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There You Are

Page 3

by E. L. Todd

  Even though we were both warm I lay on top of her and caught my breath. I liked hearing her pant, satisfied from the lovemaking I just gave her. I never felt closer to her than when I was inside her.

  I loved being married.


  I sat across from Ryan at the deli and ate my sandwich. We got lunch together a few times a week. Ironically, I spent more time with him than either of his kids.

  Ryan was extremely quiet. His eyes were downcast to this food and he was hardly eating. His mind was somewhere else, in a place I couldn’t reach.

  “Everything alright?” I opened my bag of chips and munched on a few.

  “Fine.” He sighed before he forced the sandwich into his mouth.

  Now I knew for sure something was bothering him. “I always come to you to talk, but that’s a two way street. You can talk to me too.”

  “I know, Arsen.” He rested his elbows on the table and looked out the window.

  “So…you want to talk about it?” Ryan was never in a sour mood. Nothing could keep that guy down. To see him quiet and bothered was rare. I was a little worried.

  “Not really.”

  “Any particular reason why?” I told him everything. He couldn’t do the same?

  “I’m not at liberty to discuss it.”

  Then it was a secret. It probably had something to do with the older gang. They hung out together as much as the younger crowd did. Maybe someone butted heads with someone else. If Ryan didn’t want to talk about it there was no way I’d get anything out of him. “Well, I’m here if you change your mind.”

  “I know, kiddo.”

  I returned my eyes to my sandwich and ate the other half.

  “How’s married life?”

  “The best,” I blurted. “I wish we got married a long time ago, like the day we met.”

  He chuckled. “I have a feeling your relationship would have been much different…and not in a good way.”

  “It’s hard to believe there was a time when she wasn’t in my life. And it’s really weird to think she hasn’t always been my wife. I don’t know how to explain it.”

  “You don’t need to. I get it. When I saw Janice for the first time, I knew.”

  “Someone’s romantic…”

  He laughed. “Don’t tell anyone, especially Janice.”

  “I think she already knows.”

  “When we were first married it was a magical time. And then when Silke and Slade were on the way that was exciting too, even though they were an accident. But even now it’s a magical time. Your relationship changes as you age, and it doesn’t necessarily get better or worse. It just matures like a vintage wine.”

  “There you go again…being romantic.”

  He kicked me under the table. “Just because we’re related doesn’t mean I won’t kick your ass.”

  “I’d like to see you try, old man.”

  “I work in a tattoo parlor all day. I’ve seen some crazy shit. Don’t mess with me.”


  Ryan continued like the interruption never happened. “My point is, treasure every moment of the journey. There’s always a lot to look forward to, and there’s always memories to appreciate.”

  “I want to have another kid but I don’t think Silke is ready.”

  “Let her start her sculpting business first,” he said. “Then feel her out.”


  “How’s that going, by the way?”

  “I don’t think she’s done much with it,” I said. “We just got back from our honeymoon and stuff.”

  “Well, I’m here if you need me.”


  I walked into the firehouse and saw Silke and Abby sitting at the metal table. They were working the wet clay into figurines. Abby got the paste everywhere, including her hair and face. Silke was pristinely clean, being a master at the craft.

  “Look at my artists.”

  Abby raised her hands in excitement when she saw me. “Daddy!” Then she jumped off the chair and headed right toward me, her dirty hands aimed at my clean clothing.

  “Whoa. Hold on, sweetheart.”

  She giggled with her dirty hands in the air.

  “Don’t even think about it.” I pointed a finger at her like that would give me more authority.

  She laughed and stepped forward.

  “Abby, these clothes are new.”

  She pounced on me and smacked both of her hands on my chest.

  “You little brat,” I said as I looked down at her.

  She laughed and smeared the clay into my white t-shirt. Then she stepped back and admired her handiwork. “Ta-da.”

  I shook my head and tried not to smile.

  Abby giggled then hopped back onto her seat at the table. “Love you, Daddy.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Love you too, sweetheart.”

  Silke tried not to laugh.

  I walked over to her to give her a kiss. “Hey, Beauty.”

  She leaned away. “Don’t get too close to me.” She eyed the wet clay on my shirt.

  “What?” I asked innocently. “You seemed amused by it a second ago.”

  “It’s amusing when it’s not on me.” She continued to lean away.

  “Well, that’s about to change.” I grabbed her neck and kissed her, getting clay on her skin. “Now we’re even.”

  Silke had a sour look on her face when I pulled away.

  “Working on the new gallery?” I took a seat beside Silke and watched her work.

  “Just trying to be creative. Abby and I got ice cream after school and we stopped by since it was on the way.”

  “Cool.” I watched her hands work the clay around the spindle. “Trying to make something in particular?”

  “No,” Silke said. “I don’t usually think when I’m making something.”

  I raised an eyebrow because that didn’t make any sense.

  She caught my look. “I know it’s weird but it’s the truth.”

  I glanced at Abby and saw her concentrating hard with the clay. It looked like mushed mashed potatoes but she was still working on it. “It looks like you have a little apprentice.”

