Book Read Free


Page 17

by Barbara Brooke

  Gently, I unfold it and read out loud, “My Dear Little Sweetie.”


  Desperately, I reach for my cell and punch in Hailey’s number. The phone rings over and over. “Come on Hailey, answer it!” I say, but she doesn’t, and it rings some more.

  I’m sure she’s ignoring me, not that I’m not surprised. I didn’t exactly play the part of the understanding sister. If I were Hailey, I would ignore my calls, too.

  “Where are my keys?” I reach for my purse and fumble around.

  Elliott peers into the room and asks hesitantly, “Everything all right?”

  “No!” I say and walk past him.

  “Where are you going? It’s after 10:00 at night.” He follows me into the kitchen, watching my actions intently. “Paige, what are you doing?”

  “I have to see Hailey. I’ll explain everything to you later,” I say, giving him a little kiss and gently rubbing my hand over his stubbly chin. “Love you. I’ll be home in a bit.”

  ~ * * * ~

  “Her car isn’t here!” I exclaim in frustration, as I drive in circles around my sister’s carport.

  Once more, I call Hailey. When she doesn’t answer, I head directly towards Julian’s place. For some reason, I know exactly where he lives. In fact, my car practically drives itself there, all on its own.

  When I reach Julian’s condo, I see a shiny black sports car off in the distance. I think it’s her car! I was right, Hailey must be here! In relief, I pull into a spot and head for the elevators. I have no idea what I’m going to say. Maybe some divine inspiration will come to me.

  Even if I flub this up, at least she will know I support her and am here to help. That’s what sisters do for each other, right? I am aware these are not the actions of a rational person, however, after what has just happened, I am not thinking like a rational person.

  The elevator doors open, and I stare down the hall. It’s uncanny, I’ve never actually been here, but I recognize almost every detail: the intricate travertine floors, exotic wood paneling, and vibrant abstract paintings. The last painting stops me in my tracks, and I realize it is Hailey’s favorite. This is really strange, I’m thinking, as I continue walking towards Julian’s door. I can hear the sound of my boots resonating down the hall.

  I take in a deep breath and contemplate my next move. I don’t have one. I suppose I’ll just wing it. Come on Paige, just one knock and face your fears. I stare at the wooden door with my hand suspended in air, frozen. Maybe this is a not such a great idea. Probably best if I return home.

  I turn to leave, when suddenly, the door whisks open. Julian is standing there. He is half dressed, has one hand on the door and the other running through the back of his hair. He looks totally confused.

  “You’re not Hailey,” he says with great disappointment.

  “No, I guess I'm not. As a matter of fact, I was looking for her. I don’t suppose she’s here?” I ask, and my voice is shaky.

  “You’re her sister, Paige,” he says, not really answering my question.

  “Yes, I am,” I say nervously biting my lip. This is so awkward.

  “Your sister said she never wanted to see me again,” he says, shaking his head. “I heard your footsteps and hoped she changed her mind.”

  “She left you?” I say unbelievingly and feel a slight twinge of guilt.

  “Do you mind coming in? I don’t want to wake up my neighbors.”

  Julian’s place is nicely decorated, but a complete mess. Actually, Julian’s a complete mess. I’m trying to explain that Hailey does love him and just needs time to think, but I doubt there is anything I can say to make him feel better. Poor guy, he’s just sitting there with his head hanging down and his body slumping towards the floor.

  After a little while, he appears to have cheered up, a little. I even feel pretty comfortable around him. In fact, I’m on a roll. I think Elliott will be proud of me . . . . Until, in one brief instant, I ruin everything.

  “Julian, why don’t you come to the party Friday night? Hailey will definitely be there. Maybe you, I mean I, I mean we, can take her aside and try talking some sense into her,” I offer sweetly.

  Wait one minute! I can’t believe I said that! I don’t know what just happened! I guess I felt so horrible for him that I went a little overboard. Unfortunately, there isn’t a rewind button to life. The invitation’s out there, I can’t take it back.

