Book Read Free

Imperfect Love

Page 20

by Isabella White

  “It’s already seven. You still need to bath, get ready, and eat before we go.”

  “Bleh! Yes, boss.”

  “I didn’t say you must sign up.”

  She mumbled within the confines of the bathroom as she removed both the T-shirt and panties. Dipping her toe in, she decided that the water felt just right. She got in carefully, sat and lay back so that only her head stuck out of the foam. Sighing, Holly relaxed.

  However, Jake didn’t give her a lot of time to soak and knocked on the door, what seemed like only a few minutes later. She jumped when she realized she had fallen asleep and quickly washed herself.

  Holly dried in record time, too, and dressed in knee-high pants, bra and a tank top. Never in her entire life had she walked in high heels on an open road.

  Lastly, she brushed her teeth with one hand, while slipping on no-show socks with the other. And finally, she stepped into her high heels.

  Exiting the bathroom, Jake was nowhere to be found, so Holly took the time to apply sunscreen, a smidgen of eyeliner, and lip gloss before pulling her hair through the back hole of a baseball cap. When she eventually ventured downstairs, she found Robin and Jake in the kitchen.

  “How’s the head?”

  Holly raised her upper lip in a snarl, and that was enough of an answer.

  Robin chuckled. “Today is going to be so hard.”

  “Shhh,” Holly hissed, sitting down with a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and a piece of toast Jake had made for her.

  Can this guy be more perfect?

  Having had to rush through breakfast, she was glad that the drive to the starting line was a short one; it was practically around the corner from Jake’s house. As far as the banners went, she couldn’t help but shake her head at the terrible noise they made in the wind. Why on earth they’d brought that stuff was beyond her.

  Holly eventually located Amelia, who was wearing a mini and a cut-off T-shirt, managing to look just as bad as she did. However, she couldn’t help her mouth from gaping when she noticed Amelia’s abs. It was probably safe to say that her friend wasn’t going to see her ass today.

  Amelia put her arm around Holly’s neck when they reached Armand. “Last night was so much fun, but as much as I loved every minute of it, I’m really regretting it.”

  Holly smiled. “Just think, we’ll definitely be sober after this walk.”

  Amelia chuckled and immediately rubbed her temples. “Oweee,” she grunted.

  “You want something for that?”

  “She doesn’t believe in tablets,” Armand stated.

  Amelia slapped him on the arm. “I don’t drink tablets for a hangover.”

  “Same thing in my book.”

  “No, it’s not. Go,” she shooed him away, “the walk is about to start.”

  Jake comically started jumping in one spot. “Are you ready?” he yelled, with the same go get ‘em attitude he’d had at the paintball game.

  “Oh, hell no. Go away!” Both girls yelled at him.

  Jake stopped, but continued to smile at Holly. Bending down, he kissed her cheek. “Make me proud,” he whispered in her ear, while slapping her on the butt.

  Rubbing her butt dramatically, Holly grunted, “I’ll be lucky if I make it through this in one piece.”

  “Just remember that it’s for a good cause, Holly. You’ll be fine,” Amelia said, drinking from a water bottle.

  Five minutes later, a guy dressed as a drag queen climbed onto a small podium. He took the mic. “Thank you all for being here today. I know that anti-abortion is very close to our hearts.” He went on to recite the statistics, as well as giving approximate numbers on how many clinics were in existence.

  Throughout his talk, Holly noticed that Amelia had teared up. Shifting closer, she placed an arm around her friend’s shoulders and embraced her. The girls smiled at one another and continued listening.

  “Today, we will all be called Sisters in Blisters; just remember that every single one of those blisters will be for this very important cause.”

  Jake cheered loudly and everyone looked at him. He simply grinned.

  He should be standing next to me, wearing heels and a dress, Holly thought, grinning.

  All too soon, the man got off the podium and joined the other women and men who were all wearing high heels. Participants readied themselves, and shortly thereafter a gunshot went off.

