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Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion

Page 24

by Anthology

  The people around them moved on, but Jacqui couldn’t bring herself to move, and she startled when Lukas spoke right in her ear.

  “Come on, little dove. Let’s take you upstairs.”


  Jacqui really had the most expressive face. She wore her emotions on her sleeve, and Lukas quietly congratulated himself on his foresight to switch her wrist band. She seemed utterly oblivious to the attention she’d garnered from more than one Dom in this place since she’d moved into the play area, and that was with him close behind her.

  There was no doubt in his mind that, had it not been for the black band, he would have been inundated with requests from other dominants to approach her. Maybe he wasn’t entirely fair to her in taking that choice away from her.

  Any other newbie would have been given the freedom to choose to scene with another Dom deemed safe by her sponsor. That was certainly the normal etiquette, but the mere thought of another man drinking in the small sounds she made at the back of her throat when she was enthralled and turned on by something, made Lukas want to punch something.

  It also made him wonder what sounds she would make as she fell apart. It wouldn’t take much stimulation to send her over the edge, he knew that. The sexually charged atmosphere of the club had that effect on most people. It was one of the main reasons why folks came, after all. To see, to be seen and observed, and to express their kink freely in a safe, nonjudgmental environment.

  “Upstairs?” She croaked the question, and when she ran her tongue over her lips in a nervous gesture he was fast beginning to love, Lukas had to resist the urge to simply haul her over his shoulder, and carry her up there cave man style. Not least because Lance was making a bee line straight for them. The insolent smirk on the bouncer’s face meant Lukas wanted to thump one of his oldest mates and partner in the security firm they both ran.

  Jacqui was just his type, and his stint at door duty over with for the evening, he seemed intent on claiming her. His friend frowned when he drew close enough to see the black band on her wrist, but it didn’t stop him from stepping up right behind Jacqui.

  “Here you are, sweet lady. I told you I’d be back, right?”

  Jacqui’s response was both gratifying and comical in a way, because she gave a little shriek and grasping hold of Lukas’s arm, half hid behind him.

  Lance’s eyebrow rose at her action and he put his hands up in a conciliatory gesture. “Hey, easy there, girl. I can take a hint. No need to look at me as though I’m going to eat you. Though”—he gave her body a slow appraisal that made Lukas’s fingers itch anew to wipe that blasted smirk of his friend’s chiseled features—“that thought has merit. Lukas will tell you, I’m rather fond of eating fresh cunt.”

  “Fuck off, Lance, she’s mine.”

  Lance grinned, tapped Jacqui on the nose, and flipped him the finger. “So, I see. Fast work even for you. Well, sweetie, when he’s had his fill, come and find me. Shouldn’t take him long.”

  Jacqui made that cock hardening sound in the back of her throat again, and he wouldn’t have been surprised, had she drawn blood with the sheer force of her fingernails digging into his biceps.

  “You’re such an ass, Lance. Go find yourself a different sub.”

  His so-called friend punched him in the shoulder, and mercifully left them to it.

  “Ignore that bastard, and let’s get you upstairs.” He uncurled the death grip Jacqui had on his arm as he said that, hating the way she frowned at him.

  “Why?” she asked, and the doubts he now saw in her blue eyes made him swallow a curse. Gone was the excited and turned on woman and its stead was a—if not frightened version—certainly a wary one.

  Gentling his voice to the one he used when a sub was coming out of subspace, he brought his hands either side of her face and leaned in to rest his forehead on hers. Partly to keep her grounded, and partly so that she would hear him, because the music kicked off with a vengeance. The heavy beat pulsed through his veins, perfect for some impact play, less so for soothing a skittish submissive. Short of dragging her away, however, which she would not welcome right now, he had no choice but to work with what he had.

  “Why what, little dove?” he asked and she pushed against his chest, as though to put some distance. When he wouldn’t let her pull away, she sighed.

  “Why do we have to go upstairs?”

