Shooting Blindly in the Dark

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Shooting Blindly in the Dark Page 23

by Nicole Jackson

  “Nigga, you out here having family day and shit. I mean, what the fuck!” she caused a scene at the kids’ spot.

  “Man, chill out. We just chilling,” I told her.

  “Chilling my ass,” she clapped her hands dramatically. “If you don’t tell Black Reign what you doing, I will. I don’t give a fuck,” she clowned. And that was what had prompt my confession in visitation that day.

  By no means was I ready to be done wit Jasmine. But her ass was being irrational. Screaming she hates me at the top of her fuckin’ lungs. I accepted that she was pissed, and I was just praying that eventually we could get past this shit. Cause I wasn’t fuckin’ letting my family go. Regardless of what Jasmine thought she was doing. We was never gonna be over.

  Chapter 21

  One year later…

  Black Reign

  “That’s my bitch!” Monay gasped, as she pulled me into her arms.

  I sniggled, as we embraced. “Yeah, I’m back.”

  “Yes in fuckin’ deed,” she clamored as she released me.

  “Come on, let’s get in the car,” she gestured with her head.

  Together we stepped up to a brand new 2014 Benz C-Class sedan. Before I got locked up we were just getting into foreign, but it wasn’t to this extent. The car was beautiful, and I knew that Monay was pissing plenty of bitches off.

  “Aw, shit. My girl doing it big!” I boasted. She just grinned a little, as we hopped into the whip.

  I really didn’t know what direction my life was headed, but I tried not to think about that. I just wanted to get my baby, and chill out. The last year of me being in prison was the most difficult. After breaking up with Kaydoa he attempted to come back and see me, but I took his name off the visitor’s list. So, he’d send Kaylah with Monay or my mama. Usually, they’d come with some message he’d sent about us working it out, but I wasn’t trying to hear it. He’d sent letter after letter, and I never replied. Then for the last three months of my time it all stopped. The letters stopped coming, and when people came to visit me they didn’t mention his name. Kaylah was still brought along to my visits, and my commissary continued to stay stacked. But not a peep from Kaydoa. I definitely wasn’t gonna ask about his bitch ass, and the only person who did bring him up was Kaylah. She was definitely a daddy’s baby. But what made me realize that I’d never fuck with Kaydoa again was this relationship my baby had formed with that bitch Farrah. I didn’t give a fuck how sorry Kaydoa claimed he was. He still continued to see Farrah, and have my child around her. He was writing me letters, while it was public domain that Farrah now lived with him. My soul was hurt, and there was no coming back for us.

  “Nay, where the hell are you going?” I asked her, as I realized that she wasn’t headed to Fifth Ward, which was where I’d been paroled to. I’d used my mama’s address, and for the time being that’s where I’d be staying. Last I heard, Kaydoa had bought and sold the condo we used to live in, so there was no place to call home for me, anymore.

  “To Shan’s,” she revealed.

  I turned in my seat to face her. “Bitch, I have plenty of time to get my hair done. I’m trying to get to my child.”

  “And Kaylah will be there waiting, when you get there. Just chill out. We gonna get that wig split, and take it from there.”

  “What?” I cut my eyes at her. “Let me see your phone. I need to call my mama to see if that nigga dropped my daughter off already.”

  The bitch ignored me, and kept driving.

  I was about to go off when she pulled in front of Shan’s shop without letting me use the phone. “Really, Nay? You aint gonna let me use your phone?” I frowned.

  She smiled. “Girl, yo mama know where you at. Just chill.”

  “What the fuck ever,” I grumbled, as we both eased out of the car. I felt uncomfortable as hell. I was wearing some ugly jail issued church looking clothes, and this bitch was taking me to the hood’s meeting grounds. Everybody frequented Shan’s Way, and I was tacky as fuck. The clothes were practically falling off me, and they were size twelves. I had gotten up to a sixteen in jail, before all that shit with Kaydoa. After he admitted to fucking with Farrah, food stopped tasting the same. I ate way less, and worked out heavily, trying to forget about him. So, now I had a damn six pack, and wore a size 9/10. Personally, I preferred being a twelve, but the way my stress was set up…a bitch was glad that she wasn’t crack head slim around this hoe.

