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The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride

Page 9

by Jenn Roseton

Running his hand up her smooth leg, Laura stifled a gasp when his fingers once again found her secret place. Alex bent his head, drawing each nipple in his mouth in turn, laving her stiff peaks until she thought she was going to spontaneously combust.

  “Please,” she begged once more, parting her soft, welcoming thighs a little more.

  “I can’t resist you,” he husked, settling between her legs. He cupped her face as he slowly thrust into her, their gazes meeting and holding as they made love for the first time.

  Laura held her breath as Alex surged into her. Slowly at first, and then, as she adjusted to his size, his strokes became faster - and harder. Clinging to him, she wrapped her legs around his waist, gasping at the delicious friction against her secret nub.

  She clutched his shoulders as he continued to plunge into her. Her body tightened, ecstasy hovering just above her reach.

  “I’ve got you, Laura.” His voice was rough with passion.

  Tightening her fingers on his bare flesh, she closed her eyes. Trusting him, she gave herself up to the rhythm of his thrusts, her body convulsing with bliss moments later.

  Alex continued to surge into her, the depth of his strokes increasing until he gave a muffled shout of satisfaction.

  Laura quivered from the aftermath of her climax. Her husband was just as good in bed as he was at kissing, she thought hazily.

  Slowly rolling off her, Alex wrapped an arm around her, bringing her close to his side. Nestling her head on his shoulder, she draped an arm across his impressive torso, smiling when he kissed her hair. This must be heaven.


  Laura stirred awake to the sound of the shower running in the master bathroom. Her eyes fluttered opened as the memory of last night came flooding back.

  A sleepy smile touched her mouth as she remembered their night of passion. She’d never had sex like that before. The way Alex made her feel, as if she were the most desirable woman in the world. The way he touched and kissed her, setting her nerve endings on fire. And the way he’d woken her in the middle of the night, murmuring that he needed her again, before making such sweet and slow love to her, that she never wanted it to end.

  When she shifted her thighs, a twinge ran through her. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had sex before last night, but it had been a long time. Thank goodness I married Alex. Not just for the amazing sex, or his promise to help solve King Royale’s problems, or the fact that he was a billionaire. No, it was something more, something she felt deep down, that she couldn’t quite articulate yet. All she knew was, she was falling for him - fast.

  “Hey, sleepyhead.” Alex came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his lean hips.

  “Hey.” She smiled shyly, realizing she was naked under the covers.

  “Sandra’s coming in this morning.” He crossed to the walk-in wardrobe and started getting dressed.

  Laura couldn’t take her eyes off his muscular, firm body, especially when he dropped the towel. She cleared her throat. “Really?”

  “Yes.” Swiftly pulling on black slacks and a finely tailored white shirt, he came back to the bed. “She’ll be here in half an hour.”

  Frowning, she asked, “What time is it?” Turning her head to look at the digital alarm clock, she gasped. “Nine o’clock!”

  Alex grinned with satisfaction. “We were busy last night.” He bent down and kissed her.

  Laura automatically wrapped her arms around his neck, too caught up in his kiss to notice the covers slipping down her chest. She gasped when he brushed his thumb across her nipple. “Alex.”

  “If Sandra wasn’t working today, we’d spend the morning in bed,” he growled playfully.

  Regret flickered through her. A whole morning in bed with her husband …

  “But I’ll make up for it tonight,” he promised, his kiss a vow of intent.

  Laura flopped back against the pillow when Alex departed. A quick shower, and she’d join him for breakfast before Sandra arrived. She wondered what the housekeeper would be like.


  Enjoying a cup of coffee with her husband, Laura heard the front door open.

  “Hello?” An attractive female voice called out.

  “In the kitchen, Sandra,” Alex replied, setting down his cup.

  “Hi, Alex.” A slim blond walked into the kitchen. In her mid-thirties, her hair was caught up in a bun and she wore blue jeans and a pink t-shirt. The slightest suspicion of a baby bump hinted at pregnancy.

