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The Heart of the Matter

Page 11

by P Nelson

  The man Thea had recommended last night to fix the door had arrived not long after her departure. By then, Elizabeth was yawning madly, and he ordered her into the car. Eric had made sure the repairman had secured a new door and lock before driving a sleeping Elizabeth across town to his house in West Vancouver. He had carried her half-asleep upstairs to one of the guest rooms and settled her in bed. What he had really wanted to do was continue down the hall to the master suite and, strip her naked, and ensure that she forgot all about Jerry and his dick move.

  Unfortunately, they were not supposed to play outside the club, and Eric wasn’t entirely sure where vanilla sex lay on that slippery slope to breaking the rules. It was almost noon and Eric realised Elizabeth would probably be hungry when she woke up. Pushing away from the table and closing the lid on his laptop, he walked back through the kitchen to find a startled Elizabeth. She was wearing one of the guest robes from the closet in her room. It was way too big for her shorter frame and Elizabeth had rolled the sleeves up.

  “Good morning,” she said with a sleepy frown. Eric thought she looked adorable with her bed hair sticking out at all different angles.

  “Good afternoon,” Eric replied and watched her frown get deeper.

  “Oh.” Her cheeks turned pink. “Listen, Eric, thanks for everything last night.” Elizabeth took a breath and was about to say more when he interrupted her.


  Her eyes lit up, and she nodded. “Yes please.”

  “Come sit down on one of the island stools,” he invited holding out a tall chair to her. She ambled forward and used the countertop to help her balance. Eric leaned down and kissed her mouth. Her sigh was so delectable he started to kiss down the side of her chin. His cock was instantly hard as he used his hands to open the front of her robe. Licking a line down her throat, he inspected her still swollen nipples from last night with triumph. He was about to dip his head when he heard Elizabeth’s voice.

  “I didn’t think we were allowed to play outside the club.” Her words had him leaning back and staring into her face. Elizabeth had suffered through a traumatic night after her first real introduction to the lifestyle. He didn’t want to her to be overwhelmed, so he backed away.

  “Just so you know, I think that rule was made to be broken.” Eric turned to the filter coffee machine and grabbed the carafe. It was still half-full from this morning, but he would brew a fresh pot.

  “I don’t know; Calla seemed very strict about it.” Elizabeth teased him. Eric was glad she could joke around after last night. “But I really don’t mind at all. Playing outside the club, I mean. With you.”

  “Why don’t I ask her about it tonight at the club?” Eric finished putting more grounds into the reusable filter. He was happy to hear his chatty little sub had come back. Last night, she had grown quiet and introspective. He felt as if the bond they had begun to forge was slowly eroding away. This morning, however, her face appeared lit up again. His Elizabeth was back.

  Oh.” Elizabeth exclaimed from behind him. “I should call Calla and let her know what happened.” Her voice lowered, and Eric turned to see her face pinch. “And I guess you should drive me back to my place so I can clean it up.”

  “It’s being cleaned as we speak.” Eric said as he got two fresh mugs out of the cupboard. “I sent a cleaning crew out there this morning. Sylvia does all the cleaning at our offices and is always looking for some extra work for her daughters. She said she’d go through everything and make sure to save anything that was salvageable.” He watched a myriad expressions cross Elizabeth’s face as she took in what he said. Eric knew a part of her wanted to be mad at him taking control. He was prepared for her anger and was surprised when it never came.

  “Thank you, but tell her to throw out all the clothes.” Elizabeth shuddered in the terry cloth robe. “I don’t want to wear anything he might have, well, you know, all over.”

  “Shy about semen suddenly?” Eric smirked as he went over to the fridge and pulled out a milk container and placed it in front of her. Elizabeth felt her face go bright red.

  “It’s not the same as last night.” Elizabeth tried to sort out how it was different in her head, but her thoughts had gone into a tangle watching Eric make coffee for her. It was so domestic and normal to be sitting here talking to him in nothing but a robe.

