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The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride

Page 8

by Jenn Roseton

  “I thought we could go out to dinner tonight,” Alex suggested a moment later, placing his coffee mug on the table.

  “Really?” She looked up from stirring her coffee.

  “Ever been to Marcel’s Paris Kitchen?”

  Laura’s eyes lit up. “No, but I’ve always wanted to.” The fine dining establishment was reputed to be the premiere restaurant in San Diego, and reputedly offered exquisite French cooking, with prices to match. Until now, eating there had only been a fantasy.

  “I’ll make the reservations.”

  She couldn’t stop smiling. What would she wear? What would she order? Would they have crème brulée on the menu, or something far fancier? Mentally going through her wardrobe, Laura wondered if she owned anything posh enough to wear. Perhaps she’d need to go on a lunchtime shopping trip. An image of her new credit card flashed into her mind. She’d be able to buy a dress from any boutique in San Diego.

  “I can’t wait!” She reached out and touched his hand.


  That afternoon, Laura finished typing out the menu for the Hendersons’ fiftieth birthday party and saved the document.

  “I think that’s it.” She turned to Edna.

  “I’m sure they’ll be very pleased with it, dear,” the older woman said. “We can buy everything we need tomorrow. ”

  “I want to get some of those gorgeous strawberries from the market for the miniature pavlovas.” Laura almost licked her lips at the thought of making the mini meringue nests and filling them with fresh whipped cream and sliced strawberries. She made a mental note to save a couple for her and Edna to enjoy afterward. And she'd take one home for her husband.

  “And we’ll need raspberries for the cheesecake,” Edna reminded her.

  “That’s right.” Since Alex had liked her cheesecake so much, she’d decided to make it for this event, although he wouldn't be a guest. Warmth tingled through her at his remembered compliment.

  Edna looked at her watch. “I’ll be off then, if we’ve finished everything for today.”

  “Of course.” Laura shut down the computer. “Thanks for coming in today. I’ll just lock up and be right behind you.”

  “See you tomorrow, dear.” The other woman smiled at her, picking up her handbag and heading towards the door.

  “Bye.” Switching off the computer completely, Laura opened the desk drawer to grab her purse. Her cell phone rang. Alex.


  “Hi.” A slight pause. “I made the reservations for seven. Tony will bring you home whenever you’re ready to leave.”

  A smile touched her lips. Was there a slight note of impatience in her husband’s voice? Was Alex worried she wouldn’t come home?

  “I’m looking forward to it,” she replied. “I’m just on my way out.”

  “Good. See you soon.”

  Laura placed the phone into her handbag, realizing that was their first telephone conversation since they’d been married. She wondered if she and Alex would ever reach the stage where they billed and cooed into the phone like love-struck teenagers - maybe not, she decided, picking up the upscale boutique bag that contained her gorgeous new dress and turning off the lights. They might both be too old for that. But it would be nice, she thought wistfully, if one day he said “I love you,” whether on the phone or in person. Maybe someday …

  A knock sounded on the office door. Laura paused. It couldn’t be Alex. Perhaps it was Tony. Maybe Alex had called him, asking his driver to check on her, although he’d just spoken to her. Rolling her eyes, she opened the door, expecting to see the burly driver standing in front of her. Instead …

  “Oh!” Alex’s business rival stood in the doorway. In his early forties with jet-black hair graying at the temples, his steely gray eyes bore into her. Although not quite as tall as Alex and carrying a slight paunch, Charles Crawson carried an aura of power around him like a cloak.

  “Hello, my dear.” He lifted an eyebrow in inquiry. “May I come in?”

  Laura hesitated. Her first instinct was to say no. This was the man who’d asked her out a few months ago and whom she’d refused. Alex’s words of warning sprang to mind. “I was just on my way out.” She gestured with her handbag.

  “It will only take a minute,” he said persuasively.

  Peering around his broad shoulder, she couldn’t see Tony out front. Perhaps he was circling the block, waiting for her to come out.

