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Hard love - Love, belonging, differences

Page 7

by Edit Torma

  - Thank you – Heni felt relief by the man said these, even if he really thought this, even if not because she hoped that his opinion also will get in the magazine.

  They said goodbye, Heni called a taxi and while she was waiting, she was thinking the conversation over again and again, also because she was still anxious because of this was her first interview of her life. She was still worrying too about if Laurence will forgive her. In the end she had to take part in the first and probably last interview in her life about this humiliating subject like this. She would be very-very anxious only in a simple interview too… She wanted people so much to believe her, in the end that she wasn’t even almost that person what like she seemed to be in the previous article and she wanted Laurence so much to forgive her.


  She went to the hospital by the taxi to spend the rest of her time with Laurence, even if her time was less because of the interview than it usually was and because she could not go on anymore that she still hasn’t know if Laurence was still angry with her. She would do anything to remedy that lot of public partying and that she let the strangers in the house, in order to her relationship with Laurence be the same like before. After she got out of the taxi, pay the taxi driver, went into the hospital and she was already near the man’s ward, it came into her mind that she had to rescue Allyssa too from Laurence’s anger. It wasn’t only about she had time only for her because of the children, that she was the only one who she could talk to, while looking after the little ones during she’s doing the housework and who knows if she’ll get on well with the next housekeeper and anybody didn’t know in which age group she will rank among. If it leaks out that Allyssa’s made a mistake, it is going to be hard to her to find a job again where they will employ her with these news. In the end, this was her only blunder and the reasons of she made it, were that she wanted to help her and that she drank a bit before the party.

  - Hi – Heni said timidly to her husband when she arrived. She didn’t know what to count on from him.

  - Hi – Laurence’s voice was expressionless.

  - I’ve settled what you asked me for – his wife sat down to the chair next to his bed – I just came from the interview.

  - And what do you think, how was it successful?

  - I was very-very anxious. I never took part in any interview before. But in the end I succeed to convince at least that man of the truth, who made it, so the readers may believe me too.

  - Did you tell everything about how it happened?

  - I told everything what was important. He also asked me how we met and I felt really awkward because of this but I rather told it too because I wanted him to see that I married you by love. I did everything I could because I wanted you not to stay in shame because of me. And I’m so sorry about I brought you to a situation like this, you didn’t deserve it at all and it just put the lid on it for you, mainly nowadays! Is it disturbing you very much that the strangers have seen and maybe made the furniture of our house public without our permission?

  - Well, I’m not happy about this too much. I hardly have any personal life without this too since I became more famous…

  - If you want, we’ll furnish the house again, that way how you want, I won’t intervene anything.

  - This would really make sense only if we’ll look for if they took any photos where in the house is well visible inside, look for if they’ve made them public, and if they did, we should make it public that we changed the furniture in order to they know that they don’t know how our home looks like precisely. It would be enough to change only some things so they would only think what stayed the same and what didn’t.

  - I’ll look for on the net if they’ve put there any photos like these. They surely have done this if they wanted.

  - And you’re not going to party through a long time, but never so often like this and you’re not going to let any strangers in the house without you would talk it over with me.

  - I promise. What I have to do more in order to you forgive?

  - I think this humiliation you got from that magazine and what you were suffering during the interview, were enough to be a lesson to you and also, I know normally you wouldn’t do anything like these.

  - It only shook me so much what happened to you! So can you forgive?

  - I admit that when you still haven’t arrive, I was still angry with you but then I realized that the consequences of your acts, affected you at least so much like it affected me. And you are so sweet also after I was so angry with you so I can’t be angry with you anymore – the man was smiling and kissed his wife.

  - I was so afraid of I spoiled everything in connection with us! I love you and I will never run the risk of our relationship being bad anymore.

  - I love you too – he kissed Heni again and they were kissing through long time. Everything was OK between them again and they were happy.

  Heni also succeeded to persuade Laurence to don’t discharge Allyssa. Although this took some days to him to decide about her fate, in the end he decided to give her one more chance and didn’t dismiss her, for Heni’s sake, in order to stay be her this one friend at least who she got not long ago but she was a very good friend, and because this was her only blunder, as an addition she did it because she wanted to help Heni. He still hasn’t invented what should be her punishment but he had enough time for this in the hospital. Although the doctors said he was probably going to can go home already on this week, he still had some days. He already made headway with studying his role so he already had more time to receive Heni and his friends. The period of Heni’s despair because of Laurence’s injury, was already over, mainly because she knew that he could even go home soon, and they enjoyed every minute of her visits in the hospital because they could spend these together. These already didn’t remember Heni of that scary night when they shot at the man and they wanted to kidnap one of their children again. The married couple holds it high esteem that everything was Ok between them and they loved to be together.