  “I did promise you a birthday spanking, and unless you want that to take place in full view of the club…” He laughed when she pulled away and frantically shook her head. “I thought not, so I secured us a room upstairs. It should be empty and clean by now.”

  Releasing her, he stepped away and waited. The way she worried her bottom lip with her teeth again made his balls tighten in need, and Lukas shifted his weight to gain some relief. What he wanted, needed, was to have this delightful bundle of curves bent over one of the tables in the office themed playroom he’d reserved with him balls deep in her sweet pussy, but he was beginning to realize that may well not happen. Not if he allowed her to overthink this.

  “Why me?” she finally asked. “I heard what Lance said, and I’ve seen you at your flat. I mean, I’m not your usual sort of woman.” When he gave a short laugh and raised an eyebrow at her, she blushed the most delightful shade of crimson.

  “So that’s what Lauren meant by that neighbor, then? Ms. Page, have you been watching me per chance?”

  He winked at her when he uttered those words, and if it was possible, her blush deepened. Her breasts rose and fell with her rapid breathing, and Lukas found himself wishing the corset would give up the fight to contain that bounty. Noble intentions be fucked. If she was willing, he would indeed fuck her tonight, and damn the possible consequences.

  “And what type of woman do you think I go for, my sweet little dove? Do enlighten me.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Forget I said that. Let’s just get this over with.”

  She surprised him again by her immediate turn around and the way she all but ran to the stairs. Or as much as a woman could run in heels. To his certain knowledge he had never seen her in heels before, and while the strappy sandals she wore were by no means as high as most women in his acquaintance, they still gave her a fair amount of trouble. They also emphasized the length and shape of her pins, and Lukas amused himself with the view she provided, as she climbed the stairs in front of him.

  He fell back on purpose as that gave him the perfect view up her tiny skirt. The flashes of purple lace he glimpsed covering her pussy only served to make him harder. They also confirmed what he already knew. His little dove was turned on, the tiny crotch of her thong soaked through with her arousal. She paused at the top of the stairs, seemingly unsure of which way to go, and the self-conscious way in which she pulled at the hem of her skirt made him grin. It also made him want to wrap her up and take care of her, and he didn’t have the heart to tell her that she had given him a most satisfactory peep show on her way up the stairs.

  He chose not to ponder on the tender feelings that made his chest feel tight, and instead nodded his head in the direction he wanted her to take. He hid his grin when she took some tentative steps and promptly stopped as the first viewing window came into view.

  All the rooms on this level afforded on lookers a view inside if their occupants so chose and the first room showed none other than Lauren and Jake engaged in having sex.

  Their position so mirrored his own fantasies of doing the dirty with Jacqui that he had to reach into his jeans to adjust himself. Not that Jacqui noticed. She was too busy inching toward the window. Naked as the day she was born, Lauren was bent over the desk, hands cuffed behind her back, legs spread apart with a bar, rendering her completely helpless. An equally naked Jake was pumping into her cunt from behind. The desk shook with the force of their coupling, and while the room was sound proof, Jacqui clearly didn’t need the oral stimuli. He certainly didn’t. His imagination worked just fine and an unexpected stab of jealousy assaulted his gut out of nowhere.

  While he didn’t envy Jake his Lauren, he did cosset their connection. There was something to be said for having your own woman submit to you so sweetly. To have that right to top her whichever way you chose to, secure in the knowledge that she trusted you implicitly, and gave her gift of submission freely. Not out of idle curiosity, or to simply scratch an itch, but, because she too, needed this.

  Frowning at his thought processes, he placed his hand in the small of Jacqui’s back and gently nudged her closer to the window.

  “Go, on, have a closer look. They can’t see you, and besides they like to be watched.”

  Even to his own ears his voice came out hoarse, not least because he’d spotted the butt plug in Lauren’s ass. Damn it all to hell and back. Anal play was one of Lukas’s firm favorites. It was also on Jacqui’s soft limits, and thus off limits for now, but he sure as fuck hoped he got the chance to introduce her to it.

