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Page 21

by Marilu Mann

  Rain gasped but Harmony squeezed her hand. No way would she let Tom know their daughter wasn’t Denied like the two of them. In his current state of mind he’d shoot her without qualms. They just had to hang on until an opportunity presented itself for them to escape.

  Tom rooted around in one of the backpacks then pulled out a brown prescription bottle. He shook two tablets into his hand. Swallowing them without water, he gagged a bit as the pills went down. She prayed he’d choke on them. He laughed a high-pitched, crazy sound.

  “There, that’ll keep me awake until dark. Then I’ll go get the car. Tomorrow we’ll start out for our new home. You might as well go to sleep.”

  He waved a hand in their direction then started pacing again. She pulled Rain closer, stroking her hand over the girl’s hair, wanting to share her body warmth. Her daughter was warmer than she expected, then she remembered how warm all the other Moon-Called she’d ever know had been.. Rain had stopped crying now. Harmony could almost feel her thinking. Harmony tried to send her own thoughts to Rain, just repeating in her own head, “It’s going to be okay, baby. We’re going to be okay.”

  Gently pressing on her daughter’s head, Harmony sighed as they settled even closer together. Somehow they would make it out of here—or at least her daughter would. She thought about Gareth again, wishing they’d had more time to be together, hoping Rion would help him get past this. She knew both men would be devastated if she died, they’d compare her death to their sister’s. She closed her eyes, praying that he would stay safe.

  Gareth kept glancing at the speedometer. Rion wasn’t driving nearly as fast as he’d like, but he knew that his brother wanted to get them there in one piece. There was no doubt in his mind that her crazy ex-husband was involved in this. He kept getting weird vibes from her—she was cold, she was scared, she was sad. It was killing him to be sitting in a car when his mate needed him so badly. He never should have left her there alone. He should have insisted that she and Rain come with him—school be dammed. Rain was a smart kid, she could miss a week without trouble. And…his thoughts came to a screeching halt. Rain could shift.

  That could be critical in getting them to safety if that bastard had done something to them, and every god known to man help Tom if that was the case. Gareth would tear him limb from limb.

  As soon as he had a signal, he tried calling her but got no answer. Then he tried the lodge, only to find out that Micah and Olivia had gone out for the evening, leaving one of the other Beta males in charge of things. They’d even hired a sitter, which told him that Micah wanted some uninterrupted time alone with his mate. Cursing under his breath, without saying anything else to the Beta, Gareth disconnected the call then glanced at the speedometer again. Rion took a look at his face and pushed a little harder on the pedal. Gareth gritted his teeth, praying for patience.

  Tom was still pacing and muttering to himself. He would go to the door to look outside then turn to study them for a few minutes then walk back over to his stash. Rain’s deep breathing told Harmony that she’d fallen asleep. She, however, had no intention of sleeping. She was going to stay awake as long as it took. The light in the room faded, the shadows deepening as time passed slower than she’d ever known it to go.

  “It’s time.” The loud words caused Rain to jerk awake. Harmony took a deep breath. They both watched as he dug around in the mess in the corner to come out with a long piece of thick rope. He came back over to them sneering, “Stand up, both of you.”

  They got slowly to their feet. Tom handed the rope to Harmony. “Tie her up. Do it right or I’ll shoot her and save myself the trouble of transporting both of you. After all, you’re still young enough to have another baby. Maybe a boy this time.”

  They both flinched but she took her time tying Rain up, all the while whispering to her daughter that it would be okay. When she’d finished Tom checked the rope then nodded. He shoved Rain back into a corner where she stood shaking violently.

  “Good. You’re finally learning to listen. You should have done that a long time ago and we wouldn’t be in this mess. You always had to ruin things, didn’t you? This is all your fault. Everything is your fault.”

  She knew it was coming. He’d said the same thing to her the first time he’d put her in the hospital, still the brutal punch to her jaw snapped her head back. She heard Rain screaming as he hit her again and again. Harmony tried to protect her head but he just hit her harder in the stomach, the breasts and her sides.

