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Amanda's Wolves

Page 8

by Becca Jameson

  The front door opened, and several people stepped out onto the porch. Or maybe everyone. They kept coming.

  Logan and Sawyer stood and shook hands with most of them as they filed down the steps and made their way to several cars and trucks.

  Amanda didn’t want to face them. She turned around and tromped down the driveway away from the commotion. She felt Rebecca on her heels, but had no idea how she knew that and didn’t turn around to confirm it.

  When they were far enough away to avoid any sort of interaction with the rest of the family, Amanda stopped walking and plopped down on her butt next to the far end of the circular driveway. She put her head in her hands and leaned against her bent legs. “What a mess.”

  Rebecca sat next to her. “I’m so sorry. I know it’s a lot.”

  “Do you know what the worst part is?” Amanda asked the ground.


  “Every cell in my body is clamoring to do exactly what you’re suggesting. I want nothing more than for those two crazy shifting wolf men to strip me naked and have their way with me. I’m that aroused.”

  “It’s normal.”

  Amanda lifted her face. “It’s not normal. Nothing about this is normal. It sounds like even my own sister has a secret man on the side she hasn’t told me about. I thought she was spending the evening with a girlfriend, but from the look on Laurie’s face, she’s been holding back on me, and Laurie didn’t realize it.”

  “Maybe it’s not what you think.” Rebecca said.

  “What am I supposed to think? I saw Laurie’s face. She didn’t realize Mary was keeping things from me. In fact, I’m kinda hurt. Why does Laurie know stuff about my sister that I don’t know? I thought we were closer than that.”

  “I’m sure you are close. Don’t read so much into it. It could simply be that Mary has been sheltering your feelings. Right?”

  “I guess. But I’m not a baby. I don’t care if she has a boyfriend. I’ve been sort of pissed to find out she didn’t. I was hoping we could go out together. Meet people. I was hoping she had gotten a life and become more normal since she moved here. I was banking on following in her footsteps without my mother hovering over my shoulder.

  “Instead, Mary never leaves the apartment. She sometimes meets up with Laurie, and she often hangs with Jazmine, but that’s not a life.”

  “Are you sure? Maybe that’s the life she enjoys.”

  “Whatever. I can’t focus on her right now. I have a new pile of problems longer than my arm.” Amanda looked up to see the last truck pulling away. The night was silent once again. She turned her gaze to find Sawyer and Logan still on the porch. Laurie was with them. They hadn’t left.



  Logan turned his body toward Sawyer, gripping the railing around the edge of the porch and not taking his gaze off their mate where she sat at the end of the drive with Rebecca. He could feel the vibe coming off her. She wasn’t ready to face them yet. “I need to run.”

  “What? Now?”

  “Yes.” He nodded at their mate. “Look at her. She’s scared out of her mind. She needs more time. To think. To let it sink in.”

  “Are you crazy? My cock is so hard now, it’s about to burst through my jeans.”

  “All the more reason.” Logan finally jerked his gaze from Amanda to Sawyer. “Let Rebecca handle this. I don’t think she’ll let her leave. I’m going to check out that logging site. It’s not far from here, and I want to be able to traipse into the center of it while no one’s there. Maybe I’ll get a better vibe if I can get closer.”

  “You want to do that now?” Sawyer stepped closer. “In the middle of the night?”

  “Yes. Can you think of a better time? Amanda needs a little space. I need a run. And I have to admit I feel more drawn to the strange vibe I had at that logging site now than I did before Mimi honed in on my emotions. It’s going to drive me crazy until I face it.” He released the porch railing and stepped into the darkness at the edge of the house, the same spot he’d shifted earlier for Amanda.

  She couldn’t see him now in the shadows. He could see her fine even through the distance between them and the darkness. But his eyes were those of a wolf. Even in human form he saw far better than average.

  He felt Sawyer at his back, following. “You sure about this? What if she leaves?”

