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Olivia's Guardian

Page 3

by St. Andrews,Rose

  “The planet appears to have initially followed the standard colonization process, they even had the normal post-colonization baby boom, but things changed almost a century later. I would deduce that it was the discovery of the regen process that led to the societal shift. Their med tech is level one plus, they have devices I can’t begin to figure out. Infrastructure is about level four, simple hover vehicles and roads, and daily life is around level eight, which, if memory serves is mid twentieth century on old Earth. Also, people have no drive or ambition and virtually no family life, no children. No passion! Long life has made them no longer appreciate what it means to be alive. They jealously guard their personal privacy. Other than for medical purposes, they have no computers, not even for government uses. They have books, paper reports, and documents, and no internet or global network.”

  That was quite the saving grace for Caleb. His background check had amounted to a phone call to their version of the FBI to see if he had a criminal record.

  “They even have an audiovisual entertainment system the like of which I’ve only ever seen in a museum. Regen is a trap, like narcotics, and I’m beginning to question the validity of this mission. However, I will do my duty.”

  He finished and put the device in the cute little desk under the window. That was something he’d noticed about the whole house: everything was cute and feminine. There were no signs of Olivia’s husband, or any other man in her life.

  Maybe she’s a lesbian. That would minimize the chances of any romantic entanglements.

  He decided to walk the grounds again. Now was a chance to check it out more in depth. Strolling around the house, he found the flowerbeds out back, but little in the way of gardening or flora. The neighbors all remained indoors, despite the cool afternoon weather. The planet was in its early summer and very comfortable. He noticed that the neighbors, most of them couples of near identical ages (although there was one exception), would come to the window, look at him, and then walk away.

  Hmmm, am I that boring? It’s clear that one person gets a regen and then their spouse a few years later. The old folks on the right look like they’re in the middle of the process. He’s a young man, and she’s just about due.

  Heading down to the lake, he saw that a dozen homes ringed the shore. All had docks and boats, but no one was using them. Again he was confused. It was a beautiful day; why not get out on the water?

  He turned and studied the house. At first glance, it just seemed like an average home. Yet, his agent skills told him something was amiss. He drew closer and stared at the eaves. They were wooden ones, cut into a dragon’s tooth pattern and painted a deep green.

  Then the answer came to him.

  Repairs had been done to the house over the years. The wood had rotted in places and been replaced. Yet, it was always kept the same pattern, the same color, and he saw pencil marks from the carpenters where they’d made notes on the underside of the timbers. The notes included the dates of the repairs, and they went back a long time; nothing had changed about the house in at least a century!

  Damn, talk about being stuck in a rut. These people aren’t living, they merely exist, and it seems like a boring existence at that. If I lived here, I’d shake things up a bit.

  As the two suns hung low in the sky, the primary was about to set, and he knew it was close to dinnertime. He hustled into the kitchen and got their respective meals ready.

  * * *

  Olivia’s nose tickled. She awoke to her mouth watering at the lovely aromas wafting in from the kitchen. Getting up, she changed into a red and white striped blouse and red shorts, and then ambled to the kitchen. She groaned again, this time in emotional pain.

  None of the food was for her.

  She sighed and climbed into the booster seat, and wiggled. The lingering sting in her bottom was quite delicious.

  “Um, Caleb, what’s that you’re cooking? Smells wonderful.”

  “What? Oh, this? Um, just a little something my mom taught me.”

  “Well, if it tastes only half as good as it smells, it must be incredible. How about a taste?”

  “Now, Olivia, you know what the doctor said, only your special food for a week.”

  “Aw, come on, one bite won’t hurt,” she whined.

  “No, we have to stick to protocol.”

  She crossed her arms and pouted. “Meanie!”

  “I’m just trying to be a good guardian,” he said with a smile.

  He did have such a nice smile. However, she did frown at the sight of her dinner. It was essentially baby food!

  “I don’t want this,” she complained, pushing the tray away.