  It was still early, so the shop wasn’t the packed, which was cool. As soon as Shan spotted me she ran over. “My bitch is home!” she hugged me.

  “It’s good to see you,” I laughed.

  “Damn, Black Reign, was yo ass skipping meals in there? You seeming a little light weight.”

  I shook my head. “Girl, you know I been going through it.”

  “Aww,” she poked out her bottom lip. “It’ll get better.” She eyed me cautiously. “Damn, bitch, when did your hair get this long?” she tugged at one of my French braids that extended a little past the middle of my back.

  I shrugged. “Had two years with no chemicals.”

  “It looks healthy,” she nodded.

  “Uh huh,” Monay interrupted. “Is Falen’s side open yet? We need to cop her some bundles.”

  “Yeah, it’s open, but I don’t think she needs to get some weave. I would love to work with her natural hair,” Shan spoke up.

  I scrounged, “Shan, I don’t know. I wanna be cute. Wearing my real hair will have me looking plain as hell.”

  “So, you have no faith in ya girl?” she lifted a brow.

  I sighed, “Fuck it. Do what you feel is best.”

  I felt like I was in some kind of never ending movie. My hair was thick as hell, but Shan was determined to tango with it. She stood there, and permed my hair, before putting a almond rinse on it. She then cut the dead ends, and worked the hell out of her Chi flat iron. By the time she was done straightening my hair it was nearly two inches longer. Deciding that I didn’t want all that hair on my neck, I got her to put my hair up in a messy bun. My baby hair was framing my face, shocking even me. I couldn’t stop looking in the mirror. And then she added some individual lashes that really made my eyes pop.

  “Ooh, shit!” Monay boasted. “China doll in full effect. Slaying bitches already.”

  “Whatever, hoe,” I waved her off. “Where the money at for me to pay Shan?”

  “Oh, umm, that’s been taken care of. You’re good for a year, in fact,” Shan revealed.

  “Huh?” I glanced back at her. “How is that?”

  “Hey,” she threw her hands up. “All I know is that I was paid up front.”

  I nodded, as I slid my tongue across my teeth. “Okay, well, thanks boo.” I hugged her. “Come on, Nay.”

  We both headed back to her car, and hopped in. “Okay, now, we gonna swing by the Galleria, and then we can go to the hood.

  I glanced at her. I started to put up a fuss, but it was obvious that her ass had a agenda. She was determined to make sure that I entered the scene correct, and I wasn’t gonna trip about that. The last thing the haters needed to see was me entering onto the scene, looking weak.

  So, I went with the flow, and shopped at the best boutiques in the mall. I had a little stash, before I got locked up, but nobody had access to it, so I really didn’t know who was sponsoring my shopping spree, but I didn’t ask questions. I was well versed in high end clothing, and racked up.

  After grabbing something to eat from a Chinese spot in the food court, Monay gon say, “I think you should change in the bathroom. Because after we leave here, we gotta go straight to the hood.”

  I furrowed my brows. “Bitch, why is you so concerned about what I’m wearing?”

  She sucked her teeth. “Black Reign, just change please.”

  “Whatever,” I rolled my eyes.

  Still, I went into the damn public restroom, and changed into my white on white Prada outfit. The jeans hugged my curves, and the blouse was a sleeveless sheer cropped top. I had
a diamond studded Chanel belt wrapped around my waist that matched my Chanel scandals perfectly.

  I stood in the mirror in the restroom, having trouble believing my eyes. In the past when I’d get all made up I still blended in with the other broads from the hood. We all had bundles, cascading down our backs and made up faces. But this look…there wasn’t many looking like this where I came from. I looked like I’d come straight from the burbs with my soft healthy looking hair. My curves were still dangerous, while I rocked my high fashion get-up. I’d just grabbed some thousand dollar studs that was blinging on my ears. I looked like money.