  She wouldn’t go down, she had to stay aware, had to stay awake. That kept going through her head until he pulled the gun out of his belt and smacked her across the face with it. She fell heavily to her side, trying to focus.

  Rain was still screaming at him from where she stood in the corner. Through blurred vision Harmony watched as Tom turned. Raising the weapon high, he hit her daughter once with the gun. The sharp sound was followed by a dull thud as Rain collapsed hard on the floor. Harmony softly cried, “No!”

  Tom sneered at their daughter again before kneeling beside Harmony. “I told you that you had to listen. This is all your fault, remember that.” He tied her hands together with the end of the rope that bound Rain then snorted as he stood.

  “Get some rest, honey. I’ll be back soon with the car and then we’ll leave first thing in the morning. I just know you’ll like Mexico. It’s so beautiful and warm. So warm. I’m so tired of being cold.” He’d gone back to that almost normal tone of voice that chilled her more than the icy floor. He left without another word. Harmony took a deep breath, trying to asses her injuries. She had to get to her daughter.

  This wasn’t the worst beating she’d ever gotten from her husband. Gritting her teeth, she grunted softly as she wormed her way closer to Rain. Harmony gasped at the piercing stab of pain in her side. Then she spoke softly, hoping the child wasn’t too badly hurt.

  “Honey? Rain? Wake up, sweetie. Wake up now. C’mon, sweetie, wake up.” Nudging the girl gently with her head, Harmony wished she could put her arms around her daughter. She just wanted to hold her.

  Rain woke up with a gasp, eyes wild as she looked for her mother. “Mom! Oh Mom, I’m so sorry. I should have helped you. Are you okay? Oh my god, Mom, your face.”

  Before Rain could start crying again Harmony shook her head. “Rain! Stop. Listen to me. You have to get out of here. I have no idea how long he’ll be gone but you have to go for help. I can’t run as fast as you can, so you’re going to have to go, honey.”

  “No, Mom…”

  “Rain. Do as I say. Just take a deep breath and concentrate. You can do this, you have to do this. You need to shift and go for help. Do you think you can find your way back to the road?” At her nod Harmony took a shallow breath. “Good. Follow it to the lodge. Find the Alpha and tell him what’s happened. They’ll come back for me. You can do this, honey. I believe in you.”

  Sniffling a bit, Rain took her own deep breath and closed her eyes. Harmony watched as the Change came over her and felt her own body aching as her baby turned into a wolf. Harmony had tied a human, knowing a wolf would not be bound by the feeble bonds. She watched in pride as her daughter used sharp teeth to bite through the bindings. Scrambling to her paws, Rain shook off the clothes along with the rope. She nuzzled her mother, whining softly.

  “Go, baby. Go and don’t look back. Run, baby, run fast.” The little wolf yipped in reply then bolted out of the dilapidated house. Closing her eyes, Harmony fought more tears. At least her baby was safe.

  “Oh Gareth, I do love you so…I’m so glad you’re safe too,” she whispered in the cold, empty cabin, curling up to try to keep warm.

  Running as fast, as hard as she could, Rain avoided the low branches of the close-set trees. She knew she had to find her way to the road. She tried hard to remember everything Gareth had told them about tracking, about finding their way through the woods. Shit! Why hadn’t she paid better attention? Her mom might die because she’d been laughing with Julie.

Rain heard the sound of an engine. Yes! The road had to be that way. Sliding to a stop, she turned sharply to the right then started running again. She had to find the Alpha and get him to save her mom. Her mom couldn’t die!

  Keme got out of his car slowly. He’d come back with an invitation from his mom for the Johnsons to join them for a bonfire. But something didn’t feel right. Though the living room lights were on he had the feeling that the cabin in front of him was empty. Moving up to the front door, he stopped when a sour smell hit his nose. He coughed then snorted, trying to blow that scent away.

  But the odor stayed. It was oddly familiar. Then he froze. Rain had told him about her dad. He had a bad feeling that smell had something to do with the other man. He knocked hard on the door, leaning against it to listen for any movement inside.

