Page 28
"Miss me?" Ryan asked. Without waiting for a response, she kissed her partner while slowly lowering her to the floor.
Jamie held onto Ryan's strong body with all of her strength. Her eyes were closed and she murmured into her lover's jacket, "I can't even tell you how much I missed you."
Ryan grasped her shoulders and pushed her just far enough away to see into her eyes. "What's wrong?"
Jamie shook her head and burrowed back into Ryan's warm body. "Nothing. Just the usual."
Reveling in holding her lover again, Ryan just leaned against the wall and ran her hand through Jamie's soft hair for a long time. When the blonde sighed heavily and moved away, Ryan grasped her hand. They walked into the kitchen together, in silent acknowledgment that Ryan always needed a snack when she returned from a game.
Ryan poked her head into the refrigerator and looked for just a moment before she realized that Jamie had been gone since the previous week and couldn't have refilled the larder. "Did you have dinner?" she asked.
"Yeah. I got a burger on the way home. I had the taxi go through the drive-through window at McDonalds."
Ryan stood up and looked at her. "What? Why were you in a taxi?"
Jamie moved past her, opened the freezer and took out a bagel. "Cream cheese and tomato?"
"Yeah. That'd be great." Ryan watched her move to the microwave to defrost the bagel, wondering when Jamie was going to tell her what was on her mind. She sat at the counter, content to be in the same room for the first time in a few days.
After setting the timer on the microwave, Jamie turned around and saw her partner gazing at her. "Happy to be home?"
"Yeah. Not very happy to be leaving tomorrow. How about you?"
"I'm not very happy about leaving, either. But I'm gonna like my traveling companion. Unlike today." She went to the cutlery drawer and took out a knife. Leaning against the counter, she slapped the flat of the blade against her hand. "If I'd had this knife this afternoon, I'd probably be in police custody right now."
"Will you please tell me what's bugging you? I'm tired of being patient."
Jamie smiled at her. "Sorry, babe. I just hate to bitch about that idiot again."
"Juliet rears her ugly head again?"
"Yep. We were paired together today and our round was delayed because there was lightning in the area. We had to take a cab to the airport, and we missed our flight."
"Uck. So you had to fly home with just her, huh?"
"No, two other girls were on the flight with us, but we didn't sit together 'cause we got to the airport at different times."
"So you had to sit with Juliet and that bugged you?"
Ryan was fishing for every bit of information and she was tiring of the game.
Her expression conveyed her frustration, and Jamie finally said, "I'm sorry, honey. I'm just … I'm sick of her. She's … damn, she's so fucking frustrating!"
Ryan got up and put her arms around her lover. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'll just assume she was being a jerk and got to you a little bit."
Jamie smiled up at her. "Just as well. She isn't worth the trouble."
Even though she knew Jamie always felt better when she vented a little, Ryan let her keep her feelings to herself. They gently held each other until the microwave beeped and Ryan's empty stomach took precedence.
Mia stood in the surprisingly spacious kitchen and loaded the dishwasher. Jordan always wanted to help, but Mia hated to ask her to do any work around the house-since she worked so hard during the day. Their meals were always simple, due to Mia's inexperience in the kitchen and Jordan's dietary requirements, so cleanup was equally simple. She dried her hands and went into their room, to find Jordan dozing lightly.
Jordan tried to be lively in the evenings, but Mia knew it was a struggle for her. Having never seriously participated in a sport, Mia didn't truly understand how demanding a world-class sport was-but she saw the results of those demands. She knew that Jordan would snooze all evening long if she wasn't there, and she occasionally wondered if that wouldn't be the best thing for her lover. But Jordan wouldn't hear of it. As soon as Mia entered the room, she was awake, trying to look like she was ready-for-action. "Wanna do anything tonight?"
"I don't have a need to," Mia said, even though she did. Jordan frequently offered, but Mia knew her heart wasn't in going out. And neither of them knew where to go or what to do, since neither had spent any time investigating Colorado Springs. Mia knew it was her responsibility to search around, since she had a car and plenty of time, but she didn't want to do touristy things by herself. She stretched out on the bed and cuddled up to her partner. "I wish I'd brought Jamie's bike with me. I know she's not using it, and it would be great exercise to ride it on the hills around here."