  “Laura, this is Sandra. Sandra, this is Laura, my wife.”

  His wife. A thrill shot through her at the words.

  “Hi.” Laura held out her hand to the older woman, her spirits sinking a little at the polished attractive woman standing in front of her. This was Alex’s housekeeper? She glanced at her husband, her brow crinkled.

  “Hi, Laura,” Sandra responded, shaking her hand.

  “Sandra’s been looking after the apartment for a few years now,” Alex said, taking a swallow of his coffee.

  “Yes, I work Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but if you need me to come in any other time, just let me know.” She patted her stomach. “I’ve got a few more months before Dave insists on me taking it easy.”

  “Her husband,” Alex said.

  Laura relaxed. Even after the amazing night she’d shared with her husband, she’d felt a little insecure for a moment when Sandra had walked into the kitchen.

  “This is baby number three,” the housekeeper explained. “The other two are in grade school.”

  “Would you like a drink before you get started?” Alex inquired

  “Maybe later.”Sandra wrinkled her nose. “I’m off coffee, which is just about the only drawback to being pregnant.”

  “Alex said you made lunch for us last week.” Was it really only last week she’d accepted Alex’s proposal?

  “That’s right.” Sandra smiled. “Did you like it?”

  “It was great. Especially the chocolate mousse.”

  “Mm. That’s one of my favorites. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “If you two will excuse me, I’ll be in the study.” Alex rinsed his cup, pressed a kiss to Laura’s hair, then headed toward the hall, leaving the two women to talk about recipes.


  The following morning, Alex called Laura into his study, just as she was about to leave for work. He’d followed through on his promise yesterday morning and had ravished her almost all night long. Sleeping in had never been so tempting but she had to help Edna prep the last minute dishes for the Hendersons’ fiftieth birthday party.

  “What is it?” She hovered in the doorway, stifling a yawn. He looked so good, his hair rumpled slightly, although it was barely nine o’clock in the morning, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. She didn’t know whether that was because of last night, or because he was getting to the bottom of King Royale's problems.

  “I’ve discovered who’s behind the problems with your catering business.” He frowned.

  Laura stepped into the study and joined him at the desk. “Who?” Whoever it was, she hoped Alex had a solution.

  He pointed to the computer screen. “This is the company that undercuts you for a lot of events.”

  “You found out their name?” She held her breath.

  “It belongs to Charles Crawson.”

  Her spine chilled. “What?” Blinking, she started at the screen. “But why?”

  Alex turned to look at her. “It seems he wants to put you out of business.”

  Biting her lip, she blurted out, “But that’s crazy! Why would he want to do that?”

  “You tell me,” her husband said grimly. “Why would a successful businessman want to put a twenty year old catering company out of business? Especially when it means the jobs he's winning will barely cover his costs?”

  Laura paled. Crawson’s parting words flashed through her mind. But would he really stoop so low, just because she refused to date him? Although he’d made her business life a disast
er since then, she’d never been so glad that she’d turned down his advances. Her instincts had been right about him. He was a creep.

  “You know I turned him down when he asked me out a while ago,” she said slowly.

  “I know.” His voice was clipped.

  ““I’m tired of Alex Trask getting everything he wants.” Those were his last words to me on Sunday night.” She crinkled her brow. “Did something happen between you two?”

  “No.” Alex stood. “I don’t like the way he does business, and I let him know it. But that was a few years ago.”

  “Then why?” She stared helplessly at Alex.

  “I guess it’s personal for him.” Seeing her distress, he gathered her into his arms. “It’ll be okay, sweetheart.”

  Laura buried her head against his powerful chest, trying to take comfort in his words and embrace. But would everything be okay? She couldn’t bear it if she lost King Royale. How could she expect her parents to start over when they were in their early sixties? Their dreams of a comfortable retirement would be shattered.

