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Into the night: The rogue series book one

Page 16

by Toni Goode

  Nicholas got her back to the house and laid her in bed as he paced back and forth. This had never happened to him before. His wolf had taken over and marked her. As far as he had known it was only a myth that this had even happened. He hadn’t known anyone who had been marked before. It was supposed to be one of those once in a lifetime thing that rarely happened anymore. Back in his grandparent’s generation it happened more often but that was over seventy years ago now.

  He kept staring at her neck that was now healing slowly. His wolf had taken a large bite into it and the skin was torn. He didn’t know what to do. She wasn’t bleeding at all. It was odd. The sound of her taking a loud gasp of breath made him jump as he ran to the side of the bed. Her eyes opened and met his blue ones.

  “Holy shit. I thought. I thought I killed you.” He said in shock as she looked at him and then seconds later his mouth was crashing into hers in a passionate kiss. He pulled back as she sat up now, panting heavily. “Are you ok?”

  “I think so. What happened?” She said as her hand went to her neck and her eyes got wide as she felt the torn skin. “Oh my god.”

  “It’s ok. It’s not even bleeding. I mean it looks crazy and all but it’s not deadly.” He said as she felt the torn skin. It didn’t hurt which was odd, but she could definitely feel something there. “Are you sure you feel ok?” He asked as he touched her hand and she gasped at the feeling that coursed through her body. He did too.

  It was hard to explain but at that moment it was like she felt and saw every memory that he had. She could see him as a small boy and then as a teenager. She could see him with a woman. The same woman from the picture he had on the mantel. She could feel overwhelming happiness and then unbearable sadness.

  He let go of her hand quick and he nearly fell as he stumbled. “Holy shit. Did you? I felt. I saw.” He began to ramble as his heart raced.

  “Yeah I did.” She said with so much emotion that tears began to stream down her face. “Is this. Is this normal?” She said as she began to get off the bed and he quickly went over to her. He reached out to her and she quickly backed up. “Maybe we should hold off for a second before we touch again.” She said with a nervous laugh and he began to laugh a little too.

  “Yeah you’re probably right.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Um, coffee. You want some coffee?”

  “Yeah and maybe something a bit stronger.” He laughed a little.

  “Definitely stronger.” He smirked as he walked to the bedroom door. “I’m going to get that. You’re ok, right? I don’t want you to fall down.”

  “I’m ok. I think I am just going to use the bathroom.” She said as she walked across the room.

  “Ok. I will be right downstairs.” He said as he left the room and she walked into the bathroom. Her eyes immediately landed on her neck and she touched it again. It was healing quickly but it looked awful. She looked down at her barely clad body. She wore one of his button-down shirts which was oversized on her, but her senses were so keen. She could smell his scent on the shirt and not just that, she felt different. She felt alive.

  By the time she got downstairs, she smelt the coffee brewing and she could hear him in the kitchen. She joined him in there as he turned and looked at her.

  “Here.” He handed her a cup of coffee as they both sipped their drinks. “So, I think we should probably talk about what happened.”

  “Yeah we should.” She said nervously as she now sat down, and he did too.

  Before either of them could speak, his phone began to ring. He looked at it quick and then sighed. “It’s Steele.” He said as he then answered. “Hey right now really isn’t a good time.”

  “We have a problem.” Steele said anxiously and it made Nicholas stiffen. He wasn’t used to hearing Steele this anxious.

  “What’s wrong?” Nicholas stood now.

  “Lawrence’s men picked up John the second he got back on their territory. This isn’t good.” He said with concern.

  “Shit. I thought he knew how to get back on without being detected.” Nicholas began to pace as Emma stood up now.

  “What happened?” She asked with concern.

  “I don’t know. It’s like they were waiting for him. I don’t get it man, but this isn’t good. I promised that nothing would happen to him.” Steele said with worry in his voice.

  Nicholas leaned against the wall and then he looked at Emma. “John got caught by Lawrence’s men.”

  “What? How? Oh my god.” She said with wide eyes. “If something happens to him.” Her voice trailed as fear filled her.

  “Listen I’m heading your way. We need to get him back.” Steele said and then he hung up.

  “Lawrence will kill him.” Emma said as she stood there in shock.

  “Lawrence isn’t killing anyone.” Nicholas walked over to her and touched her face softly. The intense sensation made him pull his hand back. “I’m going to fix this.” He said seriously as he walked past her.

  “Wait. What are you going to do?” She asked as she ran up to him.

  “I’m going to the council to let them know what Lawrence has been up to.”

  “The council? What if they make me go back? I can’t go back.” She said with tears in her eyes.

  “No one and I repeat no one is taking you from me.” He said as his lips collided with hers in a heated kiss that literally had them both seeing fireworks. He quickly pulled back as they both panted heavily. “Wow.”

  “Yeah. Wow.” She said breathlessly.

  “Just stay here, ok. You will be safe here.” He said before he left.