  “Rain? Mrs. Johnson? Anyone home?” he called out loudly as he knocked again. Their car was right there, so they couldn’t have gone far. Leaving the porch, he headed around the cabin toward Rain’s bedroom. He stopped again. That smell was stronger here. Then fear gripped him hard. Shards of glass stuck up from the window frame where someone had thrown something through the window or somehow broken it. Levering himself up, he saw glass on the floor inside. He smelled fear. Rain’s fear.

  Keme spun around to race back to his car then stopped. He debated about going to the lodge or back home for help, cursing himself for not charging his cell phone. He’d left it at home not expecting to need it.

  Pausing with his hand on the door handle, he heard another car coming fast. He ran around to the woodpile to grab a piece of wood. If that was Rain’s dad he’d do whatever it took to save her.

  Keme was holding it like a bat when the dark-green sedan zoomed in, gravel flying when it shuddered to a stop. The passenger-side door flew open. Keme let go of his weapon along with the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Relief shot through him as Gareth ran straight up to him, grabbing both of Keme’s arms.

  “Where are they?”

  “I don’t know. I came back…” He stopped talking because Rion joined them just as Gareth turned to jump onto the porch. Pulling his keys out of his pocket, Gareth unlocked the door then threw it open.

  All three of them stood in the living room, sniffing the air. They took in the empty room. None of them spoke at the sight of the blood on the floor. Keme ran for Rain’s bedroom, probably hoping to find Rain hiding inside, while Gareth headed straight for the kitchen. At the anguished sounds coming from Gareth, Rion and Keme rushed to join him. Rion reached out for his brother but paused at the sight of even more blood.

  Gareth turned to them, his eye glowing silver. His voice was a low, vicious sound. “Keme, get to the res, tell Pete what’s happened. Rion, go to the lodge. Find Micah.”

  Gareth stripped as he talked. The other two scrambled to catch up with him, shedding their clothes fast. Rion grabbed his brother’s arm, shaking it slightly.

  “Gareth, don’t do anything stupid. Come with me to the lodge. We need the Alpha. We’ll find them together.”

  “That bastard has my mate!” Even though the last word was more growled than spoken, Keme felt the anguish in Gareth’s words.

  Keme didn’t wait for the twins to argue over anything else. Turning, he ran out of the house. He shifted as he ran. Keme was never gladder that he’d been practicing just that move to try to impress Rain. Now he only hoped he’d get a chance to show it to her.

  Rain gasped for breath as she reached the road that led to the lodge. She was breathing so hard she could hear her heart beating in her ears as her breath whistled in and out of her snout. She leapt to the ditch just as a truck turned onto the road behind her. Trembling in the shallow area, she watched as the vehicle stopped. The familiar scent hit her just before the Alpha and his mate got out of the cab. Micah approached her slowly, his brow furrowed.

  “Rain? Are you all right?” The concern in his voice made her whimper.

  Shaking her head, she shifted to stand before him just as Olivia reached her side, putting an arm around her. “Breathe, sweetheart, you’re safe, just breathe.”

  Olivia had matched her own breathing to the calm words. Rain felt calmer in response. But her heart still thudded in her chest. Rain swiped a hand across her face then started talking. She knew she was babbling but she couldn’t seem to stop. Words, emotions, it all poured out of her as she told them what happened.

  Micah’s face changed, his expression becoming stony even as the color rose in his face. He tilted his head back then Rain heard him in her head.

  I call the protectors of the Pack. Attend me now. Come quickly and come as wolves. Those who do not shift, bring weapons! Our Packmate has been attacked and is in danger. Come now!

  Just as that mental shout faded, a white wolf came streaking through the woods. Rain thought it was Gareth at first, so she pulled away from Olivia. Rain started toward him only to stop as he shifted. Disappointment lanced through here when she saw it was Rion.

  “Micah, Gareth has started tracking. Keme has gone to the res to get help. I can follow Gareth but I don’t know how long he’ll be able to follow the scent. He’s too emotional.” Rion sounded angry to Rain. Then she realized he must be scared.