  At first, it was chaotic, but soon both Holly and Amelia stuck to a pace they were comfortable with. For the first ten minutes, Holly cursed herself for having signed up, but Amelia had needed her support and, as she’d said, it counted for something.

  Holly felt herself becoming nauseous twenty minutes later and wished the walk would come to an end. The girls didn’t talk much, so intent were they on not tripping and falling flat on their faces.

  Holly kept looking at her watch, and the sun shone brighter and brighter. By now, they’d been walking for almost an hour.

  How much longer is this going to go on for?

  Holly was exhausted, and her toes and feet were killing her. A half hour later, she really began to feel the strain around her calves. To make matters worse, she couldn’t feel her feet anymore. She was convinced she was going to die, never mind throw up.

  Amelia tugged her by the arm when she started slowing down. “Keep up, Holly. What happened to you walking circles around me?”

  “I was drunk, then. But now? I think I might have been stupid, too.”

  Both burst into giggles. Thankfully, Holly noticed people handing out water a couple of feet away. Each grabbed a paper cup as they walked past. Holly actually stopped to drink hers, but Amelia pulled her by the arm once again.

  “We’re halfway, so let’s make this one good, okay?”

  Oh. My. Soul! Holly nodded anyway and tried her very best to keep up with Amelia. If she asks me to do this again next year, I’m going to shoot myself before an answer is required! “How the hell did your dad do this?”

  “With lots of cussing, but it was hilarious to watch,” Amelia replied, laughing.

  When they’d made it to the quarter mark, she could hear Jake and Armand yelling their names.

  “Ignore them. Why on earth do they make those ridiculous banners every year? I swear it’s to piss me off, or something.” Amelia smiled.

  “I think they are awesome.”

  Amelia laughed. “The banners or the guys? Regardless, they sure are a crazy bunch.”

  Holly pouted, stuck her tongue out, and then waved at Jake as she walked past him. She almost lost her balance due to her antics, but thanks to Amelia grabbing her arm, she managed to right herself. But when she ventured another look in Jake’s direction, he was laughing his head off.

  “Almost there,” mumbled Amelia.

  Holly bit down on her resolve and kept up, and for the last couple of meters both upped their pace.

  Soon, they reached Jake and Armand at the finish line. Sweat dripped off both girls. Holly felt surprisingly good about having signed up for the walk, now that she was finished, of course.

  “Two freaking hours! I do not want to know what my feet look like.”

  “Poor, baby. You deserve a foot rub and massage,” Jake said.

  “Only if she’ll let you anywhere near her feet.”

  Holly placed a hand on Jake’s shoulder and bent to remove her shoes. The white no-show socks were soaking wet. A yelp left her lips when she took off her socks to inspect her feet.

  “It was worth it, Holly,” Amelia said, as she too, removed her shoes.

  “I guess. Mind you, it wasn’t that bad.” Holly looked at Amelia.

  A disgruntled Jake groaned. “Oh, hell. Am I going to have to be here every freaking year with a banner?” Jake complained.

  “It’s for a good cause!” Amelia and Holly yelled in unison.

  Amelia gave Holly a one arm hug and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you so much, Holly. It was awesome. Next year, we can do this again.”

� Holly agreed, even though her feet ached like they’d never ached before.

  They made a quick stop at Amelia’s house so the girls could shower, and thereafter went for lunch at a restaurant in the mall.

  Holly continued to notice the looks directed at Jake every time they went somewhere, but they didn’t affect her as much as before.

  During lunch, Holly found herself laughing at Amelia. Armand, too, was extremely funny. Jake on the other hand showed a dry personality when he was with Armand, which Holly loved.

  After lunch, the girls decided to do some shopping, while the boys watched a basketball game at the pub. Whether they watched a replay of a previous match or a live game, Holly didn’t know and didn’t really care, she was just happy to spend some quality time with Jake’s sister.

  In the interim, Amelia had taken a call; it had been Robin, who’d be joining them on their shopping spree. Shortly thereafter, Robin joined them and couldn’t stop talking about her new boyfriend. Amelia didn’t like him much, but the worry on Robin’s face as Jake’s name was mentioned was evident.

