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A Darkening of Magic: Chosen Saga Book 0.5

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by J. L. Clayton

  “As I recall, I forbade you from having any contact with my son.” Xen tapped his chin. “Am I not correct in my recollection?”

  I looked at him and said nothing.

  Xen bellowed, “Am I not correct, or am I? Did I order you to stay away from my son?”

  I sat unmoving, amazed and surprised by the viciousness in his voice. I looked at Jodi as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes with her shoulder. She winced. I focused on her face and noticed several dark, blue and black bruises covering her left cheek. Jodi’s expression was devastating. I knew she thought I blamed her by the way she kept her eyes downcast.

  However, I did not blame her. I knew Xen had a way with making someone talk. I took my eyes off her and looked at Crispin. He was crying. My heart was breaking for my little boy. All I wanted to do was comfort him, but I knew it was a foolish dream. I also knew that all my planning was of no use now. I was going to die, and there was nothing I could do about it. My magic was not as strong or as powerful as Xen’s.

  I frowned. I do not know if I even want to live anymore…if I cannot be with the one person I love more than anything in this world, there isn’t much to live for anyway.

  Xen walked over and slapped me across the face. “Am I correct?”

  I looked at him with tear-filled eyes, clutching my cheek and nodded.

  Xen smirked and shoved me to the floor. I knew he was going to kill me. My only hope was that he would spare Crispin from seeing my death, but I had a horrible feeling Xen was going to let Crispin see everything.

  I looked over at my little boy and smiled sadly.

  Turning back to Xen, I said, “No matter what you are about to do to me, no matter that I am about to die, Xen. This was still the most amazing day I have ever had. I would die a million deaths if that meant I would only have one day with my son. Nothing in this world would ever make me want to change that. Not death and certainly not the likes of you.”

  What a wonderful thing to die for - my son. I nearly laughed. I spent my last day with my son. I held him, I talked to him, and the most important part…I let him know that I loved him more than anything in this world. I just hoped he would be strong and remember me.

  Remember me forever.

  Chapter Four


  I glanced down at her fragile form and felt nothing. Not even lust urged its way to the forefront of my mind. I shook my head. My wife was a shell of her former self, hollowed out and wasting away to almost nothing. I remember a time when she was beautiful, when just looking at her had my cock hardening.

  I almost laughed. Magic was not all I wanted.

  As I gazed into her sad eyes, I felt excitement wash over my body. Soon, she would be out of my life forever.

  I cleared my throat, “Ah, it is always fun, the thrill of the kill, to have someone’s life in your hands, and knowing that you are the one who can take it away just like that.” I snapped my fingers. White sparks flickered from my thumb and index fingers.

  “It is simply the most powerful feeling ever. It feels like being a god.” I cracked my knuckles and paced the room. “I told you to never make contact with my son, but clearly, wife, you did not understand what I meant.”

  She opened her mouth to say something, but I waved my hand in her direction, stopping her words before they could even form.

  Foolish woman, she should have known better than to speak while I have the floor.

  I gestured for my men to take hold of her. They each grabbed an arm, holding her in place. I had enough. I was ready to get this over with. I glanced at my son and noticed he was crying.

  I chuckled, “Silly child, that will be all of that.”

  Crispin wiped his eyes and frowned, and then he started casting some kind of spell.

  “What do you think you are doing, boy?” I asked.

  Crispin sniffled then stepped forward with confidence in his voice. “I am going to help my mother.”

  I cocked my head to the side and grinned, interjecting, “And how do you suppose you are going to do that?”

  “W-w-with my magic,” he stammered.

  I mocked, “W-w-with what magic?”

  Everyone in the room watched us as if it was a jousting tournament, waiting to see who would thrust the next blow, but I knew he was far too young to take on the likes of me.

  One day, he would surpass me, but not just yet. He was only five, and his magic was just starting to manifest. However, I couldn’t wait to see what he had to offer. I looked over at his mother, seeing fear and pride within the depths of her eyes. I didn’t like the look on her face. It had me pausing for a moment, but soon, I was going to wipe it completely and utterly off her.

  “See how your love has corrupted my child!” I glared.

  She sweetly smiled over at Crispin, not answering me. I could see she accepted her fate. She wanted to play the martyr, which was perfectly fine by me.

  I knew it would not have an impact on Crispin’s future. I would make damn sure of that. If I had to, I would wipe all memories of her from his mind. I looked over at Crispin. His face was bright red, and he looked like he was concentrating hard.

  I shook my head in disgust. I was sure she had a hand in whatever magic he was trying to invoke. I watched curiously, wondering what he would cast.

  Crispin shouted, “Reformabit!”

  He opened his hand and let a little block fall to the ground. Slowly, it started to grow.

  I raised an eyebrow, amazed that his five-year-old brain could think to transform something. I watched as the block took the shape of a winged creature.

  Crispin’s body shook from the effort. Something inside me snapped, and I knew her influence—what little time she had with him—was already taking hold, but I would put a stop to it immediately.

