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Into the night: The rogue series book one

Page 17

by Toni Goode

“I will admit that I have grown to love Emma and that was one of the reasons why I have come to you as well. I want to marry her.”

  “You do know that it is illegal to steal another wolf’s mate. You don’t look like a stupid man, Nicholas. I remember your father. I was fond of him; may he rest in peace.” Tomas sighed.

  “Sir, Emma was not his mate. She was being forced into marriage.” Nicholas began to raise his voice.

  “Remember where you are son.” Tomas warned him.

  “I apologize for my tone, but I feel very strongly about this and about her. Sir, I have imprinted on her.”

  “Imprint? That hasn’t happened in nearly a hundred years. Let’s not be dramatic to try and impress me.” Tomas laughed sarcastically.

  “Sir it’s true. I didn’t think it would be possible, but I saw it and felt it.”

  “You’re wasting our time, Nicholas. I have things to do.” Bentley said with annoyance.

  “Listen all I ask is that Lawrence is investigated and that I can marry Emma.” Nicholas added.

  The men began to whisper amongst themselves as Nicholas sat there. He just wanted to get back to Emma and start their life together.

  The men leaned back in their chairs. “We will look into an investigation but in regard to Emma, we will have to speak with her first before we can proceed further.” Tomas said as all the men stood.

  “Thank you. I can bring her here and then you all will see.” Nicholas said as relief washed over him.

  “But keep in mind Nicholas that if for some reason Emma doesn’t want a future with you then she will be made to go back to her own territory.” Tomas said warningly.

  “Of course. I understand.” Nicholas said as he quickly left the conference room. Steele stood up as soon as he came out of the room.

  “Good news?” Steele asked with worry.

  “The best. Let’s go and get Emma. I will explain on the way.” Nicholas smiled as they took off.

  Emma couldn’t believe that Lawrence had gotten to her. He had brought her back to his territory and his pack. She was currently in a locked bedroom with a guard outside her door. She had already tried to find an escape, but the windows had bars on them, and the only door was guarded. She needed to come up with a plan. She needed to get the hell out of there.

  The sound of voices outside the door made her quickly run across the room as she tried to look for something to be a weapon, but she found nothing. The door opened and Lawrence came in. He had a huge smile on his face.

  “I see you are settling in just fine.”

  “Fuck you. You can’t hold me here!” She snapped at him.

  “Such vulgar language for my soon to be wife.” He waved his finger at her.

  “I won’t marry you. I will die first!” She yelled.

  “See now that is where you are wrong darling.” He grinned and then one of his large men dragged a kicking and screaming woman into the room. It wasn’t just any woman, it was Lexi. She had been beaten and broken. Emma gasped in shock as she looked at her best friend. “Now maybe you don’t understand the position you are in.”

  “Emma, don’t.” Lexi cried out but then Lawrence hit her across the face hard as blood sputtered out of her mouth.

  “Please don’t hurt her anymore. Please.” Emma begged with tears in her eyes.

  “Now that is more like it.” Lawrence smiled as he walked closer to Emma. Her back hit the wall as she froze in fear. “Now unless you want to see your friend’s head on a spike, you will do as I say.”

  “Please Emma, don’t!” Lexi cried out and then Lawrence shooed his guard away as he dragged Lexi back out of the room. She screamed until the door slammed shut.

  Lawrence brought his attention back to Emma. “Ah now, where were we? Oh yes, our impending marriage.”

  “Listen please just let her go.” Emma pleaded with him as he got right in front of her.

  “Perhaps but first we need to get a few things clear.” He grinned big as his hand traced the side of her face seductively and she cringed.

  Nicholas couldn’t wait to get back to his place. Steele had gone back to his pack so that he could get some back up if needed regarding Lawrence.

  “Emma!” He called out as he walked into his house and immediately smelled food cooking. The sound of music playing in the kitchen as he walked towards it. He had a huge smile on his face and a dozen roses in hand. “God it smells great in here.” He grinned as he stepped into the kitchen but instead of seeing Emma, he saw Veronica standing over the stove.

