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A Darkening of Magic: Chosen Saga Book 0.5

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by J. L. Clayton

  A Darkening of Magic

  Chosen Saga

  Book 0.5

  By Author J. L. Clayton

  About the Author – Me

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  This is a work of fiction. The events and characters described herein are imaginary, and they are not intended to refer to specific places or living persons. The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

  A Darkening of Magic

  Chosen Saga Book 0.5

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright © J.L. Clayton 2016

  This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


  About the Author – Me




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  Author Spotlights



  On the edge of insanity

  Reaching for light

  Under a never ending hole of darkness

  Trapped in a vortex of suffering

  Always trying to end this existence

  With a clashing of wills

  Now standing on the sharp edge of a blade

  Always pushing for supremacy

  Slowly the misery sets in

  Fighting for air

  All is lost in a whirlwind of life

  Just one step

  Now taking flight

  The base draws closer only fatalities in site. No more with pain as the dying of light

  Fading too black

  End is a lonely bittersweet taste

  As eternity waits

  By author J.L. Clayton


  I stood in the dark, watching as the dim light above Raindiela’s head cast soft shadows along her cheekbone. The pain splayed over her expression was an eerie sight, as the obscurities of light danced across her face. I noticed sweat rolling down the side of her jaw, plastering her jet-black hair to her forehead.

  I shook my head in disgust. I slowly crossed my arms and leaned my back against the wall, anxiously awaiting the arrival of my son. Sniffing with disdain at her foolishness, I glared at Raindiela as she pushed.

  How could she not know?

  It had to be because she was preoccupied with carrying my son that she failed to recognize the man of whom she had truly wed. If not for her veil of maternal joy, I was certain Raindiela would have known what evil lay under my skin.

  She had to assume I did not love her. She had to know I was far more interested in what she could do—provide—for me. Raindiela was a human incubator, a mere carrier, for my son and nothing more.

  I smirked. At least she was easy on the eyes, and powerful magic coursed through her veins. Despite the potency of her enchanted heritage, she was not enough for my prodigy—not nearly enough.

  I watched as she cried out in pain from yet another contraction. Soon, my son would be here, and then my plan to raise the most powerful being would begin.

  There was a creak as the door to our chambers swung open, catching my attention. Narrowing my eyes, I watched three hideous women hobble into the room.

  The Three Hags of Fate have arrived, I mused.

  They stopped directly in front of me and bowed their heads. I raked my eyes over their forms and nearly lost what I had eaten earlier. Revolt churned deep within my stomach as I fought back my breakfast. All three had woman similar looks of ghastliness: Pocked, gray skin, tattered, dirty robes, greasy black hair, and a smell that would kill a lesser man.

  One of the Hags stepped forward and blinked her beady eyes up at me. She smiled, showing blackened yellow teeth.

  I scoffed, looking down at her, and said, “Well, it’s very good that you three finally decided to join me.”

  In harmony, they proclaimed, “My Lord, we have come to bring you the gift you have asked for. We are here at the time we should be.”

  Rubbing my chin and raising my top lip in a snarl, I warned, “Watch how you speak to me if you are fond of your tongues.” Their feet shuffled formidably.

  They nodded and continued. “Well, as you know, this gift will forever be a part of your son’s life, but with this gift, there comes a life full of loss and agony. Are you sure this is what you wish for him?”

  I nodded. “I am. Now, do as you have come to do.”

  They blinked several times, cocked their heads to the side, and then spat on the floor a thick, black substance. Laughing, they slowly pointed a finger in my direction.

  All three sisters chanted, “You asked for this, so now it cannot be undone. You are seeking a greater power for your son, but know this, Cruel One; your son’s life will forever be entwined with another’s. Once his fate is sealed, it can never be unraveled, without her willfully yielding it to be done.”

  I ran a hand over my hair in bewilderment, caught off guard by the shrewd implications of their words. I did not understand what the spell meant as it weaved through the room, but I knew for damn sure I was going to find out.

  The Hags clapped their hands together and started rubbing them quickly, building friction. A bright, bluish-gray light seemed to infuse their bodies as they turned towards the bed. Raindiela looked over at me worried, but just as swiftly, her eyes reverted to the Hags as they placed their hands upon her stomach. The light around the Hags flowed through their arms and into her belly. Raindiela jerked but then she sighed as tranquility crossed her face.