  Nicholas got to his truck and quickly dialed Steele back. He needed to take care of this situation once and for all. The only way he was going to be able to do that was by going to the council.

  Emma spent the morning nervously cleaning as she waited for Nicholas to return. She was worried about what the council would say but she was also worried about John. What if Lawrence killed him? John had been trying to help her and she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if anything happened to him not to mention if anything happened to Lexi. The sound of someone knocking on the front door made her stiffen as she stood there. Her mind immediately went to Lawrence. What if he found her?

  “Nick? Nick it’s Vee.” Veronica called out and Emma immediately relaxed as she opened the front door.

  “He’s not here at the moment.” Emma said as Veronica smiled big.

  “That’s ok, I was actually looking for you.”

  “You were?” Emma asked in shock.

  “Yeah. Remember that thing you wanted me to investigate for you? Well I got some really good information.” Veronica smiled sweetly.

  “Oh my gosh, you did?” Emma said with a huge smile.

  “Yeah but I want to show you instead of tell you.” Veronica grinned.

  “Sure, of course. I can’t thank you enough Veronica.” Emma said as she left the house.

  “Absolutely, that’s what friends are for.” Veronica smiled as they both got into her car and took off.

  Nicholas met up with Steele a few towns away. The council was in the next town, but they needed to figure out their game plan first. They sat in a crowded bar.

  “This is all my fault. I should have gone after him.” Steele said with regret as he sipped his beer.

  “That wouldn’t have done any good. Can’t have you both taken. We will figure this out.” Nicholas sipped his beer. “Lawrence isn’t allowed to just kill our own kind without repercussions, and he isn’t a stupid man.”

  “Yeah but he isn’t against torture.” Steele drank the rest of his beer and waved at the bartender for another one.

  “Well once the council finds out what he is up to then they will make sure he lets the kid go.” Nicholas said seriously.

  “And what about Emma’s best friend? Hell, what about Emma?” Steele asked.

  “Yeah about that. Last night something happened.” Nicholas said as the bartender came over with fresh beers in hand. They eac
h grabbed one. Nicholas took a big swig. “I imprinted on her.” He finally said as Steele nearly choked on his beer.

  “You what?”

  “Listen I didn’t even know it was a real thing, ok. It just happened and well now.” Nicholas took another hefty sip.

  “Are you sure? I mean I haven’t heard of that happening ever. I mean maybe once I heard a story about it, but it was just a fairy tale.” Steele now took a huge swig of his beer.

  “Well it happened. I love her Steele. I’m going to ask her to marry me.” He finally said as he continued to drink his beer.

  “Oh, wow. I may need something stronger than this.” Steele said as he waved the bartender back over.

  “I know it’s just all really sudden.”

  “No shit. I mean didn’t you just meet her a few days ago. I mean this sounds a bit crazy even for you.” Steele said as the bartender came over. “Can we get a few shots of something strong, hell maybe the whole bottle.”

  “Sure. I’ll be right back.” The bartender said as he walked away, and Steele looked back at Nicholas.

  “How did this happen? I mean I thought you were with Vee?” Steele asked.

  “Nothing was ever going to happen with me and Vee.”

  “Are you sure she knows that because she seemed pretty pissed last night.”

  “Listen I don’t even know how to explain all of this, ok. It’s just after I imprinted on Emma, everything changed.”

  “Shit. You weren’t kidding.” Steele downed his beer as the bartender came back over with a bottle of scotch and two glasses. He put them on the table and left as Steele began to pour them drinks.

  “Listen I just need to get to the council and let them know about Lawrence and about Emma. They will understand.”

  “Let’s hope they do.” Steele said as he handed Nicholas a shot and they both drank it quick.

  Meanwhile Veronica and Emma made their way across town.

  “You know I could never thank you enough for doing all of this. It’s been a long time since I felt like I had a friend.” Emma said with a soft smile.

  “Like I said it’s not a big deal. We girls have to stick together, you know.” Veronica grinned and then she turned down a dirt road.

  “I thought we were going into town?” Emma asked as she looked out the window and watched the trees surround them. The feeling in the pit of her stomach began to tighten.

  “Oh yeah, we are. I just wanted to stop by my house first if that’s ok.” Veronica kept looking at the road as she drove.

  “Yeah, sure.” Emma said as she looked back out the window.

  They drove further and further into the woods until a small cabin came into sight. It was a familiar cabin, the same one that Nicholas had brought her to when she had stumbled into their territory.

  “Home sweet home.” Veronica smiled as she stopped the car in front of the cabin.

  “Home?” Emma said as her heart began to race. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

  “Yeah, don’t let the outside trick you. Inside it’s paradise. Come on.” Veronica said as she got out of the car and Emma sucked in a deep breath. This was a trap. She could feel it. She watched as Veronica walked up towards the door and Emma quickly got out of the car. “Are you a tea drinker?” Veronica called out and Emma made her move. She turned and began to run but was immediately met by two large wolves.

  She skidded to a stop as she fell onto her ass.

