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The Road to Justice/Sins of the Son combo pack - A John Fowler Novel (John Fowler (Books 1 & 2))

Page 17

by David Carner


  Oval Office

  Chapter 85

  John had said the phrase. He knew he had to give Trip a minimum of five minutes, if not ten to get into position. There was only so long he thought he could keep David from shooting Lisa. There was only so long he thought he could convince himself David shouldn’t shoot Lisa. John spoke to try to break the tension.

  “So Jason killed Beth and tried to kill David. What about their mother? Why didn’t she report them missing?” David’s eyes flashed and for a second John thought he had made a big mistake. Contempt for John covered Lisa’s face. Oh well, thought John, she’s not the first woman to hate me. Lisa almost spat out the words.

  “That piece of trash!?! When I told her what happened to her children and suggested she shouldn’t go to the police because they might arrest her for neglect, she basically traded her silence for $10,000.00.” John felt sick to his stomach. What kind of evil girl was Lisa? Lisa kept on.

  “I then made suggestions to Daddy that I didn’t like the kids here and that they should be sent away. I also told him that I would like to change my name and have nothing to do with that cesspool of a town. Daddy agreed after I convinced him that everyone had been mean to me. Daddy sent all of the kid’s parents back to their original states. He gave them raises so it wouldn’t look suspicious. I asked him for $10,000.00 to give to Mrs. George to help out with her kids after we left. I told him we needed to help those less fortunate than us.”

  She saw the look on John’s face. It was one of disdain. That was fine by Lisa. She had protected her father from any possible fallout. She knew the tape would never get out, but John new Senator Cosby and John might let Cosby know what was said here. The last thing she wanted to do was give Senator Cosby any kind of idea to look into her father’s past.

  John was revolted by what he had heard. He looked at David. David almost had a look on his face that said, “And you thought I was bad?” Lisa was evil in John’s book. Not just evil, but despicable. John had to hold his face steady and not smile. He was about to bring down the wickedest person he’d ever met and he didn’t want to tip his hand.

  “Is there anything else either of you think needs to be told?” John asked.

  “I think the world has heard everything I wanted them to.” David replied. David let Lisa go. He walked over to a chair near John holding the gun by its barrel. He laid the gun on the chair, stepped back several steps, got down on his knees and put his hands behind his head with his fingers interlocking.

  John picked up the gun and placed the camera on the desk still pointing toward Lisa and David. Lisa stayed away from David. John walked between them just in case Lisa decided to kick David in the ribs or something. John faced Lisa.

  “Lisa,” began John. “What I’d like to say to you is . . . You have the right to remain silent, however I’m not a current agent,” as John was speaking he was walking across the room to open the door to the inner office. There was Trip with his handcuffs out. He crossed the room and began to put the cuffs on Lisa. John continued. “And since I’m not, I’ll just have to watch Trip arrest you and settle for that.”

  Trip shouted all clear and began to read Lisa her rights. The Secret Service and FBI agents flooded the office. One agent cuffed David and whispered to him that he deserved a medal. The agents read David his rights as they walked him away. David mouthed the words, “Thank you” to John as they took him off. Trip was still reading Lisa her rights. John spoke.

  “So this whole thing,” John began by waving his hand at the oval office. “This whole thing happened just so you could become the President, and when that didn’t work out, you decided the next best thing you could do was be the first lady? Is that about right, Lisa?” Lisa didn’t say a word, obviously invoking her right to remain silent.

  Trip had finished reading Lisa her rights and shook his head, amused with John’s questioning.

  “Really, John?” Trip asked. “You think she’s going to admit that someone didn’t do exactly what she wanted? You think she was going to allow someone who wasn’t on her level of society take her down?” Trip was looking at Lisa disgustedly as he spoke. “This woman would never admit that someone she felt was below her station in life could affect her.”

  One of the agents standing beside the two of them shook his head at John and Trip’s conversation.

  “You realize you two just took down the first lady of the United States of America and you’re trying to get her to incriminate herself?” The agent asked. John and Trip looked at each other and nodded.

  “Yeah that’s about right,” said Trip.

  “We’re just trying to save the American people some money on a trial,” said John with a smile. Trip groaned.

  “I think you have all the incriminating evidence you need,” said the agent.

  Lisa was listening to the exchange, but the last comment by the agent bothered her. She had taken all she could stand and had one of her famous Lisa Nichols outbursts.

  “YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!” Lisa screamed. Trip and John turned slowly with huge grins on their faces to face the first lady. “You idiots have arrested me!!! How!?!?”

  John smiled and walked over to President’s desk and brought back the camera. He pointed to the red light on the end of the camera. Lisa shrugged her shoulders to say, “so?”

  “Lisa. Sweetie,” began John. Lisa was glaring at him. “I lied. The red light means that we are transmitting live.” Lisa’s face fell. The smile fell off of John’s face. He was deadly serious. “You see, ma’am, I’m a Kentucky boy myself. I’ve seen many of those . . . what was the phrase again?” John asked Trip.

