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Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion

Page 25

by Anthology

  Curling up his fingers inside her, he found the spot designed to drive her wild, and coupled with the suction against her clit, it sent her over that cliff again. She could taste her own blood as she bit down on her lips to stop herself from making a noise, but it was useless, because Lukas simply stepped up his ministrations.

  A bite to her inner thigh made her gasp, and the unexpected swat to her ass stung, as he came up for air.

  “I said I want to hear you. Ignore our audience, or better still give them a show.”

  “Oh my.”

  That far too familiar voice meant she had to open her eyes and look. She promptly shut them again, as the waves of pleasurable pain he was subjecting her too, pulled her under.

  As if it wasn’t bad enough that strangers were watching her, Lauren and Master Jake had joined in the spectators, which should have killed her arousal dead, but after what she had just witnessed them doing, it had the opposite effect on her.

  As Lukas wrung one orgasm after the other out of her, and her body shook in need, she simply rode the waves of ecstasy. Her pussy muscles clenched round his fingers, and she was pretty sure she must have begged him for his cock at some point, but she was too far gone to care.

  By the time he finally stopped she was a spent mass of thoroughly fucked woman, and she would have slid to the floor, had Lukas not picked her up and cradled her to his chest.

  She was dimly aware of more laughter, Jake’s deep rumble, and the soft feel of Lauren’s fingers on her face.

  “I’m proud of you, babe.”

  Somehow, she managed to force her eyes open, and to smile at her friend.

  “Come on, girl. Let Lukas take care of his sub. It’s getting late, and we’re going home.”

  Master Jake’s deep rumble made Jacqui wonder what the time was. Surely it couldn’t be that late, but then again, she’d lost track of time a long while ago, and right now, the thought of going home, of sleeping, sounded mighty fine to her. She couldn’t even recall ever having felt this spent, and with that thought came a mighty dose of guilt. After all, Lukas had given her countless, mind blowing orgasms, and he hadn’t yet come himself.

  Lukas shifted her higher and she automatically brought her arms around his neck as he started to move.

  “I agree, home sounds like a good place for her to be too.”

  Jacqui frowned at that, and opened her mouth to object, but only a yawn came out. Sheesh, she was thirty-five, not sixty five, and what about….

  Struggling to stay awake she somehow managed to get the words out. “But what about my birthday spanking?”

  Even to her own ears she sounded as though she was sulking, and really, what did it matter. She was so tired, she would no doubt pass out half way through.

  Lukas’s chest shook as though he was laughing, and in the next instant his warm lips stroked across hers. She automatically opened to him, and any protest fled her befuddled brain when he kissed her in earnest. By the time he pulled away, she was breathing heavily and sleep forgotten all but ready to jump him again.

  “I have every intention of giving you that spanking, little dove, but not here. You need to rest, and you’ve had enough of club exposure for one night. You’re coming home with me. “

  That got her attention, and her heart gave a few erratic bumps, which made her feel rather foolish. It wouldn’t do to read too much into that. He took women home all the time.

  She was just another one in a long line of them. She had to remember that, and the care he was showing her right now, was simply that of a good Dom looking after his sub. Nothing more, nothing less.

  “Are you sure that’s wise?” Master Jake’s voice held an edge that she couldn’t determine, and she felt Lukas tense around her.

  “Wiser than keeping her here. This place makes me forget she’s new to all this. I’ve already pushed her more than I intended to.”

  “As you wish, you can have the taxi I called if you want. I’ll take the next one. I’m assuming you’re not driving.”

  There was a hint of amusement in Master Jake’s voice now, and then Lukas’s deep rumble of a reply. “I want to keep hold of this one.”

  Lauren gasped, Jake laughed, and Jacqui idly wondered what that was all about, before the heavy sound of the music on the main play area drowned out any other sounds. While it could still be heard upstairs, it had been more of a distant background, rather than the deafening sound it now was. They had either turned up the volume, or she was simply hyperaware of her surroundings.

  A door opened and shut and Jacqui shivered in the cold breeze travelling over her bare ass. Belatedly she recalled she was now sans her scrap of underwear, and no doubt had flashed everyone in the club on her way out of there. Not, that it would matter. She would never see any of these people again, because there was no way she could bring herself to attend in the future, and see him pay attention to another sub.

  He didn’t do forever, and she was only his for tonight.

  Yes, remember that.

  Someone draped her coat over her, and then there was more laughter, the sound of a car approaching, blessed warmth as Lukas put her down on soft seats, strapped her in and then got in next to her.

  He gave the taxi driver his address, and that was the last thing Jacqui recalled. The motion of the car, and Lukas’s even breathing ghosting across her face as he pulled her head onto his shoulder, lulled her into much needed sleep.

  * * *

  He was so damn fucked and not in the good way. As Jacqui slipped into sleep, and went soft and pliant against his side, Lukas considered his options. The sensible move would be to take her across to her apartment, use the spare key his neighbors had entrusted him with should their home sitter ever need his assistance, tuck Jacqui into bed, and leave.

  However, the mere thought of doing that made his insides cramp. Besides, what sort of Dom would he be, if he didn’t make sure she was all right after her experiences at the club?

