Book Read Free

There You Are

Page 4

by E. L. Todd

  “I’ve been saying your name for about a minute now.” Aviator sunglasses were on the bridge of his nose. Hair was coming in around his jaw from not shaving for a while. When I pictured my husband years ago he was handsome. But Ward blew that imaginary guy out of the water.

  “Sorry…I drifted.”

  “And where did you drift to?”

  “Ward Jr…” I shouldn’t be thinking about him on our honeymoon but I couldn’t help it.

  Ward rested his hand on mine. “I miss him too.”

  “Do you think he’s okay?”

  “I’m sure he’s fine, darling. He’s probably having such a good time with Grandma and Grandpa that he hasn’t thought about us once.”

  “You don’t think he misses us…?”

  “Not at all.” He gave me a smile to cheer me up.

  “What if he forgets us? What if we come back and he doesn’t recognize us?”

  “Darling.” He squeezed my hand. “He would never forget you. He could recognize your voice with his eyes closed. Now relax and have a good time.”

  “I am having a good time. I just…miss him.”

  “I know.” He interlocked our fingers together. “But we should enjoy this alone time. When we go back home it’ll be a long time before we get it again.”

  I missed having alone time with Ward. We used to spend all our time together doing fun things, and sometimes we would just lay in bed and stare at each other. While I cherished those memories I was happy with they way things were now. The little addition to our family made it perfect. “Ward Jr. made our lives so much better.”

  He lifted his shades onto his head. “You want to make another baby?” His thumb caressed my knuckles. “Because there’s no better time than in paradise.”

  “I don’t know…” Ward Jr. already stole all my attention. It was hard to imagine having another baby to look after. And could I love someone as much as Ward Jr. Was that even possible?

  “We’ve always wanted our kids close in age, right?” Ward asked. “And you’ve had six months to recover from giving birth to Ward Jr. It’s an option if we want it to be—no pressure.”

  “I don’t know…”

  He looked out to the beach. “Just an idea. We don’t have to rush into anything.” He crossed his ankles then rested one arm behind his head.

  “Do you think we could do it?”

  He turned his head back my way “What do you mean?”

  “Do you think we could handle two babies?”

  “Financially, yes. Physically, that depends on you. I’ll always be there to help but you’re the full-time mom. The decision is ultimately up to you. Keep in mind that Ward Jr. will be over one year old when the new addition arrives so he won’t be as much work.”

  “Ha,” I said sarcastically. “You obviously don’t know much about raising kids.”

  He shrugged. “I admit I don’t. Like I said, the decision is up to you.”

  “I do want to have more children…”

  His eyes lit up in excitement.

  “And it makes sense if they are close in age…what if we have another boy? They could be best friends like Sean and Mike.”

  He chuckled. “Sean and Mike are not best friends. You should see them together at work. They drink scotch and argue all day.”

  “But they’re still close.”

  “Yeah,” he admitted. “Or we could have a girl. They could be close like Scarlet and Ryan.”

  “That would be cute…”

  “Just think about it.” He pulled my hand to his lips and gave me a kiss.

  I pressed my lips tightly together as I considered it. Having another kid was going to happen anyway so maybe we should do it now, when our kids would be at the same age to experience the same things at the same time. “Yes, I want to have another baby.”

  He grinned from ear-to-ear then sat up. “We’re done here.” He waved a pool boy over. “We have somewhere to be.”

  I laughed then yanked his arm down. “Calm down.”

  “We need to get started,” he said.

  “I doubt I’m even ovulating.”

  “But you might be,” he pressed. “My guys have to get in there to get the job done.”

  “No, you just want to get in there even if the job doesn’t get done.”

  He shrugged but that smile was still on his face. “Making Ward Jr. was a lot of fun. And I want to do it again.”


  We sat across from each other at the dinner table. We were on the deck of the restaurant, the ocean water right below us. A flickering candle was on the table, giving us romantic lighting.

  Ward kept staring at me with that hard expression. It was intense and demanding. Actually, it was even a little frightening.

  “We were just in the room for an hour. We can have a nice dinner together.”

  “Every minute we’re out here is a missed opportunity.”

  “Well, I need to eat.”

  “We could order room service. You could eat while I—”

  The waiter came to our table.


  We ordered our entrees then handed the menus over. When we were alone again his intensity returned.

  I looked out at the water and felt his gaze drill into my face. It was searing like a hot branding iron.

  “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you.” I kept my eyes on the water. “You look nice too.”

  “Well, obviously.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Did you plan that ceremony for a while?” He hadn’t asked me about the wedding because we were too busy soaking up the magical time. We were making love or staring into each other’s eyes.

  “Honestly, it was a last minute thing. I think I pulled it together in a week.”

  “Wow…” He held his glass of wine by the stem but didn’t take a drink. “You figured out how to get my family there in that amount of time?”

  “Well, they were very accommodating.” His parents were, at least. Willow…was a peach.

