Book Read Free

Diamond B!tch

Page 1

by Michelle Brown

  Diamond B!tch

  by Michelle Brown

  Copyright © 2018 by Michelle Brown

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2018

  ASIN: B07DV5F2D7

  ISBN: 978-1722119256

  Table Of Contents













































  About The Author

  Other Books by Michelle Brown


  Just The Same - Charlotte Lawrence

  You - WRENN

  Torn To Pieces - Pop Evil

  Your Guardian Angel - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

  Speechless - Rachel Platten

  Diamonds - Kurt Hugo & Kim Viera

  The Good, The Bad and The Dirty - Panic! At The Disco

  Photographs and Gasoline - Framing Hanley

  My Distorted Reflection - Upon A Burning Body

  Let Me Heal - Seether

  Hand In Hand - Saliva

  The Fighter - In This Moment

  Empty - Olivia O’Brien

  In My Blood - Shawn Mendes

  Crown - Camila Cabello


  To Yolanda, Nico is yours.

  To my dad, I miss you.


  Three years ago…

  I met my boyfriend a couple of months ago, and it has been a whirlwind since. Elis has to leave often for work, and every time I get the same answer, "you know I travel a lot for my employer." I get it; I don't talk about my family with him for my own reasons. We both have our secrets. We got lucky this time; he has been home longer than any other break between his travels. Two weeks of bliss at his house. I brought up the possibility of moving in together, and he flipped his shit; I decided to not bring that topic up any time soon.

  “Kitten, I have to leave again in the morning. I don’t know when I will be back this time,” Elis explains, when I tell him, I want to see a movie later this week.

  Pouting, I nod my acceptance. I want him to meet my family soon, but his job makes it hard to do. Not my father but my uncle and aunt that live in Mexico.

  Kissing down my neck, Elis takes the book from my hand tossing it on the dresser near the door. He unbuttons the shirt I’m wearing, the one I stole from his closet. I begin to moan as Elis works his way down my body to the waistline of my panties. Elis pulls them down my legs as he works his fingers into me. He presses one of his fingers against my ass working it into me.

  “Turn over Kitten. I want to take this ass again,” Elis commands working his briefs off.

  Grabbing the small bottle of lube out of the drawer next to the bed, Elis pours it down the crack of my ass and on himself. We are both a sweaty mess when I hear the faint sound of a door closing. I gasp, trying to stop him but he plunges in and out, causing me to forget.

  I hear a thud next to the bed thinking he must have dropped something. “What the hell!” he exclaims.

  “Honey, I’m home,” comes from a female voice.

  “Oh fuck! Baby, I swear this looks worse than it is,” Elis says pushing me away from him.

  I shriek as he shoves me since he is still hard in my ass. Leaving Elis to put on his clothes, I run into the bathroom horrified at what he has done. I have never wanted to be the ‘other woman.’ Putting on my clothes, I listen for the woman hoping she has left.

  “Escúchame bebé,” Elis starts to beg. I can’t believe I’ve been fucking another woman’s man for what seems like awhile now.

  Opening the door, I walk out to a gun in my face. I know her. Rosalina. My fucking cousin Rosalina is staring at me wide-eyed from the other end of the gun. Whipping around to face Elis, she just glares at him.

  “Hi Rosalina,” I say in a voice barely above a whisper.

  “Vete a la mierda Ahora,” she seethes turning to leave the room.

  “But baby, she means…” Elis begins to explain running after her.

  “Get the fuck out of my house now,” she says calmly.

  Standing next to the couch I contemplate sitting down to explain. Stomping over to me, Rosalina grabs a fist full of my dark hair.

  “What the fuck Rosalina?! Let me go! Let me explain!” I yell while she pulls me towards the front door.


  Present day…

  Fuck this. I am a grown ass woman, there is no reason why my father -I use that title loosely- should be demanding that I go “spend some time with my cousin.” Sure, I may have gotten myself into deep shit with the wife of a Colombian man who goes by Emilio. It’s not my fault that her husband decided he wanted to eat me instead of her. Besides, it’s not like I even knew he had a wife and kids.

  Rolling down the window, I light a cigarette. Before you preach about how bad they are, don’t. I don’t give a damn. Like I said I’m a grown ass woman. I think I have spent an entire year home since the summer I turned fourteen, not that my home life was normal by any means. I don’t even know what my mom looks like; she died when I was three. Heaven forbid anyone ever talk about her let alone have a picture. I was raised by mistress, after mistress, ever since.

  My father was too worried about his “business” to question what his dear daughter was up to. I’m an only child much to his despair. He could get it up, he just couldn’t produce the son he wanted. Something he made sure to tell me. All. The. Fucking. Time. Nope, he was stuck with the weak, whore of a daughter to take over for him. No, I’m not just saying that he told me over and over again.