  “Pieces of trash,” replied Trip helpfully.

  “Ah, yes,” said John. “I’ve seen many of those ‘pieces of trash’,” John said using air quotes. “Make their lives out to be so much better without the help of condescending brats like you.” Lisa was turning red and making strangling noises. John ignored her and continued. “When I had put enough together and found out that David had you hostage, I just had to find a way to get you to tell what really happened.” John moved in really close and spoke quietly where only Trip and Lisa could hear him. “But you see, part of your story just doesn’t jive with me, if you know what I mean. I don’t think your daddy is quite as innocent as you would like me to believe he is.” John turned to Trip as he said that.

  Trip put his left arm across his chest to support his right arm. With his right arm he was tapping his finger against his lip. He had a “hmm” face as he did this. He lowered his hand and turned to John.

  “Do you think we should open a file on Mr. Archibald Staples?” Trip asked.

  “I think he has to be considered at least as a person of interest, don’t you, VERONICA?” John said her name with contempt. The color drained from Lisa’s face. She tried to keep her composure. She responded with four simple words.

  “I want my lawyer.” Trip turned to the other agents.

  “Get her out of here,” said Trip. He turned and saw a man in a suit enter the room. “Aw crap.” John turned to see what had Trip bothered. Trip turned back to John. “That guy in the suit is with the FBI brass in Washington. I have a feeling we’re about to meet with at least them, if not the President as well.

  “I’m probably not his favorite person right now, am I?” Asked John

  “You think?” Trip replied. The two walked over to the man who had entered the room and followed him out of the Oval Office.

  Chapter 86

  John and Trip followed the man deep down into the White House. John had always heard that there were rooms underneath the building. Now it seemed he was going to find out firsthand. He was sure they wouldn’t be shot and dumped down here somewhere . . . well, he was fairly sure.

  They finally entered a room and found themselves face to face with the President of the United States. He shook both Trip’s and John’s hand and offered both of them a seat. After the President sat, John couldn’t tak
e the mounting pressure inside and he just began to blurt things out.

  “Mr. President, I would like to apologize to you. This case developed so quickly we never had an opportunity to give you a heads up about what was about to happen. I’m sorry if we have caused you any embarrassment.” Trip looked at John like he’d like to strangle him. John shrugged. The President nodded and answered.

  “John, Trip, neither of you will receive any reprimand in this case if I have anything to do about it,” the President responded. John and Trip were both a little taken aback with that. “I asked you here to see if there was anything else you suspect that was not brought to light during my wife’s on-air revelations. It is obvious from what I saw today that I have been duped. I now wonder if I have been duped by just Lis . . .Veronica, or also by Archibald Staples.” John gave a low whistle, he hadn’t thought about that angle yet. John looked at Trip and Trip gestured for him to take lead.

  “Sir.” John wasn’t quite sure what to say; this was the President after all. He decided to talk to him man to man. “Sir, I have no proof about Archibald Staples.” The President looked relieved and began to relax in his chair. “However,” the President stopped his relaxing. “I believe Archibald Staples is as dirty as the day is long.” Trip looked up at the ceiling and blew air out of his mouth. Trip prayed internally that he would still have his job when this was all over.

  “Do you think a fourteen year old child could orchestrate all of those parents being run out of town so easily or the payoff to Mrs. George?” John asked. The President shook his head. He was hearing all of the doubts that he already had himself. “I have not yet begun to dig into this man, but I think there is quite a bit there.”

  “I think you leave me no choice then, John,” said the President. John was suddenly seeing bad mob movies run through his head. He was going to end up buried under the White House! “I will have to divorce my wife, which I would anyway. This has nothing to do with politics; she’s just not who I thought she was. I will also have to resign. For all I know Archibald has been using my position for his own gain. There’s no telling what Lisa was doing that I wasn’t aware of. Even if neither of them did anything, there is too much suspicion for the American people to trust me, and the one thing we cannot have is the people of this country believing that their President is in the pocket of a wealthy businessman, and there being some evidence supporting that.” John was impressed.

  “Sir, I don’t get into politics much, regardless of what some may think,” said John. The President smiled catching the obvious reference to John being tied to Senator Cosby. “But what I do know is honor, and what you are getting ready to do sounds like an honorable, but more importantly, the right thing to do.” John stood up and offered the President his hand. The President stood up and shook John’s hand. “As far as I’m concerned, sir, this talk never happened if that is what you want.”

  The President buttoned his coat and straightened himself. “I would appreciate that John. I would also appreciate if you would turn over every rock and dig in every hole Lisa and her father had any dealings with. Those two deserve whatever you can find.” John smiled and so did the President.

  “Sir, you’d better believe they have both made my list.” Trip raised his eyebrows.

  “How are you going to do that, John? You’re just a PI?” Trip asked smugly. Both of them were shocked when the man from the Washington bureau, they had both forgotten was in the room, answered.

  “If John wants back in, then there will be no resistance from us,” he said. John decided to double down and go for broke.

  “And Jessica and Chet?” John asked. Trip groaned inwardly.