  His smile was noticeable in the flickering candlelight. “I really appreciate it.”

  “I couldn’t imagine not having them there.”

  “Neither could I,” he said. “Especially Willow.”

  She was a monster-in-law.

  Ward read my mind. “I’m sorry if she gave you a hard time.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” I said. “She came and that’s all that matters.”

  “I think she’ll be better from now on.”

  “Why?” Did he say something to her?

  “I’m sure she saw how happy I was. How happy we were—together. It would be futile to keep up her bitchiness.”

  I covered up my smile by taking a drink. “Yeah, maybe.”

  “And she was really enamored by Ward Jr. How can she hate the woman who made him?”

  “Stop.” I felt my cheeks blush.

  “What?” he asked. “You think I did that all on my own?”

  “Well, he looks just like you so I think your genes had a lot to do with that.”

  “But he’s got your spirit. I can tell.”

  I tucked my hair behind my ear when his gaze became too intense.

  “I’m lucky Cayson isn’t a pain like Willow is.”

  “He used to be.”

  “Yeah, but I understand his point of view. It would be difficult for me to be around someone you were once romantically involved with. Willow is just being a brat.”

  At least he didn’t defend her like most people would. He admitted his sister’s behavior was inappropriate and didn’t make excuses for it. While I was sad that Ward wasn’t living in London with his friends and family, I was glad I was separated from his sister by the entire Atlantic Ocean. I wouldn’t have to see her very often and deal with her crass attitude.

  “I really liked that wedding,” he said. “And I think I liked that it was a surprise.”


  He nodded.

�I felt bad about the whole Arsen and Silke thing…I knew getting married was important to you.”

  “It was.”

  “But you were in such a bad mood that I didn’t think it was smart to discuss the wedding again.”

  “You were right. I was too busy being an ass to listen to you.” His eyes showed his smile.

  “So, doing everything and just having you show up was easier.”

  “It worked out perfectly.”

  “I can be very sneaky when I want.” I rubbed my hands together and gave him an evil look.

  “You should be sneaky more often.”

  The waiter brought our plates then left. I immediately picked at my food but realized I wasn’t that hungry. Ward did the same, so I could only assume his appetite wasn’t big either.

  He gave me that look that told me exactly what he was thinking.

  I put my fork down and sighed. “Do you want to take this to go?”

  He grinned. “That sounds like a great idea, darling.”

  Chapter Five


  In all the years I’d known Slade I’d never seen him so low. We’d been through a lot together and had more memories than I could count. But I’d never seen that kind of frown on his mouth. I’d never seen the lights go completely out in his eyes. And I’d never seen his soul die.

  He sat in the seat across from me with a beer on the table. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was looking at nothing in particular. He’d been quiet for several minutes, forgetting I was there at all.

  I felt the coaster in my fingers and tried to think of something to say. He was always there for me and now I needed to be there for him. But this situation was innately difficult. “How are you holding up…?” It probably wasn’t the best question but I didn’t know how to start.

  “I feel like slitting my own throat.” His eyes stayed where they were.

  I didn’t doubt that.

  “I put on an act around Trinity and act like everything is fine but…I can’t tell her how I really feel. I need her to get better. If she sees how devastated I am she’ll feel bad for making me feel this way. So I can’t tell the one person I tell everything to how I truly feel.”

  “You can always tell me.”

  “I know but it’s not the same.” He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Every morning I wake up and hope all of this is some nightmare. But it never is.”

  “I know things are hard but they will get better.” Everyone healed in time.

  “Trinity will never get better,” he said bitterly. “She’s afraid of the world and now she’ll always be afraid.”

  “Give her some time.”

  “Believe me, I know her. She’s given up on humanity.” He hadn’t looked at me once in this entire conversation. “And I have too.”

  If Skye had gone through that I would be a wreck myself. I couldn’t even begin to imagine how he felt. “Both of you will change your mind eventually.”

  “Doubtful,” he said bitterly.

  “I’m surprised you haven’t killed him yet.” I kept checking the news to see when they would find his body. This is the one time I wouldn’t judge Slade for going insane on someone. That asshole deserved it.

  “My time will come.” He slowly turned my way and met my gaze. “Sean and I have a plan.”

  “You brought Sean into this?” I assumed it would stay among us. “Does Mike know?”

  “Sean won’t say anything.”

  “Why did you tell him at all?”

  “I need him. He has access to stuff I don’t. We can get revenge for Trinity—together.”

  “What’s the plan?”

  “Sean is going to set him up and bring him down. There must be other women who’ve experienced the same thing. Then we’re going to expose him and milk it for all its worth. When his reputation plummets so will his business. And when he’s at his lowest point…that’s when I’ll come for him.”

  “Then you’ll kill him?”

  “No. Losing everything you care about is worse than death. But I’ll definitely beat him so severely he’ll be in the hospital for a while.”

  “Can I help?”

  Approval moved into his eyes. “No. I want him all to myself. But thanks anyway.”