  “Well, that’s all you’re getting, and you will eat it, every bite! Now, if you like, I’ll eat in another room or even put my meal aside so as to not bother you, but you’re eating your dinner, or else.”

  Olivia gasped. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  His eyes told her he wasn’t kidding. Well, she wasn’t about to make things easy on him. She bolted, and it took a couple of minutes for him to chase her down, and hoist her over his broad and strong shoulder. It was actually kind of fun. She zipped around the kitchen table, raced down the hall, and swerved through the living room. That was her downfall. He was easily able to leap over the couch and catch her. Being in that position made her tingle, but she still protested. He carried her back to the kitchen, sat in his chair, and over his firm lap she went. Then came his large hard hand; it crashed over and over into her poor cheeks until she capitulated.

  “Okay, okay, ouch, I’ll eat,” she wailed.

  He lifted her to her feet. “There, was that so hard? Honestly, Olivia, we’ve been together one day, and I’ve spanked you more times than I’ve spanked anyone in the last year. Now, sit and eat.”

  “Sit? B-but, I can’t.”

  “You can and you will,” he scolded.

  “I’m too sore!”

  “As that is your fault entirely, you get no sympathy from me. Sit, eat, and clean your plate, or it’s…” his voice trailed off as he scanned the room, “it’s a dose of the spoon!”

  She squeaked, her hands flying to cover her throbbing bottom. “Y-yes, sir.”

  As they resumed their seats, Olivia winced, but she sat and slowly ate. Doing so became increasingly difficult as the throbbing shifted to between her legs. Her little experiment had worked better than she’d expected, which was causing her some trouble. She chided herself. After so many decades of being alone, she should have waited for a more opportune moment to test her theory about getting excited by being spanked by a man. Mealtime was the worst time. If the spanking had been during one of the required exercise periods, he might also send her to her room, which would fit perfectly. Now she was truly tormented, forced to sit and smolder.

  “Olivia, are you all right?”

  “Ah! I mean, um, yes, what? Sorry. What’s up?”

  “Didn’t mean to startle you, it’s just that I’m finished, you’ve barely touched your food, and you’re sweating like a pig on Christmas Eve.”

  “What’s a pig?”

  “Oh, sorry, old saying. Anyway, you look a bit flushed. You feeling okay? Touch of regen fatigue? Here, let me help you,” he said, picking up her spoon.

  “Oh, no, you don’t have to—” she said, cut off by him putting food in her mouth.

  “I know I don’t have to, I want to. Think of it as my way of making it up to you for being so rough on you on your first day home. I realize it must be stressful, especially with being forced to accept a man as guardian, and I’ll try to go easy on you from now on.”

  Olivia tingled and grunted. The act, him feeding her, it was like nothing she’d ever experienced, and she was technically over three hundred years old!

  “Um… uh-huh,” she choked out, continuing to let him feed her. Wait, what did he say? Go easy! Oh, you sweet simple fool; it’s clear ‘momma’ is going to have her hands full teaching you the facts of life. She suddenly became acutely aware of just how bland
her food was. “Um, Caleb, how about adding some spices to this drivel?”

  He rose and headed for the cabinet over the gas stove. “Sure, what would you like?”

  “Well, at least toss in some Rangood, and see if I have any Primo.”

  “Okay, where would they be?”

  “Are you blind? The Rangood is right in front of you. If it was a Taimi it would have bitten you by now.”

  He grabbed the small shaker and turned to her. “Oh, yeah, what was I thinking? Sorry, I don’t use much spices in my cooking, not even salt.”

  “Oh, health nut, eh? You’re young, you’ll learn.”

  “Okay, granny, say when,” he chuckled, sprinkling the spice.

  She had him go heavy with the spices, as the food was so bland, and then let him feed her. It fed more than her mere need for food; it stoked up her hunger for human contact of an intimate nature, and she never thought any man could do that.

