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Amanda's Wolves

Page 9

by Becca Jameson

  Sawyer pressed his finger against the base of her clit and held firmly as her orgasm spread through her body. It consumed her, pulse after pulse making her shake. If Sawyer hadn’t been holding her down and Logan hadn’t been gripping her breast, she might have flown apart into a million pieces.

  Before she could catch her breath, Sawyer lowered his face and covered her mound with his mouth. She panted as he sucked her clit between his lips and then jabbed his tongue into her pussy.

  “Oh. My. God.” She squirmed. The sensation was so intense. Too much. And not enough.

  Logan lowered his face and kissed her lips gently. Neither of them had kissed her yet. When she parted for him, he pressed his mouth to hers and intensified the kiss. His tongue stroked over her bottom lip and slipped inside, seemingly in rhythm with Sawyer’s tongue inside her sex.

  He tasted amazing.

  It was ridiculous how little experience she had. Stupid. Even though she’d spent the last seven years on a college campus avoiding her parents and attempting to live a normal life, she had never dated a man who made her feel like this. No one had cared enough to see to her needs.

  Here she was, twenty-five years old in bed with two men who were thoroughly debauching her in less than one night. And it was addicting. She could easily see how she would be ruined for anyone else. Logan and Sawyer were that good with their hands and their mouths. How would she be able to end this thing with them?

  Logan’s lips were so full and soft. His tongue teased her with its dance, lulling her into submission. Every time he stroked along the side of her tongue, she felt the connection all the way to her pussy.

  Sawyer’s nose rubbed against her clit as he plunged in and out of her with his tongue. The orgasm she’d had moments ago was a blip on the radar compared to the growing need to do it again.

  She squeezed the sheets at her side tighter in her fists, unable to think of anything else to do with her hands and unable to command them to do anything different anyway.

  As the pressure increased once again, she lifted her torso off the bed and gyrated against Sawyer’s face.

  Insane. What was happening to her?

  She lost the ability to participate in the kiss, her lips falling open and small sounds escaping her mouth as Logan nibbled a path down her chin and neck. Finally he nudged her shirt higher with his chin and licked a nipple.

  She squeezed her eyes shut, absorbing every feeling, soaking in the warm feelings of arousal. She never in her life would have expected sex could feel this good.

  And hell, she wasn’t even having sex. She was the only one naked. The two men flanking her were both wearing jeans.

  Her arms started to shake as the pressure built.

  Logan switched to her other nipple and suckled it, teasing the tip with his tongue.

  When Sawyer drifted up a few inches and sucked her clit into his mouth, she lost it. The orgasm that rippled through her was so intense her entire body shook. Wave after wave of pleasure made her moan so loudly she shocked herself.

  As the orgasm subsided, so did the intensity of Logan’s and Sawyer’s strokes. Their tongues lightened up and slowed until finally they drew back.

  Logan stared down at her, smiling, his hand still cupping her breast, his fingers drawing lazy circles on the underside of the globe.

  Sawyer scooted up several inches until his chest hovered over her spread legs, and he too grinned at her. “You’re amazing. I’ll never get enough of your pussy.”

  Heat rose on her cheeks.

  He continued to crawl up her body until his mouth was even with hers. When he took her lips, her heartbeat calmed. His lips soothed her in some way, easing her mind, promising a lifetime of what he’d just done.

  It was just a kiss, but it was more. It sealed her fate. She could taste herself on his lips, his tongue. And she didn’t care. It was heady. Erotic.

  Chapter Ten

  Reluctantly, Sawyer drew back, releasing Amanda’s mouth. Her eyes were glazed from the orgasm.

  His cock was rock hard and would have to remain that way for a while longer. She wasn’t ready to sleep with them. She hadn’t had sex in a long time. He nearly shot his wad when he pushed his tongue into her pussy and realized how unbelievably tight she was.

  “Every day for the rest of my life I will picture the look on your face when you reached that orgasm.” Logan leaned in closer, nudging Sawyer out of the way to claim her lips from the side.