  “She won’t.” He couldn’t explain how he knew it, but he did. When he glanced at Sawyer as he pulled off his boots, he found the man hesitating before he finally scowled and pulled his shirt over his head.

  “I hope you don’t get us killed before we’ve had a chance to claim our mate. That would really suck,” he grumbled.

  Logan chuckled. “I didn’t say we were going to start up a wood chipper and dance on the entrance plank. I simply want to wander around on the cleared ground and see if we feel anything.”

  “Do you mean see anything? Because I gotta say, the idea of confronting one of those spirit things makes my skin crawl. I don’t care if my sisters, my mother, and my grandmother can all approach them with ease, the darn things make me nervous.”

  “Scared?” Logan teased.

  “Hardly.” Sawyer pulled off the rest of his clothes and dropped to all fours along Logan to shift.

  Seconds later, they crept around the corner of the porch as Logan took a last glance at their mate. She sat with her head down, playing in the dirt between her legs. He wanted to run to her and tuck his head under that hand so it rubbed against his fur instead of the ground, but he jerked his head the other direction and bounded off the porch into the night.

  It didn’t take long to reach the logging site. It truly was about a mile to the northwest from their land at the edge of the reservation. He slowed as he approached. Although he could see fine, he was glad for the nearly full moon that illuminated the entire area.

  “Looks normal to me,” Sawyer communicated. “Can we go back now?”

  Logan ignored him, coming to a stop and then trotting slowly onto the cleared territory. He had the same sensation he’d had the first time he’d come upon the space, his hackles rising more with every step. “You feel that?”

  “Feel what?”

  Logan ignored Sawyer again, keeping his ears raised and his nostrils open. He breathed in, inhaling the scents, hoping something he could smell or hear or see would give him answers. What the hell was happening here? It was as if the land was pissed. Did that even make sense?

  Sawyer stopped pestering him, his silence telling Logan he felt the same vibe.

  When they reached the center, Logan spun slowly around, scanning the area. He couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary, and yet he felt as if he were being watched. There was no scent of human strong enough to imply anyone was currently at the site. Nothing but the smell of recently felled trees. Far too many of them if he had to guess.

  And then he stopped, staring straight ahead, knowing instinctively he was about to face the spirit at any moment. While he stood perfectly still, breathing shallowly to avoid disturbing the possible apparition, it coalesced in front of him, just yards away.

  “Shit,” Sawyer muttered into his head. He inched closer until he stood next to Logan.

  Oddly enough, the black hazy figure seemed to turn slowly to face away from them and then moved toward the north, hovering over the ground, pulling Logan along behind as if in a trance.

  He followed, Sawyer at his side, caught up in the same pull of Nature. When they reached the edge of the cleared land, the figure stopped next to a small shed. It lowered closer to the brush and then rose higher above their heads. The vibe Logan felt wafting from the apparition was one of extreme danger. Aggravation. As if it wanted to tell them something but lacked the words.

  It shimmered. If it thought it was frustrated, Logan had news…

  And then it poofed out of existence as fast as it appeared.

  Logan stared at the blank space next to a tree stump that indicated no evidence anything out of the o
rdinary had occurred.

  “Fuck me,” Sawyer finally communicated. “Can’t really ignore that. What do you suppose it wants?”

  “I don’t know, but it was definitely pissed.”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  Chapter Nine

  Hands trailed up her body, pushing her tank top over her breasts until it bunched up above them.

  She arched her neck as palms landed on her full breasts, molding them. Thumbs flicked over her nipples, making her inhale sharply.

  She spread her legs open wide as one hand trailed down to cup her sex between her legs. She moaned, digging her heels into the mattress and lifting her butt off the bed.

  Her panties were soaked. When a finger tugged them aside and slid between her folds, she nearly came undone.



  She froze. The men of her dreams never spoke to her. Her dreams never had voices…

  Suddenly, she realized the hands on her body were her own, and she bolted awake, gasping as it occurred to her she had kicked the covers off and lay masturbating nearly naked in an unfamiliar bed in Laurie’s house.

