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Page 22

by Marilu Mann

  She felt as well as heard his neck break. Dropping the lifeless piece of shit on the floor, Harmony ignored the carcass as she moved toward her mate, whining softly in her throat. She sniffed him then nudged him, trying to get him up. All she could smell was blood. Her head whipped around as one of the other shapes in the room started toward her. A vicious growl ripped from her throat. No!

  Her panic-driven thoughts came in short, erratic bursts. The human now hid behind wolf. The shock of shifting for the first time had short-circuited her brain. Other males. Threats. They would kill her injured mate. She curled her lips back to show her teeth. wolf took full charge with the scent of blood in the air and the threats against her mate from the others.

  Wolf didn’t care who they were or that the other was dead. Wolf only wanted to protect. She tried to keep them all in sight, her head low and her eyes moving quickly from one to the next. Too many, too close. She wanted them away from her mate.

  The others moved slowly but still she growled. Wolf was in full protection mode. No one would harm her mate again. She took her eyes off them only to nudge the male at her feet, giving a short whine when he didn’t respond.

  When they got too close she lunged, teeth bared. Fur flew as she caught the ruff of one. Shaking, she crouched beside her bleeding mate. She hacked fur from her mouth. She whined at her mate again, shoving him with her nose. If she could get him up they could escape. The other wolves now stood too far away for her to attack them. She would have to abandon her mate to get to them. Nothing would make her do that. Nothing.

  The wolves shimmered in front of her. She didn’t recognize the two-leggeds as friends. There were no friends now. Only foe. And she would do what had to be done. Ears flat back, she panted while searching for any way to get them both out. They were not going to harm her mate! She had killed the one who had hurt him. She growled again, snarling and snapping at the others, keeping them away.

  Movement in the doorway caught her eye. Harmony whirled to face this new threat as some of the males dragged the dead man away. The scents calmed her. That one was her own pup. The other two were females. One moved toward her but one of the males stopped her. Harmony whined softly again. As her rage cooled, her human side fought to get out but wolf was still in control. The movement of the man reaching the other female made her scrabble back to a safer distance. Her mate lay beside her now. His scent faded as his blood drained.

  Olivia, do not get too close. She is almost feral.

  If we don’t talk her down, Gareth’s going to bleed out. Let me try, Micah. At his slow nod, the female moved closer. Harmony growled again and the female stopped.

  “Sister, listen to me. Something wonderful has happened. You’ve protected your mate. You have protected your child and best of all, Sister, you’ve proven that you are not Denied. You’re one of us. Let us help you now.” Harmony heard the woman’s voice. It was low and soothing. Her hands stayed at her sides, so Harmony didn’t feel threatened. She twitched one ear toward the female speaking. Olivia. She was Olivia. Harmony pulled the name from her human self. Olivia motioned for the other, older female to join her.

  This voice was soft too, and achingly familiar. “Niece, let us help your loved one. We can help him. None of us will hurt you. No one here will hurt your mate. Let us help.”

  Another twitch of the same ear as Harmony trembled. Whining, she looked from one female to the other as she stood over her fallen mate. Their scents soothed her. Their voices were soft. She didn’t want them touching him, didn’t want them near him, but part of what they were saying made sense. A part of her knew they could help. Her whole body shook. Looking at her mate, she whined until her pup stepped forward.

  “Mom, look at you. You’re so beautiful. You’re a shifter, you’re Moon-Called, like me. Please let them help Gareth. I want us all to run together. C’mon, Mom.” The shaking voice of a scared child turned the tide.

  Those words reached a part of her that yearned for that very thing. To run with her mate. She backed up slowly then lay down. She rolled onto her side, exhausted. Her lips curled but she let the females come close enough to surround her. Their hands soothed her as she panted. The Alpha moved forward slowly, keeping his eyes on her and his own mate. He knelt beside the unconscious Gareth. Harmony growled when the bigger man lowered his hands just over her mate’s body. She allowed it only because the other females didn’t seem to be afraid. She heard him begin to chant softly under his breath. Her growl stuttered to a stop when the man’s hands began to glow.

