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Olivia's Guardian

Page 4

by St. Andrews,Rose

  “Uh-huh,” she choked out.

  The program of working out began. She bent and stretched, his hands ran up and down her arms and legs, and he guided her efforts. Her heart pounded, and it wasn’t from exertion. Sweat glistened across her skin, and she felt electricity ripple through her body.

  It was the best workout she’d had in close to two hundred years!

  Afterwards, drinking some cold water, she headed inside; her destination was the bathroom to take a shower. She was taken aback to see him come with her. Opening her mouth to ask what was up, she groaned as she saw him start to mix the enema.

  He sat and patted his lap. “Come on, girl, over.”

  “Huh? B-b-but why?”

  “It’s the easiest way for me to do this.”

  She groaned louder. “Ohhh, all right.”

  Her face bright red, she slid into position, and he slid her snug shorts down. She closed her eyes and braced for the start, her humiliation exploding inside her. His lovely strong hands cupped and spread her still-stinging cheeks. Coldness wrapped about her anus, the nozzle entered her, and the flow started. Olivia gasped as her eyes popped open. She couldn’t believe what she was feeling. All the sensations—her position, his touch, the lingering sting, the act, and that raging embarrassment—blended to create one thing.

  Sexual fire!

  Once more she felt something she’d never known before in her life. She whimpered as her breathing sped up and she shivered as if she was being blasted by a winter storm.

  “Olivia, would you calm down? It’s only an enema,” he scolded.

  “Sorry,” she squeaked.

  A split second later (at least that’s how long it seemed), he withdrew the nozzle, stuffed the huge plug into her, and fixed her clothes.

  “Okay, why don’t you go lie down and try to relax? I’ll let you know when the thirty minutes is up.”

  Sliding from his lap, she stood and nodded. “Yes, uncle.”

  Slowly she plodded from the room, her mind and body awash in total delight. Once in her room, she got naked. The thing was, she was only dimly aware of what she was doing. It was as if her body was on autopilot; it seemed to know what she needed better than she did. She slipped out to grab a chair (a regular chair, a big chair) from the living room; she put a pillow on it, and crawled across its ‘lap.’ Reaching back, she spanked herself! She was totally shocked by the act. It was as if her hands weren’t a part of her body, they were acting on their own accord. It worked. She squealed, moaned, and exploded in another incredible climax.

  A rap at the door sounded. “Olivia, are you okay? You locked the door again. Come on, it’s time.”

  She gasped and almost fell off the chair. “Oh, ah, yes, sorry. Be right there.”

  Pushing the chair against the wall, she threw open the door, and only then realized she was naked. Caleb was now the one to gasp as his eyes grew large, and he quickly looked away.

  “Um, you okay?” he said.

  “Oh!” she squeaked, squirming to cover herself. “Sorry, I was just… ah, getting ready for my shower. I wanted to be able to hop into it right after we were… done. It’s okay, you can look.”

  He turned and headed away. “Thanks. Come on, I’ll pop the plug in the bathroom so you won’t have that far to go before you go.”

  She giggled and followed. Once in the bathroom, she slid across his lap, and shivered so hard she almost fell off. Being completely naked over his lap while he was dressed sent bolts of fire through her body. She was almost sad when he quickly removed the plug, stood her up, and left. At that moment, she was too confused and enflamed to think. So, she used the toilet and climbed in a cleansing shower. Standing there, the water trickling across her supple flesh, she was amazed to find the passion building once more inside her. She couldn’t believe it; she easily climaxed again.

  Another rap to a different door. “Olivia, you’ve been in there for almost an hour. Come on, how clean do you need to be?”

  She staggered for a moment, surprised by his words. “Oh, sorry, just trying to… cool down my poor bottom.”

  Getting out, she dried off and turned her butt to the mirror, and looked over her shoulder. She was still red and had some welts, but they were nothing she couldn’t deal with. It was clear that this regen was going to be a lot more exciting than anything she’d known before.