  “Oh hey!” She called out over the loud music. “Flowers? They are beautiful babe.” She ran over to him as he stood there in shock. She kissed his cheek as she grabbed the flowers. “I was trying to be done with cooking before you got home.” She turned from him and began to put the flowers in water.

  “Vee, what are you doing?” He said in shock.

  “What’s it look like silly? I’m cooking. I mean I know we haven’t had a lot of time lately because of your house guest and all.” She smiled at him.

  “Vee, we need to talk.” He said seriously as she looked back at him.

  “Ok but first you look like you could use a beer. The pasta will be done in a few minutes.” She walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer out.

  “Vee.” He sighed heavily as he stood there, and she held out a beer to him. He didn’t take it. “You shouldn’t be here. I need to see.” His words trailed as Veronica cut him off.

  “Nick. Just relax ok. It looks like you had a long day.” She stepped closer to him.

  “Vee, stop. I can’t do this, ok. I can’t.”

  “What do you mean? It’s just dinner. I mean that and a beer.” She said sweetly.

  “Damn it Vee, just stop!” He snapped now as she swallowed hard.

  “Listen I know that we have been having a rough time lately, but all couples have bumps in the road.” Her voice cracked as she spoke. “I mean. Nick, I love you.” She began just as he spoke at the same time.

  “I love Emma.” He said as her eyes got wide. “I’m sorry Vee. I just. I love her.”

  “You love her? You barely know her Nick. I don’t understand. She’s a rogue.” She said with shock.

  “I don’t know how to explain it to you Vee. It just happened.” He said softly.

  “Wow and just like that you toss me out like the trash? Are you fucking kidding me!” Veronica yelled.

  “I didn’t mean for it to happen like this.” He said softly.

  “Oh really? So, was this your plan all along? Huh? Move the rogue bitch in and kick me out of your life! I gave you everything I had in me!” She snapped.

  “Vee I can’t do this right now with you.” He turned from her.

  “Why cause you need to run after her?” She laughed bitterly. “She’s not even here Nick.”

  He turned and faced her. “What do you mean she isn’t here?”

  Veronica rolled her eyes. “Your precious Emma left. She said she was going back to her pack, back to Lawrence.” Veronica said bitterly.

  “Bullshit! She wouldn’t!” He snapped as he ran up the stairs and called out her name. “Emma! Emma!”

  Nick ran from room to room, but she was nowhere. When he turned to go back down the stairs, Veronica stood there.

  “What did you do!?” He snapped at her.

  “What did I do? I’ve done nothing but devote my life to you!” She yelled back at him.

  “What did you say to her! Tell me!” He snapped at her and within seconds he had her back slammed into the wall as she gasped.

  Veronica looked at him with fear in her eyes as his canines began to descend. “She came to me for help. She said she didn’t want to be your prisoner anymore. She wanted to go home.”

  “LIES! What did you do!” He growled at her.

  “I’m telling you the truth. She said she wanted to go home. She said she didn’t belong here.” She pleaded with him as tears filled her eyes.

  The sound of banging on his front door made t
hem both look.

  “Nick! Nick you need to open up!” His brother Sal called out frantically.

  Nicholas pushed Veronica aside and quickly got to the front door. He opened it as Sal stood there out of breath. “We got a problem, come with me.”

  Nicholas ran with Sal through the heavily wooded territory. Once near the border the scent of blood was heavy. The body of the young wolf Joey laid motionless on the ground. His body mutilated.

  “He was ambushed.” Sal said quietly.

  Nicholas felt his blood boiling as he inhaled deep and then looked up at the torn net hanging from a tree. He could smell Lawrence’s scent everywhere.

  “Who did this? Who would do this?” Sal asked as other pack members began to enter the bloody scene. Gasps were heard as well as cries.

  Nicholas balled up his fists. “I know who did this and he is going to pay!” He snapped and then took off for his house as Sal raced after him.

  Veronica quickly put her clothes into a suitcase. She had never seen Nicholas that angry and frankly she was worried that maybe she had gone too far. She had to leave town because once he found out what she had done then he would kill her. She had not expected his reaction. He said he loved that bitch rogue. Anger boiled in her as she grabbed her bag and quickly got to her front door but as she opened it, he was there. Nicholas. Her eyes got wide but before she could speak, he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the wall as he held her there.

