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The Iron Tower Omnibus

Page 75

by Dennis L McKiernan

  dammsel: a Warrow term meaning, daughter.

  Danby Rigg: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. A member of the Company of Whitby’s Barn.

  Danner Bramblethorn: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Hero of the Winter War. Leader of the Struggles. One of Tuck’s companions. Thornwalker. A member of Brega’s squad. Slain at the Kinstealer’s holt. Also known as Captain Danner, Sir Danner, and as the King of the Rillrock.

  Dara: (Sylva: Lady): an Elven title for an Elfess consort.

  Darby: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Captain of the Eastdell Fourth in the Winter War.

  Darda Erynian: (Sylva: leaf-tree hall-of-green): Elven name meaning, Greenhall Forest. A great forest east of the Argon River in Riamon. Also known as Blackwood of old, the Great Greenhall.

  Darda Galion: (Sylva: leaf-tree land-of-larks): Elven name meaning, Forest of the Silverlarks. A great forest of Eld Trees in southwest Riamon, west of the River Argon. Last true home of the Lian in Mithgar. Also known as Eldwood, and Larkenwald.

  (the) ’Dark: q.v., (the) Dimmendark.

  (the) dark citadel: q.v., (the) Iron Tower.

  ’Darkday: the term given to indicate the span of a day within the Dimmendark. Also known as ’Day.

  (the) Darkest Day: the day of the total solar eclipse during the Winter War.

  (the) Darkling Sea: the ocean of eternity. A Warrow dirge tells that when a being dies, he sets sail upon the Darkling Sea.

  (the) Dark Mere: a black lakelet under the Loom at the Dusk-door. Abode of the Krakenward. Also known as the Black Mere.

  (the) Dark One: Death.

  (the) Dark Plague: a ravaging plague that swept Mithgar in days of yore and slew as much as one-third of the total population. Commonly believed to be a sending of Gyphon or Modru.

  (the) Dark Queen: a card symbolizing disaster in the game of zhon (q.v.).

  (the) Dark Reaper: Death.

  Dark Reaver: q.v., Drakkalan.

  (the) Daûn Gate: (Chakûr: Sunrise Gate): q.v., Dawn-Gate.

  (the) Dawn-Gate: the great eastern entrance into Kraggen-cor. Located on the southeastern flank of Stormhelm Mountain. Opening onto the Pitch less than a mile from the Quadmere. Also known as the Quad Gate, and Daûn (Chakûr: Sunrise) Gate.

  (the) Dawn Ride: a way of passing from Adonar on the High Plane to Mithgar on the Middle Plane; ere the way was sundered, Elves riding horses often passed from the High World to the Middle. Other Folk knew not how or perhaps were incapable of passing between the Planes, since only Elves and their horses, and perhaps the Vani-lêrihha, seemed to make this journey. There is evidence, however, that Adon and Gyphon can open the way for others.

  (the) Dawn Sword: a special sword said to have the power to slay the High Vûlk, Himself. This weapon disappeared in the region of Dalgor March.

  ’Day: a twenty-four-hour time period within the Dimmendark (q.v., ’Darkday). Also refers to that daily time within the Dimmendark ordinarily associated with daylight hours.

  Deathbreaker Durek: the Dwarves believe that after death, spirits are reborn to walk the earth again, some more often than others. They believe that the spirit of First Durek is one that breaks the bonds of Death often; hence, the name, Deathbreaker Durek. (Q.v., Durek, First Durek.)

  (the) Deep Plug: a movable thorn barrier of great length used as a last measure to stopper up a tunnel leading through the Thornwall.

  (the) Deeves: q.v., Drimmen-deeve.

  (the) Deevewalkers: the name given to the four companions who strode through Drimmen-deeve during the Winter War: Galen (Man), Tuck (Warrow), Gildor (Elf), and Brega (Dwarf). Slayers of the Gargon. Also known as the Dread Slayers, the Four, the four Heroes, the Four Who Strode the Deeves, and as the Walkers of the Deeves.

  Degan: a Man of Valon. A warrior in Galen’s Legion.

  Delber: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. A member of the Eastdell Fourth and of the Company of the King. Slain at Challerain Keep.

  dele: (Sylva: porridge): a tasty Elven porridge.

  DelfLord: a title given to Dwarf Lords of outlying mineholts. Second in power only to Dwarven Kings.

  (the) Dellin Downs: a low range of hills central to Harth.

  (the) Dellin River: a river in Harth flowing southerly into the Caire River.

  (the) Dells: q.v., (the) Boskydells.

  Delon: an island in the Argon River, north of Landover Road Ford.

  Deva: (Valur: Elf): the Valonian word meaning, Elf.

  Deva Gildor: (Valur: Elf Gildor): q.v., Gildor.

  Deva Talarin: (Valur: Elf Talarin): q.v., Talarin.