  Flicking my cigarette out of the window, I take in the gates of my cousin’s house. The eight-foot iron walls sport the Velasquez family crest. The guard house is run by two guards holding large rifles. I’m glad someone knew I was on the way since I wouldn’t be let in otherwise.

  She was my best friend growing up, that is until I met my boyfriend, who also turned out to be living with her. He was also her boyfriend if you did not catch that. So, I responded the only way I knew how. My inner bitch reared her ugly head, and I acted as though I knew they were together.

  In reality, I was actually pretty torn up about that. I didn’t even get the guy. Imagine that; he didn’t want to be with someone like me long term. He, of course, told me all this once my cousin found out about us and I had nowhere to live. That’s not really true, I could have gone home, but honestly, can you blame for not wanting to go there? Didn’t think so.

  What did I do? Well, I fled to the United States. I may have got into some trouble… fine, it was a lot of trouble, the illegal
kind. I was seventeen then so it's not like that stuff stayed on my record. Enough about that, let’s talk about now. My past kind of depresses me.

  We drove through the gates and arrived at her front door. Stepping out of the car, I look around at the house I often fled to each summer growing up. Tugging my dress down from where it has risen up during the ride from the airport, I sigh and grab my purse from the seat behind me. This should be fun. I haven’t seen her since I was seventeen. That was three years ago when she walked in on Elis fucking me from behind. Not my best angle, but at least I have a nice ass.

  Besides, I really didn’t know he was taken, I met him in Australia. Sorry if I didn’t think someone over fourteen thousand kilometers away would know anyone in my family. He didn’t even know anything about my family unless Elis was really good at hiding things which we know he wasn’t, because hello he got caught.

  I happen to be the sole heir to a massive diamond “business.” Really it’s a cartel, but for legal purposes, the diamond business is the family's way to hide everything else. Being the single FEMALE heir to a cartel may seem like a big deal, and honestly, it is. But my cousin Rosalina became the first female boss which trumps my being the sole heir. Had Rosalina not become the first female, my being the only heir to the cartel would be HUGE news in our world. Here I am just following in her footsteps; walking up to her door, once again, right behind her. She took over for her father Ricardo when he and my aunt Florinda died.

  Knocking on the door, I expect Roman. The individual I get is far from the older man I was anticipating. This man is absolutely divine. I’m not tall by any means at five foot two, this Greek, okay Latin, God is roughly five foot eight inches tall. My eyes act all on their own, trailing down his body as I take in his thick arms, his nice clothes, and his massive thighs. Thighs that could drive that body into mine, if you know what I mean. Raking my eyes back up his body, I meet his smirk and deep brown eyes. This man is too attractive for his own good. I just want to tug on his messy black hair while I feel his scruffy beard between my thighs.

  “Has terminado, señorita,” he says in a rasp that has me clenching my legs involuntarily.

  “Nowhere near done, handsome,” I mutter, biting my bottom lip.

  Not thinking he would A: hear me and B: understand me, I can feel the blush spreading across my face when he lets out a deep laugh. Fuck it, I’m not the kind to shy away from a handsome man, this one just does things to my insides.

  Sticking out my hand, I gather my bearings, “Soy Amalia Valentine, prima de Rosalina.”

  Taking my hand, he places a chaste kiss on my knuckles, “Soy Nico Rivera. Yo Trabajo para la Señora Velásquez.”

  Before I can say a word, I hear a cough coming from behind Nico. Great, there’s Roman and his cock-blocking self. Smiling widely, I forgo all formalities and run straight to his arms. Feeling his arms around me in a fatherly hug, I take in the man that acted as a second father to me when I was here to visit my aunt Florinda and uncle Ricardo Velasquez.

  “What are you doing here Amalia? You know that Rosalina is home now,” he asks in a low voice only I can hear.

  That’s one of the things I always loved about Roman, he was my uncle’s right hand so to speak. He doesn’t yell, and he doesn’t care if you did something wrong. He knows we are more than our mistakes.

  “Senor Valentine sent me here. He said she knows. Apparently, he cleared it with her first,” I mutter.

  Clicking his tongue, I’m sure it’s to chastise me for calling my father by his last name, he just sighs and shakes his head. Roman doesn’t say a word though, it’s not his style. He just motions for me to follow him up to the living room. Nico doesn’t stick around, he continues on up the stairs. Sitting down on my favorite worn leather couch, I tuck my feet under me, waiting for what feels like an eternity for him to say something.


  I get so nervous around Roman, like I’m a little girl being chastised. Playing with the hem of my dress and sipping on the drink he gave me, I wait for the inevitable questioning I know is coming. Sitting down across from me, he doesn’t say a word, not yet at least. Throwing back the drink in his hand, Roman opens his mouth but he’s cut short by the sound of a door slamming open. I don’t bother getting up just the clacking of heels, and the slamming door tell me who it is. Surprise, Rosalina, it’s me, I laugh to myself.

