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Diamond B!tch

Page 2

by Michelle Brown

  “Amalia, leave him alone. She seems to really like this one,” he finally says to me breaking the defining silence.

  Sighing, I nod. I don’t need anymore trouble than I have already. Besides, my father would actually marry me off to some old friend of his, like he has threatened so many times. He pats my shoulder as he leaves the room. Alone again, I sit back and down the drink Roman left on the table.


  Sitting in a room by yourself gives you time to think about everything. I’m lost in thought over all that I have done to get where I am today. Maybe I should have noticed the way Emilio acted before his wife caught us. He was like Elis, always working and never stayed with me for long periods of time.

  Emilio’s wife, well she acted like any wife would when she caught him cheating. She didn’t let me get a word in; she did spare me a rant over how she would beat my ass though. I may not look like much, but I do know how to defend myself to an extent. No, I’m not as well trained as Rosalina. My father could have easily afforded to have me trained, but frankly, I’m not sure he would care if something happened to me. That’s why growing up when I needed to be rescued from my adventures, I called on my uncle.

  All of a sudden, I get the feeling someone is watching me sitting here. The same chill washes over me that I felt upstairs. I need a glass of water and then it’s time for me to head to bed, I decide. Taking the couple of glasses the men left with me, I make my way to the kitchen. I barely make it to the kitchen when I hear movement. I put the glasses down in the sink and smirk at Rosalina when she steps into my vision. I walk over to the cabinet my aunt keeps the glasses in, pulling one down for myself.

  “So, Anthony is handsome. I saw the looks you were giving him before you went to bed,” I muse.

  “Yeah, he’s something,” Rosalina agrees.

  “Well, I hope you don’t mind, but we were up for a while together and, well, you know how that goes… right?” I taunt, knowing I shouldn’t.

  “No, Amalia I don’t know how that goes. Please explain what you mean,” she says through clenched teeth.

  Fanning myself, I respond, “If I must spell it out for you… he is quite the kisser of all kinds of lips. I’m sure you…”

  I can’t finish my comment since she now has one hand wrapped in my long brown hair, the other holding a paring knife to my throat.

  “Let’s get one thing clear right now. Anthony is not here for you to play with. And the next time you so much as bat your fake eyelashes at him, I will slit your throat. Entiendes?” Rosalina spits out angrily.

  “Okay,” is all I can croak out since her hand is against my windpipe making it hard to breathe.

  Removing her hand from my hair and placing the knife back in the holder, I meet her eyes.

  “We didn’t actually do anything,” I mumble.

  Laughing, she just replies, “Oh I know. That was just a warning if you ever decide to try.”

  Bitch. Rubbing my hand over my throat, I stand there as she walks out of the room. I know I was asking for it, but there is no reason to do that. She didn’t even react that way when she walked in on Elis and me fucking.

  Taking a deep breath, I look around at the darkness. I can feel eyes tracking my every movement. I could be paranoid too. Filling my glass with water, I sit on the bar stool drinking the cold liquid. It’s just my nerves, I tell myself. I did just leave a place where a woman told me she would kill me if I came back.

  I hear movement behind me and start to turn around when a cloth covers my mouth. Screaming, I thrash around in an attempt to break free. It’s no use, this person is too strong. Kicking out I push the bar stool over with a crash hoping that someone, anyone at all will have heard the struggle. Throwing my head back in a last effort, I hear the crunch of his nose. It doesn’t cause him to loosen his hold. Instead, I feel his grip tighten. I can feel the warmth of his blood running down my back as he pulls me out of the back door.

  The last thing I do before the darkness overtakes me is to rip a piece of fabric from my threadbare nightie. Hopefully, someone will find out who he is from the blood that covers it.


  I wake up disoriented and groggy to the face of a man I don’t know. I can barely get out a word before he notices my breathing has changed. Leaning over me, I feel a pinch on my arm, and then the world is black again.

  Waking up to freezing cold water being poured on you isn’t the best. I would know since he poured a bucketful on me. Tugging on the restraints holding my arms above my head, I jerk until I feel my skin becoming raw. I can hear the manic laughter at my struggle.

  “There is no use, Rosalina,” the asshole calmly speaks.

  Rosalina? This isn’t Emilio’s wife’s doing then, that’s good news for me at least. Lifting my head, I take in the man sitting on the edge of a bed. Giggling, I look at him smiling wickedly. I can see the confusion on his face from where I’m dangling. If there is one thing I learned growing up, it’s that men will always see women as the weaker one. Even if I were free, they wouldn’t worry about me getting away. I know that being Rosalina is best for now. I won’t give up my name, even I’m not that stupid. As long as they think I’m Rosalina, I’ll stay alive, or at least I hope so.

  “What do you want Estúpido? Money?”

  Shaking his head, he glances at the door, no doubt waiting for a boss to arrive. He isn’t in charge that I do know. If he wants money, then I’m screwed. Correction, I’m fucked unless they let me go for my looks. My father won’t save me. He won’t lift a finger to rescue anyone that isn’t needed. It’s the perfect reason to name someone else as his heir, someone of the male variety.