  Harmony’s growl gave way to a scared whine. Comforting arms came around her. Her daughter, her aunt, Olivia, all females she loved, respected, cared about assured her things were going to be okay, that the Alpha was helping, not hurting. But it was hard for her. Her wolf jerked forward but her daughter’s voice and the other females’ arms held her back.

  “No, Mom. Let him help G.”

  She watched as her mate twitched. His wolf flowed into view then back to man then back to wolf once more. She watched as the blood stopped. The last time Micah forced the Change on him he got slowly to all four feet. He looked around immediately until his gaze stalled on her. His ears flicked back and forth. The wary look in his eyes was slowly replaced by the dawning knowledge of who this new wolf was.

  Harmony? Harmony, are you okay? I’m so sorry, babe, I’m so sorry.

  Shaking off the females, she ran to her mate. She rubbed her entire body against him. With her nose, she nudged him. He leaned into her, snuffling her neck. They checked each other from nose to tail. Then he shifted back to his human form.

  “Babe, come here.” He pulled her close, cuddling her into his lap. “Turn back for me, honey. Shift for me. I want to look at you, make sure you’re okay.”

  He kept talking softly to her as the other women ushered everyone else out of the cabin, giving them some privacy. Harmony knew the Alpha stood in the doorway, waiting to see if she would need his help. She’d heard rumors of his special power but she hadn’t believed it until she’d seen if for herself. Taking a deep breath of her mate’s scent, she relaxed for the first time in hours.

  As she relaxed she felt her body changing, heard his encouragement then opened her eyes to see the man she loved. Gareth looked back at her with a huge smile on his face. “Moon-Denied my ass. You’re the most beautiful she-wolf I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  Despite the insanity of the day and the fact that she’d killed her ex, she laughed. Then she sobered. “Micah? What’s going to happen to me now? Will I go to jail?”

  She ignored Gareth’s outraged “No!”

  “No, sister wolf. There will be no jail time. You acted in defense of your mate, of your child and of yourself. Not one of us would have acted differently. I am proud of you.”

  Harmony shivered in Gareth’s embrace. “But I-I-I nearly lost myself. I was so angry, so scared. I was only my wolf then. Did I do something wrong?”

  Micah smiled soberly at her. “We do need to have a talk about how to control your wolf. You were fearsome in your rage and it is not unheard of for one to bury the human self so deeply in a time of panic. You should have been able to hear us all speaking to you but you only seemed to hear the females. That may be because you didn’t have the training the others did and were not expecting the mind-to-mind communication. We will need to remedy your lack of Pack education. I believe your mate will be happy to do that.”

  She released the breath she hadn’t even been aware of holding. She relaxed into her mate’s embrace only to stiffen again at the Alpha’s next words. “I will, however, expect you to present yourself at the next Gathering as a full Moon-Called member of my Pack. I knew you did not smell like one Denied.”

  He gave one of his rare smiles then stepped back. He put his arm around his mate, who had moved in to join him. Harmony forgot them as Rain burst back into the cabin.


  Harmony scrambled to her feet to catch her child. She hugged her daughter tightly. “B
aby, are you okay? You did so well! I’m so proud of you.”

  “Forget that! Mom, you’re a wolf!”

  Harmony heard Gareth chuckle, so she glanced at him. “Yeah, babe, focus on the most important part of this day. You’re a wolf!”

  He laughed then. All the other shifters crowded in at the sound. Harmony joined them in the laughter. She knew it was more relief than anything but gave in to the mirth. Holding her daughter tightly, Harmony gazed at her mate. She wondered if he could see all the love she felt for him shining in her face.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Gareth glanced at the clock in the kitchen then moved into the living room to call down the hall. “If you two don’t hurry up we’re going to be late.”

  He paced nervously in front of the fireplace, glancing at the clock again. Just as he opened his mouth to yell, he stopped. Rion and Kaj came into view. One from the bedroom he shared with Harmony, the other from the bathroom. They looked so different that he just stood staring for a minute before grinning at them. “Hey, you guys clean up pretty good.”