  Sawyer watched as Logan licked her lips and then pressed his mouth against hers. He should have been jealous or pissed or at least reluctant to share.

  He was none of those things. He knew in his heart the three of them were a unit. It might be awkward at first, especially sharing, but they would work this out. Nature didn’t make mistakes.

  With that in mind, Sawyer eased from between Amanda’s legs and off to the side so Logan could get closer to her.

  Logan leaned over her, his hand cupping her breast again as he continued to consume her.

  It was hot. Even watching was hot.

  Amanda was like a blank slate he and Logan were going to write on. For the rest of their lives.

  Sawyer shuddered as he watched his other two mates. Logan was caring and controlled. Thank God. He held her as if she were made of glass. Which in a way she was. And she would be sensitive after two powerful orgasms.

  Amanda squirmed beneath Logan’s touch as her arousal rose again. Two orgasms and the woman was still on fire.


  Thank God Sawyer didn’t have to keep her sated alone. He wasn’t sure he could keep up with how often she would need them. And if this first experience was any indication, she was going to go wild in bed as soon as they claimed her completely.

  Hell, she already was a firecracker. She couldn’t fight the need that consumed her. She wanted to, but she couldn’t deny them anything.

  Sawyer was sure they could finish this claiming and make her completely theirs if they pushed the issue right that second, but he didn’t want her to feel that level of pressure.

  Besides, waiting would work in his favor. Every hour that passed would drive her closer to the breaking point. That’s how it worked when mates met, even if one of them was human.

  Logan finally released her lips, only to glance down at her chest.

  Her nipples stood erect from being pinched and pulled by Logan’s fingers.

  She moaned as she drew her legs up and squeezed her knees together. Her hands hadn’t moved the entire time. She still gripped the sheets at her sides. They had to hurt. “Please…” Her head lulled to one side, away from Sawyer. “Too much. I can’t think.”

  Logan chuckled. “You won’t be able to think clearly for a while, baby.”

  She released the sheets and shoved at Logan’s hand still cupping her breast. And then she bolted upright and crawled off the end of the bed, leaving Sawyer and Logan where they’d been on either side of her.

  She was glorious. Naked and embarrassed. She covered her breasts with one arm and rummaged around on the floor until she found Sawyer’s T-shirt. Too bad he’d worn it into the room.

  She tugged it over her head, and it reached to her mid thighs.

  Without a word, she scrambled from the room, opening and closing the door softly.

  Sawyer let her go without a word, glad Logan did the same. She needed a few moments to regroup. Understandable. He flopped onto his back and groaned at the ceiling.

  The sun was peeking through the edges of the blinds. It was early. Very early. How long had they been in the room? He had no idea.

  “My cock is going to protest and fall off,” Logan said, lowering himself onto his back gingerly on the other side of the bed.

  “Yeah, but she wasn’t ready.”

  “I know.”

  “She isn’t going to be ready when she returns in a minute, either.”

  “Yeah. I know that too.” Logan’s voice was strained. Not surprising. If he felt anything like Sawyer, he was hu
rting, and the knowledge that they needed to take this slowly was almost more than either of them could stand.

  “I know you’d probably rather not hear this, but her pussy is so tight it’s going to take some work to get inside without hurting her.”

  “And that doesn’t even take her sweet ass into consideration,” Logan added.


  The door opened, and Amanda stepped gingerly back in. “Um, I need to go home.” She didn’t meet Sawyer’s gaze. Her face was downcast. She tiptoed around the room as if she were on eggshells, swiping her clothing off the floor and then snatching her panties from the edge of the bed.

  Sawyer lifted onto his elbows. “Hon…”

  “I don’t want to talk now. Please. Just let me go home and get a shower and regroup. I’m confused and tired. I need a nap. I need coffee. I need…both of you to stop crowding me and let me pull myself together.”

  “Okay,” Logan whispered. “Is Laurie going with you?”

  “Yes,” she mumbled.