  Judging by her reaction as they watched Jake’s interaction with Lauren, she was as turned on he was by what they were seeing. Jacqui’s cheeks flushed. She gasped for breath, and put one hand on the glass in a seeming effort to support herself.

  Going on instinct and the very real need to touch her, Lukas stepped up behind her. Putting his hand over hers on the glass, he grasped her hip with his free hand, and kicking her legs apart with his foot, pulled her flush against him. There was no way on Earth she would miss his raging boner, and, sure enough, another one of those cock hardening groans came from her.

  Lukas brought one of his thighs up and between her legs, and it was his turn to groan, as the wet heat of her pussy seared his thigh even through their combined clothing.

  “Naughty girl, you’re soaked through.”

  He dropped a kiss on the rapidly beating pulse point in her neck, and grazed his teeth along the sensitive flesh. Gooseflesh erupted on Jacqui’s skin, and her hips flexed, as though she was trying to gain purchase on his thigh. When he rubbed that limb up and down her sodden crotch, she gasped, and put her other hand on the glass too.

  “Oh, God.”

  Her heartfelt plea only served to make Lukas harder, and grasping her hips with both hands he lifted her up. With her feet dangling off the floor, her whole weight rested on his thigh, and she tensed when he slid her up and down his leg.

  Head down, so that her hair obscured her expression, it was still pretty damn obvious that his naughty little dove was fast hurtling toward release, and it was suddenly imperative to Lukas that she did. Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought little Miss Goody Two-shoes would be this responsive, and it was fucking hot to witness. As was watching Jake and Lauren, when he flicked a glance over to the action.

  “Head up and watch them, little dove.”

  Letting go of her hip for a moment, Lukas fisted his hand in Jacqui’s hair. It effectively forced her to look up and see what was going on.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  He grinned at her response, and resuming his slow slide along her cunt, nuzzled into her neck. “Such language from you, girl. Keep that up, and a spanking won’t be the only thing you’ll get from my hands. Maybe that’s what you want though?”

  He pulled back just in time to see Jake reach between him and Lauren, and grasp the end of the butt plug decorating his sub’s ass. He thrust that object in and out of Lauren’s clenching hole with one hand, while he continued fucking her pussy and Jacqui whimpered.

  It made Lukas speed up the friction he created between her legs, and his jeans grew damp with his girl’s arousal. The sweet musk of aroused woman filled his nostrils, and he pressed his advantage.

  “Is my naughty girl imagining that was her cunt being fucked?”

  Another little mewl escaped her, and Jacqui locked her arms better to push back against him.

  Lukas bit down on the perspiration-soaked flesh in front of him, and she gave a strangled groan that made his cock twitch in need.

  Soothing the red mark away with his tongue, he yanked her head sideways so that he could kiss her. Her gasp of surprise gave him access, and Lukas grunted his own need when she kissed him back. Hesitant at first and then with ever bolder strokes of her tongue, that meant he had to break the kiss, before he took her right here in the corridor, where anyone would come across them.

  While that idea had merit, and his cock was all but screaming at him to claim this woman, he forced himself to pull back.

  Breaths seesawing in and out; her corset had slipped with the force of her breathing. It now revealed the edge of her areolae. It made Lukas want to lean down and trace his tongue along the pebbled flesh to coax out the tight nipples poking through their restraints.

  He did neither however, just drank in the sight of his woman, and dammit, she was his, even if only for tonight. Face flushed, kiss swollen lips parted, she looked breathtakingly beautiful, and his chest tightened with a rush of emotion he didn’t dare quantify.

  “Open your eyes, little dove.”

  He grimaced at the rough timbre of his voice, and watched in rapt fascination as her eyelids fluttered open. If he had any doubts about how aroused she was, the evidence was there in her hugely dilated pupils. Only a small ring of blue remained around the outer edges, as she tried to focus on him.

  He smiled, and pulled her head back round toward the glass.

  A soft, needy, sound escaped her. It was so damn fucking hot, as was the action on the other side of that window.

