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Desired Heat [Men of Iron Horse 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 3

by Morgan Fox

  The warm water of the tub was nothing compared to the heat he stirred in her belly. He was making it hard to concentrate. She furrowed her brow. “Where’s that?”

  He chuckled again obviously knowing she’d never been there. He pulled her against him and kissed both of her breasts. “South Dakota.”

  Yep. She’d never been there before. After leaving Kentucky, she’d made it her mission to never go to small towns again. She was done with that kind of living. The big cities were where all the action happened. Everyone knew that.

  “Oh,” she breathed. “No. I’ve never been there.”

  “I figured. All those cities you mentioned are busy business cities. Sturgis is…different.”

  His cock pulsed between her legs as she studied him. It was nice to be with a man who wanted sex more than once in a night. Maybe it was her wild attraction to him, but her sexual appetite was fierce. Jason was older, in his mid-thirties, while she was about ten years younger. Sex twice in one night would be another fantasy she wouldn’t mind having. But this time, she’d like to do things her way.

  “What’s Sturgis like?” she asked, shoving his hand down and encouraging him to cup her pussy.

  He shoved his finger inside her, and she rode him, rolling her hips to glide her clit over the palm of his hand. “Depends on the year, but normally it’s a small town with friendly, amazing people.”

  She reached down between them to grip his hardening shaft, slowly stroking him. “And other times of the year.”

  “Well, in the summer, the city hosts the biggest motorcycle rally there is.”

  She stopped moving to glare at him. She should’ve known that that would be the type of city he would be interested in. Motorcycles and beer. Just like his bar. “Why did I even bother to ask?”

  He laughed, the sound more moving to her soul than it should’ve been. “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it, sweetheart. Have you ever been on a motorcycle to experience the thrill and pleasure of it?”

  Of course she hadn’t. When would she have found time to do that? She didn’t know anyone who owned a motorcycle. Besides Jason, Sam, Layla’s boyfriend Luke, and everyone else at Iron Horse. “No.”

  Not that she hadn’t considered what it might be like to ride with Jason. Her breasts plastered to his back, and her arms wrapped around him, feeling the strength of his body at her fingertips. Or the seduction of his touch as he pulled her around him to fuck her as she leaned back against the tank. The engine revving wildly beneath her as the power of his cock filled her.

  Oh, my. Yep, that was definitely another fantasy she wouldn’t mind checking off the list—a “Jason” list that was growing.

  “Maybe you should give it a shot sometime. I bet your cute little ass would look amazing straddling an iron horse.” He shoved his cock upward, probing at her clit and she sucked in a breath as he teased her entrance.

  She grinned, clasping her hands to his broad shoulders. “I see what you did there.” His cock was clearly the iron horse he was referring to. Not the motorcycle.

  “What?” He feigned ignorance. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Damn, he looked good sitting there so smug and confident, as if they’d been lovers for a long time and he was comfortable being himself with her. She wished she could feel as secure as he did. She was trying, but it was the hardest thing she’d ever had to do. Being so close to Jason, finally having a taste of him, was making her a nervous wreck. She didn’t want to say anything or do anything that would ruin the moment. Lord knew she had a way of putting her foot in her mouth.

  She inhaled a calming breath and slipped back into the moment. “Iron Horse,” she clarified. “Your cock. Not the bike or the bar.”

  He chuckled again, the sound warming her to a depth she’d never felt before. “So maybe you could start small and build up. It just so happens that I know of a bar that would make for a good first introduction for you.” He winked.

  She bit her lower lip, not sure that seeing him again would be wise. Her attraction to Jason was insanely overwhelming and this was supposed to be a one-time deal. They belonged in different worlds. She wasn’t about to confuse sexual desire with reality.

  Her expression must’ve given her thoughts away. Instantly, he backpedaled. “Never mind. I was only trying to—”

  “I’m sorry, Jason.” Guilt consumed her, but then so did rational thought. “I just don’t think that it’s—”

  “You’re right,” he cut in. “It’s a bad idea. And it might be best if no one ever discovers that we…” He let the words fall away as she nodded.