  She yanked her hand out of her panties and released the breast she was squeezing with the other hand.

  Keeping her eyes shut, she lay flat on the bed for several seconds, breathing in deeply to get her bearings. Her skin was so hot, sweat had beaded to run between her breasts and behind her knees.

  The dream had been more intense than ever before. Lord.

  Without opening her eyes, she started to sit up, thinking she could find the covers and get back to sleep quickly.

  But she came up short when she bumped into something warm and unmoving.

  With a small yelp, she opened her eyes and bolted upright.

  She took in the room in a flash of adrenaline. Sawyer sat on one side of her and Logan on the other side.

  Flames licked up her neck and face. “Oh. My. God.”

  Sawyer spoke first. “Sorry. This wasn’t planned.”

  She yanked her gaze to Logan as he continued. “You were moaning so loudly… We could hear you through the wall… And we…were drawn in.” He ran a hand over his face. His eyes lowered to her body.

  Shit. Her boobs. With fingers that barely received a command from her brain, she fumbled with her tank top and yanked it over her exposed chest.

  She could not have been more mortified.

  She squeezed her legs together, which did nothing to stop the tingling around her sex or the ache growing in the pit of her stomach. She had woken up sweating and horny before—several times in the last month in fact—but never to find the stars of her dream in 3D in her room.

  Maybe she was still dreaming.

  God. Please let that be true. Any other option was mortifying. So she sat very still, trying to control the urge to shake violently while glancing back and forth between Sawyer and Logan.

  Logan lifted one hand and stroked his fingers down her face. She leaned into the touch as he cupped her cheek, letting her eyes close.

  A dream. It had to be. Please, God, she pleaded again.

  “You are so very sexy,” Sawyer stated on her other side. His voice was rough and low.

  Her face heated further.

  “Please don’t be embarrassed. It’s perfectly normal. The pull. The need. The arousal,” Logan whispered.

  Sawyer’s hand left her face to trail down her neck and across her shoulder.

  She took a deep breath and held it, her breasts rising with the action. A glance down showed her what she knew to be true. Her nipples were erect and poking through the thin layer of her skintight shirt. Why had she chosen white? And why had she removed her bra when she went to bed?

  Hell, if she’d kept her jeans on, she wouldn’t have been caught asleep with her fingers inside her panties.

  She flinched when Logan set a hand on her thigh. “Your scent is intoxicating.” He breathed in deeply and leaned closer.

  Her pulse sped up, and she held her legs tighter, pinching off the need, or trying to anyway. She’d been so close to orgasm it was hard to fight back.

  She groaned and hung her head lower. What was the matter with her? The need got worse by the second. A losing battle.

  Logan stroked a hand through her tangled hair. “It’s going to be okay. Lie back, baby. Let us make you feel good.”

  She stiffened. Two men had just seen her naked, well almost naked. Both of them at the same time. How had she found herself in this situation?

  Unable to remain seated without toppling, she lowered herself onto her side, facing Logan, and curled into a ball with her hands pressed between her thighs. “Please… I’m mortified. Can’t you both just leave?”

  “No. Not really,” Sawyer said. He stroked the skin of her arm as he spoke.

  Goose bumps rose. She closed her eyes tightly again. “It’s too much. I can’t think.”

  “Just relax,” Logan said, his hand reaching out to stroke up and down her leg. “It’s perfectly normal to feel the way you do. And we’ll do everything we can to make this transition as easy as possible. But please don’t ask us to leave. Your scent fills the entire house. Your arousal is teasing us to the point of insanity.”

  She took deep breaths. This was not a dream. Dammit. And every time she inhaled she caught more of their scent too. Masculinity. The woods. A combination of two brands of soap and aftershave. She wanted them to touch her. She willed it.

  They continued to skim their fingers over her sensitive body, trailing over her arm and leg and thigh…and then growing bolder to include her belly, the upper swell of her breast, her collarbone.

