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Death's Dirty Demands

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Lexie had gone to visit Eva three weekends ago. While she’d been gone Devil had been checking his cell phone every few minutes waiting for her call. Brianna had watched the worry on the president’s face as he waited for his woman to come back home.

  “They’re friends. I don’t see it being a concern when they get older. Simon will find other girls, and Tabitha will be around other boys. I don’t see a problem,” Lexie said.

  “What if it is?” Judi asked, taking a seat over from her. “Simon’s stubborn. I saw him looking through the catalogue to send her a gift.”

  “He’s not old enough to have anything. They’re friends. I can’t believe you’re all worried. Devil’s just worried. This thing with Tiny and their clubs, it’s still raw.”

  Brianna placed the potatoes in the oven to roast. She tucked hair behind her ear and glanced over at the woman.

  “Have you thought about what I said?” Lexie asked.

  She nodded. “Death, he’s offered me a place by his side.” All the women were looking at her.

  “Are you going to take it?” Lexie snagged another carrot stick, resting a hand on her swollen stomach. Even heavily pregnant the woman was sexy as hell. Brianna understood why Devil was so possessive and protective of her.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Death’s a good man, Brianna. He’d give you a good life,” Judi said.

  There was a time she’d have been able to converse with these women easily. Ronald and Master had taken away that ease. She now didn’t have a clue what to do or say. They were different women from her, normal women. They loved their husbands and the club. Could she bring herself to become part of the world once again?

  June chose that moment to enter with Dick following behind her. He looked toward her, wrapping his arms around June’s waist and pulling her close. There was no jealousy inside her at his actions. When she’d seen Death getting a blow job from one of the other women, she’d been hurt. Could she handle the thought of him being elsewhere?

  “I’m going to clean.”

  She didn’t make any more excuses and made her way out of the room. Death being with other people bothered her.


  “Get out,” Lexie said, glaring at Dick. He was living up to his name in more ways than one. June did as she was ordered. She was one of the club whores whom Lexie actually respected. The other woman hadn’t tried to make a play at her man, but if she did, Lexie was going to hurt the bitch.

  Several club whores had tried to make a play for her man, but now all of them stayed well clear of Devil.

  “Do you think she’s going to go with Death?” Mia asked, looking toward where Brianna had escaped.

  “She is,” Judi said. “There’s something between them. It’s going to take a little time for her to get out of the habits she’s trained herself to do in order to survive. Death is perfect for her.”

  Lexie sat back, thinking about it. “Death cares about her. He won’t let anyone hurt her.”

  “Do you really think pushing the issue is wise?” Mia asked.

  Devil had allowed her to confide in the other old ladies about their plan with Brianna and Death. They were all trying to bring the couple together. She’d watched them for the last couple of weeks. The attraction between them was clear to see. Death and Brianna deserved to have some kind of happiness. What Devil had warned her of the fact he couldn’t allow Brianna to stay in the club without someone making a claim. If Death didn’t make a claim then Brianna had to make a choice. Lexie hoped she’d gotten it right with Brianna and Death. The two would be so wonderful together.

  Chapter Five

  Death was listening to Snake complain about his nose when Jessica walked into the diner. She was wearing her nurse’s uniform, and she made to pass them. When she saw them sat at the table, she stopped to give him a smile.

  “Hello.” Her gaze turned to Snake. She lost her smile. “I see your nose is on the mend.”

  “Sit with us,” Snake said, snagging her hand. Jessica pulled out of his hold.

  “I don’t think so. I’m meeting Lydia in a moment.”

  She passed their table going toward the back. Death watched as she took a seat, grabbing the menu.

  “Do you want to leave?” Death asked.

  “Fuck no. I want to see what the bitch looks like.”

  “You really can’t remember fucking her?”

  “No. I can’t.” Snake took a long drink of his coffee, taking a fry from his plate. They had ordered burgers with all the trimmings. Death couldn’t stop thinking about Brianna and the feel of her lips as she kissed him back. Her response had been heady, and he didn’t want it to end.

  “What the fuck’s got a smile on your face?” Snake asked, growling out the words.

  “You’ve got a hard-on for Jessica, and you can’t do fuck all about it because you’ve fucked her friend.”

  “Bite me, Death. Seriously, I’m not in the mood. You’ve broken my nose and now you’re fucking with my head as well.”