  “Now is that anyway to treat our guests.” Veronica laughed as she walked over to Emma.

  “Stay away from me!” Emma yelled out as she scrambled to her feet. She had wolves on one side of her and Veronica on the other side.

  “God you are just such a whiny bitch!” Veronica laughed.

  “Why are you doing this? You said you would help me.” Emma said with fear.

  “Did you really think I was just going to sit back and watch you sink your claws into my man? You silly bitch!” Veronica yelled.

  Emma looked all around her and then made a run for it as Veronica laughed.

  “Get her you fucking idiots!” She yelled at the wolves who took off running after Emma.

  There was no time for Emma to shift into her wolf form and so she ran as fast as she could. She remembered where the trap had been set in the woods. The one that had snatched her up just days prior. She could feel the wolves literally on her heel as they chased her.

  Emma dodged over bushes as the wolves began to gain on her but then she saw the infamous tree that had slung her up in a net. At the last second, she jumped and cleared the trap as one wolf got flung up in the air and into the net. It howled out and as she spun around the second wolf slammed into her chest. The power of the wolf sent her flying through the air and right into a tree. The wind knocked out of her as she tried to get her barrings, but the wolf got over her now. It’s large canines literally dripping saliva as it snarled at her.

  The sound of clapping made Emma look up as Lawrence stood there. He had a smile on his face. Her eyes got wide with fear as she looked at him.

  “Surprise honey. I’m home.” He smiled big as she gasped.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Nicholas and Steele waited outside the large conference room of the council. Nicholas was pacing as he tried to get his thoughts in order. For the first time in years he was excited to start his new life with Emma.

  Nicholas hated going in front of the council. It had four members who were nearly as old the world itself. There was the Witch elder by the name of Blasie. His hair was completely white and long. He had an equally long white beard and with the robe he wore it almost made him look like a stereotypical witch, but he was nothing but. He was strong and powerful. He could make a man, mortal or immortal drop at the snap of his fingers.

  The next elder was Tomas. A wolf elder who had a family tree that crossed all the continents. He was a bulky man but all muscle. He was incredibly tall, standing at nearly seven feet. He had stopped wars between various packs. His hair now was dark and short. It used to be long and pulled back but over the years he had changed along with the ways of the world. It was inevitable to happen because the elders themselves lived out in the real world too.

  Marcus was the elder vampire and the oldest living immortal. He had a direct link to the maker of all the vampires. Lilith. She was the mother to every vampire out there. Marcus had pale blonde hair and pale skin. He was thin and lankly but his size had nothing to do with his power. He was almost as strong as Tomas, but witches were ultimately the stronger of the group. Some would even say that they were the makers of the supernatural world but that was just rumors.

  The last elder was Bentley. He was a mix between vampire and wolf. He had been the first of his kind. The first to set a standard. He looked so much younger than the others. He had a sort of teenage look about him. His hair was currently long and in a green mohawk, but his outward appearance was nothing compared to his strength. He could change between species with a snap of his fingers. He was a bit reckless and rebellious but at the end of the day he had one thing on his mind. To keep the peace between the species and to make sure that anyone who threatened their way of life would be punished severely.

  He sat in front of the council as they all looked at him. He never really got nervous, but this wasn’t like any other time. He was literally sitting in front of the four most powerful elders in the world.

  “Are you sure you don’t want a drink, Nicholas?” Tomas asked with a smile.

  “I’m good thanks.” Nicholas swallowed hard.

  “Ok enough with stressing him out.” Bentley said as he kicked his booted feet up on the table. “What brings you here?”

  “I come here to talk about The Nightfall Pack and their leader Lawrence.”

  “My great great grandson, Lawrence?” Tomas asked as he sat up more in his chair.

  “Yes Sir. It would seem that Lawrence is using torture techniques and forced marriages once again.”

  “Continue.” Tomas cross
ed his hands on the large table. “How have you come across this information?”

  “I took in a wolf who fled his territory. He was forcing marriage and trying to blend two very powerful packs together.”

  “We haven’t heard of any pack blending. Who is the wolf in question?” Marcus asked as they all looked at Nicholas.

  “Her name is Emma Steven’s of The Midnight Pack. She was being forced into a marriage with Lawrence and she fled.”

  “Arranged marriages have been something our kind have done for centuries.” Tomas said quickly.

  “With all due respect Sir, this was not arranged. As you know Lawrence had recently lost his wife.”

  “Speaking of losing a mate, you have lost yours a few years ago. Isn’t that correct and yet you have not remarried?” Blasie asked as he leaned back in his chair.

  “Yes, I have. I am here about that as well but regarding Lawrence, not only is he trying to force marriage, but he recently abducted another young wolf.”

  “So not only is Lawrence forcing marriages but now he is abducting fellow wolves? This all sounds a bit preposterous.” Tomas laughed.

  “I mean it kind of sounds like maybe you have a thing for this female wolf and you’re trying to distract us with other tales.” Blasie said seriously.


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