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Always On My Mind: A Bad Boy Rancher Love Story (The Dawson Brothers Book 1)

Page 59

by Ali Parker

  "Why do people cheat on each other?"

  She pressed against him, leaning up to lay kisses along his neck and the top of his chest where his shirt opened. "They aren't getting what they need."

  "What other reasons, girl. That's not it. What else."

  She moved down his body, kissing him over his shirt and biting at his stomach before moving to her knees on the dirty bathroom floor. She began working on Marc's belt, pulling and tugging as she looked up at him, her movements never stopping. Desperation was painted all over her and Marc felt his stomach turn. He couldn't get hard. She wasn't his girl.

  "Someone is scared. Love is fucked up, Marc. Maybe the other person is scared of putting all their eggs in one basket. What if they give you their heart and lose?"

  "Does that make them weak? Or do you think it would cause someone to worry about appearing weak?"

  "Love does make you weak. It has the power to destroy you. That's why you and I are all about lust. Love is for the strong of heart. You and me baby... we don't have hearts." She tugged his pants down and went for his underwear as he reached down and jerked her back up.

  "That's my problem. I do have a heart. I found it and a beautiful woman stole it from me." He pulled Amber close and kissed her forehead. "I have to go."

  "What? Where?"

  He pulled up his pants and unlocked the door. "I don't know, but I can't do this. I'm in love with a woman that I'm not sure I can live without. Forgive me. I was hoping you and I could break her spell on me."

  "I can." Amber put her hands on her hips as Marc opened the door.

  "Naw... only time can do that. I'm going to give it a few weeks, and if I still feel like this... I gotta go get her."

  "Lucky girl," Amber mumbled as she turned away.

  Marc walked out of the bathroom and slipped out of the club, his body aching for what only Lisa could provide. He hadn't realized until he reached the car that for the first time in his life, he had turned down the chance to lose himself in the body of a hot girl who was willing.

  Things were shifting. Everything was changing. He was in love, and something told him that a few weeks of suffering alone weren't going to change anything.

  If it didn't... he would go back to Maine and kick the old rich dude's ass.

  Either way - he was getting his girl back.

  Chapter 24

  Five Days Later

  "It's been a week and you still look like you're not sleeping, Lisa." Sicily walked toward Lisa as she walked back down the hall from changing.

  The week had been a long one. Most of it had been spent showing the same house, which was cause for far more travel than Lisa was up for. She hadn't slept a wink, the situation with Marc forcing her to contemplate going back to New York. It was almost like a splinter that had been removed, but the wound festered anyway.

  She needed to tell him that what he saw wasn't at all what had happened. If after talking to him, he still felt that she was a piece of trash, then she would leave. She would leave and find healing in the arms of a handsome billionaire that was ready to give her the world.

  "I haven't. I can't seem to get Marc out of my thoughts." Lisa shrugged and walked to the refrigerator, pulling out a jug of orange juice and drinking from the carton. Sicily popped her butt and made a snide comment, but Lisa ignored her.

  Everyone was coming to the house for dinner on the patio. It was a little too hot this time of the year, but her friends didn't really seem to care. Having to share an evening with Kari and Jake snuggled up wasn't too bad, seeing that they had been all over each other since they met. It was having to watch Drake undress Sicily with his eyes, to see the hunger all over him for her friend, and yet she would be there alone. Sicily would finally catch on, but no one would be able to push her into it. The girl was far too uncomfortable in her own skin to imagine anyone wanting her.

  "That's disgusting." Kari shook her head as she walked into the kitchen, her summer dress cute and fitting her well.

  Lisa looked down at herself and suddenly felt under-dressed. "You guys said tonight would be casual. I'm wearing a t-shirt and jeans and you both look like something off the cover of a women's magazine."

  "You look hot in anything you put on. Don't fish for compliments from us. Ain't happening because you don't need a reminder that you're drop dead gorgeous." Sicily turned and tossed Lisa a tomato. "Slice that up and help me get the fixings for the burgers ready."