"Mmm … she'd send it to you if you asked," Jordan said. "But I know you wouldn't ask."
"Never," Mia agreed. "I looked into joining a gym, but every one I called charged a fairly expensive fee just to join. I hate to pay a fee for a local club that I won't be able to use when we go home."
Jordan gave her a weak smile. "It might be a while before I go home permanently, baby. If we do well in Sydney, I don't think I'll be able to walk away."
Mia patted her on the stomach, feeling the depression where her belly used to be. "Let's stay in the present, okay? We don't know what the future's gonna hold."
Jordan rolled onto her side and regarded Mia with a concerned look. "Are you sorry you came?"
"No!" She slapped her gently on the hip. "Never! I'm very, very happy that I'm with you."
"But you're bored," Jordan said. "You have to be."
Mia smiled and gave her a little tickle. "I'd be a pretty boring person if I were perfectly content, wouldn't I? But I'll find my groove. It's just gonna take a while. I was thinking," she said, drawing patterns on Jordan's side, "that we might consider moving to a smaller place."
Jordan's eyes grew wide and she scanned the room. "Smaller than this?"
"No, silly. A one bedroom. For just us. Even a studio would be okay."
Nodding, Jordan said, "You don't like it here."
"Do you?"
"I don't dislike it. It's just a place to sleep, and that's all that I need. Heck, I had to be talked into this. I was happy to stay in the dorm at the training facility."
Mia knew her partner was more than frugal, but she couldn't let the point pass. "I think I'd be happier … I know I'd be happier if we had our own apartment. I hate the lack of privacy, I hate sharing a bathroom with two other people, and I hate not even having a chair to sit on. It's depressing to be here all day, honey, and there are only so many hours I can sit in a library or bookstore."
Jordan sat up abruptly. "I knew you weren't happy," she grumbled. "I just didn't wanna admit it."
Mia grasped her T-shirt and pulled her down, then kissed her tenderly. "I am happy-with you. I just want some privacy-to be with you."
Blowing out a breath, Jordan asked, "Do you know how much a studio would cost?"
"I haven't done any research. But I could."
"All right." The lines on her forehead showed that her feelings didn't match her words.
Mia touched her chin and looked into Jordan's eyes. "What's on your mind? Talk to me."
Jordan shrugged away from the contact and stood up. She ran her hands through her hair and stood, motionless for a few seconds, obviously thinking. "It's almost the end of March. We'll probably move out of here at the beginning of September. It doesn't make much sense to move when we'll just be here a few more months, but I'll do it if you're unhappy."
"I said I'll do it if you're unhappy."
"I heard you," Mia said. "I just don't understand what you're talking about. Why would we move in September?"
Looking puzzled, Jordan said, "Jill rented this place last September. The lease is up in August."
"But I thought you wanted to stay with the team after the games."
"I pro
bably will … kinda," Jordan said.
"What in the hell does that mean?"
"The team disbands after the games. Everyone goes her own way until the 2004 team is chosen. I mean … it's kind of a given that you'll be offered a spot if you do well in Sydney and keep playing, but it's not a lock."
Mia stood and put her hands on Jordan's hips. "I'm thoroughly confused. Where would you play?"
"Depends," Jordan said. "I have to see how I do, and see who's interested in me."
Nearly yelling, Mia asked, "Who might be interested?"
Jordan looked thoroughly confused. "I don't know … probably a European team. That's the only place that has professional volleyball. I thought we could kinda look around when we start to travel. See where we might like to live."
"See where we might like to live." Mia repeated the words, but they didn't make sense to her.
"Yeah. We start our European tour in three weeks. I've got close to $10,000 that I've put aside for you to travel with me. We've gotta start shopping for airfare to Madrid. That's our first stop."
"It is?"
