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Threshold of War

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by Heinrichs, Waldo;

  at Argentia, 148

  on European invasion, 174

  on German-Soviet war, 102, 138–39

  and Japan, 196, 213

  on Pacific Fleet transfer, 69, 70

  and Philippines, 131, 142, 144, 193, 205

  relations with Roosevelt, 18, 20

  and Selective Service, 160

  Martinique, 79

  Maryknoll Society, 49

  Mason-Macfarlane, F.N., 170

  MATADOR, 217

  Matsuoka, Yosuke: accuses U.S., 77

  discredited, 186

  dismissed, 125

  and Drought plan, 50, 51

  foreign minister, 49

  and Germany, 32, 34–36, 51, 56, 76, 98, 99, 122, 187

  and Hull-Nomura talks, 70–71, 75, 77, 98

  and Southeast Asia, 78

  and Soviet pact, 32, 118

  and two-front war, 77

  and United States, 76

  and use of force, 73

  Matthews, H. Freeman, 25

  Mayo, Henry T., 112

  Mid-Ocean Meeting Point, 112

  Middle East, 57, 59, 87, 89, 106, 158

  British offensive in, 212

  British policy toward, 81, 90, 169

  British situation in, 111

  German intentions in, 26, 190

  US. supply to, 90, 169, 171, 172. See also Crete; RUSADER; Intelligence, American; Kirk, Alexander; U.S. Army

  Miles, Sherman, 21, 59, 61–62

  Military attachés (U.S.), 24, 61–62, 170, 174, 237n78

  Milwaukee, 67, 109

  Mississippi, 40, 73–74, 108, 111, 128

  Modus vivendi proposal. See Hull-Nomura talks

  Molotov, V. M., 62, 150, 190

  Morgenthau, Henry, 19, 20, 44–45, 88, 133, 134, 140–41, 132

  Morocco, 27, 64, 79

  Morris, Leland, 63. See also Berlin embassy (U.S.)

  Moscow embassy (U.S.), 63, 94, 103, 137, 138, 146, 170, 201. See also Steinhardt, Laurence

  Moscow supply conference, 150, 158, 171, 172

  Munich agreement (1938), 3, 8. See also Appeasement

  Murphy, Robert, 25, 79, 157. See also French North Africa; Vichy

  Murphy-Weygand accord, 64

  Nagano Osami, 184

  Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939), 7, 8, 37, 54, 62, 83, 106, 108, 118

  Nelson, 169

  Netherlands, 123, 127–28, 135–36, 178.

  See also Dutch East Indies Neutrality laws, 8, 11, 126, 206

  New Mexico, 40, 73–74, 108, 116, 128

  New Order in East Asia, 32

  New York, 40, 66, 80, 108, 111

  New York Herald Tribune, 101, 185

  New York Times, 21, 30, 50, 60, 66, 79,

  104, 137, 138, 163, 168, 170, 190, 201, 205, 210, 215

  Newfoundland, 10, 30, 67, 86, 112, 146, 164

  Newport, R.I, 114

  Niblack, 51, 231n51

  Noble, Sir Percy, 169

  Nomura Kichisaburō, 49, 125, 127, 184, 205–7. See also Hull-Nomura talks

  Nomura-Kurusu proposal, 258n95

  Normandie, 79

  North Carolina, 74, 128, 158

  Norway, 9, 29, 30, 80, 88, 94, 143

  Nye, Gerald, 6

  Öhashi Chuichi, 35

  Oikawa Kojirō, 184

  Oil embargo. See Embargo

  Open door policy, 36–37, 152

  Oshima Hiroshi, 92, 94

  Oumansky, Constantin, 19, 54–55, 56, 104, 139

  Outer Mongolia, 52

  P-40 fighter planes, 45, 131, 140, 148, 190, 204, 212

  Pacific Fleet: compared with Japanese fleet, 36, 38, 204

  and defense of Singapore, 39

  and Malay Barrier, 128

  at Pearl Harbor, 7, 10, 192, 218–19

  transfers, 39, 46, 51, 56, 68–70, 73–74, 83, 108–9, 114, 194. See also Pearl Harbor