  “But I am not.” Kaj’s voice came from behind them. “Together, my brother wolf, you and I can find him. With our sister wolf’s help we will rescue her mother.” Rain gaped as Kaj nodded toward her. His voice sounded so smooth, so convincing in her head. He’d called her sister. She knew then that she truly had people who would help her no matter what. They’d take care of her mom and make her dad leave them alone.

  She nodded. Micah told her to Change so she did. She shifted back to her wolf just as everyone around her started stripping and shifting. Rain realized she’d been butt-naked in front of them all. She hadn’t thought about it or even cared.

  Micah gave orders for some of the Pack to go to the road, some to block various paths and back roads. Still more were to return to the lodge and the cabin to protect the ones left behind.

  Then he nodded to her. Lead the way, little one. We will follow you and we will find your mother.

  Rain took off back in the direction she’d come with the Alpha, his mate, Kaj and Rion all in hot pursuit. When they reached the road Keme, Pete and Aunt Willow met them. Keme got as close to her as he could to put his head near hers as they flew down the road.

  You okay? I was so worried about you.

  I’ll be okay. But we’ve got to get to my mom. He’s been hitting her and I’m afraid he’ll kill her when he finds out I’m gone.

  As the group of wolves drew closer to the place Rain remembered, she saw a white shape flitting ahead of them through the trees. She knew exactly who it was. Doubling her speed, she yelled in her head. Gareth!

  The wolf turned so fast he nearly did a flip then came barreling toward her. He shifted, so did she too. She ran into his arms. As he hugged her tight, she sobbed. “You’ve got to save my mom. He’s got her—”

  “Take a breath, pup. I’m going to get him.” The rest of their “rescue group”, as she thought of them, reached them. Rain took a step back, pointing toward a crooked pine tree.

  “The place is just back through there. There’s another bent, scraggly tree and then a sort of clearing. Mom’s inside and he left to go get a car. He’s planning to take us to Mexico.” She caught her breath as she looked at Gareth and then at Micah. “I am not moving to Mexico!’

  No, you’re definitely not! Olivia sent the thought to her then shifted. “Okay, sweetie. Here’s where we step back and let the men move in. Not that we can’t kick butt in our own right but they can do it a bit harder. You come with me.”

  Rain hesitated, watching Gareth flow back into his wolf form. Aunt Willow moved up beside Olivia. She shifted. Her aunt wrapped Rain into a tight hug, saying, “You heard the Alpha female, Rain. Come here to stand with us.”

  Rain leaned into Willow then nodded. She moved with them as the rest of their group foll
owed directions. Keme hung back only when Kaj barred his way with a soft growl. The two males shared some private conversation then Keme moved to the females. He stayed in wolf form. Rain was glad they had him. Their group moved quietly through the woods, following the Pack.

  The cabin came in sight, a big, black SUV parked haphazardly in front. Tom was yelling at the top of his lungs. Shouting at Harmony to tell him where Rain had gone, how she’d gotten away. A sharp cry rent the air and with a loud growl Gareth ran full tilt at the door, knocking it off the remaining hinge before skidding into the cabin. He’d outrun the rest of the group, but Rain gaped as the Pack moved in fast. They moved so silently. She jumped, as did Willow and Olivia when shots rang out. Rain choked back a scream.

  Harmony stared through swollen eyes as a familiar white wolf burst into the cabin. She tried to tell him to stop but the words froze in her throat as he shifted then started toward Tom. She screamed in rage when Tom lifted the gun he’d been beating her with to shoot Gareth twice in the abdomen. She screamed again as Gareth fell to the floor.

  More shapes filled the room, all of them growling but Tom laughed maniacally as he raised his gun to shoot more of them. She looked at her mate, lying lifeless on the floor. Harmony got slowly to her knees. Strength she didn’t know she possessed surged through her. That bastard hadn’t just beaten her daughter, he’d shot her mate!

  The growl that came out of her throat startled everyone else into silence. Harmony suddenly felt as though her skin was too tight. She didn’t take her eyes off Tom as she started moving toward him. Suddenly everything was brighter, everything smelled different. When she lunged toward him, she was shocked to see paws instead of hands. Tom screamed as she took him down but his screaming stopped suddenly as she latched on to his throat. She shook him three times. Hard.


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