  “I … I guess,” she said hesitantly.

  Before she could change her mind, he’d stalked inside.

  “This is cozy.” He looked around the small office, taking in every detail of the plain but serviceable office furniture.

  “I like it,” Laura replied. What was he doing here? She nervously twisted her wedding ring.

  “Ah, yes.” His gaze followed the movement of her fingers. “Allow me to congratulate you on your very recent marriage. You pulled off quite the coup, marrying Alex Trask.”

  Laura narrowed her eyes, wishing she’d hadn’t been so polite and allowing him to enter the building. He could have spoken to her outside.

  “You wanted to see me?” It was her turn to arch her eyebrow, all the while telling herself that he was right, she was married to Alex. She tried to inject some of her husband’s authority into her tone.

  “I still wish to buy King Royale.”

  Laura blinked. “It’s not for sale.” She made a point of looking at her watch. “If that’s all, Mr. Crawson?”

  “Not quite.” His shark-like smile chilled her to the bone. “I was disappointed a few months ago when you refused to date me, but I understood your reasons, busy running your parent’s company. Oh yes,” he continued, “I know exactly who owns this business and that you were doing a very good job of being in charge while your parents went on vacation.” He flicked an invisible piece of lint off his chalk-striped designer suit.

  “But, you see, my dear, nobody crosses me. I’m used to getting what I want. And when I heard you’d married Alex…” he shrugged. “The gloves are now well and truly off.” He leaned forward until his face almost touched hers. “If I can’t have you then I’ll have your company - or should I say, your parents’ company. I’m tired of Alex Trask getting everything he wants,” he snarled.

  Laura jumped back, clutching her purse in front of her. “Please leave.” She prayed her voice didn’t shake.

  “You’ll sell sooner or later,” he vowed, turning on his heel. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  Sinking into the desk chair, Laura dug her nails into her faux leather handbag to stop her hands trembling. She heard the slam of the front door, and tried to relax now that Charles Crawson had left.

  All because she hadn’t gone on a date with the man? She shook her head in amazement. Thank goodness she’d married Alex.


  A good five minutes later, Laura closed the office front door behind her. She’d needed that long just to stop shaking. Not quite believing how the confrontation with Crawson had affected her, she’d even raided her desk drawer and found a small piece of dark chocolate wrapped in shiny aluminum. She’d immediately popped it into her mouth, but even the seventy percent cocoa goodness hadn’t made everything all better.

  Only Alex could. All she wanted to do was to see her husband and tell him about Crawson’s threats. More than anything, Laura wanted Alex to wrap her in his arms and tell her everything would be okay.

  Tony appeared, holding the car door open for her. “Had to circle the block, Mrs. Trask,” he said gruffly, sliding into the driver’s seat and pulling neatly away from the curb. “Sorry about that.”

  “It’s okay.” Laura tried to shrug nonchalantly, wishing that he’d been waiting. The one time she’d needed a driver and he wasn’t there.

  Staring out the window with unseeing eyes, she tried to gather her thoughts. I’m tired of Alex Trask getting everything he wants.” Crawson’s words echoed in her brain. Why did Crawson want King Royale? It was a small, successful - until recen
tly anyway - catering company with repeat clientele and a great reputation. But was it that valuable to a billionaire? She didn’t know if Crawson was actually a billionaire or not, although he dressed and acted the part. His financial deals were frequently splashed over the pages of the newspaper and at first glance, he seemed just as successful as Alex.

  Is that why Alex married her? To gain control of King Royale? Why? Laura frowned. She’d hoped, since the first day of their honeymoon, that Alex had married her because he’d wanted her on some level. But what if it was all a ruse so he could take possession of her parents’ business?

  She relaxed her shoulders as she thought of the pre-nup she’d signed. The ownership of King Royale wasn’t affected by their marriage, or divorce. Alex knew the company belonged to her parents. It made no sense at all that he would marry her for control of the company. He just wanted to help her get to the bottom of the problems the business had been experiencing lately.