  “You think I should just show up to an event celebrating Hailey’s and Derek’s wedding? I’m not so sure about that,” Julian says.

  “You’re probably right. You know, you should try going by her place and talk to her there,” I agree wholeheartedly.

  “That’s just the problem. She’s avoiding my calls and not exactly hanging around her place. She’s probably spending her time over at Derek’s house,” Julian says and peers up at me with big weepy eyes. “It makes me sick.”

  “I’m sorry, I wish I could help,” I offer as reassuringly as I can.

  “Wait, if you're here, then Hailey must have told you about me. She said she wasn't going to tell anyone about us. I guess you two really are close.”

  “Well, I sort of only just recently found out.”

  “When you see Hailey, please let her know I’m thinking about her.”

  “I will,” I say.

  “You know, maybe I should come by Friday night. I have nothing more to lose. I’ll do anything to get Hailey back,” he says, making me stop in my tracks.

  “Actually, why don’t you just send her flowers? How about red roses?”

  “No, I’ve already tried that. She had them returned. She didn’t even look at the card.”

  “Okay, I’ll tell you what; let me talk to her for you. At the very least, I’ll have her call you. That way, you won’t have to bother coming Friday night.”

  “Thanks, that sounds good,” he says and walks me to the door.

  ~ * * * ~

  I’m unable to concentrate on my ride home. In fact, I’m not entirely sure how I arrive in my driveway. I’m sitting in my garage, my head plunked down on the steering wheel, cringing inside. What was I thinking! What have I just done? Hailey is going to hate me more than she already does.

  After a few minutes of self loathing, I wander into my kitchen and throw down my keys. There’s a pale stream of yellow light seeping under my bedroom door. Elliott must be awake. Poor guy, just look what I’ve put him through. He has probably been worried sick. I have a lot of explaining to do. Maybe it can wait until morning. No, I’ll face Elliott tonight and tell him anything he wants to know. Slowly, I drag my body down the hall.

  ~ * * * ~

  Actually, when I pour my heart out to Elliott, I discover it’s pretty therapeutic. In fact, I’m hoping he can make me feel better. Except, when I see Elliott is grinning slightly, I feel even more ridiculous. Again, I try explaining how, in just a few days, I managed to alienate my sister, had visions about my ancestors, and gave relationship advice to Julian. You bet I have a lot to be upset about! I express myself with even more angst, but by the look on Elliot’s face I realize this is fruitless. Apparently, he sees my current plight as a funny little drama. I understand that he's tired and wants to go to bed, but I don’t feel better yet.

  At this point, I have little choice but to re-explain everything to him again, but I suppose I can wait until tomorrow.

  ~ * * * ~

  When I open my eyes the next morning, I immediately remember what had transpired last night! Elliott is already out of bed, getting ready for work. I can hear him whistling. At least one of us must have slept well.

  Elliott peeks into the room, chiming, “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

  “How can you act like you’re okay with everything?” I ask while sitting up and leaning against my pillows.

  “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

  “Don’t you realize that when I’m upset, you’re supposed to be upset? Or at least pretend. Actually, I’d appreciate it if you could
manage to not act so happy. What have I done? I need to tell Hailey what an idiot I am!” I exclaim, nervously fidgeting with my hands.

  “All right, calm down. The party’s tomorrow night, right?” Elliott asks, and I nod my head yes. “So, let’s just wait and see what happens.”

  I stare at him blankly, I may blink a few times, but that’s about the biggest reaction I can muster. Am I capable of just waiting? I suppose given my circumstance, I have no other choice.

  “You’re probably right,” I say, pulling myself out of bed.

  “I still don’t understand how you knew exactly where to find Julian. This whole thing is getting stranger by the minute. In fact, you’re getting stranger by the minute. I’m just trying to keep up,” Elliott says with a grin.

  His fingers button up his white shirt. He looks good. I walk over and pause in front of him.