  Palau Islands, 199, 211

  Paris Peace Conference, 3, 106

  Paris Protocols (1941), 65, 111

  Paul, Prince (Yugoslavia), 44, 45

  Pearl Harbor, 8, 10, 38, 68, 70, 73, 74, 120–21, 199, 204, 216

  attack on, vii, 218–19

  Perkins, Frances, 46

  Pétain, Philippe, 9, 65, 78, 79, 134

  Peyton, B. R., 24–25. See also Berlin embassy (U.S.); Intelligence, American

  Philippines: air reinforcement of, 144, 148, 153, 154, 159, 175–76, 193–95, 197, 204

  Asiatic Fleet in, 38

  attack on, 219

  defense of, 36, 127, 128, 130

  importance of, 142, 143–44

  Japanese agents in, 192

  Japanese intentions toward, 123, 183, 199, 204, 216, 219

  reinforcement of, 74, 130–31, 176–77, 182, 185, 194, 198, 204, 205, 208, 212

  war warnings, 216. See also ABCD powers; ADB-1 plan; Asiatic Fleet; Japanese army; Japanese navy; Malay Barrier

  Phillips, Tom, 197, 206, 217, 219

  Phillips, William, 21, 25, 60

  Phoenix, 182

  Plan B (Japan), 207–9. See also Hull-Nomura talks; modus Vivendi proposal

  Plan Dog (U.S.), 38

  Poland, 8, 24, 61, 89, 105, 108

  boundary question, 105–6. See also British-Soviet relations

  Portugal, 64, 79, 82, 85, 157. See also Azores

  Potomac, 31, 146

  Pound, Sir Dudley, 157

  Prince of Wales, 80, 146, 151, 152, 155, 158, 159, 169, 197, 210, 219

  Prinz. Eugen, 80, 81, 169

  Public opinion (U.S.): on aid to Britain, 16, 42

  on China, 36

  on course of war, 7, 51, 157, 167

  on declaration of war, 154

  on escort of convoy, 46, 72, 168

  on Far East situation, 142

  on German-Soviet war, 101

  and Lend-Lease, 11

  on oil exports, 133

  support for Roosevelt, 88, 160

  on type of peace, 107

  on USSR, 105, 174

  on U.S. role, 83–85, 117

  RAINBOW plans, 38, 205, 228n13

  Ranger, 41, 45, 67, 108

  Rapallo, 62

  Rashid Ali el-Gailani, 59

  Rearmament (U.S.), 10, 16, 17, 46, 142–43, 173, 183

  Red Army, 25, 120, 136, 137, 149, 213, 217

  Repulse, 197, 219

  Respondek, Erwin, 21–23, 55, 88–89, 224nll

  Reuben James, 206

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 75, 92, 94, 122

  Ribbentrop-Molotov pact. See Nazi-Soviet Pact Riddleberger, James, 25

  Riga, Treaty of, 106

  Ripe persimmon strategy (Japan), 120

  Robin Moor, 110, 168

  Rodney, 168, 169

  Rome embassy (U.S.), 59, 94–95, 138

  Rommel, Erwin, 57, 59, 111, 206, 212

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.: access to MAGIC, 76, 224n10

