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War of Two : Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr and the Duel That Stunned the Nation (9780698193901)

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by Sedgwick, John

  51: G.H. EDWARDS

  When Burr fled to Europe, he was, for the first time, on his own, and, rather than sending letters, he recorded his ample thoughts and sentiments in The Private Journal of Aaron Burr. It was intended as one immensely long account of his travels for his daughter, Theodosia—nearly a thousand pages altogether, in two volumes. As it included the few, often heartbreaking letters from Theodosia back, this has had to suffice as virtually the sole source for most accounts of those years, as it has been for my own. After his much-delayed return to America, Burr’s life thinned out considerably, and I have relied on Lomask—along with Parton, Stewart, and Schachner—to provide the grim essentials.


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