  But he didn’t have to marry you to do so.

  Tony pulled up outside the building and Laura entered the lobby, pressing the button for the elevator as if on autopilot. She needed to talk to Alex - about everything. About Crawson, why he would want her parent’s catering business - and the big question - why Alex had married her.

  The golden doors slid open at the top floor. She stepped out and entered the penthouse. Alex stood in front of her, looking amazing in an elegant dark suit, but concern and annoyance warred for supremacy on his face.

  “Where the hell were you?” He grasped her hands, holding her arms out to the side, checking for bodily damage. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Laura wished she could just wrap her arms around him and relax in his embrace, but she made herself stand up straight.

  “Then why are you so late? Did Tony bring you home?”

  “Yes.” Answering the easiest question first, Laura wondered how to tell him the rest. She looked up at him, managing a wobbly smile. “Do you think we could sit down?”

  “What’s wrong?” Clasping her hand, Alex led her over to the plush leather sofa, sitting down next to her.

  “Crawson came to see me.”

  Alex swore under his breath. “Is that why you’re late?” He tilted her chin up, his expression intense as he waited for her answer. “Did he do anything?”

  “No,” she hastened to reassure him. “I’m fine.” On the way home, all she could think about was telling Alex what had happened, but now it was rather unnerving being the sole focus of his attention like this.

  Succinctly telling Alex about the Crawson’s threats, she finished with, “But why would he want King Royale? Especially with all the problems it’s been having lately?”

  “If I know Crawson, the two are probably connected in some way,” Alex replied, rubbing his chin. His fingers caught a strand of her hair. “Tony should have been there, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” she reassured him, butterflies dancing in her stomach at his tender expression. “It wasn’t his fault.”

  Her husband scowled. “Tony knows what’s expected of him. The point of you having a driver is to keep you safe.”

  “But I’m okay,” she repeated, tentatively placing her hand on top of his. The shakiness she’d felt at the encounter with Crawson had vanished, but now a new kind of trembling had taken hold of her limbs. All she wanted was for Alex to envelop her in his arms, kiss her, and tell her everything would be okay, with King Royale and their marriage.

  Alex’s eyes darkened at her touch, but he remained still, his fingers still touching her hair. Laura waited three heartbeats, but when her husband didn’t say or do anything, she shifted back slightly. “I guess I better get changed for dinner.”

  “Forget about dinner,” he growled, leaning in. She pressed back against the soft leather of the lounge. Alex’s body caged hers, and her pulse thrummed in her throat. “We’re staying in tonight.”

  His mouth slanted over hers, his lips commanding and caressing, demanding a response. A soft sigh escaped her as she gladly gave her husband what he sought, and curled her arms around his neck.

  Laura returned his kisses with a rising passion of her own. She wanted - no, she needed Alex tonight. She didn’t know how she would bear it if he didn’t come to bed with her. But if he did sleep with her tonight, and wrapped her in his embrace all night long as chastely as he had on their honeymoon, she didn’t know how she would handle that either.

  Suddenly realizing she craved Alex’s touch, his lips - craved him - Laura tugged his head down, kissing him with fervor.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he finally rasped against her lips. “Do you want me?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, her heart thudding with anticipation. She looked into his eyes. “I want you.”

  With a muttered exclamation, he gathered her in his strong arms, striding down the hall to the master bedroom. Laura clutched his shoulders, nestling her head against his broad shoulder. Desire swirled through her. They were finally going to consummate their marriage.

  Alex sat her gently down on the bed. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this,” he said hoarsely, taking in her flushed cheeks and eyes glittering with arousal.

  “How long?” she asked recklessly, feeling alluring and wanted, a far cry from the usual state of her love life - before she’d married Alex.

  “Ever since I saw you catering my party.”

  Her eyes widened at the admission, as well as at the sight of him shrugging out of his finely tailored shirt. Laura couldn’t take her eyes off his bare chest. Although she’d seen his muscular torso before, desire skidded down her spine and pooled in her lower body.

