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The Heart of the Matter

Page 10

by P Nelson

  “It would be nice to have someone drive me,” Elizabeth whispered against his mouth.

  “Good thing I’m offering.” Eric placed a possessive hand at her back and they began to walk out into the parking lot. “Besides after what happened with your ex-boyfriend tonight, I don’t want there to be any nasty surprises waiting for you when you get home.” The frown on Elizabeth’s face revealed she had forgotten about Jerry’s rude interruption into her life.

  “Jerry is an asshole, but I don’t think he’s going to do anything crazy,” Elizabeth replied with a frown on her face.

  “Another twenty smacks for swearing, Elizabeth.” Eric pressed his key fob to unlock the door on his sleek Audi. Elizabeth opened her mouth to argue as he pulled the latch to open the door for her. She wisely shut it again and lowered herself into the cold interior. “Wise of you,” Eric murmured as he bent down and placed a kiss on her mouth.

  “I’m trainable. Sort of.” Elizabeth blew out a breath as Eric closed the door and laughed. She was such a naughty sub, and normally it would have really gotten on his nerves. With Elizabeth, it just made him laugh, challenged him to be a better Dom, more creative with his tactics. Rounding the car, he hesitated before opening the door and scanned the lit parking lot. He knew there was extensive security around the warehouse set back from the road, but he felt his instincts kick up. Someone was watching them, but he couldn’t see anyone else in the lot. The rest of the members were either still inside playing their games, or they had left for the evening. He knew no one would be playing out here; there was a strict policy about the outside grounds of The Cage. Shaking his head, Eric opened the door to his car and got inside. If there were someone out there who shouldn’t be, then the security Flynn employed would find them.

  “Sit back and relax, Elizabeth.” Eric started up the car enjoying the sound of power as the engine warmed up. Glancing to his right, he saw Elizabeth’s head resting comfortably on the luxurious seats, her eyes closing as the heat vents continued to pump at full power.

  Eric felt contentment rise in his chest. Elizabeth looked good half asleep in his car, sated from a night of submission at his hands. Refocusing on the task at hand, he put the car into gear and headed out of the parking lot of The Cage. The sooner he got Elizabeth home and snuggled up in bed for the rest of the night, the sooner he could go home and get some space. He felt as if everything in his life for the past two days had focused solely on Elizabeth and her needs. For the first time since he started playing, Eric felt like he needed to sort out his own feelings. Dillon would call him a pussy and Gaige would certainly shake his head if Eric ever told him he was confused about a sub.

  “How do you know where I live?” Elizabeth asked with a curious, tired voice as Eric drove down the nearly empty roads heading into a southern suburb of Vancouver.

  “It’s on your training contract agreement,” Eric answered.

  “Oh.” Elizabeth was silent for a minute. “Your address wasn’t on the agreement.”

  “Nope.” Eric answered. Elizabeth blew out a frustrated breath.

  “How come you get to know where I live, but I don’t get to know where you live?” Elizabeth was fully awake now and staring at Eric.

  “Because I’m the Dom and you’re the sub.” Eric couldn’t help but smirk knowing this answer would get his little sub all hot and bothered. Too bad they weren’t allowed to play outside the club for the duration of her training contract. He would love to get her home and give her the licks she had already earned tonight. Unfortunately, her ass was probably still sore, and he wondered if her pussy could take another orgasm. Eric had well and truly fucked Elizabeth good. A feeling of male satisfaction infused his bones, and his cock twitched.

  “It doesn’t really seem fair,” Elizabeth grumbled from her seat.

  “I didn’t think you would find it fair.” Eric stopped at a red light. “The whole training process is to give you an understanding of how a true Dominant would act in a relationship with you. Every Master has his own brand of BDSM, but every single Dom I know who takes the lifestyle seriously will want to ensure your physical and emotional safety. Part of knowing you’re safe is having your house address.” The light turned green, and he sped away from intersection.

  “Maybe it makes sense,” Elizabeth allowed, but she didn’t sound very convinced. “It sounds kind of stalkerish.”