  Dilbs: q.v., Dilby Helk.

  Dilby Helk: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. A member of the Eastdell Fourth and of the Company of the King. Slain at Challerain Keep. Also known as Dilbs.

  Dill Thorven: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. A warrior of the Struggles. Fought in the Battle of the Iron Tower.

  (the) Dimmendark: a spectral dark over the land, cast by Modru using the power of the Myrkenstone during the Winter War to negate Adon’s Ban. Also known as the ’Dark, Modru’s myrk, the murk of the Evil One.

  Dinburg: a Boskydell hamlet north of the Crossland Road, in Eastdell.

  Dinby Hatch: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. A lieutenant in the Company of Whitby’s Barn.

  (the) Dingle-rill: a Boskydell river flowing from Bigfen eastward to empty at last into the Spindle River.

  Dinglewood: a Boskydell forest north of Woody Hollow.

  Dink Weller: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Warrior of the Struggles. A member of Brega’s squad.

  Disappearance: an incident of a mysterious disappearance of a Boskydell Warrow just prior to the Winter War. (Q.v., disappearance(s).)

  disappearance(s): incident(s) where Warrows vanished; discovered to be the work of Vulgs slaying the Warrows and dragging the bodies to coverts.

  Dolh: (Slûk: untranslated): Spawn word meaning, Elf, Elves.

  (the) Doomed Raid of Braggi: q.v., Braggi’s raid.

  (the) Doom of Mithgar: Modru’s planned fate for Mithgar.

  (the) Door: q.v., (the) Dusk-Door.

  Dorn: a Man of Riamon. King of Riamon during the Winter War. Husband of Alare. Laurelin’s sire.

  Dossey’s Orchard: an orchard on the west of Woody Hollow.

  Downdell: the southeasternmost of the Seven Dells of the Boskydells. Noted for its leaf (q.v., Downdell leaf).

  Downdell leaf: apparently, tobacco. Downdell leaf is reputed to be the best.

  Downyville: a Boskydell village in Eastdell north of the Crossland Road.

  Draedan: (Sylva: Dread One; the Gargon): q.v., Gargon.

  (the) Dragon Pillars: four rows of great pillars in the War Hall of Kraggen-cor. The pillars are carved to resemble Dragons twining up around the columns.

  Dragons: one of the Folk of Mithgar. Comprised of two strains: Fire-drakes and Cold-drakes. Dragons are mighty creatures, capable of speech. Most have wings and the power of flight. Generally they live in remote caves and, some of those who are Renegades (q.v., Renegade Dragons) ravage the nearby land. They sleep for one-thousand years and remain awake for two-thousand. Often they seek treasure, which they hoard. Fire-drakes spew flame. Cold-drakes spew acid, but no flame; for they once were Fire-drakes, but sided with Gyphon in the Great War, and their fire was taken from them by Adon as punishment. Cold-drakes suffer the Ban—yet though they are slain by the Sun, the Withering Death strikes them not (i.e., when Sun slain, they do not wither to dust in its rays). No female Dragons are known, and it is said by the Dwarves that Dragons mate with Madûks (Krakens). Dragons named in The Raven Book are Ebonskaith, Skail, and Sleeth the Orm. Also known as Orms (Worms).

  (the) Dragon’s Breath: q.v., (the) Dragon’s Flame.

  (the) Dragon’s Flame: the cometary tail of the Dragon Star. Also known as the Dragon’s Breath.

  (the) Dragon Star: a comet that nearly collided with Mithgar. Sent by Gyphon, for it bore the Myrkenstone to the world to be used by Modru.

  Drakkalan: (
Châkur: Dark Shedder): the axe given to Brega by Eiron. Also known as Eborane (Sylva), and Dark Reaver.

  (the) Drawbridge at Dusk-Door: a span across the Dusk-Moat at Dusk-Door.

  (the) Drawbridge at the Great Dêop: a span across the Great Deep near the Dawn-Gate.

  (the) Drawbridge at the Iron Tower: a span across the chasm at the Iron Tower (q.v.).

  (the) Drawing Dark: a deep, eight-foot-wide fissure in Kraggen-cor from which emanates a hideous sucking noise (possibly a whirlpool down within the crack). So named by Tuck because it seemed as if the crevice were trying to draw one down into the darkness.

  (the) Dread: q.v., (the) Gargon.

  (the) Dread of Drimmen-deeve: q.v., (the) Gargon.

  (the) Dread of the Black Hole: q.v., (the) Gargon.

  (the) Dread Slayers: q.v., (the) Deevewalkers.

  Drear Ford: a ford on the River Caire between the Wilderland north of the Wilderness Hills and the Drearwood in Rhone.

  Drearwood: a forest in Rhone through which wends the Crossland Road. In this wood in days of yore were said to dwell dreadful creatures, creatures driven out by the Elves of Arden during the Purging. Also known as the ’Wood.