  Still laughing, Death turned toward the front of the diner as the door opened. Cool air blew through the whole of the diner, and the woman closed the door. She had brown hair and was completely slender whereas Jessica was curvy.

  Death watched Jessica wave toward her friend.

  The look of horror on Snake’s face was easy to see. Lydia stopped by their table, smiling at Snake.

  “Hey, Snake,” she said.


  He didn’t understand the horror on Snake’s face.

  “Hey,” Death said, interrupting as Snake made no move to make introductions between them.

  “Hello.” Lydia shook his hand.

  “I’m Death.”

  “I know who you are. I was hoping to hear from you, Snake.”

  “Your friend is waiting,” Snake said, glaring at the woman.

  Lydia’s cheeks went red. “Okay, well, it was nice to see you again.”

  Snake didn’t say anything.

  When they were alone, Death took a bite out of his burger.

  “Why do you look disgusted?” Death asked, talking with mouthfuls of food. “Do you remember her?”

  “She’s a fucking bunny boiler. A fucking animal in bed and not in the best way.”

  “Huh?” Death looked toward Lydia.

  He caught Jessica glancing toward the table.

  “Okay, she’s a screamer, biter, and she fucking hits during sex. I had to hold her down. There is nothing sane about that bitch.” Snake shuddered.

  Death didn’t even recognize her. “You must have fucked her elsewhere.”

  “The first time was around the back of the diner. She was fine. We went back to her place and she turned into a lunatic. Eat up, I want out of here.”

  Death finished off his burger, enjoying how uncomfortable Snake looked. It served the bastard right to not have life go his way. The woman he clearly wanted wasn’t going to let him get near her. The loyalty between the two women wasn’t as strong as Mia and Ashley’s. He saw they were only friends. Jessica kept looking toward Snake.

  Death wondered what was going on inside her head.

  Once they finished their meal, Death pulled out notes and left them on the table, including a big tip for Charlie.

  They were on their bikes heading back to the clubhouse in no time. As they pulled up in front of the clubhouse he found Devil outside smoking. Butler was standing with him but not smoking.

  Death stopped with Snake to talk with the two men.

  “We’re going out tomorrow for new decorations. You’re going as well,” Devil said.

  “Is that an order?” This came from Snake.

  “What the fuck is it with you all questioning me? Yeah, it’s a fucking order.” Devil threw his cigarette to the ground, storming back inside the clubhouse.

  Butler was laughing. “We’ve got a Christmas list to get. The women are seriously taking over this year. There’s no way we can get away from this. I know. I’ve fucking tr
ied.” He headed back into the clubhouse.

  Death had taken the list from the man and saw it was indeed a long list. “Baubles, tinsel, lights.”

  “We’re all turning into fucking pussies for these women.” Snake walked back inside. June was at the counter. Death watched him grab her around the waist and haul her upstairs.

  Brianna was nowhere in sight, and he took a seat at the bar. Judi was drinking a soda.

  “Where’s Ripper?” Death asked, taking a seat.

  “He’s gone to the store. We ran out of chocolate ice cream, and I’m needing some.”

  “Should have called me, honey. I’d have stopped by the store for you on the way back.” He ruffled her hair, and she batted his hand away.

  “I’m not a young girl anymore, Death.” She pulled the band from her hair, pulling her hair back together and putting the length back up.

  “I know. You’re bringing another younger one into the world. How are you handling it?”

  Lexie never handled the early stages of pregnancy well. She tended to need a lot of sleep as she got exhausted and vomited a lot.

  “I’m handling it fine.” Judi pressed a hand to her stomach. “I’m so excited.”

  He chuckled at the glow on her face.

  “I spoke with Brianna today.”

  Death stared back at her.

  “You’ve got to get through to her. The woman she once was is there, waiting to come out. I promise you, Death, she’s there.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He listened as she talked about what she had learned about Brianna. “She only knows him as Master?”

  “Yeah, it’s fucking crazy.” Judi sipped at her drink. “She wants you, Death. Take her, make a claim.”

  “I’ve given her ‘til Friday to make a decision.”

  “Who gives a fuck about Friday? Don’t make her wait for you. Spend time with her. She’ll open right up with the right man.”

  “How do you know?” he asked.

  She smiled. “It’s what happened between Ripper and me. He was the man for me, and I know I can be myself around him.”