  “Nick, no. This isn’t the way!” Sal yelled out.

  “Sal go home.” Nicholas snapped at his brother.

  “Nick, please. This won’t get Emma back.” Sal pleaded with him.

  “She did this! She deserves to pay!” Nicholas squeezed her neck harder as she tried to gasp for breath.

  “But there are other ways to deal with this Nick. If you kill her then the council will get further involved. You can’t help Emma if you are dead.” Sal said softly. “Please. We can figure this out.”

  Nicholas finally let go of Veronica’s neck as he dropped her to the floor. She gasped and coughed.

  “He has her Sal. Lawrence has her and I will die before I let anything bad happen to her.”

  “I can help. I can. I will.” Veronica gasped as they both looked at her on her knees.

  “Just because my brother stopped me now doesn’t mean I won’t kill you later.” Nicholas growled at her.

  “Ok I get it. I’m sorry. I just. I love you.” Veronica began to cry as he rushed over to her and she put her hands up quickly. “Please don’t kill me.” She cried out.

  “Nick she is right. Maybe she can help after all.” Sal said quickly. Nicholas looked at his brother. “Can you get us close to Lawrence?”

  “I can. He trusts me.” She said with a shaky voice.

  “She is nothing but a fucking liar!” Nicholas yanked her up hard.

  “No, I can. I promise. I can get you close. I can.” She pleaded with him.

  “If you are lying, I will tear your throat out myself!” Nicholas snapped.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Emma could not believe this was happening again as she stood in front of a mirror as her wedding dress was hemmed. Lawrence had promised to let Lexi go once they got married and even though she didn’t trust him, well she had to at least try for Lexi’s sake. The guilt she had was overwhelming. Her mind kept going to Nicholas though. Was he looking for her? Was he in danger? She couldn’t fathom anything happening to him. She would never forgive herself. Then of course there was John. There had been no word of him, and she worried about his fate. So many people she had endangered.

  Meanwhile Lawrence sat in his large office as he drank back a glass of scotch. Today was the big day and he couldn’t wait. He finally had Emma to himself and what he had planned for her brought a smile to his eyes.

  A knock on his door made him look up from his glass. “Come in.”

  “Ah, there is the man of the hour.” Tomas said as he entered the office.

  “Grandfather.” Lawrence grinned as he got up to meet his great, great grandfather Tomas at the door. They shared a brief hug.

  “You look exceptionally well today, Lawrence. I heard all is well with your soon to be new bride.” Tomas grinned.

  “Everything is going according to plan and all thanks to you.” Lawrence smirked as the men walked over to his desk and sat down.

  “Well grandson, you have earned it.” Tomas grinned as Lawrence poured him a drink. “And I can assure you that all prior issues are being handled.” He grinned as they clinked glasses together.

  “I knew I could count on you.” Lawrence smirked.

  “Of course. Family first, always.” Tomas smiled.

  Emma was alone once more as she stood in front of the mirror. The long white gown clung to her body and her hair was pulled up in a high bun. She couldn’t help the tears that began to fall down her cheeks. She wondered if her father even knew what was happening. She wondered why she even cared. I mean he had been the one that allowed this to happen in the first place. She should hate him, but he was her father after all.

  The sound of the door opening made her suck in a deep breath. It was show time.

  Lawrence sat once again in his office alone. Tomas had gone to find a seat with the rest of the pack. Today was going to be a memorable day, one for the record books. After his marriage with Emma was consummated then he would truly be the most powerful Alpha that ever lived!

  Another knock on his door made him look up. It was time. “Come in.”

  His brother Demetri walked in. “We got a problem, brother.”

  Lawrence inhaled deep. “I can’t afford any problems today Demetri. Just take care of whatever it is!”

  “It’s that female wolf, Veronica. She says it is important that she talks to you.” Demetri said quickly.

  “You know I really do hate that bitch.” Lawrence snarled some. “Where is she?” He stood up with annoyance.