  "When are the guys coming over to grill them?" Lisa asked, walking toward the knife drawer and feeling a wave of sadness. How perfect would everything have been if Marc hadn't left upset and hating her? He fit in perfectly with her friends and gave her a sense of belonging that had been hers before him, but most certainly wasn't in his absence.

  "They are already here, silly. You didn't notice the extra vehicles in the driveway when you drove up?" Kari asked, working on a platter of cheese and crackers. "What else does this need? Looks so plain and unappetizing."

  Sicily turned from the stove and lifted her eyebrow. "It needs summer sausage and a small bowl of those green olives Jake likes. They're in the fridge. Don't use all the cheese. We need some for the burgers."

  "I didn't notice their cars. I've been a little preoccupied lately." Lisa let out a long sigh before sitting down at the table. She started to work on the veggies they needed cut up for their burgers as Kari moved to rub her shoulders.

  "Life is so short, Lisa. Stop wasting it on trying to move past the greatest love story you'll ever experience." Kari leaned down and hugged her shoulders, kissing the side of her head. "Go to New York and make my brother your man."

  "He doesn't want me, Kari. We've been over this like ten zillion times. He called me a whore and walked out."

  "I think we should stab him for that." Sicily moved to stand by the table, a pitcher of tea in her hand as she motioned to the glasses in front of them. "You guys want tea or something else?"

  They responded that tea would be good and Lisa moved out of Kari's hold, not wanting to suffer the same conversation they had all had more than a few times over the last week.

  "I'll go see what the boys want to drink." Lisa turned to walk from the kitchen as Kari stopped her.

  "Just take them a glass of tea. It's hot enough out there that I'm sure they'll drink anything."

  Lisa accepted the glasses and walked to the back door, kicking on it softly as Drake jumped up and moved to open it.

  "Hey, Lisa. How is Bar Harbor's number one real estate agent?" He smiled and took the glass from her as she rolled her eyes.

  "I swear I spend more time swatting unfulfilled husbands off of me than I do selling homes." She handed the other glass to Jake as the two men laughed.

  "See, dude? That's exactly what I'm talking about." Drake leaned against the railing and lifted his glass toward Lisa. "Please, my friend. Talk some sense into Jake here. He's talking about proposing to Kari at Christmas. I just think it's too early."

  "Oh my God... are you serious?" Lisa moved toward Jake, pulling him into a tight hug as he returned the embrace.

  "I am. I love her so much. I'm taking her to visit my family in Texas for the holidays. She doesn't know any of this, so don't tell her, but I really want all of you to come with us. Do you think that's possible?"

  Lisa's eyes filled with tears. The news that Jake and Kari had found their happiness in each other was more than Lisa could hope for after all Kari had been through with her cheating ex, but now knowing that a wedding was to come? Priceless.

  "Hey..." Jake wiped his hands on his apron, reaching out and wiping a tear from Lisa's cheek as it fell. "What's going on with you? You're the toughest girl I know. You've been so down lately."

  "Dude troubles? That Marc guy not living here fucking with you, Lisa?" Drake asked, moving to stand beside Jake.

  Lisa felt a sense of acceptance and comradery with the guys, these two quickly growing on her.

  "I fucked things up with Marc and honestly I can't stop thinking about hi
m. Nothing makes sense if I try to see my future without him in it. I hate it." She tugged her t-shirt up, wiping her eyes with it. Jake adverted his eyes as Drake reached over and tugged the t-shirt back down.

  "You're far too sexy to be lifting your shirt in front of dudes, love." He smiled and took a long drink of his tea. "If you and Marc are going to figure this out, I'm going to have to coach you on how not to have every guy in the room drooling after you."

  Lisa moved back and wiped at her eyes with her hands, sniffling a little. "No thanks. I've worked hard to perfect my attack. I'd kill you before I’d let you take it from me."

  They both laughed and she joined in, her chest aching at how well Marc would fit right in the middle of it all.

  "Do you love him?" Jake asked, turning around with a greasy spatula in his hand.