  * * *

  The next several days fell into something of a pattern. Olivia got her daily enemas, ate her simple food, and let Caleb guide her in her exercise routines. She also acted up regularly, which earned her spankings, and she would always rush to her room afterwards to masturbate. The one negative was her feeling guilty about tricking him like that.

  He just seemed so upset every time he did it.

  That was why, when he suggested getting together with the neighbors for a picnic, she didn’t refuse. She felt she owed it to him. Stepping out into the backyard, she was surprised to see so many people. She was also struck by the fact that she couldn’t remember any of their names.

  Shit, we’ve lived next to each other for… what, a century, and I don’t know any of them? That just seems so weird.

  Thus, introductions followed. There were Amy and Brad, the odd couple (he newly regened and thus twenty, and she seventy-five) on one side; Heidi and Steve, both recently regened and now in their mid-twenties; and Gwen and Roger, who were just entering their fifties. Caleb had invited the other couples living farther away, but none came. Olivia was amazed at how lackadaisical and apathetic they all were. No one initiated conversation or activity except Caleb, and she suddenly realized something.

  She used to be exactly the same way!

  What is wrong with us? We have found the secret to virtually eternal life, and what are we doing with it? Nothing! Wow, talk about a major breakthrough.

  Chapter Five

  The party proved to be a mixed bag. Caleb was quite the talker, asking the people about their lives and what they’d done in the past, which wasn’t much. Olivia snapped out of her lethargy and joined him in trying to get the others to interact more. They managed to play cards and dominos at least, and eventually they actually talked and became somewhat friendly.

  The next day, sitting down to breakfast, she felt a new sense of energy and purpose.

  “So, Olivia, I wanted to give you a little reward for finishing your treatments of food and enemas. How about I help you learn to sail again?”

  Her brow wrinkled. “Um, I thought the party was my reward.”

  He nodded. “That was sort of a group reward, something to try to connect with your neighbors. This is a private one. What do you say?”

  “I’d love it,” she squealed in delight.

  So, once breakfast was cleared away, she got in her little khaki shorts and tan shirt, and raced him to the dock. Her small sailboat sat tied to the pier and they climbed in and set about raising the sail. There was a light breeze, which was best for her. Granted, she’d been sailing for longer than Caleb was alive, but she knew that her body was weak and had to relearn how to handle the boat.

  It was pure delight. The little sloop cutting through the water, the sail catching the wind, and the soft warmth of the sun on her skin helped her to feel alive. She thought back to other times out on the water and realized that they had been merely fun. Why? Because she was alone. She had no one to share the experience with.

  She did now, and that was what made all the difference.

  Caleb, his large frame sliding down into the small cockpit, smiled at her. “You’re doing great, sweetie. Man, you won’t need me around much longer.”

  “What?” she screeched.

  “To help you sail,” he said calmly. “You’ve just about got this knocked.”

  “Oh, ah… yeah. But, you’ll still come out with me, right?”

  He shrugged. “Sure, if you want. I love being out on the water. This lake is beautiful, blue-green water that seems to sparkle like diamonds in the sunlight. When I was a kid, all I w
anted was to live near the sea, but… well, we didn’t.”

  “Really?” she said, looking around. She chided herself again. She’d literally forgotten what the lake looked like and hadn’t paid attention in years. “Hmmm, you know what? It’s clear that having a first-timer around is useful. Caleb, you’ve helped me to rediscover the simple things in life that make it worth living. Thank you for that.”

  “Oh? Well, you’re welcome. You ready to go in?”

  “No, can we stay out a bit longer?”

  “Sure, no problem. We have all the time in Avalon.”

  She beamed in total delight. “Thank you!”

  They sailed on, her hand on the tiller, and Olivia thought back over the length of her life. In the last week she’d had more fun and excitement than she’d known in decades (maybe centuries). It made her wonder. Could she have a relationship with Caleb? Strictly speaking, it wasn’t against the law. Of course, usually it was a spouse who acted as guardian, and so sex was to be expected. She just had to wonder: Could she learn to trust a man once more? The idea of being betrayed again, being lied to was a real relationship killer.