  They decided to keep it secret that the police searched David so the boy wouldn’t get ready for this, and mainly so he wouldn’t take vengeance on them for they reported him. Although he would only impair his situation by the latter one but anybody didn’t know what was on his mind. Who would thing that he will even take vengeance on Heni for she didn’t talk kindly to Montana? Mainly that he’ll do it with a dangerous shot like this… But the whole family was already in safe between the many body guards: anybody couldn’t kidnap Loretta, nor the little Laurence and probably didn’t plan to kidnap the little Heni because she would remember of his look and she could tell it. And he didn’t count on the parents will see him.

  Laurence worked a lot to make up for falling behind the other actors on the rehearsal, continuing the script memorizing what he already did in the hospital, took up a lot too. Besides he went to the new rehearsals too from home, and the filming was already going to begin next month.


  Heni also had a lot to do beside to educating the children: she bgan to work seriously in connection with setting up that foundation for those teenager girls who feel unrequited love towards a star.

  - What are you still doing so late like this? – Laurence came into the bedroom.

  - I didn’t want to tell you because you have so much duty nowadays and maybe we only would discussing about this again.

  - And you think I wouldn’t get it know?

  - I planned it to you get it know later.

  - Would you tell me at last what are you talking about?

  - I made preparations for set up the foundation.

  - But you told you still won’t do it, didn’t you?

  - I changed my mind about this. I was nor sure till now about I closed this thing but when I almost lost you, this made it come to my mind what it was feel like when we still weren’t be a couple, when I couldn’t even do too many things to you get it know that I existed.

  - And when did you want to tell me that y
ou are still going to set up this foundation?

  - After the filming. You have so much duty nowadays, I didn’t want to burden you with this too.

  - But you still did have to ask me about this. In the end, it’s also my money what you spend on this.

  - I’m sorry. I haven’t reconsidered this enough. You work so much and I only spend the money how I want to – Heni embraced her husband.

  - It’s only the smaller problem. I believed we aren’t going to have any secret for each other anymore, then you began to be secretive for me again.

  - I wasn’t be secretive, I just didn’t disturb you with telling you this. I did the preparations here, in our bedroom till the end, you could whenever ask me about what I was doing and would tell you.

  - I haven’t been too many times, nor too long in the bedroom nowadays because I have been busy by the much duty because of filming – Laurence said while he was taking his pajamas out and set to have a shower.

  - This was why I didn’t want to disturb you with this! – Heni shouted desperately. When the man came back into the bedroom, his wife was bitterly sobbing during sitting on the bed.

  - What happened? – Laurence was surprised.

  - How did I want to spend a lot from that money what you have been worked hard for, without asking you about this?!

  - This isn’t the essence. There would stay be enough of it. But I see that you already repented it so I don’t have to explain again that you did have to talk it over with me too.

  - Of course I won’t continue the work to set up the foundation. I deserve that the work I worked for this, will be wasted – Heni continued when Laurence already turned the light off and went to sleep and his wife lied down next to him.

  - I also thank till know that I’m not going to let you do it but now, when you regretted it so much like this, I allow you to set up that foundation.

  - Is it sure that it isn’t problem?

  - What trouble could be happen because of this? And it isn’t necessary to those teen girls go on suffering only because we had a conflict.

  - I’m so happy about I’ve found something useful occupation at last! When I was a teenager, I used to imagine our marriage that way that when you are working, I’m only shopping and partying with my friends beside to educating children because I didn’t have any chance to choose my friends, because f my shyness. I was happy about these two friends who I had and they weren’t so modern, girlish in style than me. It just came into my mind now: what is going to be Allyssa’s punishment?

  - I even forgot to tell you that I already talked it over with her that she will get a bit less pay but she said she still stays. And don’t you need any entertainment with your friends anymore?

  - Now, when I have children and this foundation too, I haven’t got too much time to deal with things like these. Also, I didn’t count on we will have so many children like this. But I love them even more than I imagined it, while I was already sure before that I will love them very much because they are our children, they are made up of us and this is even more wonderful feeling than I thought before! – Heni laughed – I don’t know what would happen to me if I lost anyone of them – she turned serious again.

  - I will never forget that you stood before me when Montana’s guy wanted to shoot me – Laurence was stroking his wife’s hair and face.

  - But you also stood before me!

  - It was nor your fault.

  - That’s true that it mostly wasn’t my fault but almost didn’t have to do with this at all.

  - But I did. I couldn’t stand to lose you. I love you so much – she kissed her husband, they were stroking each other’s body during kissing, while they were taking the pajamas off each other’s pajamas.


