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Spin My Love

Page 13

by Chantal Fernando

  “Sorry, but I have a—”

  “She’s taken,” Tane cuts in from behind us. I turn around and look into his heated gaze.

  Shit. I turn off the treadmill.

  Greg loses his smile. “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend?”

  I didn’t know I had to tell him my whole life story.

  “Well I do, I’m sorry,” I tell him, trying to make this as least awkward as possible.

  “What a shame,” he murmurs, staring at my chest. “We could have had some fun.”

  “You have to be fucking kidding me,” Tane growls, hands clenching into fists.


  Greg turns to Tane. He’s bulkier than Tane, but a lot shorter. He also should stop missing leg day, because his are kind of skinny, making him look disproportionate. I’d never noticed that before. “My bad.”

  “You better get the fuck out of here and away from my woman,” Tane seethes.

  “Tane …”

  I’m ignored.

  Greg smirks but leaves. Maybe he does have half a brain after all.

  “How long has that fucker been after you?” Tane asks me.

  I shrug. “He asked me out once and I said no. That’s it.”

  That seems to calm him a little going by his now relaxed shoulders. “I’m going to the punching bags. Stay where I can see you.”

  Okaaayyy, then.

  “Yes Sir,” I reply sarcastically, turning the treadmill back on and getting back into my run. An hour passes, and then we have showers in the separate male and female areas.

  When we walk out to the car, he speaks. “I’m sorry I snapped at you. I just didn’t like him talking to you like that.”

  “I know,” I reply.

  He opens the car door for me. “The thought of another man near you … it makes me crazy.”

  I turn and grip his chin with my fingers. “I’m yours, and I want only you. You have no reason to be jealous.”

  His eyes search mine. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”

  My lips curve. “You knocked me up.” He shakes his head at me, and then kisses me senseless. “Was that supposed to teach me a lesson for my smart mouth?”

  “No,” he breathes. “I just couldn’t wait another second without kissing you.”

  My mouth makes an O shape. That was sweet; really sweet.

  “Let’s go pick up our son,” he says, stepping away from me.

  I nod and get my ass into the car.

  Chapter Twenty-one


  The black box feels like a heavy weight in the pocket of my jeans. Feeling nervous and slightly flustered, I pace up and down, waiting for her to walk through the front door. My fingers tangle in my hair as I pull at the ends.

  She wouldn’t say no … would she?

  The door opens and she walks in, smiling, happy to see me.

  I hope that never changes.

  “Hey,” she says, closing the door with a cock of her hip. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is fine,” I say hoarsely, grabbing her small hand in mine and leading her through the house into our bedroom.

  The room is filled with lit candles.

  She gasps. “Tane it’s beautiful.”

  I pull out the jewellery box, and open it so she can see the solitaire diamond ring. Another gasp. My fingers tremble, causing the box to shake slightly as she studies it in my palm. I get down on one knee.

  Please say yes.

  “Holy shit,” she mutters, fanning her face with her hands; a very girly gesture. My lips twitch at her response.

  “I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. Will you marry me, Giselle?”

  Her pouty mouth drops open, and her eyes shine with tears. “Yes, of course I will marry you.”

  I stand up and she jumps into my arms. I lift her off the ground. She kisses me roughly, her lips hard on mine, but I pull my face away. “Don’t you want to put the ring on?”

  The look on her face makes me feel a hundred metres tall. Like a king. Like a hero.

  I’ll do everything in my power for her to always look at me like that.

  She smiles and allows me to lower her to the ground. “I love you.”

  “Well, you better,” I tease, sliding the ring on her finger. I kiss the knuckle on her finger afterwards.

  “It’s beautiful,” she says, staring at it in awe. She glances up at me. “I didn’t need a rock the size of a small planet.”

  She doesn’t need it, but she does deserve it.

  Giselle is such a strong woman; she takes what life gives her and goes with it, never complaining, and always happy and grateful with what she has. I could never love anyone more.

  “I’m glad you like it.” Thrilled and relieved is more like it.

  She glances around at the candles. “This is very romantic, Tane.”

  I clear my throat. “Can we have engagement sex now?”

  “Well that lasted two minutes,” she says playfully as she pulls her top off.

  “I promise I’ll last longer,” I retort. My mouth dries at the sight of her, as it does every damn time.

  And she’s all mine.

  Possessiveness rises in me. “Come here.”

  She steps to me, hips swaying. “Do you want something?”

  Yes, I do. Her. Always her.

  She’s the only drug I will ever need for the rest of my life. The scary thing is she’s far more addictive than anything I’ve ever done.


  “So you finally manned up,” Gage says to me, looking amused. He knew I was proposing to Giselle, because I spoke to him about it first. I let him know that I wanted his approval but would ask her anyway without it. I know Gage is much closer to her than her father, which is why I asked him.

  I slap him on his back. “You ready to be my bro-in-law?”

  The corners of his eyes crinkle. “You’ve practically been my brother my whole life anyway. This is just making it so on paper.”

  I swallow. “You getting soft on me? I’m guessing this is Bianca’s doing.”