"Yeah." Jordan smiled. "See how time flies?"
"I … I had no idea. You've never mentioned travel plans."
"Really?" Jordan gave her a perplexed smile. "We have to travel to get in shape for Sydney. But it's gonna be cool! We're gonna see the world, honey! Spain, Japan, Eastern Europe. That's why I've tried to watch my spending. We'll need every bit of the money I've saved for airfare and hotel rooms."
Mia tried to keep her smile bright, but all she could think of was sitting in a hotel watching television in a foreign language while Jordan practiced and played. "Do many other spouses or boyfriends go on these trips?"
"No, I don't think so. Most people can't get the time off." She put her hand under Mia's T-shirt and flicked her belly-ring. "You don't have that problem."
"No, I sure don't," she said. "I'm free as a bird." In a really boring cage.
Part Sixteen
The next morning, Jamie woke and immediately smiled. She snuggled deeper into her partner's embrace while checking the clock. They'd decided to take the day off school to reconnect a little as well as to help Catherine move into her new house.
They had an afternoon flight to Los Angeles for Ryan's weekend games with U.C.L.A. and U.S.C., and Ryan had promised that they'd spend as much time alone as possible. Jamie had taken the liberty of making dinner reservations for just the two of them on both Friday and Saturday nights-just so Ryan didn't have the chance to suggest a pizza with the other girls.
As soon as Jamie moved, Ryan's eyes opened and she tilted her head just enough to be able to kiss her. They each shifted to have more skin contact while the kiss deepened. "Is there a better way to wake up?" Ryan asked when they broke apart, her voice deep and a little raspy.
"No," Jamie said. "This is the best way in the whole world. Time for love?" she asked, not having looked at the clock. She moved her hand up and down her partner's body, drawing a little purr from Ryan.
"Easy, cupcake," Ryan said. "We've gotta leave in half an hour."
"Not a problem," Jamie said, pulling her lover into a deep, sultry kiss. Her hands were everywhere, and Jamie felt her libido surge, so intent on her body's needs that she didn't notice Ryan's tepid response. Easily, she flipped Ryan onto her back and had started to move down her body when the phone rang. Jamie gave the phone a deadly glare and focused again on Ryan's body-which wriggled away from her. Jamie looked up in shock as Ryan reached for the phone.
"I'm at the bakery," Catherine said. "So don't eat breakfast. I'll have enough to fill even you up."
"You sound pretty excited," Ryan said. "Most people dread moving."
"I'm about to squeal," Catherine said, "I can't wait until you two get here."
Ryan's brow furrowed. "Are you in Hillsborough?"
"No, I'm in Pacific Heights. I can't wait!"
"We'll be there as soon as we can," Ryan said, giving her partner a swat on the seat and mouthing, "Heat up the shower."
But Jamie didn't follow instructions. She was lying on her stomach, her eyes boring into Ryan, who hung up and stared back at her. "What?"
"Why did you answer the phone?"
"Uhm ... because it rang?" Ryan was trying her best to charm her lover, giving her a sweet, innocent smile.
But her charms were wasted on Jamie. "We have an agreement. We never answer the phone or the door when we're making love."
"I know that," Ryan said. She slipped out of bed, leaned over and shook her head, trying to get some of the tangles out. "But we weren't making love. We were just waking up."
"Ryan, cut the bull."
Ryan's eyes opened wide. "What bull?"
"If you don't wanna make love, that's fine. But don't act like we weren't starting to."
Ryan walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She came back to the bedroom and ruffled Jamie's hair. "I just didn't pick up your signal, babe. My mind was on what we had to do today."
Jamie's eyes never left her partner's. Ryan gave her another smile and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm sorry. Sometimes we just don't click."
"Right," Jamie said, unsmiling.
Ryan went back into the bathroom and called out, "Your mom is waiting for us in the city. Wanna get in the shower with me?"
"No, thanks. I'm not in the mood." She rolled over and scooted up and put her head on her pillow. She was certain that Ryan would turn off the shower and come back into the room to smooth things over. But she heard her lover get into the shower and start to wash her hair, singing quietly.