  Eric laughed. “You’re going to have to get accustomed to over-protective alpha males if you want to continue in the lifestyle. In and out of the dungeon.” He scanned the street he had just turned down and looked for her street sign. “This doesn’t look like a very nice neighbourhood, Elizabeth.” He saw her shrug out of the corner of his eye.

  “It’s home.” Her voice was tight. Eric found her street and drove inside the rundown cul de sac. Activity outside one of the houses caught Eric’s eye, and his focus zeroed in as he came to a stop.

  “Is that a crack house?” Eric looked out the window.

  “Do I have to answer that question?” Elizabeth shot back as she opened the door.

  “Twenty smacks, Elizabeth.” Eric’s voice had gone low as he stepped hurriedly out of the car to chase after Elizabeth. “That’s sixty, and we only left the club twenty minutes ago.” After locking the doors on his car, Eric caught up to Elizabeth. “I don’t like that you live next to a drug den, Elizabeth.” He started as a figure appeared in the doorway of the house.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. The rest of the neighbourhood is fine. The boys manage to keep most of the crime away from the rest of us.” Elizabeth waved a hand nonchalantly, and Eric’s eyes bugged out of his head.

  “The boys?” he questioned as the figure from the doorway started to come down the steps towards them. Eric immediately put his body in front of Elizabeth’s and took his phone out of his pocket.

  “Stop being a macho, dick.” Elizabeth tried to shove him out of the way. “I know, twenty more for swearing.”

  “Miss Williams!” The figure shouted as Eric grabbed Elizabeth by the arm and tried to drag her back to his car. “Miss Williams, is that guy bothering you?” the figure shouted.

  “Let me handle this,” Elizabeth hissed at him and looked over at the young man who was now standing a couple of feet away. Several other people were now watching from the drug house’s front stops. “Hey Andrew, no he’s not bothering me. How’s your night been?”

  “Yeah, ok for me, Miss Williams,” Andrew replied without taking his eyes off Eric. “But there was a problem at your place earlier. That fucker you dated for a while came around.” Andrew shook his head, and Eric’s stomach tightened. “We tried to catch him, but he ran off, Miss Williams.” Elizabeth already had her keys out and was rushing to the house next door. She went around the back and down a couple of steps to the back-basement door. Unfortunately, Elizabeth didn’t need her keys; the door was smashed in.

  “Wait here, Elizabeth,” Eric said as he grabbed her arm. “The kid said Jerry was gone, but just let me make sure there’s nothing that can hurt you inside. And call the cops.”

  “It’s my place, Eric.” Elizabeth stomped her foot, and he saw tears in her eyes. Grabbing the back of her head, he pulled her in for a quick kiss. “I know it is, beautiful, but let me play the big bad Dom here.” He tried to smile down at her. Elizabeth nodded her head and stepped back.

  Flicking the light switch on beside the door, Eric heard Elizabeth gasp at the destruction of the small kitchen area. As much as he wanted to turn around and comfort her, the need to look around the small basement suite to make sure it was safe for her overrode all his concerns. Grimly passing through the kitchen with all its cupboards hanging open completely emptied out. He walked over the food and broken plates and glasses as he stepped into the small living room. The small TV was smashed. The couch and the chairs had been knifed open, the insides spread over the living room floor. It looked as if the would-be Dom had picked up a can or two of aerosol paint because the word slut and bitch were emblazoned over
the walls.

  Eric peeked his head inside the bathroom and noticed Jerry had shit all over the toilet. He covered his nose and his mouth at the smell. Closing the door behind him. He braced himself as he pushed the door to what probably used to be a little feminine room. Flicking on the light, he took in the smashed lamps, the graffiti on the walls and the clothes strewn around the floor. It looked like Jerry had been busy with his knife in here, too.

  “Fucking asshole.” Elizabeth sobbed behind him, and he turned quickly. Big, fat tears poured down her red face. Hands clenched at her sides, she surveyed the destruction of her home, and Eric felt at an utter loss. Holding out his arms, Elizabeth looked up at him and only hesitated for a minute before she took a couple of steps and snuggled into his embrace.

  Elizabeth cried and sobbed everything out on Eric’s chest. The basement suite might haven’t been much, and it was in a shitty neighbourhood, but it had been hers. Elizabeth had paid for everything in it herself and had lived here ever since she came to Vancouver from her mother’s house after she graduated from community college. It represented everything she had achieved, and now Jerry had ruined it.