  "Yes, but I'm honestly scared to death about it." Lisa shrugged, walking to the cooler beside the grill and pulling out a beer. "I've never been in love before."

  "Really? Wow. I thought all women were like looking for Mr. Right." Drake cocked his eyebrow as Jake shook his head.

  "There are no two women that are alike, nugget head." He glanced over to Lisa. "Then you go after him, Lisa. This isn't the old days where the female has to wait on the male. Kari came after me and thank God she did. I would have missed the best thing that might ever have happened to me."

  "I can't, Jake. I already went to New York to see if we would work out."

  "And?" Jake asked, turning back to the grill as it flared up.

  "Yeah... what happened? I'm interested to hear this." Drake reached out and took Lisa's beer, taking a long drink of it and handing it back. She shook her head at him and set it on the railing.

  "It was far more than sex. Way more than just passion. We both fell hard, but I really think that happened back in April. I got scared, and he decided to teach me a lesson about lust versus love. I told him to fuck off and left. Not a week later he was here... and we decided to give it a try."

  "And then he walked in on you and that rich guy?" Drake asked.

  Jake turned. "Kari said that it wasn't at all what it seemed to be, but you know how that works... you walk in on something and all you have to go on is what your eyes tell you. It doesn't matter if you've been with the person for five months or forty years."

  "Wait... I need to hear what happened." Drake nodded toward Lisa. "Tell us your side of the story, Lisa."

  "If you want to." Jake glanced over at Drake and gave him a look. Lisa chuckled and shrugged.

  "Michael came in and pulled me into a hug. He leaned down to kiss me and I pushed him back, but Marc only saw the part where we were kissing. I didn't return the kiss, nor did I ask for it. Shitty situation, but he wouldn't hear me after that."

  "Yikes," Drake mumbled, pulling his hand toward his mouth and biting on his fist.

  "And you tried to explain yourself?" Jake asked, leaning against the railing as the door opened to the house. Lisa nodded her response and turned.

  "I vote you go after him. You guys would be good for each other from what I gather," Drake responded before moving toward Sicily. He reached out and offered to take one of the platters from her, but she refused him and laid them down on the table. Lisa almost called her friend out for snuffing Drake, but it was a defense mechanism. If Drake was persistent, and reassured Sicily that she was all he believed her to be, it wouldn't be long and the two of them would be together.

  "If we're talking about you going after Marc, I vote yes too." Sicily walked toward the grill, grabbing the spatula from Jake and taking over.

  "I vote yes too. Don't let this go, Lisa. Something inside of you is coming undone and it's because love is hard to find. You've found it. Grab a hold of it." Jake moved to wrap his arms around Kari, looking back at Lisa and winking.

  "I know I'm a little biased, but I can't imagine anyone better for my brother. He loves you and you love him. In all my life there is only one thing I have wished and prayed over my baby brother - love." Kari smiled as she snuggled into Jake's chest.

  "Do I get a vote?" Lisa asked before picking up the beer and lifting it in the air.

  "No!" They all yelled at once and lifted their drinks as well.

  "To friendship and food. To life and love. To happy endings and new beginnings. To us." Lisa smiled at her friends and realized she would have to move fast to catch the man of her dreams. The biker convention was the next day and damned if she didn't have a ticket.


  "I don't have a ticket and this feels ridiculous. Maybe I should just call," Lisa whined to her friends as they hovered around her laptop in the quiet of her bedroom. The boys were in the living room screaming at the baseball game as it moved into overtime.

  "We're getting you a ticket right now. It's only seven. I'm sure they have a redeye and this flight is only an hour." Kari nudged Lisa. "Get up and let me do this for you."

  "Fine, but I feel like a high school girl with a crush. This isn't a good idea."

  "I loved high school crushes. They were so innocent. Being an adult sucks dick." Sicily flopped down on the bed as Kari and Lisa turned to stare at her with open mouths.

  "Did she just say..."

  "I think she did. Wow. How vulgar." Lisa laughed and moved as Sicily threw a pillow at her.

  "I can be rowdy too when I want to." Sicily pulled another pillow over her head and screamed into the bed.