  “Good.” Sawyer bit his tongue to keep from saying the ten thousand other things right on the tip. She needed space. That wasn’t a stretch. He could do that for her. Logan could too. It wasn’t as though she could put them off forever. Her body would rebel. She wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything until she let them claim her.

  He needed to keep that in mind and let her go.

  “So. Okay. Bye.” She left the room, clutching her clothes and her purse.

  He heard her soft footfalls as she fled down the hall. He heard a door close. That would be the bathroom. She needed to change.

  A minute later, the bathroom door opened again, and she made her way past the bedroom and into the great room.


  The front door opened and closed.

  All the while, Sawyer held his breath.


  Logan flinched when the front door shut. “Shit.” He sat upright and then dragged himself to standing. He felt like he’d been through a war. He ran a hand through his hair and spun around, trying to find his T-shirt. When he located it, he snatched it off the floor and tugged it over his head.

  Sawyer pulled himself off the other side of the bed. “We had no choice.”

  “I know.” Logan was clear on that. But he didn’t have to like it.

  “Laurie will handle it. She’s diplomatic.”

  Logan smiled at Sawyer. “Right. She’s your sister. I guess you would know.”

  “And you know better than me she’s intuitive. She has picked up nearly every sort of weird power the women in our family have since moving here. We have to trust her. She’ll handle it,” he repeated.

  Logan figured Sawyer was speaking more for himself than for Logan’s peace of mind.

  A cell phone rang. It wasn’t his.

  Sawyer dragged it out of his pocket and breathed a sigh of relief, stuffing it back into his jeans before facing Logan.

  “What? Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. My mom. She can wait.” Sawyer chuckled. “Of course my mom wouldn’t be able to wait until full daylight to check on my mating.”

  Logan smiled. “Yeah. Surprised mine hasn’t been duly notified and checked in too.” He paused. “Who else calls you at this hour?”


  “Oh right.”

  Sawyer sat back down on the edge of the bed and cleared his throat. “Look. Here’s the problem. It’s fire season. I’m on call twenty-four seven. If there’s a fire or even a threat of a fire, I will have to bolt. It won’t matter where I am or what I’m doing, I have to go.”

  “Damn. That is a problem.”

  “Uh-huh. And it gets worse. Depending on the situation, I could be gone for days, or weeks.”

  Logan cringed. That was definitely a problem. What if Sawyer got called before they finished the mating? “Maybe there won’t be a fire this week,” he hedged.

  “Yeah. Maybe. But conditions suck right now. It hasn’t rained in far too long. The trees are thirsty. The land is dry. One spark and the entire forest is going up in flames. That’s why this new crew of hotshots was formed in this area. And that’s also why I got a job and moved here in the first place.”

  “Fate has a hand in this, Sawyer. We can’t doubt that. She brought you here, and She won’t leave our family unit hanging in limbo. We have to trust Her.”

  “I hope so.” Sawyer heaved himself to standing again. “Let’s find something to eat. I’m starving and I need to do something to take my mind off my dick.”

  Logan chuckled. “That’s for sure.” He led the way out of the room toward the scent of coffee. Bless Laurie or whoever made the early morning pot.

  As they stepped into the kitchen area, they found Zach sitting at the table. He had Miriam in his arms, jiggling her up and down while she sipped a bottle and he stared at her cherub face. He lifted his gaze and grinned. “Morning. You sleep okay?”

  “Not a wink, asshole,” Logan told his brother. “Did you get up just to harass me?”

  Zach lifted the baby a few inches higher. “Hello. I have a newborn. Remember? And her mother just left the house for God knows how long to sooth the sensitivities of your mate.”

  “Right. Thanks for that.” Sawyer said this while patting Logan on the back. “Coffee.” He trudged on by and grabbed a mug from the counter. “How do you take yours, Masters?”

  Logan lifted his gaze from Miriam to Sawyer. “Black.”

  “Good. I was hoping I didn’t have to fix you some pansy drink in the mornings.”

  “You don’t have to fix me anything, smartass. I can get my own coffee.”

  Zach chuckled. “Somebody needs to get laid.”