  “I’m sorry.” Elizabeth took a step away from Eric and tried to regain control of her emotions. Even though they had shared so much this evening, it felt like her grief and anger were too intimate for even Eric to watch.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for, Elizabeth.” Eric’s voice held a note of sympathy, and it made Elizabeth’s back stiffen.

  “Don’t feel sorry for me, I made a bad choice, and these are the consequences.” Elizabeth could hear her mother’s voice in her head. You’ll never be anything, Elizabeth. You make bad choices just like me. Elizabeth looked up at Eric determined not to let him see her hurt.

  “This is a lot more than a bad decision, Elizabeth. Your ex is a dick, and if he got through Calla’s screening to join the junior Dom program, then he’s clever at hiding his psychotic tendencies.” Eric’s attempt at reasoning with her made sense, but she wasn’t ready to stop blaming herself yet.

  “You should go. I’ll call a repairman and see what I can do for the door.” Elizabeth needed to focus in order not to fall apart.

  “Are you kidding me?” Eric’s voice cracked through the basement. “You are not spending the night here, Elizabeth.” She looked up and saw his jaw set in determined lines, and fatigue stole over her. “Have you called the police yet?”

  “No, what’s the point? They’re not going to do anything about this.” Elizabeth swept a hand over the mess of her bedroom.

  “You just stand there and let me handle things.” Eric scrolled through his phone and held it to his ear. “Yeah Thea, it’s Eric Danvers. I know this isn’t your area, but my sub’s place was broken into by her crazy ex-boyfriend, and we could use some help.” Elizabeth listened with half an ear to the rest of the conversation as she surveyed the damage to her living room. Pushing the door to the small bathroom open, Elizabeth almost gagged. What the fuck was wrong with Jerry? She shut the door and swore.

  “I know, right.” Eric’s voice sounded from behind her. “I called in a friend of mine on the force. She’s coming down here, and will call dispatch to get a couple of uniforms down here to take our statements and stuff.” Elizabeth wanted to be annoyed that he had taken over her life, but she really felt comforted. For the first time in her life, someone was taking care of her. “She said we should wait out front for the police to arrive.”

  “Fine.” Elizabeth responded and tried to look straight ahead as she left the basement suite and followed the path to the front of the house. She looked over at the drug house where the boys hung out and noticed it was dark. They knew to get out of the way when the police showed up.

  “Would the people upstairs have seen anything?” Eric asked her as he stood next to her at the foot of the driveway.

  “I don’t know. A couple live there, I think she’s a nurse, and I don’t know what he does.” Elizabeth looked at the dark windows of the house and doubted if anyone was home. A sound from the entrance of the cul de sac caught her attention, and she saw a police car enter. “Wow, that was quick.”

  “Membership at The Cage comes with all sorts of perks.” Eric grinned down at her, and it was so boyish her heart melted a little bit. This had been one of the best nights of her life, and now, it had the potential to become one of the worst. The only saving grace was Eric, and he didn’t look as if he was going to leave anytime soon. “If we need to divulge where we have been all evening, its fine, but it’s better to just say we were on a date. No need to have the uniforms trying to guess our kink.” Elizabeth nodded in understanding as the marked car pulled up the driveway and the engine shut down. A young man and an older woman got out of the police cruiser.

  “Are you Eric Danvers?” The woman asked as she walked up. The younger male officer was already having a look around. Elizabeth watched as Eric went forward and introduced himself. They spent the next hour going over details of the evening until Elizabeth thought she might collapse she was so tired. They were standing just outside the door of the basement suite when a woman’s voice called from the front.

  “Danvers, you still here?” Elizabeth cranked her head around in time to see a drop-dead gorgeous redhead come around the corner. She had big blue eyes and a mouth even Elizabeth secretly wished she could kiss. That ridiculously sensuous mouth was curled up in a smile directed right at her Dom. Eric might only be her training Dom, but he belonged to her for the next thirty days as much as she belonged to him, dammit.

