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Page 18

by Barbara Brooke

  I gasp for air and look around the room. No one seems to be aware of anything. I take my napkin and fan my face with it. The group seems to have lost interest in the speech and have already dispersed around my house. Derek cuts into the cake, but Hailey continues staring vacantly at the door.

  I slink out of the room, hoping to avoid Hailey, all together. I weave through clusters of people, as I make my escape. But just before I enter the kitchen, I feel a strong hand grasp my arm. I turn and see an irate Hailey glaring at me.

  “What’s going on here, Paige?” I can hear fury in her strained voice.

  I look around, there are people everywhere. I scramble, trying to come up with someplace more private for us to talk.

  “Hailey, you haven’t seen my new vanity!” I declare loudly. “Come with me and I’ll show it to you!” I take her hand and direct her away from the throngs of guests.

  When we reach my bedroom, I shut the door and lock it. Hailey hasn’t turned around yet, and I stare at her back, my hands still tightly clinched to the handle.

  I clear my throat before saying, “Hailey, I’m so sorry about this. I didn’t expect Julian to actually show up.”

  “You mean you invited him here? How could you!” She turns around, and I can see her eyes are becoming red.

  “Let me explain. I went to his condo to find you . . .” I begin, but she cuts me off.

  “Are you completely mad? What were you thinking?” She paces the floor, waving her hands in the air. “How did you even know where he lives?”

  “I didn't know, I mean I knew, but that’s not important right now. All right, I realize it was a bad idea to see him. It’s just that you wouldn’t answer your phone, and I was so desperate to talk with you.”

  “You went by Julian’s place,” Hailey states, shaking her head in obvious disbelief.

  “In all fairness, before I knocked, I turned to leave. He must have heard me, because he opened the door anyway,” I say, faltering a bit because her face is stricken with horror. I really don’t want to say anymore, but I force myself to continue, “Julian and I only talked for an hour or so. I felt so terrible for what I did to you. I was only trying to help.”

  “You tried to help me what? Ruin my life? I had things handled. After you confronted me, I broke it off with Julian. I’m trying to do what is sensible here! Derek and I have been reconnecting. Only now, our relationship is going to be blown out of the water!” She throws herself dramatically onto the bed, sitting with her hands clasped in her lap.

  “Not necessarily. Julian is with Elliott in the kitchen. I’ll go in there and encourage Julian to leave. Derek won’t notice a thing.”

  Hailey doesn’t say anything. Her arms are now crossed over her chest. It’s difficult, but I successfully keep my mouth shut.

  “I don’t know, Paige. Maybe it’s time for me to confess to Derek. I can’t keep living a lie,” she says with a sigh.

  “Hailey, who do you want to be with twenty, thirty, even forty years from now? Who do you see yourself growing old with? If you have any doubts about Derek, you shouldn’t marry him.”

  “That’s funny, because I recall you telling me I was a horrible person because I had betrayed Derek,” she says, slowly shaking her head. “I’m not sure what to do anymore.”

  I sit beside Hailey and place my hand over hers. “I was wrong.”

  She looks at me, and I can see the tears welling up.

  “That’s great, Paige. When did you decide this?”

  “Right after I had a vision about Emma and Andrew. Did you know she was engaged to someone else before she married our great grandfather?” I say excitedly.

  “Paige, do you mean to tell me you actually believe in these ‘visions’?”

  “They were accurate about Julian. How else did I know you were with him? How did I find his condo? Wait, so that was how I found his condo,” I suddenly realize. “Anyway, I think there’s something to the visions. Perhaps I was meant to see Emma’s life so I could help you.”

  Hailey stands from the bed and walks toward the door.

  “Look, I realize you’re trying to help me, but I think I need to figure this out on my own,” she says, turning the handle.

  “Wait Hailey, can't you please just give me another second? I have more I’d like to say.”

  “What now, Paige?” she asks in obvious frustration.