  “I don’t think he’s going to like Quinton. He’ll probably think the guy is a bore. It’s only you who doesn’t think that, Robbie.”

  “He’s not a bore, okay? What he is, is a bit of a caveman, but I like that in any case.”

  “Our brother isn’t going to.” Amelia gave Robin a serious look.

  Holly looked at Amelia.

  “Jake made a deal with us when we were younger, to sort of be the judge and jury when it came to our boyfriends.”

  Robin scrunched her nose. “Amelia went through hell before she met Armand.”

  “It wasn’t that bad.” Amelia tried to look convincing.

  “Pft! You had like, what, seventy thousand boyfriends before he approved of Armand?”

  “I did not. I have to admit, though, it was hard for me in the beginning. At first, I didn’t want to break up with what’s-his-name. He was so cute. But I eventually saw what my brother did in him, and I had to admit he was right.”

  “So… let me get this straight, he chooses your boyfriends?”

  “No, we do, but if he gives you the shake of his head—”

  “Or the lip,” Robin interrupted.

  “Let’s not forget the raised eyebrow,” Amelia added, making everyone laugh. “We used to know that we were basically wasting our time with just that one look. My brother is really good when it comes to reading people.”

  “Yeah. Strange, because I keep wondering what the hell he saw in Mel,” Robin stated.

  “He was different then. It was all boobs and legs.”

  “Do you guys have to approve his girlfriends?”

  “No, Holly. Besides, we love you.” Amelia bumped her on the hip.

  She liked the fact that these two women trusted their brother with something as important as choosing a guy. She would love to see the raised lip kind of disapproval snarl on him; it would probably end up being another of her favorite expressions.

  The girls browsed and shopped until about five when they’d finally had enough and parted ways.

  Holly hadn’t bought too many things the way Robin and Amelia had. She was on a strict budget and stuck to it as much as possible, but the clothes she had gotten, she absolutely loved.

  As far as the evening was concerned, Holly and Jake decided to spend it at home, his house to be exact. He pampered her feet and took care of every blister he could find. It was infinitely sweet, especially as it wasn’t something many men would do. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was.

  By eight, she could barely keep her eyes open.

  Jake decided they’d take a shower together which, and despite the fact that Holly resembled a zombie she was that exhausted, turned into another sex marathon. They could not get enough of each other and carried their lovemaking into the bedroom.

  Actually, making it onto the bed was the least of their worries; the floor proved just as useful. Completely spent, both passed out exactly where they were.

  Sunday was spent in pretty much the same manner as the last, at his parents’ house.

  Mara had immediately demanded a recap of the previous week’s tests to which Jake obliged, although Robin had written a few, too.

  Holly began to understand why Jake was so blunt with Mara at times. She was someone who always got her way, and if she didn’t, there’d be hell to pay. This was without a doubt the one side to Mara that still scared the shit out of Holly. She only hoped that she would never have to deal with that aspect of her personality. It was the only reason Holly was so adamant about staying on the pill.

  Having to work the following week was not something Holly was looking forward to, as Jake would finally be on vacation. She hated saying goodbye to Jake, but with that she was also ecstatic as it meant that because Jake was on vacation he could do whatever the hell he wanted without Mara’s approval. So she was going to stay the entire week with him at the commune.

  After leaving Mara, Jake drove Holly home to collect more clothes for the week. Just one more week, then she would go on leave too, and she could not wait.

  They’d be going on vacation with Bernie, Sam, and Leo to the family’s beach house right after Jake’s graduation ceremony on Wednesday.

  Jake had gotten his results back, and now it was Holly’s turn to deliver the goods, which she was saving for the holiday. His marks had been top notch, with most being A+’s; these had been exchanged for blowjobs. She’d laughed over this whole situation, but in the end it had been his prize for doing really well.

  Having never been to a proper beach house, she could not for the life of her imagine what their beach house was going to look like. She was so excited, she couldn’t wait for Friday. But when Jake picked her up every day after work, she begun to not care where they were going, as long as it was with him. They could have gone to Hades for all she cared.