  The door opens, and an older man enters wearing a thousand dollar suit. I would know since my father has many. Running his hand through his salt and pepper hair, he takes me in.

  Giving a small finger wave, I smile, “Fancy meeting you here, Vassili Ruslan. Welcome to my temporary home.”

  I can tell he wasn’t expecting me to know who he was without an introduction. I have made it my job to know all the major players in our world. Just like I know what his business deals in -he is the King of the sex trafficking trade. From what I heard he sold his wife to that trade when he caught her cheating. What did my cousin do to get tangled up with this sicko I don’t want to know.

  He gives me his most terrifying grin, “Well Senora Velasquez, it seems you already know who I am. Good, we can get on to the reason you are here. I want your business. I am prepared to do what I must to acquire it as you can see. I’m not normally one for forcing a meeting, to take what I wish.”

  I may not know the new Rosalina too well, but I know she wouldn’t ever give away her family’s position as the biggest weapons cartel.

  Pretending to think it over, I look Ruslan in the eyes, “A forced meeting? That’s what you call kidnapping? How about this… fuck you.”

  Snapping his fingers, I don’t even see the other guy move before I feel his fist land, whipping my head to the side. I can feel the tears forming, trying my best to tame them, I look back up at the smug Russian.

  “Ah Rosalina, I didn’t want this to get messy. Just a simple exchange of position and we would wash our hands of all the bloodshed.”

  Spitting out the blood towards him, he barely moves in time, the red bloody spit landing in the exact spot his shiny black shoes were just seconds ago. Glaring at me, Ruslan nods to the man next to me. Pulling my head back, he stuffs a dirty rag in my mouth and proceeds to strike my right kidney. It hurts so bad, but I refuse to let this man know how painful it is. Tampering down my scream to a muffle, I try to twist away. It’s no use, the rope wrapped around my wrists is dangling from the wooden beam on some kind of hook. I could never break that beam with my weight. I’m here until someone frees me and from the gleam in Ruslan’s eye that won’t be any time soon.

  Turning on his heel, he stops just before he reaches the door, “You will cave. For your sake let’s hope it’s before I get tired of waiting and
kill you like I did your parents.”

  I’m mumbling as best I can through the disgusting rag. He is practically to the door before I manage to work it out of my mouth with my tongue.

  I yell, “Kiss my ass Ruslan. I would never hand it over. Be sure you sleep with one eye open for the rest of your miserable life.”

  He doesn’t seem to believe me. I can still hear his vile laugh even though he left the room. I almost forget the other man is in the room with me until I feel him unbinding my wrists. Surprising him, I throw all my weight onto him when my hands are free. I’m too slow before I can reach his knife the world goes black again.


  Being woken by cold water wasn’t fun, but neither is the screaming I hear from somewhere outside of this room. I don’t know who she is, but I can hear her sobbing from here so she must be close. Testing my limbs, I take in the way I’m stretched out on the small bed. When I lost consciousness, he must have done this to me.

  Laying on the bed, I lift my head to look around this dingy room the best I can. The man isn’t in here with me, I’m sure they didn’t forget about me though. I want to cry, but I won’t give them that satisfaction. Someone is outside of the door unlocking the many latches keeping me inside. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm my racing heart.

  “Are you hungry? I have some breakfast for you,” the young kid questions, holding onto a tray.

  I know I look confused, who feeds their prisoners? Nodding my head, I wait for him to cross the room. He doesn’t come close at all, he places the tray on the table next to the wall.

  “Hey kid, I’m kind of over here not exactly able to walk to the food,” I inform him because apparently, he didn’t see the rope keeping me here.

  Shaking his head, the boy rushes out of the room locking me back in this hell. I don’t have to wait long for someone else to come in next. The man that hit me last night, I think it was last night, saunters in and makes his way to the food. Picking up the glass of clear liquid that looks like water, he tips it up and drinks all but a mouthful. Asshole. Yeah, Sir Asshole, it is. Sir Asshole picks up the sandwich triangle from the plate, turning to me with a grin.

  “Want it?” he offers.

  My stomach picks that exact moment to rumble. Thinking back, the last time I ate was before I ever made it to Rosalina’s house. It’s been at least twelve hours since I’ve eaten, and about ten since I last drank anything.

  “Depends. Are you actually going to fucking feed me, or just taunt me with it?” I spit out.

  He throws his head back in laughter, stopping long enough to say, “Nothing is free here. You want food, then you give me something I want.”

  Sighing, I shake my head. Nothing is worth giving this man what he wants. The man doesn’t seem bothered by me declining the food.

  “No worries, I’m going to get what I want anyway. This just lets you eat first,” he goes on to say, picking up the remainder of the sandwich and taking a bite.