  Yanking off his slacks, her husband stood before her, nude except for the boxer briefs that couldn’t hide his arousal.

  “Your turn,” he said hoarsely, plundering her mouth for one long, delicious moment before she felt his fingers tug at the buttons of her cotton blouse.

  Her panties felt so damp. Laura tried to control her shredded breathing. Nipples puckering under his silent, sensual scrutiny, she slid the cotton garment off her shoulders, shyly offering herself to his gaze. Would she be enough for him?

  “You’re so beautiful.” He traced the lace edge of her bra with his finger, and she shivered with pent-up need.

  “Alex,” she whispered, still finding it a little hard to believe that this sexy, virile man wanted her. Had married her. And now wanted to make love with her.

  Her eyes were huge in the soft light spilling from the bedside lamp.

  “Laura.” His tone was urgent. He drew her to her feet, pressing her body flush against his. “The honeymoon almost killed me.”

  She shivered at the intensity of his statement. Her fingers stroked his shoulders, then daringly, she traced the contours of his tightly muscled chest. He groaned. “My turn.”

  Alex unsnapped her bra, his eyes smoldering with need when he gazed upon her generous bare breasts. “Exquisite.” He cupped her breasts, rubbing his thumb across each nipple.

  Laura drew in a sharp breath, excitement spiraling through her. He slipped his muscular leg in between her soft thighs. “Feel how much I want you,” he rasped.

  Liquid heat radiated through her when she felt his hard manhood straining through the fabric of his underwear. Alex bent his head, taking her nipple into his mouth. Her lower body quivered with need as pleasure spiked through her. Gasping, she gripped his shoulders to maintain her balance.

  Alex continued the sensual onslaught, transferring his attention to her other taut nipple. “Alex,” she moaned, glad he was holding her upright. His leg moved teasingly between her thighs and she squirmed, trying to get even closer to him and the incredible pleasure he promised.

  “Oh!” Alex scooped her up in his arms, reaching the bed in one stride. Laying her down, he loomed over her, his expression hungry with passion.

  “I need you, Laura.”

  She gazed up at him, noticing a faint vulnerability in his eyes.
Holding her breath for a second, she reached out a hand to him.

  Alex laced his fingers through hers, and joined her on the bed. Bringing her hand to his lips, he brushed a soft kiss across it. “My wife.”

  Laura’s pulse pounded. She’d never wanted any man as badly as she wanted Alex, right here, right now. In fact, she’d never been attracted to a man as much as she’d been attracted to Alex, from the very first moment she’d met him. And now … she was falling hard for him.

  A soft smile touched her lips. “My husband.”

  He held her gaze for countless seconds, then his hands trailed down her body, teasing her until she writhed with need. “Please,” she whispered, not sure if she pleaded for the deliciousness to continue, or for him to make her his in the most intimate way possible.

  “Patience,” he murmured, his fingers, brushing against the silk of her panties. “I want this to be unforgettable.”

  “It will be.” Arching under his skilled hands, Laura eyes fluttered closed for a split-second. The sensations her husband invoked were almost too much.

  She opened her eyes to find Alex sliding her panties down her leg. Squirming, she realized the dampness between her thighs would be evident to him.

  His fingers explored her hot, wet folds. Bucking, Laura silently begged for more. Grazing her secret nub with his fingertip, Alex looked into her eyes. “You’re gorgeous.”

  Her senses seared at his hoarse, desire-laden words. Her toes curling with pleasure at his intimate touch, Laura moistened her lips. “I want you.”

  Alex’s lips swooped on hers. Caressing, claiming, commanding - part of her hoped the kiss would never end. When he finally lifted his mouth from hers, he confessed, “I can’t wait any longer.”

  Laura’s heart thudded as she watched him shuck off his briefs and yank open the nightstand drawer. He shook out a small packet, the tearing of the foil echoing in the bedroom. Alex efficiently rolled the condom on his large, hard shaft.

  “This is going to be good, sweetheart,” he vowed.


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