  The man from the bureau smiled. “John, they are safe. I’m not for sure that you’re safe from Arthur Moore.”

  “There’s a shock,” said John sarcastically. That brought a chuckle from the man from the bureau which surprised everyone in the room. John and Trip started out of the White House. When they exited John heard Trip chuckle behind him. There, waiting for John, was Bruce.

  Chapter 87

  Bruce did a slow clap as he walked up to John. Trip ignored the two and walked past them. Trip didn’t know if he could take any more excitement today, and he was sure he didn’t want to see this exchange.

  “John I have to give it to you,” Bruce said. “Three years out of the game, and you pull this one off? That is just impressive. Dude, you have got serious skills.”

  John was a little taken aback. He wasn’t sure what game Bruce was playing but John knew he needed to proceed very cautiously.

  “Thank you, Bruce. I appreciate that. How did you get here?”

  “Oh, a bunch of us jumped in a plane in New York and flew down. The bureau loaned us cars to get down here to the White House to help out if needed. Obviously we weren’t. Good job, sir, good job.”

  John offered out his hand and Bruce shook it. John released Bruce’s hand, and was quickly herded off by other agents to begin to answer questions for the reports that had to be filed. Bruce stood and watched John leave. Bruce looked back at the White House. Bruce chuckled and shook his head. Bruce’s phone rang. It was a blocked number.

  “Bruce Cosby,” he answered.

  “Mr. Cosby,” said the voice on the other end. “I could use your help on a matter; I believe it could make someone’s FBI career. If you’re interested simply show up at the address I’m going to text you. I will include the time of the meet in the text as well. If not, please disregard this phone call like it never happened.” The phone call ended.

  “Oh, Archibald,” said Bruce quietly to himself. “I have heard your voice too many times over the years not to recognize it. I’ll gladly meet you and your cronies. There is nothing I would love to hear more than what plan you have to get your little daughter out of this mess she’s in right now. It should be quite enjoyable watching you squirm.” Bruce looked around and saw many of the reporters were leaving. “I do wonder where my father got off to. Oh, well, who cares?”

  Bruce walked over to the car he was loaned, opened the door and sat in the driver’s seat. He suddenly started checking his pockets like he had lost his keys. He finally found what he was looking for in his coat pocket. He pulled out a small cloth bag closed by drawstrings. He opened the bag and looked inside. He smiled as he pulled out the ring. It was a simple gold ring. Inscribed inside, it simply read, “Always yours, John”. Bruce replaced the ring in the bag, closed it and made sure it was securely tied. He put the bag back into his pocket and spoke to himself very softly.

  “If I had a sister, I wouldn’t miss her.”

  Bruce started the car and headed toward the address that was texted to him by the caller.

  New York FBI Offices

  Later that Afternoon

  Chapter 88

  John walked into the FBI building with a smile on his face. He looked around upstairs for Bruce but couldn’t find him. He chuckled and walked into Trip’s office. Trip looked up and saw him. Trip crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. John stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels.

  John spoke, “I guess I haven’t made a lot of friends in Washington.” Trip choked back a laugh.

  “The rumor I got from Washington is the President will announce his resignation this week. The official story will be he is going to help his wife. A few weeks after that will come the sad announcement of their divorce due to irreconcilable differences.” John continued to rock back on his heels. Trip dropped his arms from his chest and smiled. “I’m surprised we haven’t heard from Bruce’s dad. I figure he’s one of the ones behind the scenes secretly helping him push Lisa out of the President’s life. Senator Cosby will want a photo with you by the way.” John began to laugh and clapped his hands together. Trip was grinning broadly. He pulled a folder out of his desk drawer. He handed it John. John took it and looked at the file name. It simply said “Samantha Fowler”. John sighed. He started to open it and stopped. John looked out the window and did the har
dest thing he had ever done. He handed the file back to Trip. Trip looked dumfounded. “I don’t understand, did I do something wrong,” asked Trip.

  John smiled and replied. “Nope, you didn’t do a thing wrong Trip. I’m not ready.” Trip looked extremely confused. “I need to tell you something that hardly anyone knows.” Trip nodded for him to go ahead. “The night Sam died . . .” John looked away, cleared his throat and continued with tears in his eyes. “The night Sam died, I was heading home. I was going to tell her I was joining AA and leaving the FBI if she wanted me to. I had bought this locket to give to her to apologize with; not that the locket itself was much of an apology with all I had put her through. Anyway, I had been standing a few blocks away trying to think of the right thing to say to her. I couldn’t decide. I finally gave up and headed to the apartment . . . well, you know the rest.” Trip folded his hands on his desk and looked down; when he looked back up he spoke.

  “Did you ever join AA?” Trip asked.

  John started to shake his head no, but stopped. “I have gone to many meetings over the past three years. Honestly, for a year I went nearly every day, but . . . I’ve never spoken or participated. I’ve just sat and listened to all of these people tell their story. I’ve never had the courage to tell mine. Trip, part of me feels like if I do, I’m letting go of Sam.”


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