  “Yes. I think that would be best.” He moved as if he planned to shift her off his lap. She clung to him. “But it doesn’t mean I’m ready for tonight to end just yet.”

  * * * *

  Liza turned hot and cold faster than running water from a faucet. Gaging her thoughts was harder than anything Jason had ever had to do before. But just as he assumed their night was at an end, she basically told him it wasn’t. His head spun.

  He couldn’t lie. He did want her again. She felt so good as he fucked her, tasted her. Her emotions and body so revealing of the needs she was consumed with. He liked the way she responded to him, seemed to crave everything he had to offer her. The fact that she was beautiful only added to the attraction he felt toward her.

  She rose up from the tub and slipped over the edge. She grabbed a towel and he watched her as she disappeared from the room. He groaned as he did the same, draping a towel over his hips to join her. She was lying on his bed. Naked.

  He’d spotted a golden wrapper sitting on the nightstand and realized it was another condom. “You came prepared?”

  “I had hoped to see you here,” she admitted, and it shocked him.

  “At the wedding?”

  She nibbled her lower lip, moving to rest on her knees as he approached. “I wanted to see if you were everything I imagined you’d be in bed.”

  A flutter of nerves swirled in his gut. She’d been thinking about him. He wondered how long she’d done that. “And?”

  She yanked the towel off his hips, and his erection jutted forward. “You are,” she replied.

  He smirked, a wild burst of pride and ego flaring awake in his chest.

  Her gaze grew heavy on him, and she patted the bed beside her. “Lay down, Jason.”

  Swallowing hard, he did as she asked. As soon as he was comfortable, she trailed her hands all over his body, caressing and massaging him from head to toe. It was sinfully good, wicked, and completely alluring to have her hands all over him, worshiping him. She crawled and placed herself between his parted legs. His breath caught, and his world shattered as she took his cock between her lips and sucked him deep.

  “Ah,” he groaned, yanking a pillow up behind his head so he could watch her. The erotic sight of her blue eyes staring back at him as she worked her sweet mouth over his length forced another fevered groan from his throat.

  Holy shit. Feels so damn good.

  She licked him from base to tip, and then clamped her mouth around him. She took him to the back of her throat and sucked just a little each time. Her delicate little hand cupped and massaged his balls as he raked his fingers over the bed. He shook from the pleasure.

  His mind had gone numb, and only when he’d heard the foil of the condom wrapper tearing had he realized she’d stopped sucking him. She placed the condom over his shaft and straddled him, taking his cock into her pussy once again. He held her hips as she bucked forward. When she leaned back, her hands clasping his thighs, he molded his hands to her beautiful breasts and reached down to tease her clit.

  “Yes,” she hissed, fucking him harder. “Don’t stop!”

  Stop? Like that was going to happen. Looking at her, feeling her, it was too damn good to do anything but ride the fire of passion she unleashed.

  This was never the picture he’d had in his mind with Liza, but it was a welcomed surprise.

  He clenched his jaw
, his world so close to shattering as he watched her come undone. Her pussy clamped tight around his cock as if to milk him of his seed, and everything exploded in his mind. He groaned as he came. His body flexed with his release. She fell onto his chest, breathless and panting. He wrapped her in his arms and held her that way for a long while.

  Finally, she shifted off him. He moved from the bed to discard the condom and when he returned she was nestled under the covers. He joined her, pulling her against him. He kissed her hair and closed his eyes, the moment more satisfying than anything he could remember.

  Before he’d realized he’d done it, he’d fallen asleep, and morning was already popping its ugly head up from the horizon. When he reached for Liza, he wasn’t surprised to find her gone. The night was over, and so was their affair.

  It’s best that no one discovers our secret.

  He flipped the covers off his legs and moved into the shower. He had to get back to Iron Horse. Closing for one night was okay. Closing for two, not so much.