  I don’t say a word, there is nothing I can say since I refused it. Why this man is even here worries me. Looking around the room again, I notice that the rope from yesterday is still hanging from the beam. I get the sudden urge to rub at my raw wrists, but that isn’t possible with my hands bound to the frame. The twisting of the doorknob draws my attention away from the irritated flesh. Looking smug, I see Ruslan and another man walk in. I shudder from the gleam in the other man’s eye. I can feel the goosebumps pebbling my skin. The sinking feeling forming in my stomach gets worse when his face breaks out into a full grin.

  Ruslan lets out a manic laugh when he sees the look on my face. He will try to break me, still believing I’m Rosalina- anyway he can, everyone in this room knows that. Taking a deep breath, I try to steady my racing heart. The man doesn’t walk forward, he merely leans back against the wall, crossing his arms. Turning my attention to Vassli Ruslan, I notice he is making his way over to me. Sitting next to me, Ruslan puts his rough hand on my bare leg. I try to move it away from him and his icky touch, but the rope keeps me from succeeding.

  “There, there, I don’t bite…much,” he croons, rubbing a path up my leg to my inner thigh and back down.

  I can feel the bile threatening to force its way up my throat. I’m trying to remain calm, but the drumming of my heart is loud in my ears, making it hard for me to control my breathing. I’m surprised that he can’t hear it, or maybe he can.

  “Let’s play a game shall we?” Ruslan questions, no doubt not expecting me to volunteer.

  Mustering up the courage I don’t possess, I open my mouth to speak. I barely get out a word before I feel his grip tightening on my thigh.

  Tsk-ing me, he wags his finger like he is scolding a child, “I didn’t say you could speak.”

  I look from his hand back to his face and back again. His hand is now trailing against my small pale panties. Gulping, I look at his face, waiting to hear what he has to say.

  Pulling his hand away, he stands quickly turning to the man who came in with him. The man straightens, waiting for his command.

  Gesturing over to me, Ruslan looks from Sir Asshole to the other man, “Make her bleed.”


  I don’t know what he means by the command. I really don’t want to know, but I know that I will. Closing my eyes, I hear him pulling the door closed behind him. There is a scuffling noise beside me, I know it’s one of the men, but I’m not sure which and I refuse to open my eyes to find out. I feel the slight pinch on my arm again, I know it must be how they are moving me without a fight. It’s not as strong as it was on the way here. I can feel them moving me, I just can’t make my limbs cooperate enough to fight back.

  “Ostav' nas,” directs the man.

  I can’t understand what he said. It makes no difference, I can feel my arms being pulled above me when the door closes. Rolling my head to the side, I take in the man. My vision is already clearing from whatever they have injected me with.

  “I am Dmitri. You and I will get to know each other very well,” he whispers in my ear.

  I don’t want to know him at all. I want to be anywhere but here. I don’t speak.

  Circling me like a vulture, he drags his fingers along my rib cage. “Why will you not give Ruslan what he wants?”

  Biting my bottom lip, I shake my head. I won’t play his games by answering. Dmitri sighs, grabbing a fistful of hair he pulls until I can feel chunks breaking away from my scalp. Crying out, I still remain silent. I can handle this, I know I can, at least that’s what I hope for. Letting go, Dmitri walks back around to face me while he is picking my hair from between his fingers.

  “Fuck you,” I mutter, meeting his green eyes.

  A wide grin breaks out on his face. I don’t like that grin at all. He comes close enough that I can feel his breath on my face, but he doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t have to. I hear the click of a switchblade springing open. Flinching at the cold metal on my skin, I don’t look away as he cuts away my bustier. The cold is seeping into my flesh, bringing my nipples to peaks against his chest.

  Stepping back, he brings the knife to his mouth, clutching the blade in between his teeth. His fingers are swiftly unclasping the cuff links of his black shirt. I can’t look away. My limbs are locked, taunt from the need to shake in fear.

  "Fuck me? How about if I were to fuck you?” he questions, deftly working the buttons of his shirt through the small holes.

  I should learn to shut my mouth. I’ve always been one to say what is on my mind without a second thought. I shake my head, I don’t want him to come near me. Unbuckling his pants, Dmitri works the belt loose while he makes his way over to me. I flinch when he brings the knife up cutting through the rope binding my hands like butter. Grabbing my wrists, he twists me around using the leather belt to keep my hands behind me. Shoving me to my knees, I wince at the pain. This floor is pure concrete, easy to wash away the blood, I muse. There is nothing to soften the impact on my knees.

  Gripping my jaw with his left h
and, he pulls down his pants and briefs far enough that his dick springs out at me. Flinching, I try to back away, but he isn’t letting go of me. I can’t hold back the tears threatening to fall. Grabbing his cock, Dmitri places the head against my lips. I’m refusing to open for him; if he is really going to force me, then he will have to work for it. I can feel the pressure he is putting on my cheeks, turning away the best I can I try to break away from him.

  Taking the knife from his mouth, he runs the tip of the blade along my face, “Open. Open now, or I will pry your mouth open with my knife, and you won’t be able to close it again when I’m done.”


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