  “Jerry violated your home, Elizabeth.” Eric’s voice was soft, and she looked at his face as he set a steaming mug of coffee in front of her. “I would never do that, Elizabeth. We’re building trust between us. There’s no power exchange between a Dom and a sub unless each party has the ability to put their faith in the other person.” Eric slid a jar and spoon in front of Elizabeth, and she added two big spoonfuls of sugar to her mug. She watched as Eric shuddered at the amount and sipped his plain black coffee.

  “Why does a Dom have to have trust in the power exchange?” Elizabeth asked curiously going over his words. Eric leaned against his kitchen cupboard with his mug in hand. The afternoon light coming through the windows made him appear even more handsome. Elizabeth’s heart kicked up a beat knowing they would get to play together tonight.

  “I have to trust you will use your safe word when you need to.” Eric took a drink of his coffee. “It’s my job as your Dominant to push your soft limits, bring you out of your comfort zone in a way that lets you surrender your control to me. However, I should know if my methods push you too far, you can use your safe word. Too many new subs feel like they have to impress their Doms or push themselves to prove they’re subs. This type of behaviour is dangerous to both the Dom and the sub.”

  Elizabeth thought about what he had said. “Do you know if a sub is pushing herself too much?” Eric nodded his head.

  “Yes, there are certain physical indicators that pop up when a sub is not focused on the pain/pleasure aspect of a scene. As Doms, we learn to look for these signs and stop playing so we can discuss the problem with the sub. It’s the reason why the Dom training program is so important to The Cage. Doms and subs need to know they’re practicing safe, sane, and consensual BDSM to feel comfortable enough to push their limits.” Eric set his coffee cup aside. “Do you have any other questions?”

  She was about to open her mouth when a cell phone trilled into the peace of the kitchen. Eric walked into the dining room, and Elizabeth listened with half an ear as she sipped her coffee. A minute later, Eric strode back into the kitchen.

  “You need to hear this, Elizabeth. I’m putting you on speaker phone, Thea.” Eric said as he set his cell on the counter in front of her.

  “Elizabeth, you there?” Detective Demopoulos voice came out of the smart phone.

  “Yes, I’m here.” Elizabeth nodded even though the detective couldn’t see her. With her heart kicking up on her chest, Elizabeth looked at Eric whose expression had turned grim.

  “Good. So, I sent a couple of uniforms over to your ex’s place last night to ask him a few questions, but he wasn’t at home. We went back this morning, and the neighbours say they haven’t seen him come or go all day.” Elizabeth listened as Thea gave her the report on Jerry and a sinking feeling pulled at her gut. “We’re going to keep an eye out for him. Is it unusual for him to stay out all night?”

  “No, he would go out and watch hockey with friends and get drunk,” Elizabeth replied, “but he always came home some time during the night.”

  “The uniforms did a drive by at the auto repair place where he works, but it looks closed for the weekend, and no one has been around,” Thea continued. “The facts as they stand now are even though he hasn’t touched you physically, he still made a pretty big statement with his house redecorating program last night, especially the mess in the bathroom and your bedroom. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to stay at your place until we’ve at least talked to this guy.”

  “Not that I’m in a hurry to get back to my place,” Elizabeth replied slowly thinking of how she had been violated. “But it’s still my place, and I don
’t really have anywhere else to go.” Her bank account couldn’t afford an extended stay in some hotel while Jerry played his little games. Elizabeth felt her hands turn into fists and tears threatened. He was fucking with her life, and she hated feeling so helpless.

  “Give us a minute, Thea.” Eric had picked up the phone and Elizabeth watched through watery eyes as he walked around the counter and enfolded her in his embrace. “It’s going to be all right, Elizabeth. Situations like this are what Doms are here for.” Elizabeth felt her body softening against his as he continued to speak. “You’re going to stay here with me for as long as you need, I’m going to take care of you.” Eric’s voice had gone deep and a burn began to ignite in her lower belly.

  “He’s right, girl.” Detective Demopoulos’s voice came over the line. “Obey your Dom, and he will ensure your safety. I’ll keep you updated on how the search for your ex goes.” There was a short silence before her tone turned hard, and Elizabeth’s submissive side sat up and took notice. “And do not, under any circumstances go near this asshole if he tries to approach you. He’s dangerous in my opinion. Is that understood, sub?” she demanded.