  “Amalia,” Rosalina says, walking into the living room, the disdain evident in her voice.

  How about you don’t take that tone with me? Not like I want to be here anyway.

  “Rosalina! Oh, my favorite cousin! How have you been? My, my, my, you certainly turned out pretty,” I respond, I know she can hear the fake enthusiast in my voice.

  Looking over her shoulder at the man who walked in behind her, I fan myself. Rolling her eyes at me she doesn’t say a word, just turns to leave.

  Well you could at least pretend to like me, I think as she calls over her shoulder, “She doesn’t sleep anywhere near the guardhouse.”

  Bitch. Crossing my arms over my chest, I turn on my heel and sit back down across from Roman.

  “Hi handsome, I’m Amalia,” I tell the man still standing by the door. Patting the space beside me on the couch, I use my most seductive tone, “Please sit, I don’t bite, unless you ask me to.”

  “Anthony,” is all that he gives me, before he turns towards the drink bar.

  “Can you make me another?” I ask, standing up and walking over to him.

  “Sure, what are you drinking?” he questions, turning around to face me.

  “A Cosmopolitan,” I purr, playing with the suit jacket lapel.

  Knocking my hand off, he turns around to make the drink. I don’t move quick enough and he crashes into me with the drink still in his hand.

  “Oh my gosh! This dress cost a fortune. I can’t believe you did that,” I shrieked louder than I intend.

  I’m not as snobby as I sound, I swear but this is one of my favorite dresses.

  “Well ma’am, no one told you to stand so close to someone making a drink. If you had sat on the couch the entire time you would have been fine,” the asshole fires back.

  “Ugh! I’ll be right back. Roman, which room is mine?” I seethe, still looking at this man in the eyes.

  “The same one as always ma’am.”

  I admit I was pouting a bit, this dress cost me about three hundred dollars and besides I bought it in Paris last spring. Walking to my room on the second floor, I felt like someone was watching me —you know that chill you get when someone is staring. Shrugging it off as being a new place, I pulled the door closed behind me. I need to wear something that will get his attention. The fact that he didn’t follow Rosalina to her room tells me that they aren’t engaged or married. I tear through my suitcase looking for the little pink nightie that Emilio bought me back in Colombia. Just because he was a cheating asshole doesn’t mean he didn’t have good taste.

  Taking off my dress, I lay it across the chair by my vanity to send off to the dry cleaner in the morning. I hope they can work some serious magic on it. Slipping on the tiny, pale pink nightie, I fluff my hair and walk out only to crash into someone. I can feel his strong hands holding onto my shoulders to steady me. My gaze slowly rises up taking in the naked man in front of me. Nico is naked, and wow. He is much more toned than I expected. My eyes are tracking every movement, I have yet to say a word to him. Letting out a small whimper when he bends to pick up the towel on the floor and cover himself. I’m jealous of that towel so close to him.

  Chuckling, he rasps, “My eyes are up here, princess.”

  Still not looking up to meet his eyes, I mutter, “Yeah I know.”

  I can faintly hear the men talking in the living room from here. Needing to get back downstairs so this outfit isn’t wasted, I curtsy to Nico. Of course that puts me closer to his huge fucking cock. Yeah, I looked. Heck, I’m surprised I don’t have drool on my face. I realize I am still mid-curtsy, so I straighten myself qui

  Nico, being the gentleman I suspect he isn’t, returns my curtsy with a bow of his own, “Until next time, princesa.”

  Smiling to myself, I walk barefoot down the carpeted stairs to the room Tony is in. He is sitting in the other leather chair opposite of Roman though.

  “Aww, Tony I wanted you to sit with me,” I tell him with a slight pout.

  Holding up a hand to me, he glares, “My name is Anthony. Not Tony. At least not to you. Now if you will excuse me, I have a gorgeous woman upstairs waiting for me.”

  A rare smile peeked out on Roman’s face at his words. Damn him, I would rather play with Nico instead. I just don’t like being shunned by Rosalina, I haven’t done anything to her in years. That wasn’t even intentional, she just can’t stand in a room with me long enough to hear it.

  “If you ever decide to play with a real woman, you know where to find me,” I call out as Anthony leaves the room.

  I don’t even have to look at Roman to know the face he is giving me. It’s the same one he had when I spoke to him a few months’ ago. Uncle Ricardo, had sent him to bail me out of some trouble in the United States. I was in jail for a bit while I waited on someone to release me. A few friends and I were arrested at a rave, and of course I couldn’t seem to keep my mouth shut.


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