  Blinking back her tears, she raised her head. “How can we stop him?”

  He tilted her chin up. “Leave everything to me, Laura.”


  He placed a finger against her lips. “I mean it. I’ll deal with him.” He kissed her hard on the lips. “Don’t you have a birthday party to cater?”

  “Yes, but--”

  “Tony will drive you.” He pulled her tightly to him. “In fact, Tony is going to be by your side from now on, until this situation is resolved.”


  His words were steely. “I’m asking you to trust me, Laura.”

  Her eyes met his. After a moment, she nodded. “All right.”

  “Good.” This time his kiss was passionate but tender. “We’ll talk more about it tonight. Call me if you’re going to be late.”

  “Okay.” With a small sigh of regret, she left the study. It was so tempting to remain wrapped in his arms, but she had a business to run.


  Laura found it hard to concentrate on anything except her discussion with Alex that morning. She went through the motions of organizing the food for the party and setting up at the venue, but her thoughts continued to go around in a circle.

  Although she trusted him to handle Crawson, she couldn’t help worrying. Would confronting Crawson affect Alex’s business in any way? And once this whole situation was resolved, how would Alex feel about their relationship? There would no longer be a puzzle for him to solve. Would he still want her?

  Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of Alex being disappointed with their marriage. Would she ever discover why he married her in the first place? A faint blush tinged her cheeks when she admitted to herself that he would still have gotten her into bed, if he'd heard of dating. Although casual sex wasn’t for her, she knew she would have eventually succumbed to the temptation that was Alex Trask. After all, they’d practically been strangers when they said their vows, and five nights later, she’d become his.

  Tony hadn’t left her side since she’d climbed into the town car that morning. Now, he stood unobtrusively in a corner, his eyes never leaving her. It seemed that her husband’s chauffeur also had skills as a bodyguard.

  Laura spent the whole day on autopilot. The job went well, the clients enthused about the food and service, and by the time she packed the last of the equipment into the catering van, she stifled a yawn.

  “I’ll see you back at the kitchen, Laura,” Edna called out, clambering into the catering van and turning on the ignition.

  Laura waved a quick goodbye, shoving a bag of napkins into the trunk of the town car. Just as she was about to relax on the luxurious leather seat in the back of the vehicle, her phone rang.

  “Laura,” Alex’s voice greeted her. “You shouldn’t have any more problems with Crawson undercutting you.”

  “Really?” She smiled, relief flooding through her. Then a thought struck her. “What happened? What did you do?”

  “It’s all taken care of, sweetheart,” he replied. “You don’t need to worry about it anymore.”

  Hesitating, Laura finally said, “Okay.” She would have loved to have heard all the details, but, as she glanced around the back entrance of the Hendersons’ large house, she guessed this wasn’t the time or place. Besides, she’d been on her feet all day. She couldn’t wait to go home and relax on the comfortable lounge and prop her feet up. And see Alex.

  “How did the party go?”

  “Fine,” she said, warmth imbuing her tone at his interest.

  “I’ll see you at home soon, then. Is Tony with you?”

  “Yes. And yes.”

  She tried not to roll her eyes when she put the phone back in her purse. Tony hadn’t left her side all day, and had even followed her to the bathroom, waiting outside.

  It was nice to know Alex cared about her, though, she thought, sinking into the backseat of the town car. But what were his real feelings? When they made love, he made her feel so special and desirable, she practically melted at his touch. But though his seductive, whispered words in the middle of the night made her crazy with need for him, she didn’t know what he actually felt for her. She knew he desired her, but what else? Did he … love her?

  Laura finally admitted to herself that she was in love with her husband. Her sexy, attractive husband who was a tycoon. But there was so much about him she didn’t know. Would he ever share more of himself with her? Since they’d come back from their brief honeymoon, he’d seemed to have relaxed a little, but was that the real Alex Trask? Or was there another side to him she had yet to discover?

  By the time Tony pulled up outside King Royale, Edna had almost finished unpacking the van.