  She needed their touch like a drug. Her skin grew more sensitized by the second. Against her will, she uncurled slowly and rolled onto her back.

  She met Logan’s gaze on her right first. His look was intense. “Your skin is silky smooth.” He flattened his palm on her chest between her breasts.

  Her nipples ached with the need to be touched.

  She shuddered.

  Sawyer set a hand on her thigh and teased the thin skin trailing between her legs with his fingers. Slowly he let them dance their way toward her core. When they flicked lightly across her lower lips and then over her clit, she moaned and dug her heels into the mattress, drawing her knees up several inches.

  “You’re so damn gorgeous. I want to watch you come.” Sawyer leaned over her. She could feel his breath wafting against her face as he more fully cupped her sex and pressed against the warmth.

  She fisted the sheets at her sides and blinked.

  “Relax. Let me make you feel good.”

  She nodded, unable to stop herself. Inside her head, she was shouting that this was wrong. Her body had other ideas.

  Logan cupped one of her breasts and flicked his thumb over her nipple the same way she’d done in her sleep—ironically imagining the hands on her body to belong to these two men.

  When she arched into his palm, he flattened it across her belly, his thumb reaching beneath her shirt to tease her navel.

  Sawyer’s hand remained pressed against her pussy, making her throb with need.

  She’d touched herself there many times—most of them in the last month. She understood the concept. She’d made herself come in the past, usually while reading a romance novel or late at night alone with her imagination under the covers.

  She had not, however, come with a man watching. None of her piss-poor, past lovers had managed to get her aroused enough to come during sex either.

  When Sawyer began to stroke over her lower lips with his middle finger, she bit her cheek. Even through the layer of cotton, she could feel every nerve ending willing him to go further.

  Her legs shook, and she dug her heels in harder. The need arose. The scent of sex filled the air. It was her arousal.

  Her gaze landed on Logan. His bare chest was amazing. Thick and hard with a sprinkling of soft hair. She licked her lips and shifted her gaze to Sawyer. The shadow of h
is beard made her wish he would lean closer and rub the stubble over her body. Anywhere. Everywhere.

  She sucked in a sharp breath when Sawyer pressed his middle finger between her lower lips the small amount he could through the cotton of her panties.

  “That’s it, hon. So sexy.”

  Her breasts rose and fell as she breathed heavily. “More…” she found herself saying.

  Sawyer released her, clambered up to sit at her feet, and tucked his fingers into the sides of her panties. “May I take them off?”

  She blinked, unable to speak. Her body shook. With need. She nodded.

  In a flash, he stripped the cotton down her legs and tossed it aside. Before she could stop him or think about what he was doing, he pried her thighs open and spread them wide.

  She stared at his face while he stared at her sex.

  “Oh. God,” she cried out. His face was so intense she thought she might come from that alone. No man had ever stared at her pussy like that. Hell, she didn’t think anyone had ever actually seen all of her naked. She’d had only crude instances of what amounted to missionary-style sex under the covers in the dark for no personal enjoyment. How had she been so stupid as to think sex was simply like that? Already, this experience with Logan and Sawyer was so much more.

  Logan tucked his fingers under her tight shirt and pushed the material up her body until her breasts popped free once again. He cupped one swollen breast and then pinched her nipple enough to make her buck her chest off the bed. “I can’t… I’m so… Jesus. Please…”

  The need to come was all she could concentrate on. Every ounce of her blood seemed to have fled to her nipples and her clit. She gasped for air, unable to draw enough oxygen into her system to think straight.

  Sawyer flattened his palms on her thighs and pulled her lower lips apart.

  Her legs trembled from the stress of holding on to the edge of her orgasm.

  In slow motion, Sawyer used one finger to draw her wetness out of her channel and swirl it around her lips and then up to her clit. He held the hood back with his other hand, flattening his palm on her belly and using his forearm to hold her thigh down tight.

  When his finger hit the swollen nub, she lost it. She tipped her head back and moaned.


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