  “Yes, Mistress.” The words were out before Elizabeth even had time to realise she had called the detective Mistress. A chuckle came across the line.

  “That means you, too, Master Eric.” Detective Demopoulos put extra emphasis on the word Master.

  “If that little shit…” Eric began, but the detective cut him off.

  “I don’t want to hear it, Master Eric, I’m still a homicide detective. Now, I suggest the two of you get cosy in that big old house of yours, Eric. Do lots of stuff to her I wouldn’t do.” She laughed, and the line went dead. Eric glanced at the phone and made sure the call had ended.

  “You’ll be comfortable here. I’m sure it will only be for a couple of days; your ex doesn’t seem like the criminal mastermind type.” Eric’s voice was reassuring, and his hands on her hips as she sat at the breakfast table kneading her flesh through the robe. Elizabeth knew her pussy was getting wet just thinking of how his cock made her feel last night. In fact, her girl bits were a little sore from all the attention they received, but that didn’t stop her from shifting restlessly.

  “Eric, I don’t want to inconvenience you.” Elizabeth felt all her insecurities raise up at once. She wasn’t a leech.

  “Twenty smacks.” Eric intoned as his lips dropped in a sensual kiss of masculine demand. Elizabeth’s mouth opened in automatic acceptance of his questing tongue, and she groaned at the taste of him. Coffee and male heat surrounded her. The terry cloth felt like it was biting into her nipples. She tore her mouth away.

  “More spankings?” Elizabeth’s got out between huffs of breath as Eric kissed his way down her throat, stopping to suck on the sensitive skin where her shoulder meets her neck. Hissing and pressing her body more intimately into Eric’s, she felt his erection growing in the front of his jeans.

  “Oh, yes, Elizabeth,” Eric whispered as he opened the front of her robe and examined her breasts. The cooler air of the kitchen made her nipples harden. “I believe you have sixty from last night and add another twenty.” He shook his head slowly and raised his eyes to look at her face. “You want to go for an even hundred?” His voice had gone silky and playful at the same time. Elizabeth felt her insides melt at the thought of his hands all over her again.

  “No, Master.” Elizabeth murmured.

  A wicked grin spread across Eric’s lips as he leaned forward and breathed in her ear. “Another twenty for lying to your Master.” His voice dripped sex and invitation to play dirty with him. “You want my hands spanking that gorgeous ass of yours don’t you, Elizabeth?” He asked as his hands went under her robe. Long fingers bit into her flesh and Elizabeth thrust her chest out to rub her breasts and nipples against his shirt. Throwing her head back in surrender, Elizabeth let out a long moan as he parted her ass cheeks and rubbed her mons all over his cloth-covered cock. A finger pressed into her softening heat. “Don’t you, Elizabeth?” She had forgotten he had asked her a question. Never in her life had a man gotten her so needy so quickly.

  “Yes, Master.” Elizabeth tried to think through the sexual haze he wove around her senses. “I want your cock inside of me again. I want you to brand me with your come, and I most definitely want your hands spanking my ass.”

  “Good girl, Elizabeth.” Eric’s voice still sounded in her ear as he moved his finger slowly in and out of her body. “We will work on the same system as we use at the club. Red or your safe word to stop, yellow to halt and green to keep going. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master,” Elizabeth replied obediently, rocking on his finger, wishing he would put another one in her.

  “What is your safe word, sub?” Eric’s breath had become uneven against her skin, and Elizabeth knew he was being affected as much as she. The power made a thrill of excitement go through her.

  “Rainbow, Master.” Elizabeth’s internal muscles were starting to flutter around his finger when he pulled it out and stepped away from her. She stuck her lower lip out at the loss of his heat. Need curling in her stomach, she was ready to obey anything he said.

  “Stand up and take off your robe, sub.” Eric stood back with hooded eyes as he watched Elizabeth comply with his request. With everything she had been through in the past forty-eight hours, Eric needed to show her how a good BDSM scene could calm and focus her mind. This was something he actually could do for her.

