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The Road to Justice/Sins of the Son combo pack - A John Fowler Novel (John Fowler (Books 1 & 2))

Page 18

by David Carner

  Trip nodded that he understood. When Trip spoke, he did so quietly. “So you left the FBI, but you didn’t do the part you promised; mind you it wasn’t a promise to yourself, but a promise all the same. You feel like if you do participate, then you will be moving on with your life?” John nodded. “You don’t feel that’s right, because you think you should have died with her that night?” John nodded again. “You feel like you let Sam down, John?” John nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks.

  “Well . . .” Trip picked up the folder he had been working on before John walked in. He opened it up in front on John. “These are your reinstatement papers into the FBI.” John was stunned. John knew it was coming, but he was shocked at the speed that it was taking place. Trip continued. “Here’s the deal. You do what you have to do, and when you’re ready we’ll pursue one or both of these files.” He was gesturing toward Sam’s file and John’s reinstatement papers. “But understand this, John Fowler.” John was a little stunned by the sudden sternness and fierceness in Trip’s voice. “You need to understand that both of us know that you are not done with the FBI, or this case.” Trip was holding Sam’s folder in his hand to emphasize his point. “You may have a pity party, and cry about the unfairness of it all, but there is a day coming when you will become consumed with only one thought and when that day comes, know that as long as I have ONE WORD to say about it . . . The entire FBI will be at your disposal!”

  Tears were freely falling down John’s cheeks. He didn’t even try to speak. He simply reached his hand out and Trip clasped his and spoke. “Go do what you have to do. Take as long as you need. We’ll get whoever this is, wherever they are.” John nodded and headed out the door. Trip leaned back in his chair after John left. A slow smile crossed his face. He knew he would have his agent back soon, and when he did, they would find out exactly who killed Samantha Fowler.

  Chapter 89

  John headed down to the foxhole. Chet and Jessica were studying a file on the interactive monitor when he walked in. Chet saw him and waved him over. John walked over and put his arms around both of their shoulders. Jessica raised an eyebrow.

  “So you save our jobs, save the first lady from being murdered, cause the president to possibly resign due to his wife’s actions over twenty-five years ago, and you think you can just go back to being best buds with us??” Jessica asked.

  John smiled, took his arms off of both of their shoulders, and spun Jessica toward him. He caught her in a full bear hug. He whispered in her ear. “Thank you . . . thank you for reminding me of who I am.”

  Jessica was a shocked. She had never expected such a heartfelt apology from John. Maybe Sam was right. Maybe his outward persona was a defense mechanism. During the exchange, Chet slipped from the room. John let her go and held her shoulders. He spoke. “I’m sorry I held so much against you for so long.”

  Jessica waved it off. John continued.

  “Jessica, I have talked to several people the past couple of days and many of them have told me the same thing. After I went off the deep end after Sam’s death, you did all the things I should have done. Jess, you took care of me when the last thing I said to you was how much I hated you. You saw me at my absolute worst in life and did all you could to help me. I don’t know how I can ever thank you. Me taking this case and getting certain people off your back at Washington doesn’t even start to get us even.”

  Jessica looked away. John had figured it all out again. John continued. “You kept everyone in the loop . . . well, those that would let you. Let me guess, Arthur didn’t think it was right for you to tell him anything. My guess is somehow you got in contact with Sam’s mom, Madeline, and told her how the investigation was going.”

  Jessica shook her head. “How do you do it, John? How do you figure out all of these things no one else can?”

  John shrugged. “It’s a gift, and sometimes a curse.” Jessica punched him in the shoulder. “I’m serious, Jessica. You can’t buy me things to surprise me with, or keep secrets because I figure them out. Like the only case you two worked on for the majority of the last three years was Sam’s murder case.”