  Lauren shook and shivered, her mouth open in a scream they couldn’t hear, as she was reaching her climax, and the rosy flush of her release could be seen all over her body.

  “Oh my God.”

  Jacqui’s whisper turned into a groan, when Lukas resumed his slide along her cunt, and she jerked. Behind the glass, Jake pulled out the butt plug at the same time as he pulled out of Lauren’s wet cunt. Aligning himself with her gaping butt hole, he thrust in deep.

  Jacqui stiffened in front of him as Jake set up a ruthless rhythm. One that Lukas mirrored with his thigh, while he continued to whisper to his girl.

  “Imagine that’s you, tied for my pleasure. Your butt is still sore from your spanking, and your cunt well used, while I claim your sweet ass. Ever taken a man up the ass, little dove?”

  Her gasped “No,” made him grin, especially as she seemed utterly incapable of dragging her eyes away from Lauren. Another climax shook her friend, and moments later, Jake stiffened and jerked behind her, before he pulled out of her and cock in hand spurted his release all over Lauren’s red ass, and back.

  Jacqui too, stiffened above him as Lukas removed his thigh, and cupped her sodden crotch with his hand instead. Wet, hot heat greeted his palm, and bunching the fabric up between his fingers he rubbed it up and down her slit, causing Jacqui’s head to fall back on his shoulder.

  “That’s my girl. How badly do you want to come right now?”

  “Oh God, please, I can’t… This is… Please, don’t stop.” Her breathless reply as her hips took on a life of their own made him grin.

  “So fucking wet, and so responsive. Ms. Page, you really are a very naughty girl indeed, aren’t you. Come for me now, and I want to hear you scream.”

  He flicked her clit with his thumb, and his girl indeed erupted into her own release.

  Cursing under his breath, he slipped his fingers into her clenching hole. Jacqui screamed and shook, her internal muscles squeezing his digits in such a way, it was somewhat of a miracle Lukas didn’t come in his pants.

  He dropped to his knees, pulled his fingers out of her pussy, and proceeded to rip the sodden lace of off her. The action gave him a delightful view of her. Lucas pushed her back against the wall, and flung one of her legs over his shoulder. Another strangled sound came from her at his actions.

  “I’ve got you, babe. Let me taste you.”

  Lukas didn’t give her a chance to object, as he parted her swollen labia further to reveal the darker lips contained within. With her pussy hole still clenching with the aftershocks of her orgasm the
whole area was delightfully puffy and wet, and she grasped his hair at the first lick of his tongue along her slit.

  Lukas growled his approval into the sweet cunt in front of him, as she gushed anew, and he lapped up her arousal while he nudged the hard, engorged nub at the top of her little hood with his nose.

  Jacqui’s hold on his hair grew painful, and he welcomed that sting of pain as he set to work, determined to have her fall apart under his tongue.

  Licking up and down her slit, he tunneled his tongue into her hole, drawing out a seemingly never ending stream of her nectar, while Jacqui ground herself against his face.

  He was dimly aware of laughter behind him, and Jacqui tensing. Instead of pulling him closer, she seemed intent of pushing him away, and he was having none of that. Digging his fingers into her ass cheeks with a muttered, “No”, he yanked her closer. When he sucked her clit into his mouth while he pushed two fingers into her hole, he felt her surrender to his will all the way down to his toes, and he smiled around the sensitive flesh in his mouth.

  “That’s my girl. Ignore them, and come for me again.”


  Oh, God, what was happening to her? This wanton woman begging for more wasn’t her. Screwing her eyes shut against the two men, who showed no seeming desire to move on, she gave up. In truth she couldn’t do anything else, even though those two had front seat views to what Lukas was doing to her. And oh my God, that man can eat pussy.

  She had been hurtling toward that first breathtaking orgasm ever since she’d set foot in this damn place, if she was honest with herself. Barely recovered from that release, the relentless onslaught of his clever tongue between her legs gave her no choice but to let go.


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