  Gage sighs, running a hand through his hair. “There’s something about her, you know?”

  “So it’s serious then?” I ask, touching the ocean water with the tip of my toes.

  “Yeah, I think it is.” He pauses. “I just hope her and Giselle get on.”

  “Well Giselle owes you for not kicking my ass more than you did,” I joke, shielding the sun from my eyes with my hand.

  “That’s the truth. I’m glad it worked out for you both though. She and Parker deserve the best.”

  And I plan on giving that to them, for the rest of their lives.

  “When’s the wedding?” he asks as he sits down in the sand.

  “She said next January. She needs time to plan, and she wants a beach wedding so she wants it during summer.”

  “She always did want a beach wedding,” Gage muses.

  “I remember,” I add, thinking back to when Giselle was thirteen and raving on about her future wedding. “She said her bridesmaids were going to wear bikinis.”

  “I wonder if that still stands,” he replies with a smirk.

  “Why? Is Bianca going to be a bridesmaid?” I ask him.

  “They don’t even know each other yet!”

  “Well, she doesn’t have many other friends,” I say. “Like she always tells me.”

  “True.” Gage laughs. “Just Levi and me. And I’m her brother, so I don’t even count.”

  “She said Ciara will fly down to be her maid-of-honour,” I say.

  “That’s good,” Gage replies, but I don’t miss his slight grimace.

  A chuckle escapes me. “You and Ciara?”

  He groans and turns to look at me. “Once or twice. Or every day for a whole year.”

  I laugh at him, hard. “Will she start shit?”

  Gage thinks it over. “I don’t think so. I just don’t want Bianca to be uncomfortable.”

  I make
a whipping sound.

  “Like you can talk,” he grumbles. I ignore that. I’m way beyond whipped. They need to invent a whole new word to describe what I’m feeling.

  “Will your parents come down for the wedding?” I ask. Giselle hasn’t spoken much about them. I asked her a few times, but she just said that they try and keep in touch over the phone.

  “I think they will,” he says. “At least, they better.”

  “What happened?” I ask him.

  “They just grew apart after Parker was born. They were angry, saying she was throwing her life away. Especially when she wouldn’t tell them who the father was; they assumed she was sleeping around and didn’t know who the father was. Words were said, and sometimes, no matter how sorry you are, you can’t take words back. They leave an imprint.”

  My hands clench. “And I was off living my life while she was here dealing with all this shit.”

  “You didn’t know, man.”

  I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll never forgive myself.”

  “It’s in the past. Let it go,” he says sagely.

  I hate that a certain song enters my head after he says those lines. On the plus side, it lightens my mood. Damn Disney.

  “She’s forgiven you; I think it’s time you forgive yourself.”

  He’s right. If only it were that easy.

  We lay in the sun for a bit, then grab our surfboards and hit the water. Just like the old days.

  Chapter Twenty-two


  “Hello,” I say, lifting my phone to my ear.

  “Hi Tane, it’s Leanne,” says an assertive female voice.

  “Hey Leanne, what’s up?”

  “Next week you’re officially back to work, so I’m calling to go through a few prospective shows for you. There has been quite a few calls from people interested in having you play.”

  I sigh. I can’t believe how much I’m dreading going back to work. I love what I do, but I love my family more. That realisation hits me pretty hard.

  “Alright, give me the run down,” I say, rubbing my brow.



  “So, when will you be leaving?” I ask him. I can’t hide my disappointment. I knew he’d have to go back to work eventually; heck, he’d told me enough times. Whenever it came up, I’d constantly put it to the side just because I didn’t want to imagine what our lives would be like without him here. Parker and I had gotten used to having him in our little family—not that that will change. It’s the day to day that will be different when he’s traveling.

  “Next Thursday,” he says, his expression equally as forlorn. Nine days away.

  I move closer to him, pressing my chest against his. “I’m going to miss you,” I tell him as I wrap my arms around his neck.

  “I’m going to miss you more,” he says, bending down to press a kiss against my neck. “Both of you.”

  I let out a long regretful sigh. “This sucks.”

  “I’m so sorry, baby,” he says. He looks forlorn, and it makes me feel bad. I don’t want him to feel guilty for doing something he loves. I knew what I was getting into.

  I muster up my best smile. “Don’t be,” I say, giving him a gentle kiss. “We’ll make it work.”

  “You’re amazing,” he tells me. I run my hand through his hair, cupping him at the nape.

  “No, you’re amazing. You’re the most amazing thing that’s happened to Parker and me,” I tell him earnestly. His eyes get glassy, and it makes my heart melt. This man is incredible.

  I hope he knows how much.



  The loud music blares from the speakers as I bob my head to the beat. I look around the packed-out nightclub, watching people dancing. Drunken men laughing, and women who must be fucking cold, considering how little they are wearing, are scattered throughout the establishment. I used to love this environment, but now I'm not sure if I want to be here. I want to be with my family, with Giselle and Parker, not back in the same atmosphere that nearly killed me last time. My mind roams to the conversation we had yesterday, and the questions he asked me.