  “I appreciate that you’re trying to understand,” I say, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “No problem. Just do me a favor and try clearing up this mess with your sister, soon. I like Derek. It’s not easy having to face him, knowing what I know.”

  “I hadn’t really thought about how this might affect the both of you. Sorry.” I hang my head and tug at my shirt bottom.

  “You have no control over what your sister does. This isn’t your fault,” he reminds me, and I feel slightly better.

  ~ * * * ~

  My morning is spent desperately trying to get Hailey on the phone, but she still won’t answer. With every failed attempt, I feel more anxious. Perhaps I should stop by her work. I could ask her to lunch or something. Who am I kidding? She probably just wants some space. Hopefully, by tomorrow night, she will have gotten over everything, she’ll forgive me, and we’ll hug. I guess the only thing I can do is put on an amazing party and hope for the best.

  ~ * * * ~

  It’s Friday afternoon, and I’m in the dining room decorating for the big event. I’ve decided to suspend white balloons from the ceiling. They’re attached to white satin ribbons, reaching down to different heights. I stand back and admire my work.

  “It looks breathtaking in here! Hailey will simply adore it!” my mother says, as she enters the room. “You know, it looks just like something Hailey would design.”

  “Thanks. You could say I was inspired by her. I hope everything goes well, tonight.”

  My mother places her arm around my shoulder and says, “Paige, you’ve truly outdone yourself. Everything looks fantastic. The food is going to be wonderful, and Hailey will be surrounded by the people who love her.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” I say accidentally.

  “Whatever do you mean?” questions Mom.

  “Oh nothing, I didn’t mean anything by it,” I say and smile brightly, in an overly reassuringly way. “You talked to Hailey. She said she was still coming, right?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, of course she's still coming! It’s her event, for heaven’s sake!” My mother pauses, looking thoughtfully around the room. “I still don’t understand why you and Hailey insist on having both males and females in attendance. It may seem a bit old fashioned to you, but I prefer traditional showers where only females are invited. I have a whole list of fun games we could play!”

  “Well, I think it’s a little too late. Besides, the shower is going to be fun! It will feel more like a cocktail party than an old stuffy frou-frou bridal shower.”

  “I happen to enjoy the frou-frou showers. In fact, the frou-frouier the better,” she says with a smile. “Well, if you don’t need my help, I’ll just be off to pick up the children from school.”

  “Thanks, Mom. Do you have the directions to the sitter’s house?” I ask for the hundredth time, not being able to help myself.

  “Yes, her house is just down the street. Paige, I believe I can manage this,” she says and smiles naturally.

  “I know. I’m just wound up,” I say, returning her smile. Only, my smile is tight and I’m gritting my teeth.

  “You look a little pale. Why don’t you eat a little something?”

  “I just ate lunch and don’t really like to eat a whole lot in between meals,” I offer, but I have noticed that some of the desserts in the kitchen do look rather tasty.

  “You’ve been working too hard. You need to take a nice, hot, bubble bath. Once you’ve put on that fun little outfit, you’ll feel rejuvenated.”

  “You’re right. I’ll get ready and try to relax. Thanks again for helping me.”

  “No problem, dear. I’ll see you in a bit,” she says and walks out the door.

  After everything is in place, I head for my room.

  ~ * * * ~

  It is 5:30, and people will arrive soon. I’m dressed in a slinky black dress and strappy sandals (with two inch heels!). It’s a little sexier than I would normally wear, but I feel edgy tonight. My mother was right, after taking a bath, I am rejuvenated. In fact, I feel like a whole new person. Actually, I look a little like Hailey. Funny, I never noticed that before.

  The house is immaculate, but I still walk around in circles, just looking for something to do. I’ll check out the dining room, surely there’s something for me to do in there…except the room looks spectacular. Food is arranged on white platters, filling the entire length of the table. There are soft pink rose petals sprinkled over the tablecloth and twinkly white lights sparkle from their strategic locations. This is the nicest display I’ve ever created on my own. Yay, me!

