritionist to get her food, and then they drove home. Olivia squirmed and groaned the whole way. She felt so blessed full she truly thought she might pop, and the plug was absolutely miserable.

  Once home, she slowly made her way inside while Caleb got the box of food and medical supplies in and stowed, and then he turned to her.

  “Come here and get across my lap,” he said, sitting and gesturing to her.

  She stiffened and backed away. “What? No, not again, not now, I need to go!”

  He chuckled. “I know; that’s what I’m going to help you with. I’ll get the plug out.”

  “Across your lap? Ohhh, all right,” she groaned.

  Shuffling over to him, she hoisted herself up and across his large lap. She blushed as he slid her scrubs down, parted her cheeks, and worked at getting the plug out.

  “Now, remember, clench hard, and hold it until you get to the bathroom.”

  “I will, I will, just hurry,” she snapped.

  It popped, she grimaced and tightened her muscles, and he helped her up. She let her pants drop and ran for the toilet. Her modesty was the last thing on her mind.

  When she was done and dressed, she slowly made her way back to find him sitting
in the living room.

  “So, Olivia, now we come to the other matter,” he said simply.

  “Caleb, pleeease, can we not do this now? I know a penalty is called for because I violated the regen laws, but I’m sore and I feel miserable. Cut me some slack, okay?”

  He chewed his lip. “Well, tell you what, I’ll wait until morning on one condition: you take your punishment without complaint.”

  She nodded furiously. “Yes, yes, anything, I promise! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  “You are most welcome. Now, how about you lie down and rest? You’ve had quite a day. I’m going to see about fixing your door.”

  “Oh? Um, I have tools and supplies in the garage. Wow, doing manual labor and not using a mecha, you’re quite the old-fashioned fellow.”

  He nodded. “Yes, I am; I’ll see what I can find.”

  Olivia plodded to her room and flopped on the bed. Never had her bed felt so good, and sleep came quickly.

  * * *

  Caleb slipped his shoes off and tiptoed down the hall. Once he was sure Olivia was asleep, he went to his room, locked the door, and got out his recorder, which was disguised as a pen.

  “Agent Green, report one, local stardate 060532. I have successfully assumed the identity of a native and completed phase one of my mission. I can confirm that the inhabitants do indeed have a process for extending their lifespan. They call it regeneration or regen for short. Details are still sketchy, but when an individual reaches an elderly age, typically in their eighties, they report to a regen center and enter something called a pupa. A month later, they emerge, and their body has been restored to about age twenty. Given their physical limitations, they are assigned a guardian, typically a close family member, for around two years while their body grows to full maturity.”

  While he included the fact that he was one such guardian, he omitted the details about corporal punishment. He knew, despite agency regulations regarding report confidentiality that his handler would make that little tidbit known throughout the office. He moved on and just let it go.


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