  “I do,” Silke said with a smile. “A very cute one. So, what did you do today?”

  “Had lunch with your father.”

  “And how was that?”

  “Fine. But it seemed like something was bothering him.”

  “My dad?” Silke asked in surprise. “Nothing bothers that guy.”

  “I know but I got the distinct impression something was in the back of his mind. He wouldn’t tell me.”

  “Maybe he and Mom are fighting.”

  That didn’t seem likely. “Even when they are fighting he doesn’t seem upset about it.”

  “Maybe my mom kicked him in the nuts this time.” She chuckled.

  I doubted that too. “Hopefully, he’ll be back to normal next time I see him.”

  “I’m sure he’s back to normal right this second.” She relaxed her foot on the pedal and pulled her hands away. The clay took on the distinct features of a little girl with two braids in her hair. It was the uncanny image of Abby.

  “That’s beautiful…”

  Silke examined it in silence. “It came out right.”

  “All your pieces come out right.”

  She grabbed the mold then placed it into the oven. Then she set the timer. “In thirty minutes I’ll have another creation.” She glanced at Abby. “How are you coming along, sweetheart?”

  “I’m done.” Abby picked up her indecipherable image and carried it to the oven. Silke helped her put it inside. It didn’t look like anything like wet clay and I doubted it would look like anything when it was dry.

  “Good job, Abby.” Silke washed her hands in the sink then helped Abby get cleaned up. She did everything like raising Abby was second nature. They dried off then came back to the table.

  Gratitude welled deep in my heart. When Lydia passed away and I was Abby’s sole guardian I w
as a little scared. I wasn’t sure if I could be a full-time parent and do a good job. Somehow, I got through it with Ryan’s help. But Silke took everything in stride even though she had less experience than I did. She was naturally motherly, like she’d done this a hundred times. “Thank you for being so great with Abby…”

  Silke turned my way when she heard my whisper. “It’s not difficult when she’s such an angel.”

  “I know…” Silke was the one who picked her up from school and made dinner for her. She helped me put her to bed, and she raised Abby as much as I did. When I was in a dark place Silke picked up the slack and took care of Abby entirely on her own. “I appreciate it anyway.”

  She rubbed my shoulder and gave me a weak smile. “It’s my pleasure, Arsen.”


  I was reading in bed when my hand was yanked over my head and cuffed to the headboard.

  I looked up into Silke’s face, my book forgotten. “You have my attention.”

  She handcuffed the other wrist so both of my hands were behind my head. “Good. Now I just have to keep it.”

  “I don’t think that will be a problem.”

  She lifted my shirt to my chest then pulled down my sweats and boxers. My cock was quickly coming to life now that I knew what was coming. Silke removed everything except the black lacy bra that pushed her tits together and made noticeable cleavage. “I’m tired of married sex.”

  “Married sex?” I asked.

  “Yeah. You know, lovemaking and all of that.”

  I wasn’t tired of it at all. “What do you want instead?”

  She straddled my hips then pointed my tip at her entrance. “Something rough.”


  She gripped both sides of my waist as she lowered herself onto my length. A dreamy look came into her eyes and she bit her bottom lip as she took every inch of me.

  I automatically reached for her and felt the bite of the chains.

  She rested on my pelvis, my entire length inside her. Her hair was pulled over one shoulder, and her eyes were lit up in desire. Her nails dug into my skin possessively.

  I reached for her again but was restrained.

  “You’re going to have to take a step back for this one.”

  I growled at her.

  She rose to the balls of her feet then slowly rode me, taking my cock in over and over. Her thighs tightened as she worked, and she breathed hard as she slid up and down. The noises our moving bodies made together was just an extra turn on.

  My hands clenched into fists because there was nothing else I could do. Every time she pulled me deep into her my toes curled slightly. She was tight with every penetration and I was overcome with pleasure that was so good it was actually painful.

  Silke was so sexy when she took the lead. She rocked her bottom, showing the tightness of her stomach with every move. Her hair danced around, and when the sweat formed on her neck a few strands stuck to it. She bit her lip on and off, adding to her sex appeal.

  I wish I could touch her.

  She kept her moans to a minimal because we needed to be quiet. That was the rare time when I wish I didn’t have a daughter. Silke bounced up and down, panting and sweating. Her tits shook with every movement.

  Damn, she was hot.

  Her nails dug into me and she rolled her head back, breathing hard. Then she rode me harder, constricting me until I was practically sore. She rode the orgasm hard, practically whimpering because it felt so good.

  I stared at her without blinking because it was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

  She rode the high until it dissipated, and then her thrusts slowed down until they stopped altogether.

  I immediately thrust my hips up because I wanted to keep going.

  She slowly rose and pulled me out of her.

  What the hell?

  A wicked grin was on her face. “Well, I’m going to bed…”

  “Whoa, hold on.”

  She fixed her hair now that her fun was over.

  “You’re going to leave me hanging like that?”