  and advisers, 255n48

  and aid to Britain, 11, 38, 44, 45, 48, 49, 59–60, 90, 173, 212

  and aid to USSR, 104–5, 140–41, 158, 159, 172, 173, 179

  and air force, 143

  and Atlantic Conference, 108, 116, 135, 141, 146, 148–61, 178–79

  and Azores, 82

  and Battle of the Atlantic, 82, 102

  and British-American relations, 108

  and British-Soviet relations, 106

  and China, 19, 37, 132, 203

  and Churchill, 19, 80–82

  decision-making style, 17–21

  domestic objectives, 6–8

  and Dutch East Indies, 154

  on escort of convoy, 46, 47, 111, 115–17, 154–56, 159, 166–67, 172

  evolution of policies, vii-viii, 7, 90–91, 144–45, 151, 154, 159–61, 178–79

  on fleet transfer, 10, 56, 69, 73, 74, 114–15

  on German intentions, 20–26, 65, 66, 78, 83–84

  on German-Soviet war, 102, 137, 139–40, 171, 213

  on Greenland, 88

  and Greer, 167–68

  and Halifax, 216–17

  and Hull-Nomura talks, 154–55, 258n95

  and Iceland, 88, 89, 110, 111, 157

  illness of, 66

  importance of Europe to, 45

  and Japan, 8, 36–37, 49, 75, 122, 126, 159, 161, 182, 191, 193, 203, 206, 208, 214, 216–17, 218, 254n20

  on Japanese-Soviet relations, 191–92

  and King, 113, 114

  and Lend-Lease, 31

  and Middle East, 172, 179, 212

  and Moscow supply conference, 172

  and Nomura, 49, 162, 206–7

  and oil embargo, 134, 135, 140–42, 159–60, 179, 246n68

  as peacemaker, 107

  and Philippines, 131, 142

  possible meeting with Konoe, 161–63, 184–86, 188

  and postwar policy, 106–7

  and public opinion, 83–85

  and readiness for war, 68

  and rearmament, 10, 142–43

  and reinforcement of the Philippines, 194

  and risk of war with Germany, 78

  on Royal Navy, 82

  and Singapore, 154

  and Southeast Asia, 39–40, 134

  third term begins, 15–16

  and U.S. security zone, 46–47

  and Vichy, 79

  and war warning, 154, 161, 217

  and Welles, 247n68

  Royal Canadian Navy, 112, 115, 116, 164, 165

  Royal Navy (Britain): assessment of U.S. navy, 68–69

  and defense of Singapore, 87

  and Eastern fleet, 158, 197–98

  and escort of convoy, 112, 156

  on fleet transfers, 69–70, 74

  and German navy, 30

  losses, 206

  and Malay Barrier, 127–28

  repair in U.S. ports, 48

  Roosevelt view of, 82

  and former U.S. ships, 29, 158. See also Admiralty; Atlantic, Battle of the; Atlantic Fleet; Escort of convoy

  Rumania, 23, 61, 94

  Runstedt, Gerd von, 61

  Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 157

  Saratoga, 68

  Scharnhorst, 30, 41, 111, 128

  Schmidt, Max, 187

  Schulenberg, Count von der, 56, 63

  Selective Service, 10, 117, 160

  Sessa, 168

  Shanghai, 211–12

  Sherwood, Robert, 90

  Siberia, 5, 150, 180, 195, 204, 205, 243n4

  Sims, William, 41, 112

  Singapore: defense of, 7, 8, 37, 39, 73, 87, 121, 127, 129, 182, 195, 198, 217

  and deterrence, 70

  importance to U.S., 97, 154, 182, 194

  Japanese attack on, 35, 36, 52, 59, 121, 123, 130, 216, 218

  Japanese intentions toward, 99. See also ABCD powers; Japanese army; Japanese navy

  Sofia legation (U.S.), 24, 94–95

  Soong, T. V., 210

  Sorge, Richard, 191

  Southeast Asia, 5, 32, 39, 40, 77, 78, 130–31, 144, 152, 175. See also Indochina

  names of individual countries

  Soviet-American relations, 19, 37, 54–56, 76, 95–96, 132, 139–41, 149–50, 158, 159, 172, 185

  and Japan, 141, 148

  and U.S. aid to USSR, 104–5, 132, 139–40, 148, 150, 156, 158, 171, 172–75, 182, 185