  “I’ll finish this.” Laura took out a stack of plates and carried them into the commercial kitchen.

  “Are you sure?” Edna asked, pushing back an unruly strand of gray hair.

  “Yes.” Laura smiled. “You go on home. It’s been a long day.” She glanced over her shoulder where Tony stood by the town car. “I’m sure Tony can help me.”

  Edna followed her gaze. “What I wouldn’t give to be twenty years younger,” she said wistfully, eyeing the burly driver slash bodyguard.

  “Edna!” Laura pretended to be shocked, but couldn’t stop a grin escaping her lips.

  “You go home to your hunky husband,” Edna advised, hauling out one of the last items in the van. “I saw his photo in the paper today. Something about a possible merger.”

  “Did you?” Laura frowned. She’d been too busy organizing this event to have time to read the newspaper. Besides, she didn’t expect Alex to tell her every single detail about his business interests, just as she hadn’t told him about how she’d found it difficult to decide whether to put lobster patties or seafood vol au vents on the menu for today.

  “Mm.” The older woman climbed into her car. “See you tomorrow, Laura.”

  Laura waved goodbye. Tony immediately crossed over to her. “Let me help you unpack, Mrs. Trask.”

  “Thanks, Tony.” She smiled gratefully, heading into the office. With his help, it wouldn’t take long and then she could go home.

  There weren’t any messages on the office phone. Digging her cell phone out of her bag, Laura thought she better check her voice mail, since she'd turned off her phone after speaking to Alex.

  Charles Crawson’s voice sounded in her ear. Knees wobbling, she sank into the desk chair.

  “You might have won this round, Laura,” he paused and sneered, “Trask, but I’ve got all I need to damage Alex where it hurts - his hip pocket. I’ve just made sure he’s not getting in on the Madison merger. And I’m also going to make sure he knows you’re to blame. And now he’s not getting his monthly millions from his grandfather’s will because he married you, you’re going to find yourself out on the street before long.” Fear prickled her spine at his laugh. “That’s what happens when you turn me down.”

  Laura stared unseeingly at her phone. With a shaking finger, she pressed the off button.

  Biting her lip, she tried to process the words tinged with hate that rang in her ears. The Madison merger? She was sure Alex hadn’t mentioned it to her. And what was that about his grandfather’s will? She furrowed her brow. Alex had received monthly millions from his grandfather’s will until he married her?

  Why didn’t she know any of this?

  Forcing herself to her feet, she reluctantly dropped the phone into her purse. After listening to that message, she didn’t think she wanted to touch her cell phone ever again.

  Laura was in a daze the whole ride home. Barely thanking Tony as he helped her out of the car, she entered the ornate golden elevator, slowly pushing the button to the penthouse.

  Should she tell Alex about Crawson’s message? What would he say? Was money the most important thing in his life or was it possible … it was her?

  Her thoughts whirling, she opened the door to the penthouse.

  “Hi.” She forced a smile at seeing Alex sitting on the lounge, a stack of newspapers on the coffee table.

  “Hi, sweetheart.” He rose and crossed over to her. Drawing her into his arms, he kissed her passionately. Laura tried to respond, but Crawson’s spiteful words reverberated in her mind.

  Alex pulled back, frowning. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Damn.

  “Did the party really go well?” He smoothed a strand of hair back from her face.

  Laura closed her eyes for a second, reveling in his touch. “We were complimented on the food and the service.” She looked up to find his midnight eyes scrutinizing her. This time she gave him a genuine smile. “The Hendersons were very happy.”

  “Good. At least one of us has had a successful day.”

  Laura paled, thoughts of Crawson coming back full force. “What … what do you mean? Is everything okay? Crawson--”

  “That situation is under control.” He gave her a brief smile, then shrugged. “But somehow I missed out on the Madison merger.”

  His words were casual but she suspected he was more concerned about the business deal than he let on.


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