  It was Wednesday afternoon and Jake was having a shower before the graduation ceremony.

  Holly had asked for the day off as she really wanted to be there for him.

  Sitting up, she got off Jake’s bed and made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth. As if on cue, the door opened and Jake stepped out wearing only a black towel around his waist. Holly couldn’t help her eyes from traveling up and down his body.

  Obviously pleased by her interest, Jake smiled seductively, and with a quick raise of his eyebrows grabbed her around the waist, playfully pushing her backward. Once they reached the bed, he shoved her onto it gently. Jake followed and climbed over her, pinning down her wrists above her head.

  “Like what you saw?” He looked at her with those smoldering eyes of his, and not really expecting an answer, bent down and captured her mouth hungrily before she had a chance to reply.

  Holly’s insides turned to knots, but she managed to break the kiss. Chuckling, she said, “You have no idea how much.”

  “I think I’m beginning to.” He pressed his hips harder into hers.

  Holly kept eye contact with him, all the while feeling the bulge beneath the towel wrapped around his hips. Breaking contact, her eyes wandered over his body; his rock hard muscles and super tight abs were starting to drive her nuts.

  The second Jake kissed her again, and the second her legs wrapped around his waist, off went the towel. They were once again lost in the throes of passion.

  JAKE AND HOLLY SCRAMBLED, THEY WERE horribly late. When they eventually made it to the venue, Mara gave them a scolding look as everyone was already in their seats.

  Giving Holly a quick kiss, Jake ran to where his classmates were already seated; the first eight rows on either side of the aisle.

  Jake looked unbelievably handsome in his black graduation gown and hat, but it went without saying that Jake Peters looked good in anything.

  The dean began his speech immediately after everyone had settled, and even made a couple of people laugh. He mentioned a few medical terms Holly didn’t understand, but the way Armand, Robin, and the rest
of the Peters’ laughed she knew it was comical.

  Jake’s name was called. This surprised Holly as he hadn’t mentioned he’d be doing a speech. She couldn’t keep her eyes off him and noticed he wasn’t at all nervous speaking publicly.

  “Good day to our guests, who are mostly parents waiting in faith, and I’m sure praying non-stop in the hope of seeing us all graduate today.” The crowd seated beneath the beautiful oak trees erupted with laughter.

  “Robert Gallagher said that change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.” More laughter ensued.

  “As you stand on the brink of moving into life beyond these prodigious buildings right beside me, with all its amazing professors who no doubt had the faith that none of you would be sitting here, giving you lectures upon lectures about how to save a life; let me tell you that change is inevitable!

  It is inevitable and indeed gratifying to see that our graduating Class of 2015 matured, and hopefully will become proficient in their skills.”

  Jake looked around sceptically, which made everyone chuckle. “You need to be ready to tackle and further your lifelong education. It is inevitable that structures, processes, and relationships change our day to day lives. It is inevitable that we will face new challenges, and it is inevitable that things may seem a little different in the year ahead. Yes, life is definitely going to become a little ‘shaken and stirred’.”

  Jake spoke with his hands and Holly was transfixed.

  “But as we look back, this evening is the culmination of a journey; a journey that started out with hesitant, tentative steps, and which we are now able to witness as to just how far these young ladies and gentlemen have progressed. It has been an honor and a privilege to be part of this journey right along with them, one which has been imbued with wonderful memories.”

  Pausing to peruse the audience, Jake smiled and then continued.

  “It is these memories, ladies and gentlemen, that testify to the fine caliber of the graduating Class of 2015. I would like to pay tribute to each and every one of you. You have all left and will continue to leave an indelible legacy of excellence, achievement, and a fine ethos and tradition for generations to come. I would also like to pay tribute to the wonderful teachers, the parents, past pupils, and indeed the board of directors—you have all guided, molded and shaped these fine young people standing here tonight. Your role has been hugely instrumental in molding our youth; our hope for the future.


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