  Soviet-British relations. See British-Soviet relations

  Soviet-German war. See German-Soviet war

  Soviet-Japanese pact, 51, 56, 62, 131, 231n54

  Soviet-Japanese relations. See Japanese-Soviet relations

  Spain, 26–27, 60, 64, 79, 82, 83, 111, 156–57

  Stalin: and British, 106

  letter to Churchill, 171

  and Poland, 107

  relations with Germany, 23, 56, 62–63, 66, 149

  requests for U.S. aid, 149–50, 173–74

  and Roosevelt, 192

  on war situation, 149. See also British-Soviet relations

  German-Soviet war; Japanese-Soviet relations

  Stark, Harold: on ADB-1 plan, 127

  on aid to Britain, 40

  at Argentia, 148

  and Battle of the Atlantic, 41, 43, 87

  on escort of convoy, 113, 115

  on fleet transfer, 51, 69, 74

  on Gibraltar, 128, 157

  and Japan, 51, 213

  on mobilization, 31, 113

  and Philippines, 130, 142

  and Roosevelt, 18

  strategic alternatives, 38

  State Department (U.S.): and aid to USSR, 104

  on British-Soviet relations, 105–6

  and China, 203

  and Drought plan, 50

  European Division, 95, 99, 104

  Far Eastern Division, 99, 134, 161

  on German intentions, 65

  on German-Soviet relations, 95

  on Greenland, 87

  and Hull-Nomura talks, 193

  and Japan, 96, 129–30, 155, 162, 187, 188

  on Middle East situation, 80

  need for information, 138

  on Poland, 108

  policy making, 107–8

  and public opinion, 142

  on Suez, 80. See also names of individual diplomatic posts

  Steel Seafarer, 168

  Steinhardt, Laurence, 23, 50, 51, 62–63, 71, 95–96, 102, 103, 190

  Sterling, Frederick, 25

  Stimson, Henry L.: and aid to USSR, 140

  on air reinforcement of Philippines, 175, 194–97

  on aircraft allocations, 175

  and American intervention in war, 83

  on Britain, 28, 44, 59–60

  on Crete, 80

  and escort of convoy, 45, 113, 168

  on Europe, 15, 174

  on fleet transfer, 69, 70

  on German intentions, 27, 72, 157

  on German-Soviet war, 95, 101–2, 138–39, 190

  and Hull-Nomura talks, 76

  on Iceland, 113

  and Indochina, 212

  and Japan, 187, 191, 193, 255n35

  on oil embargo, 134

  and Roosevelt, 18, 20

  on Singapore, 123

  style of, 18–19

  on submarine warfare, 205

  on U.S. air power, 176, 195–96

  and war production, 172

  Stockholm legation (U.S.), 25, 94

  Strategic planning, 38–41, 90, 127, 130–31, 142, 175, 198, 199, 204, 205

  German, 101

  Strauss, Lewis, 49–50

  Suez, 26, 59, 69, 79, 80

  Support Force (U.S. Navy), 41, 42–43, 47, 86, 112, 113–14, 116, 165. See also Atlantic Fleet; Escort of Convoy

  Sweden, 60

  Syria, 59, 65, 78, 106, 111, 169

  Tanks, 173–74

  Texas, 40, 66, 80, 109, 111, 168

  Thailand, 35, 129, 130, 152, 153, 192, 199, 202, 204, 211, 215–17

  Thompson, Llewelyn, 25

  Time, 65

  Times (London), 60–61

  Tirpitz, 30, 111, 197

  Tōjō Hideki, 191, 199, 200, 201, 215

  Tōgō Shigenori, 200–203, 207

  Tokyo embassy (U.S.), 35, 123, 188, 202, 203. See also Grew, Joseph C. Tovey, Sir John, 169