  Once he was dressed and had his things packed he did one final sweep through the hotel room to make sure he hadn’t left anything behind. That was when he spotted something shiny under the guest table. It was one of Liza’s earrings. Not giving it much thought, he picked it up, and stashed it into his jean pocket.

  He grabbed his suitcase and headed out. As he strolled through the front lobby, he heard Sam and Daniel laughing. He glanced over to see them eating breakfast, looking like the newlyweds they were.

  “Hey,” he said, heading in their direction. “Did you guys have a good time last night?”

  “Yep,” Daniel cheered. “Too bad your old ass had to go to bed so early. You missed a hell of a night.”

  Old ass? He wasn’t old. Shit, Reid was a year older than he was, and no one ever teased him about his age. Then Liza’s sweet face popped into his head and he cleared his throat, considering how wrong Daniel was. Jason was glad he’d left when he had. Spending the evening with Liza had turned out to be an alluring treat and a wonderful way to end the night. Something he had never imagined happening between them until it had.

  “You guys were really enjoying yourselves when I left. Have you even been to sleep yet?”

  “Oh, we were and no,” Daniel said, taking a bite of toast.

  “Would you like to join us for breakfast?” Sam asked, waving her hand to the empty chair beside them.

  “No, I should get back.” He turned to leave. “You guys have fun. I’ll see you tonight, Sam.”

  As he made it to the front entrance, he felt a gentle tug on his arm and turned to see Sam. “Something wrong?”

  She shot him a curious look. “If I didn’t know Layla was shacked up with Luke all night, I might have assumed that was her I saw leaving your hotel room at six this morning.” She folded her arms over her chest as if to dare him to lie to her.

  He frowned. “Don’t go digging, Sam. I know she’s a good friend to you, but it’s nothing. Leave it alone.”

  She gaped at him. “You totally slept with her, didn’t you?” She scoffed. “I knew something was up when she followed after you last night.”

  “Sam, please, let it go.”

  His chest was tight. He wasn’t embarrassed about being with Liza, even with the ten-year gap. He’d enjoyed being with her more than he was willing to admit. But he didn’t want things to be strange between him, Layla, or Sam, and he certainly didn’t want Layla finding out he’d slept with her sister from anyone but him.

  “Enjoy your breakfast. I’ll see you at Iron Horse tonight.”

  Jason could feel Sam’s eyes digging into the back of his skull as he headed for his truck. He prayed she would keep what she’d discovered to herself until he was ready for anyone to know. Right now, he wanted his night with Liza to remain private and just between them.

  As he sat in his truck, Liza’s earring dug into his hip. He fisted it out and stared at it. He wasn’t sure if he should even return it. It wasn’t like he could ask Layla to do it. How would he explain how it landed in his possession to begin with?

  It was complicated before they’d had sex. Why did he assume it wouldn’t get more so after the fact?

  This is what I get for letting the little head do the thinking for the big head.

  He let his head fall back against the headrest and groaned. Then he tossed Liza’s earring into the center console and tried to forget it was there. The entire drive to Iron Horse was spent with images of her in his bed. They way they’d fucked had been as if they were trying to brand themselves into one another. Their frantic desire was maddening.

  He wanted to return the earring, but seeing her again was a bad idea. He was consumed with thoughts of her, like a dream he couldn’t wait to have again. Surprisingly, if given the chance, he would.

  I’ve lost my mind.

  He growled. “I’ll just mail the damn thing back to her and be done with it.”

  Chapter Three

  Liza stared blankly at her computer screen. She couldn’t think. Work was the last thing on her mind. Jason Whitmore’s face was all that seemed to appear in her thoughts. That and the events of the night before.

  The skin of her arms and legs was super sensitive, as if his hands were caressing her body, touching her intimately. She could feel him inside her, pleasuring her. It was crazy to desire him the way she did. One night of pleasure was supposed to satisfy her cravings, eradicate the lust brewing inside her. Not amplify it.