  Kaj tugged at the bow tie around his neck as Rion adjusted his jacket. The formal attire was as foreign to them as it was to him. It made him feel a bit better that they were uncomfortable too.

  “You’re not too bad yourself, Brother.” Rion stopped fidgeting to grin at him. He joined Gareth in the middle of the room. Kaj just walked to the front door, opened it then walked out onto the porch.

  The brothers followed, shutting the door as they headed for the car. He started for the driver’s side only to be body-blocked by Kaj. “No way, brother wolf. Either Rion or I will drive. I don’t trust you not to wrap the car around a tree in your hurry to get to your mate.”

  They all laughed but he handed the keys over. Despite Kaj’s words he wasn’t nervous. He’d been looking forward to this for the last month. Since then, he, Rain and Harmony had definitely formed a cohesive family unit. His girls had had some residual nightmares but the Pack had helped them with everything. Knowing they’d never have to worry about Tom again had also helped.

  Micah had informed Tom’s remaining family about his death only to find out that none of them wanted anything to do with him, dead or alive. Micah had arranged for Tom to be cremated then buried in the local potter’s field. There was no headstone because no one cared. Gareth gave a prayer of thanks again for his mate and pup’s safety.

  Rain had bounced back faster than Harmony but he had no doubt that his mate would be okay. She had him and the rest of the Pack to watch over her. Not to mention one hormonal, typically angsty teen to distract her mother.

  Kaj pulled the car to a stop in front of the lodge. Gareth grinned at the sight of Olivia fussing with some flower garlands that were strung across the porch railings. She smiled as they all got out of the car.

  “Well, don’t you all look gorgeous? We’ll be ready to start soon but there’s time for a drink if you want one. Micah’s in the living room with the preacher.”

  They entered the lodge. Smells flowed from all directions. Flowers, candles, food and family—all combined to create what Gareth knew as the scent of his Pack. He looked around with a smile, appreciating the work that had been done to make this such a special day.

  He knew Harmony was upstairs. He could feel her up there. Her excitement reached him. He started toward the stairs only to be stopped by his Alpha. “Time enough, brother wolf, after the ceremony for what you have in mind. If you muss your mate before the ceremony she will hold it against you for months. Trust me. I know.”

  He indicated his own mate then threw an arm around Gareth. “Come, I want you to greet the preacher.”

  He went reluctantly into the living room. He stopped in his tracks then glanced at Micah with surprise. Rion had followed him into the room then rushed past him with a laugh.

  “Mom! Uncle Jan! How did you get here? When did you get here?” Gareth watched his brother hug their family then looked up at Micah.

  “You flew them out here?”

  “It was not right that you were marrying without your family. Your mother is doing better. Her cardiologist gave her permission to fly. Your uncle asked to accompany her. It is only fitting that your birth Pack be present here, Gareth.”

  “Thank you.” He swallowed hard then hugged his Alpha before breaking away to greet his mother and uncle. They were mending fences. He’d taken Olivia and Rain with him to Oregon where he had introduced them to his family. He and Rion had made sure their mother had gone to the doctor. She’d been diagnosed with an arrhythmic heart condition. While it was not common, it was not unheard of in his kind. She was receiving treatment and medication that had helped. Gareth was really glad they were there. He hadn’t expected them, so it was definitely a sweet surprise. They talked quietly until the rest of the Pack had gathered. The preacher motioned for Gareth to come stand beside him in front of the massive fireplace. Rion and Kaj stood at his side, smiles on their faces.

  He took a deep breath as soft music began to play. Rain appeared in the doorway wearing a pale-purple dress that stopped at her knees. She was smiling as wide as he’d ever seen her smile. Her hair was now a normal dark brown, no dye in it at all. He watched her gaze go from him to Keme, who sat in the second row, and then back again. He couldn’t help the protective surge that went through him but he relaxed when he glanced at Keme to see the young man looking back at him before nodding respectfully. Gareth still needed to have a talk with the younger wolf about his daughter. His daughter. His heart thudded at that though.