  The doorbell rings, and I nervously race for it. Our first guests are here…it is only Derek’s parents. Eek, I feel a stab of guilt at seeing them. After all, they are holding a large stack of presents. I play hostess and lead them into the house.

  A few more guests arrive, and the atmosphere is light and jubilant. People are talking loudly and nibbling on appetizers. I find my mother in the family room. She’s having a conversation with Hailey’s boss. I could be wrong, but I think I just heard my mother ask him what sort of maternity leave his company offers. Good thing I’m here to interrupt. Hailey may not realize it, but I am watching out for her.

  “Mom, they’re not here, yet,” I whisper in her ear.

  “Who, dear?” she asks in a booming voice.

  “Hailey and Derek should have been here over an hour ago,” I add quietly, so as not to alarm anyone.

  My mother is about to respond, when a loud cheer comes from the front room. It sounds like the happy couple has finally arrived! I let out a long sigh and stand up straight. I walk toward the commotion and immediately see Hailey and Derek. A large smile is plastered on her face. Until she notices me, and her smile falters a little. Swiftly, she looks away and continues conversing with someone else.

  If I’m being honest here, I’m a nervous wreck! I peer over toward the center island of my kitchen. Sitting next to the cake is a tower of delight, three glass tiers are adorned with puffed pastries. I saunter over and cannot control my hand from reaching for a mini chocolate creampuff. Wow, this is amazing! The center is filled with chocolate. I can feel it caress the inside of my mouth. Hmm, I wonder how the petit fours taste. I reach for the mini treat and indulge my senses with its sweetness. This is incredible!

  ~ * * * ~

  Despite my reservations about the evening, everything is going very well. It’s after 9:30, and I’m beginning to relax. And although we haven’t spoken, Hailey almost smiled at me, once.

  After a while, I find Elliott talking with a co-worker from FCH Engineering. “Sorry to interrupt, I need to speak with you for just a sec,” I say, pulling Elliott’s arm.

  “See Paige, you worried for nothing,” says Elliott, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

  “You’re right, everyone seems so happy!” I look around the room at the blissful scene. “Maybe Hailey will be happy with Derek after all.”

  “Who knows, but the good news is that it’s not up to you,” says Elliott with smile.

  “Well, I do have control over when they cut the cake…and I say it’s time!�

  “Speaking of cake…” he dabs at my chin, “What have you been eating?”

  I blush a little, when I realize I’ve been running around here with frosting on my chin! How embarrassing! “Thanks,” I mumble and walk away.

  After finding my mother, we rearrange the remaining spread of food on the dining table and create a new display—a dessert spectacular. I feel mighty proud at how good the transformation looks. Mom ushers the engaged couple towards the cake. A large group of people assemble and watch as the guests of honor beam at each other.

  “Speech! Speech!” someone shouts from the crowd. Derek raises his hand and nods his head in recognition.

  “First, I would like to say how grateful Hailey and I are that you all could be here with us tonight. I can assure you this is only the beginning of many fun wedding festivities.” There are a few cheers from the group, and he continues, “We would also like to extend our thanks to both Elliott and Paige. Paige, you have truly outdone yourself, tonight.”

  Derek raises his glass in the air, for me! This is great! Everyone’s staring at me, smiling and cheerful. I raise my glass and am about to . . . but suddenly, the night takes an unexpected turn, as the front door flies open. Everyone’s attention shoots in that direction, and a gust of wind whips through the foyer and into the dining room, a few balloons swirl around in its wake. Standing in the doorframe is a disheveled Julian!

  Immediately, I look over and see Hailey’s reaction. She has lost color. Her gaze flits over to me and narrows. Derek watches her reaction and appears puzzled by the display. I panic! What do I do! What do I do! This is terrible!

  “Glad you could make it! I never thought you’d arrive!” Elliott exclaims cheerfully, walking over to greet Julian. “Come on in, drinks are in the kitchen!” Elliott puts his hand casually on Julian’s shoulder and escorts him out. I love my husband.


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