  “It’s just that . . . I know I was hard on you the other night. I judged you without giving you the benefit of the doubt. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Let’s just forget about the other night. I’m ready to move forward in my life and leave all of the negative things in the past.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m not sure,” she says, rubbing her hand roughly over her forehead.

  “For whatever its worth, I hope you follow your heart and pursue a life with the man you believe will make you happy.”

  “Where did that come from? You don’t sound anything like you. Normally, you lecture me about how I need to behave like a grownup and be more responsible.” Her eyes narrow and she looks at me suspiciously.

  “I know. I suppose I’ve gained a new perspective on life,” I say, shrugging my shoulders.

  “I’m still not sure what to make of this ‘new Paige,’ but I appreciate your understanding.”

  “Oh and another thing, when Mom and I refer to you as the ‘creative one’ it’s not always meant as an insult. I admire your artistic side,” I offer smiling.

  “I don’t get you. I’m not even sure how to respond, but thanks, I guess.” Again, she reaches for the handle, “I’m going out there and I’m going to fix this mess.”

  “Good luck!” I exclaim, while crossing my fingers and arms. She smiles a little and opens the door. I’m still sitting on the bed, unsure what to do next. I’ve made a mess of things.

  Wait a minute, I know what to do! Enthusiastically, I jump up and run out of the room. I enter the kitchen and see Hailey standing in front of Julian. Elliott has backed away from them and is inching out of the room. I rush over, and after seeing me, a hint of relief comes to my husband’s face.

  “What’s happening?” I whisper. We’re standing, somewhat obstructing the view from any potential onlookers.

  “I’m not entirely sure. Hailey just stormed in here and started tearing into Julian,” explains Elliott. “I feel bad for the guy. He seems to be decent and friendly enough.”

  “I need your help. Can you distract Derek for me? I’ve got to get Julian out of here!” I say anxiously.

  “Paige, don’t you think you’ve helped enough? Let Hailey handle this.”

  “Please, I need to correct my mistake,” I say desperately. Elliott sighs, but doesn’t answer. I begin to plead more, but he stops me.

  “Fine, I’ll just go and find Derek, but you owe me.” Elliott winks and heads towards the dining room.


  Hailey and Julian are really arguing. She yells at him, and for a moment even I’m scared, but then he fires right back. Although I’m frightened to death by them, I try to appear confident when I finally approach.

  “Hey guys!” I say casually, placing a hand on both of their shoulders. They stop yelling but are still glaring at each other. All right, I know I can do this. “So Julian, I’m really glad you decided to come, but I’m thinking maybe you two should take this up another time,” I say, showing them a huge grin.

  After a few extremely awkward seconds, they look my way, but quickly return to their heated discussion. It’s as if I’m not even here.

  Julian says a little too loudly, “Hailey, you don’t love that guy! You know you should be with me!”

  “You think you know about everything, when you don’t have a clue!” shoots back Hailey.

  This isn’t going well, not at all. Quickly, I interject, “I have a great idea! Why don’t you both follow me, and I’ll find a place you can talk.”

  I peer over my shoulder. I can’t be
lieve somebody hasn’t noticed the fight taking place in the kitchen. These guests are oblivious.

  Hailey may be looking at me, but Julian’s eyes are dead set on her. I’ve never before seen such intensity in a stare. Ooh, it’s kind of sexy. How can I get Elliott to look at me like that?

  “Thanks Paige,” Hailey acknowledges.

  We are able to walk back to Elliott’s office without running into anyone. I may actually get away with this! I show them the room and swiftly leave. After walking out, I quietly shut the door and slump against it. Before I am able to walk away, I hear more of their heated exchange. By the sound of it, they are really going at it. I’m guessing this will be the last I see of Julian. Such a shame, I was just beginning to like the guy.

  Oh well, I nervously bite my lip and venture out to find Elliott.

  Just as I’d hoped, Elliott and Derek are laughing it up with some fellow co-workers. It appears Elliott has produced his new laptop computer and is showing the gang its key features. What a nerd, I’m thinking. But then I see the small group of guys surround him and watch with keen interest.