  For someone as inexperienced as his little Miss Goody Two-shoes clearly was, what had happened tonight, what she had witnessed, and experienced herself, had to be overwhelming to say the least.

  Not that a whole lot had happened as his aching cock reminded him with a vengeance. It would have been so easy to go through with his original plan of taking her through to the room he’d booked, give her a spanking to further take her out of her mind, and then to fuck her truly senseless. It’s what he would have done with any other submissive, newbie or not. She had given her consent, after all, but her untutored responses, her receptiveness, and the way she had fallen apart for him had put a stop to those ideas.

  The last thing he wanted was for her to regret what had happened between them come the morning. When she got that spanking, and they had sex, it would be with her fully aware and on board with the idea. Not, because she got carried away with the whole club atmosphere.

  He wanted, needed her submission freely given away from all of that, on her own turf, so to speak, or as close to it as he could manage.

  Besides, he didn’t want their night to end in the club. No, his precious little dove belonged in his bed, where he could keep an eye on her, and, God willing, fuck her silly, before the sun came up.

  Jacqui stirred in her sleep, and he pulled her closer. Looking up, he found the taxi driver smirking at him through the rear view mirror. His hackles rose, when he saw the lecherous way the other man ran his gaze over her semi naked form.

  With her ruined thong in his pocket, and her legs slightly parted in her sleep, that driver would get an eyeful of her sweet cunt, and Lukas hastily threw her coat over her legs with his free hand.

  “Eyes up front and watch where you’re driving, will you?”

  Rather than look intimidated by his tone of voice the other man grinned. He did focus his attention on the road, however.

  “Good night, was it?” he asked.

  Lukas clenched his jaw. It was that or punch the asshole upside the head, and as he was driving that would no
t be the cleverest of moves right now.

  “None of your fucking business. Just drive and get us home ASAP.”

  A short laugh was his answer. “Sure thing, governor. Don’t mean anything by it. If she was mine, I’d want to get her home too.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to refute that silly notion, but, fuck him if the thought of his little dove truly being his, didn’t have a far too attractive ring to it.

  He should run a mile at these completely alien thought processes, yet they didn’t give him palpitations. It made no sense at all, and had he been drinking, he would have thought someone had spiked his drink.

  Lukas Markz didn’t entertain notions of happily-ever-afters, ever, and he refused that thought to take hold. Regardless of what his gut was screaming at him, she could not be the one…could she?

  Pulling her closer into his embrace, he settled for glaring at the back of the taxi driver’s head. At least the action meant that the man stopped his attempts at small talk, and put his foot down. Even so, it seemed a life time before they finally pulled up outside the building that housed his and Jacqui’s apartment. He had to shift her slightly to hand over the cash, and his sleepy bundle of curves woke up with a start. Affection made his chest tight when she made an automatic grab for the hem of her skirt, and shivered in the cold draft that came in through the open doors of the taxi.

  “Here, let’s you get inside where it’s warm.” He tapped his phone app to turn the heating up even more in his apartment, stowed his mobile back in the pocket of his jeans, and held out his hand for her take.

  Her cold fingers curled into his when he pulled her out of the car. Muttering under his breath, he picked her up again.

  A small shriek escaped his girl, and Lukas nodded his thanks at the night security patrol, who opened the front door for them.

  “Mr. Markz… Ms. Page, pleasant evening to you both.”

  Jacqui gave one of those strangled groans again, which meant his cock would surely break in half soon if he didn’t get some relief, and she hid her face in Lukas’s shoulder.

  “Gah, put me down. I can walk. What must he think of me… Put me down, please.”

  Once they were in the relative safety of the lift, he complied, and he frowned at the way Jacqui scooted away from him into the opposite corner. Her eyes grew wide when he followed and crowded her against the mirrored wall.


  A whimper escaped her when he slid his hand to her throat, and frowned.

  “That’s Sir to you, little dove. The location might have changed, but you’re still very much mine to do with as I please for this evening, are you not?”

  A heavy silence fell between them, as he waited for her answer. One, which he realized with sudden clarity, was incredibly important to him. Yet another reason to simply deposit her in her apartment and be done with this whole thing, especially as the mere thought burned a hole in his gut. What he needed to do was fuck her. Then he’d get her out of his system. Yes, that was the only logical explanation for the uneven staccato his heart beat out at this moment in time. After all, he’d harbored some pretty erotic fantasies about his Miss Goody Two-shoes neighbor for weeks now. Having tasted her, witnessed her fire, passion, and ultimate surrender to him, it was only natural that he wanted to act those fantasies out. Once he’d done that, this strange obsession would pass, for sure.

  The ding of the door opening interrupted their silent stare down, and Lukas forced himself to step away. This had to be her decision, after all.

  Putting his hand out to stop the lift doors from closing he waited.

  “Yes, Sir, I am.”


  God, she felt sick. Somehow, forcing those four words out had been harder than anything else she’d done so far, and Jacqui had no idea why.

  He’d looked so closed off, and if she was honest a little bit scary, as he waited for her answer. One she could barely hear herself give over the blood rushing in her ears, and the frantic beating of her heart.