  “We’re holding her by the territory line. She said it has to do with Nicholas.” Demetri began as Lawrence grit his teeth.

  “Of course, it does! Bring me to her, NOW!” He snapped as the men took off.

  Lawrence and Demetri neared Veronica who was standing nervously next to one of his men.

  “You do know this is my wedding day! This better be worth it!” Lawrence snapped with agitation.

  “I do. I’m sorry. It’s just, I need asylum in your pack. Nicholas is going to kill me.” Veronica said with a shaky voice.

  Lawrence couldn’t help but laugh now. “And why would you think that I want someone such as yourself? I mean you basically went against your Alpha. You’re as disloyal as they come.” Lawrence turned from her now. “Get her out of my face!”

  “But I helped you!” She cried out and before he could speak the sound of loud growling was heard. Lawrence turned slowly as Nicholas’ wolf lunged at him. He flew backwards as the wolf landed on his chest.

  “YOU!” Lawrence yelled out. “Get him!” He yelled out to his men but seconds later three more wolves were attacking Lawrence’s men. The attack was brutal and swift as limbs got torn from bodies. They didn’t even have time to shift.

  Nicholas’s wolf moved his large mouth close to Lawrence’s face.

  “We can make a deal. You don’t have to do this.” Lawrence pleaded with him as the wolf opened its mouth wider and within seconds, he was tearing out Lawrence’s neck as he screamed out.

  Emma stood in the large church as she was guarded by two large men. The wedding was supposed to be started by now and yet Lawrence was nowhere to be found. She contemplated running off or at least trying to, but the sound of howls filled the air. It all happened so fast as Lawrence’s men began to shift into their wolves. She got knocked back as she watched at least ten wolves charging out of the chapel. Chaos began to fill the large space as more howls were heard.

  She took the opportunity to try and find Lexi and John. She ran through the church in her white gown. She had overheard Lawrence�
��s men talking about the dungeons he had in his huge estate and so she ran for that. The sight outside though was something out of a horror movie. She saw mangled bodies and so much blood. It looked like a war had broken out. She continued to run as her dress tore and she left pieces of it behind. The sight of his estate in the distance made her heart race but then her eyes got wide as she saw John’s head on a spike. She skidded to a stop and nearly fell to the ground. Lawrence had killed him. She gasped in shock, but the sound of loud howls made her run once more. She didn’t have time to mourn him. She needed to get Lexi.

  The sound of an explosion in the distance made her look up as a huge fireball flew up in the sky. She continued her run as she got to the estate. There were no guards out front and she used that to her advantage as she ran into the nearly empty place. The sight of a housekeeper made her eyes get wide as the woman yelled out in fear.

  “Tell me where she is! Where is Lexi!” Emma yelled out as she grabbed the older woman by the neck.

  “I. I don’t know.” The woman cried out.

  “The prisoner! Where is she?!” Emma yelled out again as she slammed the woman’s back into the wall. The woman pointed quickly to a door down the hall. Emma dropped the woman on the ground and ran to the door. There was a staircase that went down. It was dark and smelled musty, like an actual dungeon. She quickly ran down but was immediately met by a large guard. Emma lunged at him and shifted in midair as she caught him off guard. The last sound he made was an attempt at a scream as Emma tore his neck out.

  The taste of his blood filled her mouth as she stepped back and looked at his mangled corpse. The sound of coughing in one of the cages made Emma’s wolf run to it and there was Lexi. She was bloody and laying on the ground half naked. Emma but down onto the cage bars and it broke off as the door opened. Lexi sat up and gasped as a strangled cry left her mouth. It took her a moment to recognize Emma’s wolf.

  “Emma? Oh my god Emma!” Lexi cried out as she quickly stood up.

  Emma’s wolf let out a soft cry as she looked at Lexi and then she backed up as Lexi stepped out of the cage. She looked at Emma’s wolf then at the guard on the ground. She ran to the dead guard and fumbled with his keys until she found the one to remove the chain around her neck that prevented her from shifting. More howls filled the air as Lexi threw the chain on the ground. She shifted immediately and then the two of them took off.


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