  Logan swatted the top of Zach’s head, but he did this as he leaned down and kissed the baby on the forehead.

  “What’s the plan?” Zach asked.

  “We wait.” Logan grabbed the steaming mug Sawyer held out to him.

  “Oh. Excellent. I love that plan. It’s so well thought out.” Zach stood and nodded at both men. “I’m going to go pass this sweet thing off to Corbin and get a shower. Help yourselves to whatever you want. Fridge is full. But only because Laurie’s mom stocked it.”

  Sawyer smirked as Zach left the room. “Yep, that’s my mom for you. She’s good. Maybe we could get her to fix this problem too,” he joked.

  Logan lowered himself into the seat Zach had vacated. “Wouldn’t rule it out. We might get desperate.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Amanda’s hands shook as she fiddled with her keys, trying to find the right one to open the door to the apartment.

  Laurie stood beside her. She’d driven separately, which had given Amanda some space to grumble and cuss in private during the twenty-minute drive home. Laurie took the keys from Amanda without a word and easily opened the door.

  “That was fast,” Mary called from the kitchen. “Did you forget something?”

  Laurie dropped her purse on the couch and padded toward the kitchen. “What are you talking about?”

  Mary whipped around, coffee sloshing out of her cup. “Shit.” She set the mug down on the counter and grabbed a towel. “That hurt.” When she lifted her gaze again, she looked flushed. She glanced from Amanda to Laurie behind her and swallowed. “Hey. Sorry. You’re home so early. I thought you’d be longer.”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” Amanda said, passing her sister and beelining for the pot of coffee she’d made. Seconds later she had two more mugs filled and handed one to Laurie. “Cream? Sugar?”

  “Please.” Laurie wandered to the dining table that connected the living room and the kitchen area and took a seat.

  Amanda grabbed the cream from the refrigerator and set her mug and the cream on the table, pushing it across to let Laurie get some first and then nudging the sugar bowl that direction also.

  She needed caffeine before she could possibly face whatever she was going to say to Mary. Her hands shook so violently, she didn’t think she would be able to take
a sip without spilling the hot liquid.

  Mary pulled out a chair between them and lowered herself into it also. “Did you think Amanda couldn’t make it home without an escort?” she teased.

  Laurie smiled. “No. I’m sure she would have been fine… Well, that’s not entirely true. She probably did need an escort.”

  Mary furrowed her brow in confusion. “What’s the matter?” She looked from Laurie to Amanda.

  Amanda took a deep breath, staring at her coffee longingly but knowing it was too hot to sip yet and she was too unstable to pick it up. She’d spoken with Laurie before leaving her house twenty minutes ago. Laurie had insisted Amanda needed to tell her sister what was going on. And then she’d insisted on following her home to help smooth the way.

  “Amanda?” Mary leaned forward.

  Amanda cleared her throat. “I sort of met someone.”

  “What do you mean ‘sort of’? Who?”

  “Last night. At Laurie’s. When they all got home.”

  “Okay. You mean you met a guy?” Her face perked up as if she were hopeful.

  “My brother, for one,” Laurie added.

  “Sawyer? The brother that just moved here?”

  “Yes.” Laurie stared at Amanda.

  She knew she needed to elaborate. So much pressure.

  “Okaay. That’s nice. I mean, I assume he’s a nice guy.” Mary switched her gaze from Amanda to Laurie.

  Laurie replied. “He’s a gem. She’s very lucky.”

  Mary chuckled dryly. “You act like you eloped or something.”

  Amanda leaned forward and put her forehead in her hands, groaning.

  “Would someone please tell me what’s going on?” Mary’s voice rose. She gripped the sides of the table.

  “Amanda?” Laurie prodded.

  Amanda lifted her face. “Hell, I don’t even understand what’s going on. You tell her. Maybe I’ll understand better if you explain it to me too,” she nearly shouted.

  Laurie turned toward Mary, her hands wrapped around her mug. “You know my people tend to live in groups of three.”


  “Well, my brother isn’t the only one who fell for your sister. Logan Masters did too.”


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