  “I’m glad you could come.” Eric held his hand out to the other woman and they shook hands. Elizabeth had a crazy impulse to tear his offending limb away from the gorgeous redhead. “Elizabeth this is Detective Demopoulos; she’s a friend of mine.” Eric explained and Elizabeth wondered how good a friend the woman was. Had the detective been his sub at one point? Would they play again in the future?

  “It’s nice to meet you, Elizabeth, sorry it has to be under such rotten circumstances.” Detective Demopoulos’s voice was steely with hard edges. Elizabeth felt like her brilliant blue gaze was staring right through her as she nodded back at the taller woman.

  “Nice to meet you.” Elizabeth nodded back, for once at a loss for words.

  “I’m going to speak with the uniforms.” She looked over Elizabeth and Eric’s shoulders and headed for the two officers who were just finishing up. Eric dialled a number into his phone and started speaking; Elizabeth ignored him as she watched the way Detective Demopoulos presence changed the dynamic of the two officers. They stood up straighter as they spoke with her, deferring to whatever it was she was saying.

  “Is the detective a sub at the club?” Elizabeth asked as Eric finished his conversation and put his phone away. The question had Eric bursting out in laughter, which he quickly tried to hide when Elizabeth gave him a dirty look.

  “You know I can’t tell you that,” Eric admonished. “Anonymity is sacred.”

  “Right.” Elizabeth flushed as the detective came back over with the two officers. They explained how the DNA evidence of the faecal matter in her bathroom and the semen found on her bed would help to convict Jerry. She nodded her head and thanked them both as they left in their car.

  “You’re frowning,” Eric pointed out.

  “She’s wondering why the whole CSI team didn’t come down and wear their HAZMAT suits to collect DNA samples,” Detective Demopoulos chuckled, and her blue eyes danced. The comment wasn’t meant to ridicule her; Elizabeth realised, but tease her into a smile. Elizabeth decided it was in her best interests to make friends with as many subs as she could at The Cage despite the possessive streak running through her right now and Delaney’s earlier words in her head.

  “I think I watch too many crime drama shows,” Elizabeth added with the best smile she could muster up.

  “Damn shows make my life more difficult. Everyone thinks they can analyse a crime scene better than the pros.” Detective Demopoulos shook her

  “Thank you for coming down. I know this isn’t your usual beat, but with all the damage in there I didn’t want to leave it to someone I didn’t trust,” Eric said, and Elizabeth understood the underlining meaning. He though Jerry was bat-shit crazy, and he didn’t want Elizabeth caught up in any of his crap.

  “No problem, it’s a nice break from dead bodies,” she replied, and Elizabeth looked at her. “I’m a homicide detective. Despite what everyone thinks about Canada, yes, people get murdered here.” She laughed again at her own gallows humour. She turned to Eric. “I’ll let you know what we can pin Jerry with that will stick for a very long time.” She turned to Elizabeth. “As for you, young lady, I suggest that you follow your Dom’s orders. Master Eric is a good Master, and I know he’ll take care of you. Understood?” The detective’s voice had grown hard with authority, and Elizabeth found herself nodding in response.

  “Hasn’t Master Eric told you I need verbal answers, sub?” A hard glint had entered Detective Demopoulos’s eyes, and Elizabeth held her breath.

  “Yes, he has, Detective,” she responded. “And I will try and do my best to obey, but it’s hard.” At this announcement, the detective threw her head back and laughed loudly. “You’re not a sub at all. You’re a Domme.” Elizabeth’s voice held a note of reverence.

  “You have your work cut out here, Danvers. Have a good night and stay safe, sub.” Detective Demopoulos was still laughing as she got into her unmarked car. Eric and Elizabeth watched her pull away from the curb.

  “She never told me she was a Domme.” Elizabeth realised as another wave of exhaustion rippled through her.

  “You’ll have to come to the club and find out.” Eric responded. “Now, let’s discuss how the rest of this night is going to go.

  Chapter 9

  Eric looked out at the uninterrupted view of the ocean and let it calm him. The waves worked their magic as always, and he relaxed his back into one of the chairs at his dining room table. Normally, he would have worked in his office, but he wanted to make sure to catch Elizabeth when she finally came out of his guest room.


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