  The police caught David soon. The world already got to know then what happened and also turned out that when he kidnapped Loretta, he threatened the guards with something to let him in, and at the second time, when he shot at Laurence instead of kidnapping, he got in the house also by this. The guards were so intimidated that they didn’t even dare to call the police. The twenty-four-year-old David Brown got nine years of imprisonment. Montana stayed be her girlfriend, by pity, and because that shot anyway wasn’t fatal what her father got from him, so she forgave this. Although, it wasn’t probably that she will wait for him through almost a decade.

  Press didn’t question Laurence about his daughter began again doing porn because these was news then, when he was still in hospital, and now everything turned out: Montana’s boyfriend kidnapped even his and his wife’s common little daughter because the man was ready to pretend he endured his older daughter’s occupation only by this, and his wife also has conducting herself hostilely with Montana, it seemed like so much that the boy shot who he even could of them, by revenge.

  Laurence got ready for filming so much in the future too that he hardly met Heni and he also had to spare time for Lucy for Heni’s sake, mainly because they didn’t even meet while he was in hospital. This situation affected him strange way that he had to deal with these two young girls too beside his job. One of them he wanted to meet, the other are didn’t even interest him. But he felt pride because he was who two so young girls wanted. Lucy was even younger than Heni… Tonight he dreamed about they were constantly changing each other in his life: sometimes one of them was his wife, sometimes the other was of them. He looked after the children, ha breakfast and dinner, was kissing, made love and talked to each other sometimes with Heni, sometimes with Lucy.

  He surprisedly woke up from the dream and got up and he was reflecting about this during taking his blue, long-sleeved T-shirt and his light blue jeans. Heni was still sleeping.

  The man realized that he hasn’t have any kind of connection with her for a long time ago because of the lack of his time, they only talked to each other one or two words, and, of course, he nor had any physical connection with other women. Maybe Lucy would even better than anybody?! Only because she had more time than Heni? He got afraid by this thoughts while he was trying to analyze his dream, but, after this, he realized that it didn’t matter anything. After he went downstairs to the children, he succeeded to calm himself down but he decided to don’t tell Heni anything about this, she maybe would believe something because of this what wasn’t true. When he was already holding the little Laurence and Loretta in his arms and he was talking with the older little girl in the children’s room, he already even forgot that odd dream.

  Later Laurence went to the shop, then he already had to set to meet Lucy. That dream already didn’t even come into his mind on the way.

  - It can be pretty outrageous that you hardly have any time, you have so much duty! – Lucy said when they have been talking to each other already for a while, during sitting on one of the benches of the desolate park. She was wearing deeply low-cutted neckline, dark pink top and white mini skirt – How much time does remail for your family or even for anything?

  - Well, not too much.

  - Well, now you can spending your free time that way you want to while we’re here!

  - There isn’t too many things to do here… I thought it’s enought if we’re only talking. Or let’s go somewhere else?

  - It’s OK to me how oyu want it. You deserve to do what you want at last. What do you want to do now?

  - I think I’m better to already going – they stood up from the bench.

  - I hope we meet sometime but let’s do something already then! – Lucy was stroking the man’s chest and thighs, and he bended close her to kiss the girl buti t came into his mind int he last moment that how much more he wanted seeing Heni’s face then, she was who he was missing. She was the only one who he wanted.

  - We will never meet anymore you can be sure about this! – Laurence was drawing away from her. This girl already repulsed him because she made him and Heni believed she wasn’t only a mean bitch.


  Laurence set home without saying goodby, and when he arrived, immediately told
Heni what kind of girl this Lucy was in the reality.

  - She just reminded me of myself. She was seeming to be so desperate when the guards were leading her away and I really believed that she was just an unlucky little girl who loves you. I think there isn’t any love in her, she is just a bitch who likes you.

  - She really didn’t behaved herself with me like who is in love, rather who only enjoys. I’ve thought of tell you but I thought you wouldn’t believe me, you so much pitied that little girl.

  - Well, I don’t pity her anymore at all…. You’re not going to meet her anymore, are you?

  - I told her that I never want to see her anymore.

  - And how could you let her to push to you?

  - We just stood up from the bench to say goody and go away, than se suddenly began stroking me.

  - And what did you do?

  - I’ve already told you: I send her away from my life.

  - But you didn’t… return anything, did you?

  - In the end, I didn’t.

  - What do you mean “in the end”??? – Heni got frightened.

  - I bended close to her to kiss her…

  - What??? – Heni shouted sounded frightened.

  - But I didn’t do it! – the man was shouting too.

  - You almost became to be a couple with somebody??? You almost cheated on me?!

  - You haven’t got any reason to break down because of this…

  - But a kiss is already cheating for me! And you almost kissed that girl!

  - And what will happen now? You will get divorced from me or what?!

  - I don’t want sleeping with you in one bed today.

  - Only because of this???


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