  Chapter Four

  Somehow, Olivia had no idea how, she got through dinner, spent a relaxing evening watching her favorite reruns on TV, and then tried to cool off in a nice bath. It didn’t work. Once more her hands explored her body as she reclined in the tub. The heat in her cheeks was surrounded and caressed by the warm water. The heat tweaked and seeped into her body, tickled her pussy, and made her muscles twitch and clench. She forced her tender ass down into the hard tub as her left hand entered her body and her right caressed her supple breasts. They grew firm, her nipples hard, and her pussy engorged. Her toes curled and she bit her lip hard, and her thighs twitched and pulsated. The ‘fire’ raged within her. She gasped, blinked, and felt herself slipping away.

  Another climax was easily achieved.

  Settling down to bed, she didn’t know what to make of her new life. She’d had more sexual excitement in the last day than she’d had in decades, and it was clearly due to the efforts of a man, which only upset her. However, she wasn’t about to toss it aside either. So, come the morning, despite facing the prospect of a severe punishment, she came out of her room all smiles, and sat down at the table for breakfast.

  She did groan at getting that horrid food again, but she also ate it without complaint. Last night’s lesson had gotten through her thick head and she didn’t want a repeat of it. She also felt bad about the fact that she was using Caleb as essentially a sexual toy. Maybe she should lighten up on the naughty acts. He did seem troubled by having to be so strict with her. She watched as he quickly ate and then left her to finish her food while he fixed her door; she could hear him banging about.

  “All right, Olivia, let’s take care of the matter,” he said, returning to clear the table.

  She swallowed hard. “Yes, sir.”

  “Go to the living room and stand in the corner, and wait for me.”

  “Corner? You-you want me to have… corner time? That’s embar… I mean, yes, sir.”

  Plodding to the room, she remembered her promise, and so she took up the position. It was humiliating and she just wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. For close to ten minutes, she just stood there, hands sliding up and down her little jeans shorts, and then came his heavy footsteps. She stiffened and stood up straight, but didn’t turn or even look around.

  “Olivia, come here and lie across the arm of the couch.”

  She turned and bit her lip. He held a stout leather belt and stood next to the sofa. “Y-y-yes, sir.”

  Scampering over, she hoisted herself up and into position. It was amazing how small she was compared to her regular furniture. Her feet didn’t touch the floor and the arm of the couch felt like a massive tree trunk under her. She shivered at the tap-tap of the belt to her little bottom.

  “All right, I’ve consulted the manual,” he said. “You’ll get two dozen, understood?”

  “Y-y-yes, Caleb,” she said softly.

  Crack! It landed without another word. She jumped. The sting rippled across both cheeks. Whack, it landed again. She stifled a squeak of pain. Smack! A hard one struck at the bottom of her bottom, right where it met her thighs, which really stung!

  “Ouch! Caleb, not there, it hurts too much,” she whined.

  “Young lady, you have no cause to complain,” he scolded. “You knew the rules; you knew what you needed to do to stay healthy. After all, you’ve done this often enough in the past. So, you want to chide someone over this punishment, go look in the mirror.”

  The swats and the scolding continued, and Olivia grabbed a couch cushion to help her stay steady. She yelped and howled, her legs kicking, and continued to plead for leniency. None was forthcoming. He gave her the full measure of her punishment, and then helped her down. She couldn’t rub, her ass was on fire. Then she squeaked in surprise when he sat on the couch and set her in his lap. He was nice enough to slide her back so her poor bottom wasn’t taking her weight.

  “Ohhh, I am sorry about this, Caleb. I know I should have followed the rules, but… well, sometimes I forget,” she sniffled.

  He smiled and gently rocked her. “It’s okay, I’ll take care of you, and all is forgiven now. I’ll report to the doctor that you took your punishment well. As for rules, well, I’ll be honest with you. I do try to follow them most of the time, but I’ve learned that if you follow all the rules all of the time, you sometimes miss out on the fun! Now, this sad episode is over. Why don’t you rest for the morning? This afternoon, we’ll start your exercise program.”