  “Nicely handled, Elliott,” I say to myself and lean against the wall, watching Elliott’s fellow nerds marvel at the technology.

  Out of nowhere, my mother appears and is standing beside me. “I haven’t seen your sister for a while. Not since that handsome stranger entered the scene. I don’t suppose you know anything about what’s going on?”

  “Um, no, I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” I say, unconvincingly. I’ve never been good at lying, especially to my mom.

  “That’s what I thought. Come over here; I’d like a word with you, young lady.” She takes me by the arm and leads me into the kitchen.

  “Paige, I want you to tell me what is going on here,” she says firmly, her eyes constricting to small slits. I hate it when she quizzes me. I keep my mouth shut in response. She leans closer towards me and says, “I will find out what Hailey is up to, with or without your help. I’m guessing it’s probably better I hear it from you, than someone else. Or shall I go ask Derek?” She peers over in his direction.

  Involuntarily, I look in the direction of Elliott’s office. My mother’s attention is drawn to that area. She peers back at me, appearing satisfied.

  “I suppose I’ll just have to see for myself,” she says and heads down the hall.

  “Mom!” I holler. What am I going to say? Quick, I must come up with something or it’ll be too late, and she’ll walk in on Hailey and Julian. “Mom, you’re right! Let’s go somewhere else to talk about this, okay?”

  My mom doesn’t pay attention to me. She’s walking toward the office door. Instinctively, I jump and try to block her. She halts momentarily, and for a fleeting second, concentrates on me.

  “Listen, please, don’t go in that room!” I hang my head down in shame. “Hailey’s in there with Julian. They’re attempting to be a little more discrete.”

  “I see, and what do you know about this?”

  “More than I want to. I think she’s letting him have it, right now. Only I think she’s making a mistake. Mom, she loves him. I know she does.”

  “Paige, I need to go in there. A bridal shower is not the proper place for Derek to find out about her having an affair!”

  “All right, maybe you’ll have some luck. I certainly haven’t,” I say and step aside.

  My mother slithers past me and strides down the hall. Before she is able to knock on the door, we hear a loud crash! We look at each other, pure panic written across both our faces! I nudge her aside and throw open the door! My mother and I rush into the room . . . and our mouths just drop!

  Julian and Hailey are half dressed, positioned awkwardly on Elliott’s desk. Worst of all, their limbs are an entangled mess! Quickly, I haul my mother from the room. I slam the door shut, and we hurry down the hall. When we reach the kitchen, I think I can breathe, again.

  Neither my mother nor I speak. All I can do is to stare at her. Finally, after a minute of stunned silence, my mother begins trembling. She’s going into shock!

  “Mom!” I yell. “Mom, are you all right?”

  Surprisingly, a smile appears on her face and she snorts with laughter! I guess she’ll be okay, after all. I join her and laugh hysterically.

  My mom catches her breath and shrills, “Did you see the looks on their faces? Hailey’s eyes were about to pop from their sockets!”

  “Did you catch the looks on our faces?” I return, while still giggling.

  Elliott enters the kitchen and sees us in a fit of laughter.

  “What’d I miss?” He grins, and I motion for him to come closer.

  “Let’s just say, I’ll never be able to work on a puzzle in your office again,” I offer, still cringing at the vision of Hailey and Julian just as intertwined.

  Elliott doesn’t appear amused. In fact, he looks disgusted, rightfully so.

  “Elliott darling, do be a dear and announce there is going to be a surprise bachelor party, and then usher everyone out of here,” my mother says and calmly pats him on the back. “Go now and have fun!”

  Elliott and I look at each other in complete disbelief. He shrugs his shoulders and leaves the kitchen. From the dining room, I can hear the guys ramble and plan. Derek declares something about how he can’t leave without saying goodbye to Hailey. It is at this point, I believe the guys must have picked him up and hauled him out. Thank goodness for Elliott. He is doing exactly as my mother instructed and has the room cleared of the men in a matter of minutes.

  “I must say, I’m impressed with Elliott this evening,” I say more to myself, than my mother.