What in the hell is going on with us? She's never intentionally ignored me when she knows I'm angry. And she knows I'm angry. That smile might have gotten her out of disagreements with her fuck buddies, but it's not going to work with me!
Even though she was still angry, Jamie deliberately ignored the issue. She knew they had to talk, but having an argument on the way to help her mother move wasn't a good idea.
They got to the BMW, which was behind the Boxster. Ryan stood near the rear bumper, looking a little like a sloth. "Wanna take your car?"
"Because it's more difficult?" Even though she didn't want to fight, it was hard to be civil.
"No." Ryan yawned ostentatiously. "I'm not feeling very sharp. I thought you could drive."
"Give me the keys," Jamie said. "I can manage to drive a big car."
"Don't screw up my seat settings."
Jamie mumbled something and got into the driver's seat. She moved the seat and the mirrors, knowing that Ryan's settings were set in the computer module. Several times Jamie started to say something about their morning, but she bit her tongue, reasoning that they'd have time alone on the weekend. Ryan hummed a soft tune during the whole trip, irritating Jamie all the more. Other than the humming, Ryan didn't say a word, and Jamie found herself in Pacific Heights before she knew it.
She was able to find a parking space quite close to the house, and when they approached the front of the dwelling both young women rocked back on their heels and gazed up at the structure in wonder.
The pristine, white-painted residence was absolutely gorgeous. A combination of understated elegance and pure, simple lines, it had such tremendous curb appeal that both Jamie and Ryan were perfectly content to just stare at it.
"Don't you want to come inside?" Catherine asked, her voice carrying down from the balcony.
Shielding her eyes against the sun, Ryan called up, "It can't get much better than this. What a perfect view of the bay!" She turned to watch an assortment of sailboats dotting the bright blue water, and sighed deeply. "I'd give a lot to have a view of the bay from my house."
"We can have that," Jamie reminded her.
"Not until they move the bay closer to Noe," Ryan said regretfully, shaking her head. "Family before view."
"Well, you're my family, and I'll share my view with you any day," Catherine promised. "Now get in here and start looking around."
They walked up a few steps, then entered a small, covered entryway. Catherine threw the door open.
"Holy crap!" Ryan cried out, earning an elbow to the gut from her partner.
"You don't have to behave," Catherine laughed. "It's nice to hear an honest reaction once in a while. It is impressive, isn't it?"
"It's not just impressive," Jamie said, looking around. "It's absolutely breathtaking, Mom. Who in the world designed it?"
"The former owner is an art director who works in Hollywood," she said. "He certainly used all of his talents here, didn't he?"
"I'm confused," Jamie said. "Did you buy it furnished?"
"Yes. I've never considered buying a furnished home, but the pieces were made for this place, and it seemed silly to try to replicate the feel that I got when I walked in here. It's the whole mood that I fell in love with, so I made my offer contingent on the inclusion of every stick of furniture."
"Then how is this moving day?" Ryan asked.
"My personal furnishings are arriving," she said. "Everything for the kitchen, small appliances... linens ... clothing."
"Just two trucks, huh?" Ryan asked, getting another elbow.
Jamie did another spin, amazed at how lovely the room was. "Hard to imagine a guy owned this. It doesn't have a masculine feel at all. It's very rich and sumptuous, isn't it?"
"Yes," Catherine agreed. "It feels like a warm cocoon."
She was smiling broadly, and Jamie saw a peacefulness in her expression that had been missing for quite some time. "I'm so glad you were able to buy it, Mom. I think it's really going to suit you." She turned to say something to her partner, but Ryan was missing. "Where did she run off to?"
"I think we'll be able to find her," Catherine smiled. "The place isn't that big."
"How many rooms?"
"Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and study on this floor, and five bedrooms with four baths upstairs. It's obviously bigger than I need, but the rooms are rather compact. The dimensions really appeal to me."
"I see what you mean," Jamie agreed. "The smaller sized rooms add to the lush feeling you get in here."