  The winged creature charged me. I smiled and faced it dead on. With power in my voice, I commanded, “Condeliquesco.” The creature exploded into tiny particles and dispersed. It was once a small block but now merely dust. “Did I not tell you that this magic was of no use… son? It is only a waste of energy and time. I forbid you to use it.” I looked at my men. “I have had enough of this foolishness. Please hold him while I tend to his mother.”

  Crispin started to scream, “No, don’t hurt my mother! Please! Please, father! Don’t hurt my mother!”

  I snarled and looked at the woman who tried to corrupt my son, but I would make sure she failed. “You did this to him. You made him weak!”

  She closed her dark green eyes and smiled, saying, “Then what little time I had with him, I know I did my job correctly because he is not weak. He is strong, and he will grow up to be something wonderful. He will not be your son! He will be mine!”

  “You are wrong about that, wife,” I taunted. “Because he will never remember you. I’ll make damn sure of that.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, fear blazing within her eyes. She knew I was going to take his memories of her and she could do nothing. Killing her now was even more satisfying.

  I quickly pulled out a sharp blade and struck. With a flick of my wrist, I cut off her tongue. Blood spurted out of her mouth like a geyser, spilling over my hands. She gasped, pulling her arms, trying to break free. The whites of her eyes started to show. I knew I had to finish this, or she would die from blood loss and I would not get to have my fun.

  Crispin shouted. I blocked him out of my head as everything seemed to move fast. I swiftly cut out her eyes, following it up by cutting off her hands. Her body was convulsing. Blood was spraying the room in a bright red.

  It was beautiful.

  I stepped up to her and whispered before cutting off her ears, “It’s too bad I didn’t save your eyes for last, because then you could see the devastation written on my son’s face. Remember what I said…speak to him, look at him, touch him, or hear him and I would take every part of you. Now, I take your life.”

  I pulled out another dagger, now holding
two in my hands, I plunged both into her ear canals, extinguishing her life.

  After I was finished, the room was silent but for a sad, pathetic cry.

  Chapter Five


  “Please take my son to his chambers and clean up this mess,” I commanded Raindiela’s longtime friend, Jodi, knowing it would devastate her. With a fearful nod, Jodi began the task of cleaning up her friend’s remains. I smiled and headed to my study.

  I was pacing the room when there was a knock on the door. “Enter,” I called out.

  “My Lord,” Jodi bowed her head. Her voice was shaky, and her body was trembling. “I’ve cleaned the room as you’ve ordered.”

  “Did you dispose of the body?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  “That’s a good girl! Now come here,” I ordered, opening my arms, waiting for her to step into them.

  Slowly, she folded her small frame beneath my big arms. Her body quivered as I held her, rocking her back and forth in a soothing manner, whispering nonsense.

  “Why did you betray me?” I inquired.

  “I am sorry, Xen. She is…was my best friend,” Jodi sobbed.

  I tilted her head back, gazing deep into her eyes. “What am I to you?”

  “My Lord, my love,” Jodi answered faithfully.

  “Then why, if you love me, why would you betray me?” I questioned.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Please, can you forgive me? I loved her too…she was my best friend! Please, Xen, please?” she pleaded.

  I kissed her lips, running my hand up her back and gripping her hair. I gave the red locks a little tug, bringing her eyes up to meet mine. I licked the top of her lip. She gave me a sweet smile, looking at me with so much trust.

  I moved my hand away from her hair and picked up a small dagger that was lying on the table beside me. She felt my movements and looked down to see what I was doing. When she saw the blade, Jodi opened her mouth, but all you could hear was a silent scream and gurgling as I slit her throat, letting her hot blood wash over my face.

  I held her in my arms and whispered, “Yes my love, all is now forgiven.” With a snarl, I pushed her now lifeless body to the floor. I pulled a white cloth out of my pocket and wiped the blood off my face.

  It seems that today, red is my favored color, I mused. Now, two down and one to go, I thought as I strolled into Crispin’s room.

  I looked at my son, wondering how he could be so weak. “I expected more from you than this sniveling little brat.” I gestured for him to come over and stand beside me.

  Slowly, but obediently, Crispin stood in front of me. “Good, now close your eyes and repeat after me,” I commanded. Grudgingly, he obliged.

  I grinned at his little defiance.

  Then, I began the spell to erase any part of his mother. “What once was, is now no more. The light within my soul, the memories of her within my mind, diminish from my thoughts with these words I speak clearly. Darkness can fill the void where her love dwelled deep within, because inside me now, there lives an empty case. I command the Darkening of Magic to fill the space. Now, I am anew, and she is no more, as the memories of her have swiftly been erased.”

  He repeated the spell, removing any light and memories of his mother and leaving his soul black. Crispin’s body shook, and a bright light burst from his chest, lifting him off the floor. In the same moment, he crashed back down, gasping for air.

  I knelt beside him and whispered, “There, there, son, now you can become what you were always meant to be. Now you can become something powerful.”

  He looked at me with loyalty in his bright blue eyes.

  I nodded and said, “Stand up and follow me. I have many things to teach you.”