  Finally, they had to go in, as they were both hungry. Turning for shore, she steered for the dock, and Caleb rose up from his sitting position. “Olivia, let me take the tiller.”

  “Why? I’m doing fine,” she said.

  “Come on, it’s only your first day, and coming in to dock is tricky,” he explained.

  “No, I want to do it! I’m fine, I can handle it,” she whined.

  Caleb frowned. “Young lady, do not give me grief about this. Now, hand off the tiller this instant!”

  She grumbled, but started to comply. His smile returned and he got up on his knees. She swung the tiller hard over. The boat made a tack to port, he tumbled down into the cockpit, she turned sharp to starboard, and made for the dock.

  “Cool, this is more fun than I’ve had in years!”

  “Olivia, wait, you’re coming in too fast,” he cried.

  Bam! It was too late. The bow slammed into the lead column of the pier. The boat shook, shuddered, and capsized. They tumbled into the water. Down into the depths she sank. Olivia struggled, swam, and rose through the crystal clear water toward the surface, but it wasn’t fast enough.

  She was going to drown!

  An arm wrapped about her waist. Caleb heaved and kicked, and they broke into the clear air. Olivia coughed and gagged as he helped her toward the shore.

  “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Can you breathe all right?”

  After a final big cough to clear her lungs, she felt better. “Yes, I’m okay; just… just scared me is all.”

  “Scared you? Damn, I was terrified! I thought I was going to lose you. Olivia, how could you be so reckless?” he said, his tone shifting from concern to scolding in an instant.

  She cringed. “I sorry,” she squeaked.

  “Yeah, well, I’m sorry, but that’s not good enough, little girl!”

  He sat on a nearby tree stump, over his wet lap she went, and he spanked her right on the seat of her wet shorts. She squealed, not so much from the pain, but there was the humiliation of being spanked in public. They’d only just reconnected with her neighbors, and now they were getting to see her spanked like a child. Besides, being spanked in wet clothes really stung.

  “Ouch, ow, Caleb, stop, not like this, pleeease,” she wailed.

  “What, you don’t want your new friends to know you go over my knee when you’re naughty? Tough, maybe the embarrassment of a public spanking will truly teach you a lesson, little girl!” he scolded.

  Olivia wailed, squirming on his lap, and yelped and begged louder. Her efforts did no good. He kept right on spanking, her chilly cheeks slowly smoldering as the heat increased. Then he paused and tugged her shorts down, and she gasped. She could see Amy and Brad and Gwen and Roger at their windows watching, and smiling.

  Shit, after decades of apathy, now they decide to take an interest in what’s going on in the neighborhood.

  She covered her face with her hands and howled louder, but it wasn’t due to the pain. The fire in her ass was nothing compared to the flames kindled between her legs. She couldn’t believe it, she was close to coming. Tears trickled down her cheeks, she wailed and bawled, and her mind slid into subspace.

  “Sorry, so sorryyyy, pleeease, Da-Uncle Caleb, I’ll be good, behave, be good gi-good little girllll—waahhhh,” she sobbed.

  Olivia truly screamed. It was a cry of frustration and denial. Caleb had stopped spanking her. Her mind clouded with painful delight, she couldn’t speak, couldn’t form a coherent thought. She just stood next to him and let him do whatever he wanted. He fixed her clothes, took her by the hand, and marched her inside. She realized that she’d almost called him ‘Daddy,’ and she internally shook her head at herself, not quite sure where that urge had come from.

  “All right, Olivia, it’s over, and I’m sorry I had to be so severe with you. I hope I never have to do that again, but you both scared and defied me, and so I felt a public spanking was called for. I… I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.”

  Standing there, grimacing and squirming, she tried to calm her body, but she trembled and shook with excitement. “I… I’m… it’s okay, it’s… no, you were right to do… it. I’m sorry, and I deserved that.”

  That warm wonderful smile returned to his face. “Thank you for saying that, sweetie, it means a lot to me. Now, how about you go get cleaned up, and we’ll eat, okay?”

  She nodded and smiled. “Yes, uncle.”