  The music changed then to the familiar wedding march and the Pack came to their feet. Now he only had eyes for the woman standing in the doorway. He barely registered Pete standing beside her. Harmony looked more beautiful than ever. Her hair hung in long, loose curls. The sides were pulled up with small flowers holding them back. Her ivory dress ended just below her knees. She held a bouquet of roses, orange blossom and gardenias.

  He remembered the discussion about that. She’d chosen each flower carefully. Roses for her mother. Orange blossoms for her grandmother and gardenias for her daughter. Smiling, he looked up to see her eyes focused on him. Gareth felt as if they were standing by themselves. His heart started beating a fast tempo until she was standing just an arm’s length from him.

  He heard the preacher saying something about giving her to him, heard Pete say something in reply, but none of it registered until her hand was placed in his. She squeezed his hand. When he looked at her, she whispered, “Breathe, honey.”

  He grinned widely then took a deep breath as they both turned to face the preacher. The ceremony flew past. Gareth barely remembered answering the preacher’s questions. He knew he must have done so because the man was pronouncing them husband and wife. Gareth nearly growled at the man telling him he could kiss his bride. As if he needed anyone’s permission!

  She laughed as he pulled her in tight to his body but stopped laughing when he covered her mouth with his. He put all the love he felt for her into that kiss, making her melt against him. Only Rion tugging at his shoulder kept him from taking her to the floor to make love to her there—the rest of the world be damned.

  He fought back a snarl, knowing his brother wasn’t trying to keep him from his mate. Gareth forced himself to remember not to make a fool of himself in front of their friends and family. Together he and Harmony turned to face the Pack. They walked hand in hand out of the room into the large hallway. Then, before they could move again, they were swarmed.

  Three hours later, after most of the food had been eaten, the wine consumed and the dancing completed, Micah rose to his feet and held up his hands.

  “Tonight we celebrate more than a wedding. Tonight we celebrate life and love and family. Tonight we will Gather with the blessings of Mother Earth and Father Sky and we will run together under the full moon. I invite all, Moon-Called and Moon-Denied, to the circle. Join us to rejoice as we give thanks for all of our blessings.”

  He held out his hand for Olivia
, who stepped up beside him. They led the way through the woods down to the circle, the Pack gathered around them. Those among them who were Called started stripping out of their wedding finery. Those who were Denied started gathering clothing to get it out of the way. The drummers took their places, beginning to chant in time with their drumming.

  Gareth held Harmony’s hand tight in his. He smiled at her as he raised their joined hands to his mouth to kiss her knuckles. “Ready to run, babe?”

  She nodded, letting go of his hand. He watched her flow into her wolf form then took his own. Kaj, who was sort of an expert on the Denied, had given them a somewhat plausible explanation as to why she had never shifted before.

  She’d left the Pack before ever attempting her first shift. After talking to Harmony, Kaj had found out that she’d been pregnant at the time. Most females couldn’t shift when pregnant, so Harmony had assumed that she couldn’t ever shift. Her bastard ex had reinforced that belief since he’d known he couldn’t.

  Gareth’s musings were cut short when a small gray wolf with black-tipped fur barreled into him, almost knocking him over. He heard the teen’s laughter in his head as she nipped at her mother’s tail. The lithe younger wolf took off running hard through the woods. Harmony looked back at him. She tossed her head back to give a short howl. With a quickness that still surprised him Harmony nipped his ear then took off after her daughter. Catch me if you can, slowpoke!

  He shook from head to tail, watching his mate and daughter dash into the thick edge of pines. A wolf came up on his blind side. Gareth turned his head to meet his brother’s gaze. You going to let those females get away with that?

  Not on your life. You go right, I’ll go left. At his brother’s nod the two white wolves gave chase, following the two gray wolves into the woods. Gareth noted another young wolf joining them. He chuffed a greeting to Keme, who took the center path.

  When Gareth yipped out his joy, some of the Pack answered him. Catching his mate and daughter wasn’t as easy as the males had thought but they finally did. He wasn’t sure the two women hadn’t just slowed down. Keme and Rain had play-boxed before begging for and receiving permission to head to the lake.


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