  “Oh, hell yes!” Monay smiled, as she entered the restroom.

  I turned to face her. “You like it?”

  She nodded, “Bitch, I’m jealous. You still fine as fuck. I got a little stomach left from Junior, but your shit is flat.”

  “Hey,” I shrugged. “I had a gut too, until I realized that I was fuckin’ with a snake.”

  She sighed, ignoring my last statement. “You ready to go?”

  Smirking, I nodded. “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”

  Together we made our way back to her car at the front of the mall. We stood around, chatting while the Mexican valet driver pulled her Benz up in front of us. Then we eased in, before she jotted out of the lot. There was music playing softly on her stereo system, but I couldn’t tell you what it was. My mind had drifted off, as I attempted to mentally formulate a plan for myself. I needed to cop myself a apartment, and decide what I was gonna do about getting money for the long haul. That stash I had was nothing if I had to rely on it without any other money coming in.

  My thoughts were consuming me, until the scene before my eyes jarred me back to reality. Monay had just exited the freeway, and we were in deadlocked traffic, right up the block from Brewster Park. In that particular area there was never traffic right there, unless there was some kind of event at Brewster Park.

  “Damn, what’s going on out here?” I gasped, as I began to notice all the slabbed out vehicles. It was a Friday evening, and boys had come to show out. There was loud music blasting from most of the cars, and the scene was nuts. I hadn’t seen a crowd this huge in Brewster Park since I was a little girl, and J Prince from Rap-A-Lot was sponsoring the block parties.

  “I don’t know,” Monay waved her head. “They said some rapper shooting a video up here or something.”

  “Ooh,” I nodded, figuring that made perfect sense. Rappers from all over the country would come to Houston and shoot their video right in Fifth Ward. I guess they wanted to capture the essence of the hood in the videos, and obviously my hood’s scenery fit the bill. I didn’t know if that was good or bad thing, though.

  Monay eased the windows down, as she maneuvered through the throngs of cars. There were so many cars that she ended up whipping out her phone, and telling someone to meet her on the feta to grab her car. We’d have to walk the rest of the way, or remain stuck in non-moving traffic. So shortly after, some young dude who I didn’t recognize ran over, and eased into the driver’s seat, after we hopped out.

  “Come on, let’s walk through the park,” Nay suggested, as I gave her the side eye. She knew damn well that I was trying to make to my mama’s, who lived directly in front of the park. Cutting through the park, possibly meant having to stop and speak to people who spotted me, since I was fresh out.

  “Girl, just let me go see about Kaylah first,” I insisted.

  She frowned. “Bitch, stop being so difficult.”

  I rolled my eyes, as she grabbed my hand, and pulled me through the lot of the park. The closer we got to the court the more I noticed this banner. As I finally stepped foot onto the court I noticed what the banner actually said. ‘Welcome Home Black Reign’.

  I shook my head, as I was bombarded by family and friends.

  “Mama’s baby is home!” my mama shouted, as she took me into her arms.

  “Hey, lil’ sis,” Ryah smiled, as she joined in on our hug. Then came my brother Lil’ Coop.

  “My nigga is back,” Coop chuckled, as he picked me up, and twirled me around.

  “You already know,” I cheesed, as he placed me back on my feet. I peered around realizing that this shindig was completely in my honor. I was surrounded with familiar faces, and the atmosphere was crazy. There was a deejay, spinning music. Huge pits of barbeque were smoking, and there were several people wearing t-shirts reading ‘Our Girl is Home’ with my damn picture actually on the front.

  I continued to scan the crowds, until I spotted him. He was standing there, holding my baby. Kaylah was absolutely adorable in her little pink and white ‘My Mommy is Home’ t-shirt with pink and white Air Max’s. Without thinking twice, I hurried over with my arms extended. “Let me see her.”