  Drimm: (plural: Drimma): (Sylva: Dwarf): Elven name meaning, Dwarf.

  Drimmen-deeve: (Sylva: Dwarven-delvings; Dwarven-mines): Elven name for Kraggen-cor (q.v.). Also known as the Black Deeves, Black Drimmen-deeve, and as the Deeves.

  Drôken: a term meaning, of the Drokha.

  Drôkha: (singular: Drôkh) (Valur: vile-filth): q.v., Hlôks.

  Dubh: (Slûk: untranslated): Spawn name meaning, Dwarf, Dwarves.

  Duellin: a city of Atala. Also known as Lost Duellin after Atala sank.

  Duorn: an Elf. Lian warrior. One of the four Elves sent on a mission into Gron to spy out Modru’s strength at the Iron Tower and to rescue Laurelin, if possible; Duorn was slain at the Kinstealer’s holt while on this mission.

  Durek: a recurring name within the line of Dwarven Kings of Durek’s Folk. Durek was thought to be reborn often throughout the Eras, thus was given the name Breakdeath Durek and Deathbreaker Durek (q.v.).

  Durgan’s fabled steed: a legendary horse, said to be made of iron. Swift beyond reckoning, never tiring. Origin unknown although the legend is Pellarion.

  (the) Dusk-Door: the western trade entrance into Kraggen-cor. Located under the hemidome at the base of the Great Loom on the western flank of Grimwall Mountain. Crafted by the Dwarf, Valki, and by the Wizard, Grevan. After arcane words are spoken, the Dusk-Door can be opened and closed by Dwarves using the Wizard word, Gaard. And, just inside the West Hall, a chain also can be used to close (and perhaps open) the portal. Also known as the Door, and as the Dusken (Châkur: Sundown) Door.

  (the) Dusken Door: (Chakûr: Sundown Door): q.v., Dusk-Door.

  (the) Dusk-Moat: a moat that used to surround the courtyard before the Dusk-Door.

  (the) Duskrill: a stream flowing from Grimspire through Ragad Valley. Used to create the Dusk-Moat. Blocked for centuries by the Troll-made dam.

  Dwarvenholt: a Dwarven stronghold.

  Dwarven: a term meaning, of the Dwarves.

  Dwarven lantern: a small hooded lantern wrought of brass and crystal, glowing with a soft blue-green light. No fire needed to be kindled, no fuel seemed consumed.

  Dwarves: (singular: Dwarf): one of the Folk of Mithgar. Comprised of five strains. The adults range in height from four to five feet. Broad shouldered. Aggressive. Secretive. Clever. Mine dwellers. Crafters. Also known as Châk(ka) (Châkur), Drimma (Sylva), Dwarven Folk, and Dwarvenfolc (Valur).

  Dylvana: (Sylva: Wood Elves): one of the two strains of Elves upon Mithgar.

  - E -

  Eastdell: one of the Seven Dells of the Boskydells.

  Eastdell First: a Thornwalker Company of Eastdell.

  Eastdell Fourth: a Thornwalker Company of Eastdell. Also known by Tuck and his comrades as the Thornwalker Fourth.

  Eastdell Second: a Thornwalker Company of Eastdell.

  Eastdell Third: a Thornwalker Company of Eastdell.

  (the) East Footway: a Woody Hollow public footway across the Dingle-rill using the Rillstones.

  East Ford: a ford along Bryn Road across the Dingle-rill.

  (the) East Hall: one of the chambers in Kraggen-cor, just inside the Dawn-Gate, through which the Deevewalkers strode.

  Eastpoint: a Boskydell village in Eastdell, south of the Crossland Road, near the Spindle River.

  Eastpoint Hall: a large warren in Eastdell. Here lived Tuck’s cousins, the Bendels.

  (the) East Reach: the eastern quadrant of Valon.

  Eastwood: a large forest in Eastdell in the Boskydells. Also known as the ’Wood.

  Eastwooders: q.v., (the) Company of Eastwood.

  Ebonskaith: the greatest living Dragon in Mithgar.

  Eborane: (Sylva: Dark Reaver): q.v., Drakkalan.

  Edgewood: a large forest of Harth on the eastern border of the Boskydells.

  Eiron: a Lian Elf. Coron (Sylva: King) of the Elves in Mithgar during the Winter War. Consort of Faeon.

  Elaria: an Elf. Lian warrior. Captain of the Arden-ward at the northern entrance into Arden Vale during the Winter War.

  eld buccan: (plural: eld buccen): the age-name given to a buccan Warrow between 60 and 85 years old.

  eld days: old days.

  Elden/elden: a term used to mean, ancient, old, olden.

  Eld Trees: great trees, hundreds of feet tall, said to have the special property of gathering and holding the twilight if Elves live nearby.