  I wrapped my leg around her waist because it was the only thing I could do to keep her steady. “Baby, come on. You wouldn’t do something so evil.”

  “Maybe I will,” she said. “You’ll be thinking about me all night and all day at work tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be doing that regardless.”

  “Well, now it’ll be more intense.”

  I squeezed her waist. “You know I’ll just ambush you while you’re sleeping.”

  “While you’re handcuffed?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “I’m curious to see that.”

  “You’re going to leave me chained up all night?” I asked incredulously.


  “What?” I couldn’t keep the panic out of my voice. “Baby, I like the kinkiness but not the suffering.”

  “No?” She crawled over the bed until she was above me. She looked down at me with evil playfulness in her eyes. “You want me to keep going?”


  Her hair fell over one shoulder, highlighting her beauty.

  “Come on. You would do that to your husband?”

  “I’d do a lot of things to him. If I make you wait the sex will be that much better.”

  “But I want it now.” I yanked on the chains. “Come on, Beauty. Don’t be a tease. I married you so I wouldn’t have to wait ever again.”

  She slowly inched down to my waist.

  I breathed a sigh of relief since I was getting my way. My dick was desperate to be inside her, to get to the grand finale.

  She leaned over my waist, her hair falling onto my stomach. Then she started to suck me off.

  My eyes immediately closed and I moaned the second her tongue danced around. I wasn’t expecting her to do that. It wasn’t her pussy but I would take it. She shoved me far into the back of her throat then ran her tongue along the tip of my cock. I was inching toward the end, feeling the warmth deep in my body. My balls tightened in preparation for the release.

  Then she pulled away.

  Motherfucker. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Maybe.” She crawled up my chest with a victorious smile on her face.

  “Well, I’m very close.” My cock twitched in disappointment. It lay on my stomach, wet from her saliva.

  “I like to tease you. It’s fun.”

  “We have different definitions of fun.”

  She kissed my chest, her lips concentrated on the area over my heart.

  It felt good but it wasn’t exactly what I wanted. “Do you want to hear me beg? Because I’m not above that at this point.”

  “Actually, yes.” She sat up and looked me in the eye.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Please.”

  “Please what?” she pressed.

  “Fuck me.” I had to grit my teeth as I said. it She was turning me into a mindless dog.

  “Be more specific. There are a lot of ways to do that.”

  “Fuck me with that tight pussy.” She and I never did the dirty talk thing. It would be much more fun if my body wasn’t in such agony.

  “That’s what you want?” she whispered.

  “More than anything.”

  “You got it.” She slowly pressed her face to mine and looked me in the eye. Then she gave me the sexiest kiss I’ve ever had. Her lips slowly moved with mine and she gave me a little of her tongue.

  My cock wanted to scream.

  She scooted back then positioned herself on top of me.


  Silke grabbed my cock then slowly inserted it inside her. She was still wet from the orgasm I gave her.

  My body actually shook because it felt so good to be inside her again. She was warm and tight and I couldn’t wait to release. My breathing escalated and joy spread through my body. Sex was the best thing ever.

  “You like that?” she whispered.

  “Yeah.” A moan came from the back of my t

  She rode me harder, pushing me toward the finish line.

  I tightened as I prepared to finally feel that innate wonderment.

  She stopped but kept me inside her.

  I growled like a bear. “Goddammit, Silke.” I bucked my hips to get her to keep going.

  “You want to come inside me?” she asked in a teasing tone.

  “More than anything.”

  “Yeah?” She twirled her hips in a circle, grinding against me.

  I groaned in desperation. “Please.”

  She rubbed her hands up my chest. “Since you’ve been such a good husband I’ll let you.”

  “Thank god,” I blurted.

  She started to ride me again, going at a good pace that wasn’t too slow or fast.

  I breathed hard as I felt my body prepare for the ecstasy. I didn’t need any further stimulation because she’d already wound me up so tight. The sensation traveled further down my body, heading right for the area between my legs. Then I felt it, the best orgasm I’ve ever had in my life. My entire body convulsed as I filled her, giving her more than I’d ever had before. “Silke…” My head rolled back and I lay on the pillow, letting the aftershocks ripple through my body.

  When I was finished Silke crawled up my body until we were face-to-face. “You like that?”

  “The orgasm but not all the torture beforehand.”

  She undid both of my handcuffs. “Well, I liked it.”

  Chapter Four



  I stared out across the ocean and admired the other Hawaiian island in the distance. It reached high into the sky and was surrounded by clouds at the tip. My thoughts were far away from paradise. I was thinking of my little boy. He was home with Grandma and Grandpa. The honeymoon started out great but with every passing day I missed him more and more.


  Did he still remember me? Did he miss me? Did he have his favorite toy when he went to bed?

  Ward waved a hand in front of my face. “Darling?”

  “Sorry?” I turned to him beside me. He was sitting in a beach chair under the cabana. Our drinks were on the table as well as our iPads. He was shirtless, exposing his perfect physique to everyone in our midst.


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