  Jessica looked down again. “Jess, if you think you failed me because you couldn’t solve it, well . . . you’re wrong. I failed me and Sam by not solving it then. I don’t know if I have the strength to dig back into it now. I don’t know if I can survive looking into it. I fear if I reopen that case . . . then I’ll go back to drinking, and I’ll lose everyone in my life all over again.” John reached out and took her hand in his. “I feel like I have a life again and something to look forward to. I don’t think I could bear to lose all of that again.”

  Jessica looked at John. She looked a little nervous and asked him the question she had been dreading. “So . . . what about us?”

  John stepped back. The slow grin returned to his face and he spoke.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know about returning to the FBI yet.” He looked at Jessica’s face, but he saw he hadn’t answered the question she had really been asking. “As for what else may be implied by that question, let me say this. I’m not ready for anything today. I said earlier we have a relationship, and I meant that. I just don’t know how far I’m ready to take it right now. I honestly mean this when I say, it’s not you, it’s me.” Jessica raised an eyebrow. “Jess . . . I have something I have to take care of first. A promise I made to Sam.” Jessica looked down. When she looked back at John her eyes were sparkling.

  “John, I have no idea if there is an us. I don’t know if there could be, but if you don’t do something soon, there never will be.”

  John nodded. “I have to go do something. I have to take care of something tonight, and it would mean a lot to me if you were there. If there is to be an us, I have to take care of this first.” John handed her a card and Jessica looked at it. When she looked back up at John there were tears in her eyes and she was nodding. He continued. “Meet me there at 8:00 tonight if you can. If not, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” John stepped up to Jessica and kissed her on the cheek. John turned and left. After he left the room, Jessica continued to rub her cheek where John had kissed it. She smiled, and promised herself she would meet him tonight.

  Chapter 90

  As John walked up to the podium he thought about the last four years. He thought of Sam and for the first time in a long time, tears didn’t well up in his eyes as he thought about her, but instead a smile crossed his face. He also thought of Jessica, and to his surprise he didn’t feel like he was cheating on Sam when he thought of Jess. That caught him a little off guard. John chuckled to himself. He wasn’t sure what the future was going to hold, but he had to do this if there ever was to be a future for them.

  “Sam,” John thought to himself. “I didn’t die that day. I have to move on with my life and the only way to do it is to do the things I promised you I would. I’m sorry you are gone, but I’m not and I have to do this for me to have a life; to honor yours.” He swore he felt her giving him an encouraging push.

  He took a deep breath. He stepped up to the podium and looked around all the men and women sitting. Jessica sat in the front row. She smiled encouragingly. He thought to himself privately, “Sam, this is for you.” He looked back toward Jessica expecting to see Sam. Sam wasn’t there, only Jessica. John spoke to the audience that had gathered.

  “Hello . . . my name is John Fowler . . . and I’m an alcoholic.”

  Arthur Moore

  Sam’s Parents House, Virginia

  Chapter 91

  Arthur Moore, Sam’s father, was watching the news recap. He stared at John’s picture on TV. Anger and hatred welled up inside. He looked away from the TV and studied the trust document in his hand again. Madeline, Arthur’s wife, joined him in the room. She saw the program that he was watching and shook her head.

  “Arthur, I wish you would let this go, but if you can’t, then make the phone call. I want you to get closure.”

  Arthur looked at his wife. “Maddie, it’s not f
air! That man chews us out at our own daughter’s funeral and then goes and hides from the world for over three years?!? Then, when he finally decides to do something, it is to save the life of that Staples girl??? Don’t get me wrong, I’m sorry for what she did to that family years ago, but you and I both know Archibald will get her out of this mess!” Arthur stood up and began to walk around the room while Madeline watched him from the couch. Arthur continued.

  “It’s not right, Maddie! John doesn’t get to walk away and not do something about Sam!! He doesn’t!!” Madeline stood up and walked over to her husband. She put her arms on his shoulders from behind, attempting to comfort him.

  “Arthur,” she said. She turned him around to face her. “Arthur the poor boy’s been grieving all of these years.” Arthur walked away, tears brimming in his face.