  “And hello to you too,” Kaydoa frowned, as he handed my daughter to me.

  He stood there in some light denim distressed True Religion jeans, a white tee, along with white Giuseppe’s tennis shoes. A long piece and chain dangled around his neck, and there was a thick diamond bracelet toppled over a big faced Cartier watch on his wrist, which drew attention to my name still boldly tatted on his hand in huge letters. As usual his hair was freshly lined up. I was pissed, as I felt my clit tingle.

  “Hey,” I spoke dryly.

  He gently smiled. “Welcome home. I just wanted to make sure that everybody knew that the queen was back.”

  I pursed my lips, as I noticed him examining my body. And then his eyes slowly wandered up to my eyes.

  “This all you?” he reached out, stroking my hair.

  Before I realized it, I was gazing into his eyes, as he stared into mine. My mouth became dry, as I attempted to find my voice. We both seemed to just stand there, until we were rudely interrupted.

  “Baby, come see this over here,” Farrah giggled, as she came and tugged his hand.

  Finally, he tore his eyes off me. “What?”

  “Come see,” she persisted, as she literally pulled him away.

  I stood there momentarily stunned. If it wasn’t for her voice, I wouldn’t have even recognized her. Farrah was standing there with a ass bigger than mine. She even had big tits. Then she had weave reaching the top of her obvious silicone ass. She wore overly dramatic eyelashes, making her look like a drag queen. I just couldn’t believe my fuckin’ eyes. That bitch had had so much work done that it was sad. It was obvious that she didn’t naturally grow her new assets, because outside of the ass and tits she was still rather skinny. All that ass resting on those sticks she called legs looked pretty awkward. Then she had the nerve to have on some damn booty shorts, along with some Jordan’s. This had to be the fuckin’ twilight zone. Looking at her was almost comical, until it dawned on me. That clown of a broad, was with the nigga who held my heart in the palms of his hands. Shit, when it was all said and done…I was the real joke.

  I waved my head, as I focused on Kaylah. “Hey, mama’s baby,” I smiled, as my voice unwillingly cracked.

  “Hey,” Kaylah smiled. “Can I have some candy?”

  I gave her a grin. Every time she came to visit me, I’d give her some sort of candy. At the time that was all I could do for her. She’d grown so much, and was extremely smart. I know Kaydoa had her in a pricey day care, but the money was well spent. She spoke better than most four year olds, and was spoiled rotten. At just two years old my daughter was the most beautiful little girl I’d ever seen. She had wild curly hair that was pulled into a big puffy ponytail that was actually bigger than her head. She seemed to have a mixture of Kaydoa’s and myself hair. While his was silky and mine was thick, Kaylah’s hair was very soft and curly with a sort of a silk texture. She had my tight eyes, lips, and his nose, ears, and dimples. She was still rather light, which she had to inherit from my mama. Just a little melting pot of all of us. She was simply perfect.

  “You can have whatever you like,” I let her know.

  “Okay,” she giggled, warming my heart.

  “Black Reign, what’s good?” Tino
spoke. I shrugged as I prepared to deal with all the old friends and associates.


  “What, man?” I gritted, as I glared at Farrah.

  “I just needed to get your attention,” she locked eyes wit me.

  “For what?” I scrounged, as we stood off to the side near the basketball court. Everybody had come to celebrate Jasmine being home, and I really didn’t have time for Farrah’s insecure moments.

  “I mean, I know that you said that you was gonna throw her a little something, but Kaydoa, this is a bit extreme. You got that deejay from 97.9 to come out. You hired all these people to cook all this food that you had to spend thousands on. You paid for all these t-shirts that everybody are wearing. And then you’re all in her face. I’m trying my best not to feel some type of way.”

  I squinted, “See, this is exactly why I told you not to come. What is done is done. The shit was all planned out the moment we knew her out date. Aint shit changed, and I’m not about to sit here and argue wit you about it now. This aint got nothing to do wit you, Farrah. I thought that I made myself clear.”


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