  “Daddy, will you be going away again?” he asked.

  “What do you mean? I have to go to work, but I will be back soon,” I tried to explain.

  He shrugs his tiny shoulders. “But I don’t want to have no daddy again.”

  My heart broke with those few innocent little words.

  I take a sip from my water and stare at the dance floor over the rim of my bottle. Nothing has changed.

  I change the song, mixing it into The Aston Shuffle's “Comfortable”. People cheer, letting me know it was a good choice. My lip kicks up at the corner at their reactions and their fist pumps. A few women hang out by the DJ booth. Nothing new there, except this time I don’t pay them any attention. I smile politely but decline their offers to join them in their beds after my set is over.

  I lay in my hotel bed that night, missing my family.

  One week to go until I see them again.



  “When’s Daddy coming home?” Parker asks me, not for the first time.

  “In a few days,” I reply, serving him his dinner.

  “How many days?” he asks, staring down at his plate.


  He sighs heavily, not happy.

  “Time will go fast, don’t worry,” I tell him.

  He doesn’t reply.

  “So, what did you do at kindy today?” I ask him, trying to get him talking.

  “Painting,” he replies. “I painted a picture of me and Daddy surfing.”

  Annnnddd here we go again.

  We eat the rest of our dinner in silence as I watch my son sulk.

  “Shall we get ready for bed?” I finally ask.

  “Okay Mum,” he says, sipping his water and then sliding off his chair.

  I puff out a breath and follow him.

  It’s going to be a long few days.


  “He’s in Sydney, not on the other side of the world,” Levi says to me as I sit on his couch watching TV. Parker and Justin are fast asleep, tired from the day’s events. A usual Saturday for me, minus Tane.

  “I know that,” I reply, taking a sip from my wine before putting the glass down on the coffee table. “I just miss him.”

  “You know,” he starts, “I’m off for the next few days.”

  I turn to stare at his profile. “Okay?”

  He looks at me, grinning boyishly. “You could go to Sydney and surprise Tane for his last two nights. Have a little fun. Gage and I will keep Parker.”

  My mind races. Is this a good idea? I don’t want to get in Tane’s way while he works, but the thought of seeing him …

  “I don’t know …”

  “Parker will be fine. You know he loves it here with us,” he says, watching me, waiting for me to say something.

  “Of course he does. He’s just been sulking since Tane left and …”

  “He wasn’t sulking today. He was too busy having fun.”

  That was the truth.

  My phone beeps with a text.

  Tane: Miss you so fucking much.

  Miss you more, I reply.

  “I guess I could go away for two nights,” I say to myself.

  Levi wraps an arm around me. “You should go. Have a little break.”

  I lean my head on his shoulder. “You’re way too good to me.”

  “Well, with Gage always with his girlfriend, Parker and Justin have become my only friends,” he jokes.

  I make a scoffing sound. “What happened to your double date?”

  He clears his throat uncomfortably. “It was fun, but it wasn’t …”


  “Oh, come on, Giselle, don’t make me talk to you about these things,” he begs.

  “Why? It’s been so long since we were together,” I say. “I want you to talk to me about these things. Lor
d knows I dump all my issues on you.”

  He chews on his bottom lip. “You’re right, it has, but it’s still a little weird for me.”

  “You know I love you,” I whisper. I’m just not in love with him.

  “I know, and I love you too. And I’m happy for you and Tane.”

  “That’s because you’re amazing and unselfish.”

  He stills. “I’m not a saint.”

  I laugh. “Don’t I know that. When will Gage be home?”

  “I’m not sure, to be honest. I know he wants you to spend some time with Bianca.”

  “Yeah, I kind of figured,” I grumble. The least I can do is play nice with his girlfriend. I just hope that he’s serious about her before I try and become her friend. I love my brother, but his track record with women isn’t that great.

  Then again, neither was Tane’s.

  “He’s serious about her. You don’t have to be scared to get close to her,” Levi states.

  He knows me too well. “Yeah, alright.”

  “So. Sydney?” he prods.

  “I’d like to surprise Tane. He’s been messaging me all the time saying he’s missing us, and calling every chance he can get.”

  “Well there you go then, book your ticket,” he says. “You must be loaded with cash seeing as you’re mortgage-free.”

  “You heard about that, huh?”

  He laughs. “Oh, I heard about it. I wish I was there to see your face.”

  I roll my eyes. “I was surprised, happy, and kind of angry.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  “Also grateful. It feels nice to have someone taking care of me, you know?” I admit.

  “You deserve it.” The sadness in his eyes makes me feel bad for talking to him about Tane and me.

  “How’s work going?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “Really good, actually. Installed a bunch of systems this week. Crime rate is getting higher and higher, so the people who can afford the best security are asking for it,” he says. “We’ve also installed some free-of-charge to a few schools and places like that.”

  I lower my brows. “You guys are so great. I’m so proud of you both.”

  “We’re proud of you too, Giselle. Now go and book that ticket.”

  I nod. Looks like I’m going to surprise my man.

  Chapter Twenty-three


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