  "What's with her?" Lisa asked, turning to lean over Kari as she worked to pull up the airline information.

  "She's falling for Drake and doesn't want to admit it." Kari pointed to the screen as Sicily yelled in opposition to the truth behind them. "There. Leaves at ten thirty tonight. Pack up and I'll call mom. She can grab you and you can stay with her tonight. Marc's back on campus because of school being in session."

  "Is your bed still there? I don't think I can sleep in Marc's bed. That's just creepy." Lisa moved from the computer and pulled out a duffel bag, excitement mixing with fear in the pit of her stomach.

  "Yeah, but mom usually stores all her craft crap in there." Kari started hitting buttons as Sicily got off the bed and walked toward the door. "Do you have a ticket to that big biker event he was going to?"

  "No, but I can just talk to him tomorrow morning over breakfast and then let him go."

  "Hell no. You're going for the weekend. I'm getting you a ticket. Just tell him you planned to go - with or without him." Kari turned and wagged her eyebrows.

  "I have to have a bike." Lisa pursed her lips and shook her head.

  "And you will... my brother’s." Kari shifted her attention from Lisa to Sicily as their exotic-looking friend paused at the entrance to the bedroom and leaned against the frame.

  "I'm going to make hot chocolate. You guys want some?" Sicily asked.

  "It's a million degrees outside." Lisa laughed.

  "Is that a no?" Sicily put her hand on her hip and pinned them with a glare.

  "I'll take some," Kari called out.

  "Me too," Lisa added and busied herself with packing. She grabbed several items that were special occasion-type outfits only. If she was going to get Marc back, she was going to do it the only way she knew how... tempting him.

  Chapter 25

  It had been the longest week of his life. There was no way he could survive another week without Lisa. His head ached, heart hurt, body felt like it was hovering over the flu at all times. He paid too damn much to miss the biker's weekend, but after he got back, he was going to figure things out.

  Calling Lisa seemed like a good idea, but so much could be lost in translation. He needed to go in person. It was only a four-hour drive. He would go Monday morning and talk to her. If things worked out and they decided to be together, he was going to bend her over her desk and make her scream his name for causing him so much pain.

  He shuddered at the thought, his blood pumping quickly through his veins as his body hardened in all the wrong places for riding the motorcycle he had picked up for the weeken
d. The weather was perfect - hot and sunny. He rode through the familiar streets of his raising, his mom's house in the worn-down part of New York. He needed to finish school and get a good job somehow to make sure his mom was taken care of. Maybe med school was something he would reexamine as a possibility. It wasn't anything he was interested in currently, but he knew in order to give his mom the retirement she deserved, that he or Kari would have to start making more money.

  Kari was finally happy and deserved not to worry about anything but her and Jake for a while. He would pick up the slack and take better care of his mother, his future plans including her at every turn. He stopped in front of her house and parked the bike on the side of the house under the large kitchen window. His mom smiled like a schoolgirl and waved at him as she stood over the sink.

  He put up the kickstand and jogged around the house. His resolve to do something about Lisa left him with hope, something that had been missing inside of him over the last week. He opened the door to be greeted by his mom.

  "Hi baby." She pulled him into a tight hug. Marc chuckled and moved back to look down at the older version of his sister.

  "Hey, Ma. What's up?"

  "Nothing. I can't hug my baby?"

  "Yeah, I guess. You just seem a little more excited to see me than usual."

  "I'm always happy to see you. Come in here. I was just whipping up some breakfast." She turned and walked into the small kitchen. Marc followed her and snagged a piece of bacon off of the plate near the stove before moving to pour a cup of coffee.

  "What have you been up to? Long week for you?" Marc asked as he turned and lifted his mug to his lips.

  "I worked a few double shifts, so it was a little longer than I wanted, but it was a good week. I had a long night. I need a nap later today before going in to work my shift." She looked over her shoulder. "How were your mid-terms?"

  "Good. I think I passed most of them." He smirked and stole another piece of bacon as his mom swatted at him. "D for diploma, right?"


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