  She nodded and smiled, and stood, her hands finally able to gingerly rub her throbbing cheeks. Grimacing with each step, she went to her room and lay down on the bed, on her tummy, and watched another rerun of a favorite show. An hour later, she was naked and writhing about on the bed in the throes of another powerful orgasm. She’d tried to fight it, tried to just relax, but it wasn’t possible. As the minutes ticked off, the horrid sting in her bottom dimmed, and it had but one destination.

  Her pussy!

  There was no stopping her body, it demanded release. So, pinching and poking her sore cheeks, each act stabbing fire into her pussy, she was able to climax without ever touching her clit or g-spot. Olivia was amazed. Never in all her long life had she achieved sexual excitement through stimulating her sore behind. Rolling about, replaying the event in her mind, listening to Caleb scold her, and tweaking her sore cheeks had been enough to send her into subspace.

  It was the most powerful and longest orgasm she’d experienced in her life!

  Suddenly, a rap came to her new door. “Olivia, you awake? Lunch is ready.”

  In an instant, she rolled over to sit up. “What? Oh, okay, um… be right there. I just need to dress.”

  “Dress? You’re undressed?” he said, still on the other side of the door.

  Damn, why did I say that? “Yeah, I… I felt more comfortable that way. It’s… a bit warm in here.”

  “Oh, okay. If you want, I’ll adjust the cooling system.”

  “Later, Caleb, later. I’m hungry. Be out in a minute, okay?”

  He agreed and departed; she threw on clean clothes and hustled to the kitchen. She sat without thinking (her body still awash in endorphins), and practically shot from the chair. Caleb snorted, clearly trying not to laugh, and set her tray before her. Gritting her teeth, she sat slowly, winced, and squirmed. She knew better than to ask for a pillow or something, it was against the rules, and that was one rule he was sure to enforce. Yet, eating proved difficult, and he suddenly took the spoon from her.

  “Olivia, let me.”

  “What? No, not again,” she whined.

  That was the sum total of her attempt at resisting his efforts. Sitting there, she let him feed her, felt her thighs quiver, and once more the blood surged within her. At every mouthful, he smiled. His teeth sparkled, his eyes twinkled, and her knees turned to mush. Before she knew it, he was scraping the bottom of her bowl.

  “There, was that so hard?” he said happily.

  “Um, no, Uncle Caleb,” she said softly without thinking.

  His large
hand patted her small one and he smiled. “Good girl. Now, time to build up those muscles.”

  She didn’t resist as he took her hand in his. His touch was pure warmth and delight, and she let him lead her back to her room. He got out her white t-shirt and blue spandex shorts, and laid them out on the bed.

  “Okay, you dress and meet me out in the backyard, and we’ll go at it,” he said.

  Olivia shivered. “Y-y-yes, Caleb,” she squeaked, then shook her head as his words sank in. “Wait, what? Out-side? You want me to exercise… out there?”

  “Of course,” he replied, his brow wrinkling. “Why not? You love to sail, and that’s outside.”

  “Yes, sail, get out on the water where I can be alone and no one can reach me! That’s a far cry from doing… things outside.”

  He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Young lady, you will exercise outdoors, and that’s final. Now, if you’re not out there in five minutes, you’ll be across my lap! Is that clear?”

  She went up on her tiptoes as her hands flew to her bottom. “Y-y-yes, sir.”

  He marched out. While she was tempted to push his buttons and go for it, the belt had made quite an impression on her, and she wasn’t about to add to her pain. For now.

  Once dressed, she hiked on out, and gasped and tingled at the sight of him. He was in athletic shorts and a skintight tee. His muscles seemed to almost explode through the fabric. If she remembered correctly, he had what was called a six-pack, and he also didn’t seem to have a spare ounce of fat on his entire body.

  Holy shit, what a bod! I haven’t seen a physique like that in… at least sixty years. What was it I was saying about hating men? I’m beginning to reassess that view.

  He got down on his knees on a wide mat so that they were eye to eye and again smiled. He had such beautiful teeth. Holding out his hand to her, he pulled her close, and she could smell his scent. He was quite… manly.

  “Okay, let’s get started,” he said. “I’ll go easy on you as it’s your first time.”


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