  “And I haven’t!?!” Arthur exclaimed. Maddie shook her head.

  “Then, Arthur, make the phone call,” Maddie said.

  Arthur Moore picked up the phone and made the phone call that would change John Fowler’s life forever.

  The Next Morning

  John’s PI Office

  Chapter 92

  John was whistling as he walked. He had checked his messages for the PI Office earlier from his home. Apparently his business phone had been ringing off the hook the night before and all that morning with the notoriety he had received from saving the first lady’s life . . . and with the apparent resignation of the president. He had listened to a few of the calls. Most were more of the same type of cases he’d dealt with in the past. He really didn’t want to go back to those divorce and cheating spouse cases, not after the FBI case he had just completed. He shuddered involuntarily at some of the old PI cases that entered his thoughts.

  John had never more felt alive. He wasn’t for sure how long this feeling would last, but for right now, it was enough. He hadn’t thought twice about walking away from Sam’s case file. He was seriously thinking over Trip’s offer of a return to the FBI. He didn’t know what he would do. Chet had all but begged John to return, and Jessica had acted indifferent about his return. Jessica said they could still have a relationship and John not be a part of the FBI.

  John didn’t know how he would feel about that. He could see them talking at dinner or some other place where they were together about what they did that day. John didn’t think he could stand listening to Jessica tell him about some exciting case and then have to tell her about stalking out two very unattractive people to take pictures of them doing unspeakable things to each other for their spouses. The earlier PI cases reentered his thoughts, and John shivered again at the mental image.

  John realized what he had just thought about; having a date with Jessica. Things had changed so much for him in the past couple of weeks. Heck, things had changed so much in the past two days!! After the AA meeting last night he and Jessica had talked until two in the morning at the coffee shop about Sam. Well that wasn’t true. They talked about Sam for a little while and then they talked about the two of them. It felt great! John felt like he finally had a life!

  John knew Sam would want him to move on, but John wasn’t sure he could have a relationship with Jessica and remain sane. Jessica knew all of John’s faults. Jessica had literally seen him at the worst place he had ever been in his life, and she still wanted to be with him. That was some pretty heavy stuff, and John wasn’t completely sure how he felt about it all. John shook his head and tried to stop thinking about his love life . . . or lack thereof. That was another thought for another day. John turned the corner, and stopped dead in his tracks. Apparently he was wrong, that was a thought for right now. John chuckled and waived to Jessica who was waiting in front of his building. She looked at her watch as he walked up.

  “I don’t know, John. I don’t think you can punch a time clock on time in the FBI any longer,” she said.

  “How do you do it?” John asked. Jessica raised her eyebrows. “How do you stay up past 2:00 am and still look so wonderful?”

  “Flattery will get you nowhere with me, Mr. Fowler, but you’re welcome to continue to try,” Jessica said as she put her arms around John’s neck. John’s heart began to hammer in his chest. He knew Jessica was enjoying this. She was trying to mess with him, and she was doing an excellent job! To be totally honest John was enjoying being messed with! Jessica leaned in very close to his ear and whispered.

  “John, I should have said this last night, but I couldn’t. Let me say what I need to say now.” John nodded, Jessica smiled coyly and continued. “John, I need you. I don’t think I can make it without you. I’m lost without you John. I have never told a soul that before. John, please stay.”

  John’s heart was about to jackhammer out of his chest. Jessica could feel it beating against her. She leaned back and took a look at him.

  “John . . . are you ok?” John nodded and summoned the strength to speak.

  “Jess . . . are you talking about the FBI?” Jessica smiled and touched her finger to his nose. She turned and walked away. Over her shoulder, she answered.

  “John, what else would I be talking about? See you later.”

  John took a few minutes to compose himself. He smiled and began to whistle again as he headed up the building stairs to his office. John’s whistle died on his lips as he noticed a figure through the window of his office.