  He gave me a subdued nod, following right behind me. I led him to a room where centuries-old tomes, scrolls, and books waited.

  “Now, son, the first eleven years of your training will be of the mind. All of this literature is for you to take in. The knowledge that you will gain from the words written within these books will set you apart from any other magical being.”

  He nodded.

  “Every day you will wake up and come straight to this room. Your meals will be brought to you by one of my servants, and over there,” I pointed to the right of me, “is a washroom you can use when the need arises. Once the clock strikes midnight, you may leave and go back to your chambers, but do not leave this room anytime sooner than that. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” he answered in a small whisper.

  I nodded. “Good, then your education begins now. It looks as if you will put in a good five hours.” With that, I left the room feeling satisfied.

  Chapter Six


  I stretched and slammed the book closed as my ever-watchful father entered the room. I decided to take a chance and ask him the question that had desperately weighed on my mind. I have wanted to ask him this for so long, but I was always afraid of his answer.

  “Father, I have been coming in here and reading these books incessantly now for two years. Must I read so much about history? I want to explore! I believe I can learn so much just by going out and exploring.” I looked at my father beseechingly, hoping that he would allow some respite from the constant reading. Maybe, he would even let me try some magic.

  He looked down at me with cold eyes, eyes I was so familiar with. “Of course you can explore the world beyond this room.”

  I jumped up, feeling so happy. I could not recall the last time I felt this relieved and happy. He was going to let me leave this room.

  “Oh thank you, father! I can’t wait to see the world.”

  “Crispin, calm yourself. I did not say I was going to let you leave now.” Crossing his arms, my father quirked an eyebrow. “You can leave this house when your years of studying are finished. Enough of wanting to venture out, Crispin…back to work.”


  My father pulled back his hand and struck the side of my face. Furious, I peered up at him. I wanted to hit him back, make him feel the same shame and embarrassment that I felt.

  He looked at me for a brief second, huffed, turned on his heel and left, leaving me in a room full of old books that were not interesting. I slammed the cover on the current book I was reading and threw it at the door.

  I was so furious with him for locking me in a room with no way out, and the only company I see are the servants who never speak to me.

  Why would they? I was merely a child. I hated my father so much, and one day, I was going to kill him.

  That thought rang so true and real in my mind. I felt it taking form and becoming something other…something I could taste on my tongue.

  I started to cry, hating my life. I furiously rubbed my eyes, trying to wipe the tears away. I could not show weakness. I would never show weakness.

  “Stop crying! Stop crying!” I chanted repeatedly as I curled up in a ball in my seat.

  “Hey, are you okay?” I heard someone say in a soft voice beside my head.

  I looked up to see a girl around my age holding a tray of food in her hands. She had long, stringy blond hair and big, bright green eyes. She smiled, showing two of her top teeth missing.

  I sat up quickly and choked out, “I am fine.”

  I sniffed, rubbing the last of the tears away. I waited to see what she would say next. Besides, my father always just looked at the person he was talking to when he wanted answers, so I thought it would work for me.

  She giggled, thrusting the tray she was holding into my chest. “Well that’s good. Here’s your food.”

  I was a little shocked, but I recovered, took the tray from her outstretched arms, and sat it on a nearby table. Then, I waited. I expected more from her. I expected a name.

  I expected answers just as my father always seemed to expect. I cocked my head to the side, feeling flustered at the lack of response. I could not wait for her to speak. I had always been im
patient, and I needed answers as to why she was the one bringing me my food and why she was speaking to me.

  “Thank you, and who might you be?” I asked. I was trying to imitate my father, but I knew it was not working. She still had a contagious grin plastered across her face. I shook my head, feeling my lips twitch.

  “I’m Nicole. It is nice to meet you. My mother told me that I had to start helping out, so it looks like I’ll be bringing your food from now on.” She rolled her eyes and started walking around, picking up books as she did.

  Fascinated, I watched her.

  Wow, this is wonderful. She is the first kid I have ever met—a girl and my age. I have not even left the house, so having her here is a pleasant change.

  “Books,” I said slowly. “Those are the books that I am reading.”

  “Are you planning on reading… all of these books?!” She opened her arms wide.

  I nodded.

  “Amazing! So, how many books have you read so far?” Nicole probed.

  “So far I have read 5,873 and a half,” I answered.

  “Oh my…that’s a lot of books…and you’re even keeping count?!” Nicole’s mouth gaped open, and her already big eyes became even bigger. “You must really love books!”

  “No,” I sighed. “Not really. Well, I may like them if I could read something interesting.”

  She nodded. “I see, well let’s fix that and explore the room…see if there’s anything interesting to read,” she suggested.

  I smiled, which was something I rarely did. I looked at her as she searched for something fun for me to read. From then on, I would look forward to seeing her bring my food. I knew I should be reading, as my father ordered, but when she came to see me, all thoughts of reading vanished from my mind.

  She was something that I found interesting, and I was not going to waste time reading while she was here. She was my only friend, and I planned to keep her forever.

  Chapter Seven


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