  Chapter 10

  Elizabeth slipped off the stool and untied the knot in the belt around her waist. Eric felt his cock harden at the sight of the robe dropping to the ground in front of him. Her body was all lush curves, and he had to take a few calming breaths before he pounced on her like some vanilla idiot.

  “Turn around and walk through the dining room to the living area,” Eric instructed, his voice hoarse with anticipation and need. Strictly speaking, they were not supposed to have sex or participate in scenes outside the club until after her thirty days. Eric was prepared to take full responsibility for their actions, like any good Dom.

  Elizabeth turned on her heel with lowered eyes and walked out into the bright afternoon sunshine streaming through the windows of his dining room. It was at the back of the house along with the living room. Both had unimpeded views of his dock and the ocean, all of it was his property, and no one would be out there on a Saturday afternoon.

  The sun kissed Elizabeth’s skin as she went through to his very masculine living room. A large fireplace dominated the space with a television set above it. Two leather couches faced one another with a glass table set between. Elizabeth sank down onto her knees in the plush grey and cream Oriental rug spread over the wooden flooring.

  “Good girl, sub.” Eric intoned as he padded forward on bare feet and stopped in front of her. He scanned his living room, making a quick decision. “Stand up and walk over to the front windows. Place each of your palms on the glass and bend over and present your beautiful ass to me.” Elizabeth’s breath hitched.

  “Yes, Master.” She stood back up and walked over to the floor to ceiling windows looking over his private bay. She placed her hands on the glass just above waist height and leaned over, her head and her breasts falling from gravity. He wanted to spread her ass cheeks apart and feel his dick slide into her hot pussy.

  “Wait here for a minute and do not lose your position,” Eric ordered as he quickly walked out of the living room and took the stairs two at a time to the next level of his house. He hotfooted down to his bedroom and opened his kit bag. One anal plug package opened, contents washed and ready for use along with a tube of lube, and Eric was back downstairs slowly walking towards his prey.

  “Did you miss me, beautiful?” He asked as he set the butt plug and the lube on her back.

  “Yes, Master.” Elizabeth’s voice went soft as her body stiffened into taut lines as he leaned over her back and fondled her breasts.

  “I do love your tits, sub.” He
squeezed hard on the raw nipples and she squeaked out a cry of protest. Enjoying the sound, he did it a couple of times more. She started to press her backside into his cock as she moaned and thrashed her head around. “I’m never going to get enough of them.” He bit down into her shoulder cruelly, holding her in place when she tried to struggle out of the grip of his mouth.

  Primal need arose in Eric’s body sending pulses of lust down his spine making his balls ache. He thought about turning her around and stuffing his cock into her mouth, making her drown in his semen to release the pressure. Even though this was supposed to be a punishment, he wanted to draw it out for them both. Standing up, he released her breasts and grabbed the anal plug. Using his free hand, Eric brushed Elizabeth’s golden locks out of her eyes. She looked up at him, her cheeks flushed with arousal and expectation.

  “Do you know what this is, sub?” He held up the anal plug and watched her eyes grow wide.

  “It’s an anal plug, Master.” Elizabeth’s voice was barely audible.

  “Your questionnaire indicated you have never had a cock in your ass, sub. Are you an anal virgin?” Eric let a grin spread across his lips as he played with her.

  Elizabeth’s face went a nice shade of pink as she responded. “Yes, Master. I’ve never had a cock up my ass before, and I think yours will be too big for me.” Her eyes spoke of her sincerity.

  “Don’t worry, sub.” Eric pressed the silicon anal plug to Elizabeth’s lips and watched it disappear into her mouth. “I’m going to spend the next several days training your ass to make sure it can take my cock.” He popped the silicon out of her mouth and moved to stand behind her again. Returning the plug to her lower back, Eric went to work, picking up the lube and rubbing a finger over her back hole. Elizabeth gasped as he started to work inside her ass pouring lube onto the virgin tissues.


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