  Eldwood: q.v., Darda Galion.

  Eleventh Yule: the eleventh day of Yule (q.v.); December 31; also known as Year’s End Day, and as Year’s End.

  Elfess: a female Elf.

  Elgo: a Man of Valon. The Hero who slew the Cold-drake Sleeth by tricking it into the sunlight, thus winning the Dragon’s hoard. Also known as Sleeth’s Doom (as told in the book Dragondoom).

  Elgo’s horn: q.v., (the) Horn of Valon.

  Elven: a term meaning, of the Elves.

  Elven cloak: a warm, lightweight, water-resistant cloak of a grey-green color that blends equally well into a background of stone, leaf, limb, or grass. Made by the Elves.

  Elvenholt: an Elven stronghold.

  Elvenkind: Elves.

  Elven rope: an extraordinarily strong, pliable, lightweight rope made by the Elves.

  Elves: (Singular: Elf): one of the Folk of Adonar, some of whom dwell in Mithgar. Comprised of two strains: the Lian and the Dylvana. The adults range in height from four-and-one-half to five-and-one-half feet tall. Slim. Agile. Swift. Sharp-sensed. Reserved. Forest dwellers. Artisans.

  Elwydd: daughter of Adon.

  Elyn: a Woman of Valon. Companion of the Dwarf Thork in the Quest of Black Mountain (as told in the book Dragondoom).

  emissary: q.v., Modru’s emissaries.

  (the) End Field: a large open field in Hollow End in Woody Hollow.

  (the) Enemy: q.v., Modru.

  (the) Enemy in Gron: q.v., Modru.

  Era: a historical age of Mithgar. These ages are determined by world-shaking events, which bring each Era to a close and begin the following Era. At the time of the beginning of the Winter War it was the Fourth Era (4E), the year 2018: 4E2018. The Winter War ended in 4E2019. The Fifth Era (5E) began the next Year’s Start Day.

  (the) Eroean: (Sylva: “eroean” is an Elven word having something to do with the wind): an Elvenship (the fastest ship in all of Mithgar, somewhat like a clipper ship, captained by the Elf Aravan). This ship joined in the Winter War to harass the ships of the Rovers of Kistan in the Avagon Sea. The Eroean had not been seen those waters in more than six thousand years, but during the Winter War she suddenly reappeared. After the war, she disappeared again.

  Eryn Ford: (Sylva: eryn = green): a turbulent ford located on the River Rissanin between Darda Erynian and the Greatwood. Also known as Green Ford.

  (the) Eternal Ban: q.v., (the) Ban.

  (the) Evil: q.v., Gargon. />
  (the) Evil in Gron: q.v., Modru.

  Evil Modru: q.v., Modru.

  (the) Evil One: q.v., Modru.

  (the) Evil One’s agent: a general term meaning, anyone who sided with Modru. A specific term used by Galen to mean the Gargon.

  evil tokens: q.v., feartoken.

  (the) Evil up north: q.v., Modru.

  - F -

  Faeon: Elfess. Mistress of Darda Galion. Consort of Eiron. Daughter of Talarin and Rael. Sister of Gildor and Vanidor. After Vanidor’s death, Faeon rode the Twilight Ride to Adonar to plead with the High One to intercede in the Winter War.

  faer sylva: (Twyll: fair forest): Warrow words used to describe a forest of enchanting beauty.

  Fair Time: the week-long mid-year festival in the Boskydells, beginning on June 15 and ending on June 21, Year’s Long Day.

  Falanith: (Sylva: valley rising): the Elven name for the Pitch (q.v.).

  Falk: a Man of Wellen. A Captain in the Alliance of Wellen and Arden. Leader of the escort that conducted the Warrow Heroes of the Iron Tower home to the Boskydells.

  feartoken: a token of power (q.v.) for Evil.

  (the) Fear to the North: q.v., (the) Gargon.

  Feast Hall: a large banquet hall in the castle at Challerain Keep.

  Feeny Proudhand: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Budgens Wheelwright. Perhaps kin to Teddy Proudhand.

  (the) Felling of the Nine: the malicious destruction by Spaunen of nine Eld Trees in Darda Galion. The Rûpt were captured, slain, and their remains displayed to other Spaunen in their mountain haunts.

  Feron: an Elf. Lian warrior of Arden. Fought in the Battle of Kregyn.

  (the) Fia River: a river in Aven flowing southwesterly from the Grimwall Mountains into the Argon River.

  (the) Fian Dunes: a low range of hills along Pendwyr Road in Pellar.

  Fieldmarshal: a field commander of an army.

  (the) ’Fields: q.v., Greenfields.

  Fifth Yule: the fifth day of Yule (q.v.); December 25.

  Finley Wick: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. A member of the Eastdell Fourth and of the Company of the King. Slain at Challerain Keep.

  Fire-drakes: q.v., Dragons.


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