  In unison, they chanted, “Unborn child in quest of life, we speak in reverence of thee. A power that is rightfully yours will be taken upon this night to be replaced with one that is not of your birthright, and in place of yours, we give you pure light—a magical power so strong that even the Chosen can become influenced in the darkest of night. In age, the missing part within your soul, you will seek it out to be whole. Will it be a wise decision or the end of your reign? For who will truly be the quarry, the hunter or prey in a wicked, evil game?”

  They bowed their heads and pushed. The light surrounding Raindiela was gone. The room was quiet, but for the sound of a cry. I looked over and saw that the Hags were gone. Raindiela, however, had Crispin in her arms.

  I smiled.

  Chapter One


  It has
been five long years since I set my eyes upon Crispin, five agonizingly long years since I saw his beautiful face for the first time. I remember everything about the day he came into this world – everything. That day, The Hags bestowed a powerful magic upon my boy, one I was not privy to, yet I did not care what was going on around me. All I cared about was holding my child in my arms. I can still recall the sensation that washed over me when I finally held my sweet baby boy.

  It was the most amazing feeling. I was overcome with elation, knowing that he was finally here, my child. I remember kissing Crispin’s forehead and smiling over at Xen with so much happiness.

  At the time, I thought he was my beloved, my soulmate.

  Now, I know better. Now, I know who he truly was.

  He was evil!

  I looked over at Xen and frowned at the expression that crossed his face.

  Maybe he did not like the gift they bestowed upon our child.

  “Xen, would you like to hold him?”

  Xen strolled over to me and roughly took our child from my arms. I glanced down at the now empty space and grimaced. I was beginning to feel this apprehensive nervous sensation in the pit of my gut.

  Call it a “mother’s intuition,” but whatever it was, I knew it was not a feeling I liked.

  “Xen, is there something wrong?” I wrapped my arms around my body, squeezing tight.

  “There is nothing wrong,” he said, gazing down at Crispin. “I have my son now.” His voice trailed off as he shot a cold, wicked glare in my direction. I shrunk back into the bed afraid.

  “Gretchen, please take him,” Xen ordered, handing Crispin over to the wet nurse.

  I opened my mouth to speak. I did not know what I would say, but it didn’t matter.

  Xen snapped his fingers. “Silentium!”

  I gasped, looking at him in shock as my mouth was sealed shut. I brought my hand up to my neck, grasping my throat. I shook my head. I did not understand what was going on. Hot tears threatened the brims of my eyes.

  The man I loved just cast a spell on me.

  Xen chuckled. “Honestly, I cannot believe you assumed what we had was love, but the look on your face speaks volumes. It is such a shame, really. You are, and have always been, nothing more than a magical vessel. I picked you solely for the magical qualities running through your blood.”

  Xen narrowed his eyes at me, and in a chanting tone, he proclaimed, “From this day forth, you are no longer allowed to see my son. If I see or hear of you glancing in his direction, I will cut out your eyes and feed them to you. If you speak his name or ask about his well-being, I will cut off your tongue.

  If you dare try to touch him, my hands will extinguish what little life you have. Remember these words, wife. You are not allowed anywhere near my child. You will not influence his life. He is from the Perago line. He will only be a Perago.”

  With those heartbreakingly damning words, Xen walked out of the room, leaving me a shell of what I was moments before.

  It has been five years since I last saw Crispin. I swallowed the bitter taste that threatened to emerge every time I thought of my son in Xen’s hands. I wanted to cry, but I held it together because today everything was going to change. I was going to make sure of that. There would be no more hiding from my child, just because Xen declared it so.

  Chapter Two


  “Today,” I whispered happily, “Is the best day of my life. Today, I get to see my son, my beautiful boy.” I smiled, feeling a magnificent sensation wash over my body.

  “Are you ready? Rain? Raindiela? Are you ready?”

  I shook myself out of the stupor and nodded my head vigorously. “Yes, Jodi. I am ready!” I gave my longtime friend a grin.

  With a cheeky wink, she motioned for me to follow her into a secret room. We weaved our way through a murky passage.

  My mind was still reeling. There was a hidden passageway behind my room’s walls, and I did not know about it? How did I not know?

  The entire time I have lived here, I had no clue a passageway ever existed. However, three days ago, Jodi informed me that she found a way for me to see my son, safely and undetected. That was all I needed. Jodi came to an abrupt stop. She turned to me, placing her fingers over her lips. I nodded my understanding.

  With a smile, she turned back, facing the wall once again. Jodi lifted her right hand, and in quick succession, she tapped on one of the wall’s panels. There was a little click as the wall swung outwards.

  Jodi pointed into the room beyond. “Crispin, your son, he is in there, Rain.”