  “I’m sorry this has happened to you both,” I said. “You don’t deserve it.”

  He nodded. “I know.”

  “I’m here if you need anything.”

  “I know that too.”


  When I came home I expected a hug and a kiss.

  Instead, Skye walked into the entryway with a tape measurer around her waist. “I’ve lost two inches. Can you believe it?”

  This weight loss crusade of hers drove me crazy. She wasn’t fat to begin with and the fact she actually thought she was was ridiculous. The woman just had my baby. “I don’t notice anything.”

  “How can you not notice?”

  “Because you weren’t fat to begin with.” Since I wasn’t getting a greeting I walked around her and headed to Cedric, the only sane person in this house. I picked him up from the playpen and held him against my chest, getting lost in his Preston blue eyes. “Hey, War Chief. Missed you today.”

  He stared at me in fascination.

  Sometimes I wondered how aware he was. Did he know I was his father? Did he know Skye was his mother? Or was he a behemoth of information, soaking everything in like a sponge.

  I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

  Skye came to my side. “Why can’t you just be happy for me?”

  I returned Cedric to his playpen before I rose to my full height. “Because it’s stupid. That’s why.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Get over it.”

  “You should be focusing on motherhood, not being a size zero.”

  “I’m not trying to be a size zero,” she snapped. “I’ve never been a size zero. And I only work out for an hour and then I’m done for the day. You’re acting like I’m abandoning our son.”

  “I just wish you would realize you’re perfect the way you are.”

  Her eyes softened. “I appreciate that, Cayson. But I want this for myself. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy.” She walked away and still didn’t give me a kiss. “We’re having pot roast for dinner.”

  I tossed my jacket on the couch, in a sour mood, and then loosened my tie. I sat at the table and waited for her to join me.

  “How’s Slade?”


  “Poor guy.” She set the table then took a seat. “I feel so bad for both of them. They shouldn’t have to deal with this.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m surprised Slade hasn’t murdered him yet.”

  “He wants to take down his reputation and his business first. Once Maximum loses the things that mean the most to him he’ll beat the shit out of him.”

  Skye was about to take a bite of her food but stopped. “That doesn’t sound like Slade…”

  “Your father talked him into it.”

  “He told my father?” she asked in surprise.

  I nodded. “Slade said he had things he needed, which is true.”

  “Well, if there’s anyone who can get that done it’s my dad.”


  “I hope they put that piece of shit in his place—in the ground.”

  “I’m sure they will.” And if they didn’t, I would certainly help.


  After dinner we played with Cedric in the living room. When Skye leaned over, the V-neck of her shirt hung low, exposing her tits to my wandering eye.

  “So, when am I going to get a kiss?”

  She sat up and looked at me. “What?”

  “I haven’t gotten a kiss since I walked through the door.” She was too busy telling me how much weight she lost, weight she didn’t need to lose to begin with.

  “Well, you seemed grouchy.”

  “Kisses usually fix that.”

�Well, I’m sorry.”

  I kept waiting, my eyes drilling into her.

  She hid the chuckle from escaping her lips.


  She left Cedric on the soft blanket then leaned into me. Her lips pressed gently against my mouth, sending fireworks into the air. The kiss was PG but it still sent a thrill through my body. She slowly pulled away, the excitement burning in her eyes. “I’m sorry that was a little late.”

  “Don’t be late again.”


  We put Cedric to sleep in his room. He lay in the crib with the blanket tucked around him. The second we set him on the mattress his eyes closed and he released a quiet sigh. It was music to my ears.

  Skye stood beside me and stared down at him. “Awe…he’s so damn cute.”

  “I know.” I’d never seen anything cuter in my life.

  “I’m not sure how I’m ever going to go back to work.”

  “Don’t.” That would be my dream come true. “Conrad can handle it.”

  “But I told my dad I would run it…I can’t back out on him.”

  “He wouldn’t care.” I knew Sean as well as she did. “He would love it if you were a stay-at-home mom. Your mom did it.”

  “But that’s different.”

  “Not really,” I said. “I make enough to cover everything. We don’t need your salary.”

  “But that’s a lot of burden for a single person,” she said. “I know Conrad is really smart and capable but he’s going to want a family of his own someday. It would be much easier if there was someone to share the load.”

  That’s his problem. “I think he would understand, Skye. And you can always go back when Cedric is older.”

  “I guess…”

  I would love it if she stayed home every day. I would walk through the door and see her holding my son in her arms. Dinner would always be ready and she wouldn’t be tired from working all day and keeping up a home. I wasn’t necessarily old-fashioned but I liked the idea of my wife staying within the walls of the castle I built for her.

  Skye left Cedric’s nursery then headed to the bedroom. I followed her, my mind immediately on sex. The heart shape of her ass got my engine revving, and the carnal side of me came into effect. Before Cedric we had sex all the time, but now that we were parents that luxury was gone. But it made the sex in the evenings that much better since it was restricted.


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