  Really, what was she doing? Being at the club was one thing, but continuing this here, where anything could happen, where she would be completely at his mercy… It sent shivers of apprehension down her spine and a rush of wet heat between her thighs. The rational side of her brain might have woken up kicking and screaming, but it was her hormones, which were very much in charge right now. They made her all too aware of Lukas as the virile man he was. He made no attempt to disguise adjusting himself, and her pussy clenched when she took in the hard, long outline of his cock pressing against his jeans.

  Before she could stop herself the words tumbled out. “That can’t be very comfortable, Sir.”

  His short laugh in answer spoke volumes, as did the way he yanked her up toward him, and kissed her. There was nothing soft about this kiss. It was a claim, a promise of things to come, and Jacqui brought her legs up and locked them around his waist, when he grasped her ass cheeks, and lifting her, started to move up the corridor.

  Every step rubbed her sodden pussy against his flies, pitching her need for this man higher. By the time he shoved her up against the wall while he searched for the keys to his apartment, they both breathed heavily. A giggle escaped her at the way he fumbled with the keys, only getting them into the lock on the second attempt.

  It was hard to believe that he could be this affected by her, yet his grunt of annoyance and the thick cock against her pussy confirmed it. A little rush of feminine power went through her when he all but glared at her. The door swung open with so much force, it bounced off the wall and in the next instant, he’d swung her over his shoulder. Her breath escaped in a muffled screech, which turned into a moan as he kicked the door shut, and swatted her ass at the same time.

  “Funny, am I? My naughty little dove is going to learn what happens when she laughs at her Dom.”

  Two more, much harder open handed swats to her ass followed, which left her butt on fire, and made breathing difficult. Grabbling for purchase on his back, she grasped hold of his waist band in an effort to straighten up a bit, but she should have known that was useless. Jacqui got a quick glimpse of the long hallway, thick, luxury carpet on the floor and an open plan living area not unlike the place she was staying in across the communal hall, before the room spun again.

  Lukas sat with her thrown over his lap. He trapped her legs by pinning her underneath one of his, and pushing her torso down with one hand between her shoulder blades, he flipped her skirt up, and rubbed away the sting left over from his earlier swats.

  “Remember you asked for this, little dove.”

  Jacqui’s heart beat faster and she moaned when he slipped his fingers into the cleft of her ass. She automatically lifted her butt up to give him better access as he delved lower, swiped his fingers through her embarrassingly wet pussy lips, and then sunk what felt like two fingers knuckle deep into her hole.

  Instantly she clamped down on the invaders, and Lukas laughed.

  “So wet and eager, so fucking responsive. I’m going to enjoy claiming all your holes tonight, but first things first. I do owe you a spanking, do I not?”

  Unable to respond Jacqui whimpered as he finger fucked her, massaging her sweet spot with that unerring and deadly expression he’d already demonstrated so aptly tonight. How he expected her to talk, when he was fast pushing her toward another orgasm was beyond her right now. Was this man even human? He had to be fit to burst, himself. His cock was still a solid, hard ridge under her belly.

  As abruptly as he started, he stopped, and Jacqui cried out at the considerable force he packed behind the swat across both cheeks.

  “I asked you a question, girl. I expect an answer, and while we’re at it, give me a color. Where are you right now?”

  With her ass already on fire it was on the tip of her tongue to croak orange, but, then he went back to rubbing the abused flesh, and heat spread from her behind all over her body.

  “Talk to me, little dove, or this all stops now.” The strain behind those cli
pped words, and the way his cock jumped under her, further made up her mind for her. She wanted this, wanted him, and she had to let him know that. There was no doubt in her mind that he would indeed put a stop to this instantly, unless she answered him.

  With that sudden clarity came peace, and she whispered her answer. “Green, Sir, please don’t stop. Show me…make me yours.”

  * * *

  Lukas knew what her answer was going to be before he’d heard the whispered words. It was there in the way she stopped struggling and sunk into her submission. It made his chest feel tight, and emotion clogged his throat. While this moment was always special, with Jacqui it meant more than he would have thought possible. Keeping up the soothing motions over her reddened butt cheeks, he let go of her shoulder blades and loosened the strings of her corset. A shudder went through his girl as he pulled the sides apart and ran his fingertips down the graceful curve of her spine.

  “Beautiful, and all mine.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He grinned, and brought his hand down on her behind without any further warning. A gasp escaped his girl, and he repeated the action on the other side. Every few swats he stopped to massage flesh that grew redder and hotter by the minute, and checked how she was doing. He needn’t have worried, because Jacqui’s breathing evened out, and judging by the blissful smile on her face she was already slipping into her happy space. The speed with which she did so was humbling and nothing short of miraculous, but then he was fast beginning to realize that his little dove did nothing in half measures.

  He proceeded to pummel her beautiful ass, until his hand tired, and then switched to the short paddle he’d found on the side table. He’d placed it there earlier after cleaning it, and thanked the phone call Jake had made, urging him to get to the club, which meant he’d forgotten to pack it away. It sure came in handy now, and once he’d paddled her behind to a most satisfactory glow, which left his girl so wet she was soaking through his jeans, he stopped.


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