  Toyoda Teijiro, 125, 142, 188

  Treasury Department (U.S.), 124, 134, 135, 207

  Trinidad, 10, 47

  Turkey, 45, 55, 59, 111, 169

  Turner, Richmond Kelly, 42–43, 52, 113, 122, 125, 134, 191. See also Stark, Harold; U.S. Navy

  Tuscaloosa, 66

  U-boats: in Africa bases, 111, 156

  and American patrols, 109

  decreased threat, 116

  defense against, 10, 115, 205–6

  effectiveness, 30, 43, 163

  and German decision for war, 220

  and Greer incident, 167–68

  and Iceland, 86

  increase in, 29, 166

  intelligence on, 164

  off Newfoundland, 67

  and shipping, 27, 133

  ULTRA, 24, 89, 109, 116, 166, 170, 190

  U.S. aid to Sovi
et Union. See Soviet-American relations

  U.S. Army. Air Corps, 142–45, 175, 196–97, 198

  on defense of the Atlantic islands, 82

  and European strategy, 174

  5th Infantry Division, 85

  on Middle East, 172

  on Philippines, 130–31, 194

  Military Intelligence Division, 25, 102

  reinforcements, 196–97; 31st Regiment, 130

  War Plans Division, 59, 122, 130, 144, 176, 193, 195, 203–4, 213

  war readiness, 45–46, 67, 149

  U.S. foreign policy, 3–4, 8, 9

  U.S. Navy: Atlantic strategy, 38, 112–13

  and Britain, 42–43

  and Japan, 37, 122, 183

  and European strategy, 174

  expansion, 43–44

  1st Provisional Marine Brigade, 110

  and fleet transfer, 87

  and Iceland, 85–86

  and Malay Barrier, 127–28

  and oil embargo, 134

  and Philippines, 143–44, 194

  policy recommendations, 40, 47

  Roosevelt intentions for, 8, 168

  Ship Movements Division, 18

  strategic reassessment, 38

  state of belligerency, 167

  Task Force, 19, 110

  War Plans Division, 59, 122. See also Asiatic Fleet; Atlantic Fleet; Coast Guard; Escort of convoy; Intelligence, American; Pacific Fleet; Support Force

  Utley, Jonathan G., 246n68

  Valiant, 237n78

  Vandenberg, Arthur H., 11

  Vatican, 95

  Vichy: and Africa, 64, 65

  and Germany, 60, 73, 157

  on German-Soviet war, 102, 103, 138, 190

  and Indochina, 98, 123, 134–35

  and invasion of England, 24

  relations with Germany, 65, 111

  Roosevelt warns, 79

  in Syria, 169

  Weygand removed, 212. See also Darlan, Jean Francois; French North Africa; Indochina

  Victory Program, 105, 145, 172, 174

  Vishinsky, Andrei, 76

  Walker, Frank, 46, 50, 52, 72, 207

  Walsh, James E, 50

  War Cabinet (Britain), 129, 152, 197, 210

  War Council (U.S.), 20

  War Department (U.S.), 102, 105, 172, 193

  War warning to Japan, 135, 152, 154, 155, 161, 162, 217

  Washington, 74, 128, 158, 169

  Washington Post, 28, 30, 42, 44, 138

  Washington treaty system, 3–4, 6, 9, 37

  Wasp, 41, 67, 81, 108, 111, 168

  Watson, Edwin M. (“Pa”), 31, 66

  Weddell, Alexander W., 65

  Weinberg, Gerhard, 4

  Welles, Sumner: on aid to USSR, 96

  and British-Soviet relations, 105–6

  Bullitt allegations against, 66

  on German-Soviet war, 95, 104

  and Hull, 51

  and Japan, 76, 125, 130, 153, 155, 217

  meeting with Cadogan, 151

  and oil embargo, 141, 177, 246n68

  and Roosevelt, 20, 247n68

  and Soviet-Japanese pact, 52

  talks with Oumansky, 19, 54–55, 62, 95

  on threat of war, 161


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