  Going to the bathroom, she peeled off her wet clothes and again inspected the damage. She was quite red and very hot, both her ass and between her legs. Throwing her things in the hamper, she dried off, and realized she felt very turned on. She was tempted to masturbate, but she knew she didn’t have time. Scampering to her room naked, she slipped on white panties and shorts, and a blue blouse without thinking. Now that she was on regular food, she enjoyed her lunch, but was confused by the way Caleb kept looking at her.

  “Um, Olivia, you might want to wear something… darker, if you plan on going out.”

  “Why? Wha…? Ohhh, wait a minute, can you see…?”

  He nodded. “Afraid so.”

  Her head went up in flames. She didn’t need a mirror to know she was blushing up a storm. “Well, maybe I will stay in, for a while. When we go out to exercise, maybe I’ll change.”

  She didn’t change. For some reason, just the idea that they might be able to see her red cheeks added to the excitement coursing through her. Plus, exercising with a stinging bottom boosted her passion even more. Later, in the shower, she came easily, and this time was done before Caleb came knocking to complain.

  * * *

  Within a couple of days, Olivia was able to handle the boat like a pro, and Caleb trusted her with it. They spent a lot of time on the water and she found herself learning to enjoy life once more. She also found her feelings for him growing, but she was afraid to speak of them. It wasn’t clear that he felt the same way about her, and thus she was concerned about getting hurt. Despite the passage of time, the betrayal of her husband still burned bright.

  One morning, a few days later, she came to breakfast, and found him looking troubled.

  “Um, Uncle Caleb, is everything okay?”

  He hung his head. “Oh, I’m sorry, Olivia, but I have to file reports on your progress, and well…”

  She chewed her lip for a moment, lost in thought. “The boating incident. Ohhh, let me guess, a special punishment is called for.”

  “I’m afraid so. I wish it could be otherwise, but…”

  “No, no, it’s okay. I deserve it again,” she said, then grinned. “Um, could I go dress first?”

  “Sure, eat too; we’ll take care of it later.”

  After eating, Olivia not only dressed, she also slipped a washcloth down the back of her shorts. That previous punishment with a belt had yielded her an incredible orgasm. What would happen if she got ca
ught doing this? Ambling on out to the living room, she hoisted herself up and over the arm of the couch. Caleb got her old hairbrush from her room and took up a stance behind her. She shivered in anticipation. Would he catch her? What would he do?

  “Olivia, what are you wearing?”

  Her toes curled. “Wha-wha-what are you talking about?”

  “Olivia Hargee, your shorts are noticeably thicker!” he snapped.

  Before she could reply, he yanked them down, and out fell the cloth.

  “I can explain,” she squealed.

  “Olivia, how could you? Trying to pad your clothes? What are you, ten? I’d expect a trick like that from a child, not a grown woman. You know what this means, don’t you?”

  “Um… um, extra pun-punishment?”

  “Yes, some sort of additional penalty will take place. For now, you’re getting this one bare.”

  She gasped, grabbed a cushion, and shook from head to toe. Down went her panties, she felt the tap of the brush, and… crack, it landed. Caleb didn’t let up. He smacked and swatted her defenseless bare cheeks over and over. She got a full three dozen, yelping and howling at each, and all the while Caleb’s scolding voice was in the background.

  “I am so disappointed in you, little girl,” he said. “How could you be so naughty?”

  “Sorry, sir, sorry, sir,” she squealed. “Never do again, never, Uncle Caleb, I promise, be good girl—waahhhh!”

  When the paddling was over, she was consigned to the corner, and had to stand there, hands on head, shorts and panties at her feet, for thirty minutes. It was maddening. As the seconds clicked by, the fiery sting migrated to her pussy, and thoughts of sex consumed her.

  This is it, now’s the time. I’m going to tell him how I feel.

  His footsteps told her he was approaching.

  “All right, Olivia, you can leave the corner. Now, go to your room, you’re grounded for the rest of the day, and tomorrow you’ll get the extra punishment from me. I haven’t figured out what it’ll be yet, but I’ll think of something.”


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