  John opened the door and walked in. A very well dressed man was sitting on his couch. The man smiled.

  “John, John Fowler?”

  Something in John’s mind screamed not to answer and to walk out the door, but instead John answered, “Yes.” The man smiled and handed John a folded piece of paper.

  “John Fowler, you’ve been served.”

  John sighed. He knew deep down what was coming before the man had served him. He had to get back on his game. That was the problem with this happy feeling; he missed the little things that he normally would have noticed. John laughed. Apparently there had to be a certain balance between happiness and sadness for him to be most effective. John sat down and looked at the summons. He decided to go ahead and open it and get everything over it. His mouth dropped as he read the document. His in-laws were suing him in civil court! Not only that, they were suing him for the death of Sam. His in-laws were asking for the trust that Sam’s grandparents had left to Sam and him to be turned over to them. John let the paper fall to his desk. John stood up and looked out his window trying to decide what to do. His cell phone began to ring. He looked down and saw the title, “Mommy.” John answered, thinking Chet had been served as well.

  “Chet, did they serve you too!?!”

  “John, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but this is huge. Bruce’s father has been kidnapped!”

  “What!?!? When?”

  “We’re not for sure; it was just reported about an hour ago . . . John, Bruce is asking for your help.”

  John looked out the window as the slow smile crossed his face. While he felt sorry for United States senator Jeremiah Cosby, the fact Bruce had to break down and ask for his help made John’s day.

  Chet was still talking. “John! John!! Are you there!?!”

  “I’m here, Chet. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  The End . . . For Now.

  Sins of the Son

  Chapter 1

  John shook his head gingerly and checked his nose. Blood was freely flowing from it, or was that from his forehead? He really wasn’t sure at this point; all he knew was that he was a bloody mess. John felt someone grab him by the leg and drag him behind a stack of boxes. As John turned to see who had saved him, he saw two of Bruce Cosby. Great, he thought, I’m seeing double. It was then that John’s stomach rolled. He was nauseous, though he wasn’t sure if it was from the blow he took to his head or seeing two of Bruce.

  “You, ok?” Bruce asked. John couldn’t quite make out what Bruce was saying. Either he had asked him if he liked hay, or if he wore a toupee. A shot rang out and hit the box over John’s head. That
he heard clearly! John tried to remember how they got in this mess. It was all starting to slowly come back to him. Senator Jeremiah Cosby had been kidnapped. John and Bruce had tracked down the chief suspect, Luke McDonald, to this warehouse and were attempting to apprehend him. John and Bruce had found Jeremiah a few days earlier, and thought they had Luke cornered in this building. The only thing John knew for sure at that moment was Luke had pitched a grenade at John’s previous location. The concussive force and the shrapnel from the explosion had about finished John off. If the boxes in front of him hadn’t taken the fragment damage, John wasn’t sure he would be here right now.

  “Stay back,” yelled Luke. “I’ve got a bomb and I’ll take you out!”

  Bruce sneaked a quick peek at the device.

  “John,” Bruce began. “I think if I were to shoot the bomb, it would go off and take Luke out without hurting us.”

  John stared at Bruce with amazement, put his finger in his ear and wiggled it around like he was trying to unclog it.

  “I’m sorry, my hearing must be extremely jacked-up. I thought you just said you wanted to shoot a bomb!!” John exclaimed. Bruce sighed.

  “John, you’re hurt and I can’t take a chance of that maniac getting away and killing my father,” replied Bruce.

  “Bruce!!! He’s got a freaking bomb!!! You have no idea what the payload is!!”

  “John, stay down,” said Bruce. Bruce stood and took aim at the bomb.

  “Don’t, Bruce!! I won’t tell!!” Luke yelled.

  “You’re right. You won’t,” said Bruce quietly where John couldn’t hear him. Bruce fired and John thought to himself, “Sam, I’m coming to see you a lot sooner than I planned.”

  The bomb exploded.

  6 Days Earlier


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