  What’s wrong with me?

  She groaned with frustration.

  Stupidly, she’d left her earring on the floor of his hotel room. As she lay beside him in bed, she couldn’t shake the need to see him again. It was ridiculous to think that she was capable of being with him once and not desire more. She did. She also didn’t have the strength to admit that the reason she avoided Iron Horse all these months was that she feared she’d never be able to mask her feelings for him.

  God, I’m like a lovesick puppy. How pathetic.

  She covered her face with her hands. She was acting like a teenage girl with a crush. He was older than her, had a business, a career, he was established. She was just finding her way and working her ass off to make a name for herself in a demanding, high-profile real estate development company. She was surrounded by professional men, but none of them even came close to enflaming her the way Jason had. They were pencil pushes who craved higher earnings. He was—something else.

  Jason stirred emotions inside her that shouldn’t be there. He was off-limits for a number of reasons. First, why would he want her? She wasn’t like the girls from his bar, didn’t know anything about motorcycles, and never once tasted beer. These were focal points in his daily life—something she couldn’t share with him. Secondly, they were from different career worlds and there was no way they would ever mix. He was rough and free, while she was trying to be polished and reserved. Thirdly, he scared the hell out of her. Without much effort, he made her feel things that she shouldn’t. Made her want him like the air in her lungs. He was maddening.

  She raked her fingers through her hair, remembering how horribly she had treated him when she’d found him standing at the bar during the wedding reception. She’d been such a bitch, acting as if he were the last man on earth she’d want to be with. When he was really the only man she desired.

  I’m an idiot.

  Truth was, she cared so much about her job and new life that she feared what others would think if she brought around a tattooed, giant biker dude with hair longer than hers. It wasn’t like she could bring him to her company functions. Her coworkers would’ve assumed she’d lost her mind and was on a rebellious streak. She’d lose their respect. Image was everything in her line of work. Jason didn’t fit into her world, and she certainly didn’t belong in his. She wasn’t like Sam or Layla. She hadn’t been like them in a long time.

  But regardless of the truth of those details it didn’t stop her from lusting after him.

  It’s just a crush. I�
�ll get over him soon.

  “Ms. Grey, are you all right?”

  Startled by her assistant’s voice, she cleared her throat. “I’m sorry what?”

  “Is everything all right? Can I get you something?” Barb asked.

  She plastered the best smile she could conjure on her face. “I’m fine. Just a little tired.”

  “I would imagine so. You’ve been traveling nonstop for months.”

  That was the truth. Liza didn’t want to travel anymore, and she felt awful for lying to Jason about needing to fly out today. It had been an excuse not to throw herself at him and beg him to let her stay another day. There was too much temptation to just hide away from the world with him.

  “Let me get you some coffee.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly as Barb closed her office door.

  For the first time ever, she wished that her office didn’t have windows. She’d give anything to lock herself away. As it was, she was constantly forced to put on a face that wasn’t her own. Yes, she loved her job. Had come to thrive within the corporate world. She just desired something else, too. Something she could never admit to anyone she wanted.


  * * * *

  Jason felt Sam’s penetrating stare from his office door. As it was, he couldn’t work knowing she was desperate to talk with him about Liza—something he’d known the moment Sam had approached him at the hotel. Sam wasn’t the type to let it rest.

  He didn’t want to tell Sam everything, but he couldn’t avoid telling her something either. She was a force to be reckoned with, and he knew she had questions. Her boots scuffled over the floor as she closed his office door at her back.

  “Do you like her? Or was this just a one-night stand situation?” Sam blurted out, plopping down in the chair across from him.

  He didn’t look up from his papers. “Does it matter?”

  “No,” she snapped, but then added, “Yes.”

  He laid the papers down he’d been reviewing and folded his arms across his chest. He imaged the laundry list of reasons Sam would have of why he shouldn’t have slept with Liza. Shit, they were probably the same ones he’d dismissed before he’d gone and done it.


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