  I look at my mother and notice she’s frantically calculating something in her mind. “We’ve taken care of most of the party, but there are still some people in the family room. We must figure out how to politely ask the rest to leave.”

  Just then, Hailey’s assistant Stacey enters the kitchen looking confused.

  “Hey! I just arrived and everyone is leaving! What’d I miss?” Stacey asks, and my mother and I look at each other.

  I know what to say. “Actually Stacey, I need your help. Hailey is suddenly not feeling so great. She's probably not in the best position to entertain guests right now. I’m not sure if what she has is contagious. I really hope it’s not,” I say and peer over at my mother with a grin, but she doesn’t seem to find what I said funny.

  Mom quickly interjects, “Would you be a dear and ask everyone to leave? Paige and I have our hands full at the moment.”

  “Of course I will! I can’t believe Hailey’s sick, and Derek just runs off to some bachelor party!” Stacey exclaims.

  “It’s just that . . . um, Hailey didn’t want anyone to know, including Derek,” I say. “She didn’t want to ruin anyone’s good time tonight. In fact, it was her idea to send Derek off to his bachelor party. You understand, right?”

  “Okay, well, I’ll go in there and make up some excuse to have everyone leave. Let her know I was here, and I hope she feels better soon,” Stacey offers and leaves the room.

  I can hear Stacey, as she ushers the rest of our guests out the door. I look at my mother, and wonder if she is feeling the same cocktail of emotions I am.

  “I can’t believe the lies I’ve had to tell, just to cover up for Hailey!” I say in irritation.

  “It’s for the best, I’m afraid. We wouldn’t want everyone to know what Hailey is doing. She’s in enough of a mess as it is,” Mom says.

  “What are we going to do, now?”

  “You’re not going to do a thing. Let me take care of your sister,” she says with a frightening smile.

  After everyone is gone, my mom grabs me by the hand and has me bring two chairs to the end of the hallway. We sit and watch the office door. There’s a loud bang and some rants of profanity coming from the room. At last, an embarrassed looking Hailey and Julian open the door.

  “I think we need to talk,” my mother informs them.

  To be honest, I�
��m surprised they were brave enough to come out and face her. I probably would have hidden under the desk or snuck out the window. Oh well, not my problem anymore, I’m thinking, as I begin to strut away from the awkward scene, but suddenly, my mother stops me in my place.

  “And just where do you think you’re heading off to?” she asks me, and I’m frozen to the spot.

  I shrug my shoulders and look down. I peer over at my mother and mumble, “I just thought I’d give you some privacy.”

  “I don’t think so. Now, I want you all to take a seat,” instructs my mother.

  In a matter of seconds, Mom has Hailey, Julian, and me lined up in a row. My mother paces the floor, with her hands grasped behind her back. I am reminded of a drill sergeant I saw on TV, only the one standing before me is much scarier.

  Nervously, I pick at my nails. I glance over at Hailey’s hands and see she is doing the same. I can’t believe after all these years my mother still has the same effect on us. As much as we love her, and as old as we are, she can strike fear into our hearts like a viper.

  I hear my mother’s steps come to a halt and assume she is glaring angrily down at us. “The way you three have acted tonight is despicable! I am shocked by the adolescent behavior! What do you,” she directs her booming voice toward Hailey, “have to say for yourself?”

  “I’m sorry,” mutters Hailey, swiftly looking back down towards her lap and proceeding to chew on the side of her nail.

  “Hailey, that’s pretty pathetic,” my mother sighs and turns to Julian. “What about you? What in the world were you thinking, coming here tonight? Were you trying to completely destroy my daughter’s reputation?”

  “No ma’am,” he pauses and glances at Hailey. “The truth is . . . I love your daughter, and I can’t sit back and watch her marry another man.” He looks at Hailey, and she appears to soften at his gaze.

  “That’s a very romantic notion. Funny thing, Hailey has failed to ever mention you to me. What was your name, again?” my mother asks, and I try to refrain from giggling.


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