  I stood, blinking. My mind did not seem to be working. I felt dumbfounded and nervous, but it did not take long before millions of questions began running through my head.

  What if he doesn’t like me? He is only five, but he does not know me. What if I scare him?

  “Rain, you don’t have much time. Do you want to see him?” I nodded, holding back tears. “Then I suggest you hurry.” Jodi gave me a little push into the room.

  I swallowed. This was what I dreamed about every night, so there was no turning back. I searched the room, and I finally spotted who I was looking for. A dark haired little boy was playing with some blocks at the far end of the room. My heart erupted, pounding violently in my chest. I breathed in and out. Once I felt like I was somewhat back to normal, I sighed. Cocking my head, I watched him. I found myself fixated on what he was doing.

  Pride welled up inside of me. Crispin was taking the small blocks and reconstructing them into something more fascinating. I watched as he held one in his hand and whispered. Slowly, the blocks began to transform into a breathtakingly beautiful horse.

  The horse’s mane flowed magnificently. The burnished hair transitioned from ebony at the roots to a rich, golden brown speckled with white spots at the end. The horse whinnied and kicked its hooves in the air.

  I almost laughed. My child had one of my magical abilities. The knowledge of that made me beam with utter happiness. I heard Crispin giggle, and I could not help myself any longer. I laughed, joining in with him. Crispin turned his head my way. He stopped giggling and just looked at me…waiting.

  I slowly walked towards him and knelt down. “Hello, Crispin. Why, that is a very lovely horse you have there,” I complimented, looking deep into his piercing, blue eyes.

  Crispin smiled. “Thank you. Would you like to hold him? He will not be a horse for very much longer.” Crispin’s smile turned into a frown.

  I smiled encouragingly, not liking the frown and asked, “Why is that?”

  He shrugged. “Father said it’s because this magic isn’t really worth having, but I think it is,” he whispered.

  I winked. “Would you like to know a secret?”

  Crispin nodded eagerly.

  “I agree with you. This magic will have its use one day, so keep practicing. Besides, you are still young. You have so much more to learn.”

  The horse transformed back into a block. He shrugged his little shoulders. “See, I told you, all gone.”

  “Yes, you did, but that’s okay. Would you like to know another secret?” I closed my eyes and hoped this was not a mistake.

  Crispin leaned in and asked in a whisper, “What’s that?”

  I looked deep into his eyes. “I am your mother,” I said slowly.

  Crispin’s eyes rounded like two big saucers.

  He surprised me by wrapping his little arms around my neck. “I knew I would meet you one day, my mother.”

  I hugged him back, a fierce surge of emotion flooding my embrace. I finally felt like my life was complete.

  “You are just as I pictured you to be—beautiful. My beautiful mommy.”

  His words could not have been more tragic to my soul. I was so proud of him. He was so smart, and he was only five. I heard a slight snick behind me and jerked to see Jodi waving. This was going to be the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

  Leave my son…agai

  It was tearing me apart. I felt like every molecule of my body was breaking away and shattering to the ground.

  I started to cry, “I’m so sorry, baby. Mommy is so sorry that she has not been there for you, but I have always loved you. You are my everything. Please know that, Crispin.”

  He pulled away and touched the skin under my eyes saying, “Don’t cry, Mommy. You are here now, and we can be together forever!”

  I kissed his forehead and nodded. “Yes, my beautiful baby. I love you, and I will find a way for us to be together, just not right now. I have to go. Please understand! Please don’t hate me!”

  He nodded. “I understand, and I could never hate you. I love you.” He hugged me, with what I believed was everything he had. He was so brave. He kissed my cheek and let me go.

  I watched in awe as he left the room, giving me a small smile before the door closed. I knew if my little boy could be that strong, then so could I. I stood up and hurried back to the passageway and back to my chambers.

  Chapter Three


  I sat by the window and watched the clouds darken from an angry violet to a viciously, deep purple. The sight of the clouds rolling and changing colors in the sky was breathtaking, but I had an awful feeling that the ominous atmosphere was something far beyond an afternoon storm.

  I sighed, turning to my bed when I heard something outside my chamber door. I froze, and my hands started to tremble. I clutched them together, trying to prevent the shaking. I knew something was not right. I felt too nervous, and it seemed all the joy from earlier was dissipating, fleeing and leaving nothing but a foul taste in my mouth. The door to my room swung inwards. I looked up and saw Xen standing in the threshold.

  He gave me a look of pure satisfaction as he strolled into the room with two of his strongest men, a crying Jodi, and my son—my beautiful son.


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