  Ripper chose that moment to walk inside the clubhouse carrying a tub of ice cream. Judi jumped down from the stool and moved toward her husband.

  Death watched from his seat at the bar as the two embraced. Ripper had been through hell to prove his love for Judi. Devil had wanted to kill the man for touching her. The whole of the club had wanted to hurt him for touching her. Judi had been and still was the club princess. No brother should have touched her. The love between the two was what kept Ripper breathing.

  He knew Devil still held a gun ready to take Ripper out if he ever hurt her. Most of the time Devil was a laid-back president, and he didn’t get involved with other people’s troubles. With Ripper, Devil made an exception. If Ripper fucked up, Devil would shoot him. If he made Judi cry, Devil would shoot him. Every possibility when it came to Ripper, Devil had threatened. So far, Ripper was still alive.

  “Take care of her,” Judi said, snatching her soda from the counter as she passed him.

  Spider stood behind the counter. “You want a drink?”

  “No. I’ve got stuff to do.”

  Moving away from the bar he walked into the kitchen to find Dick and Amy fucking on one of the counters. Brianna wasn’t in sight.

  “You better clean up after you.”

  “Fuck off,” Dick said.

  Amy moaned, pulling Dick inside her. “Harder.”

  Shaking his head, he made his way up to his bedroom. He stopped outside of Brianna’s room, tempted to walk inside the room. Reaching out he almost opened the door but stopped himself.

  Pulling away, he made his way to his own room. Opening the door, he stopped as he caught sight of Brianna sitting on the bed. Her hands were locked together in her lap. She looked at him without saying a word.

  “What are you doing in here?” he asked.

  “I wanted to talk to you.” She tucked some of her red hair behind her ear. Did she have any idea how damn hot she looked?

  He closed his bedroom door, leaning against it. Folding his arms over his chest, he stared at her, waiting. When she didn’t speak or show signs of speaking, he did. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

  “Your offer? Does it still stand?”

  “You want to become my old lady?” She had another couple of days to decide. He wasn’t going to rush her even though he wanted her with a desperation that shocked him. No woman had ever left him feeling like this. He needed to remind himself constantly that she wasn’t like other women. She’d been used, and from the way she behaved, she rarely used anyone else.

  “I don’t want to become available to the other men.”

  It wasn’t exactly the best answer he wanted. She’d rather be with him than anyone else. He was the lesser of two evils.

  “This is not a decision to be made lightly, Brianna. I’m not going to let you go once I’ve got you.” He wanted her to know right from the start that he had every intention of keeping her.

  “There’s nowhere else for me to go. I’ve got no family or friends. This is the only place I’ve got. You promised to be patient with me.”

  “I’m not going to wait around forever,” he said, letting her know from the start he wanted more.

  “I know. You’ll give me time. I need time, and I promise I won’t make you wait too long.”

  He nodded. “You can stay here tonight or you can have a final day in your room.”

  She glanced around the room. “Can I stay here?”


  “Sure, you can stay here. I’m not going to kick you out of my room.”

  Brianna breathed out a sigh of relief. She’d really thought he might play a trick on her and have her out of his room where she’d have to start begging other brothers for a chance to be with them. Death made her feel something, and she’d not really felt anything but fear in a long time.

  She still couldn’t get the feel of his lips on hers out of her head. No matter how much she cleaned or cooked, the feel of his lips on hers along with his hands, stayed firmly in her mind. It was like her mind refused to forget something so amazing.

  Reaching behind her she grabbed the clean pair of sweats she’d taken from her room. She felt awkward. What was she supposed to do now?

  “You can use the bathroom first. It’s through there.” Death moved across his room. There wasn’t a bathroom for her, and she needed to use the one the club whores were given to wash. She nodded, holding her bundle of clothes against her chest.

  “Thank you, Death, I appreciate it.” She stopped next to him. Brianna wanted to give him something. Staring at him, she watched him nod his head. This had to be one of the strangest moments of her life. Death was much older than she was, but she didn’t care about his age.

  He wasn’t a good looking man in the fashionable way. There was something dark, terrifying about him. Whenever he looked at her, she knew he was waiting for her to do something. She’d never been watched or observed so closely before.

  There were lines on either side of his eyes showing the maturity of his age. Where Pussy teased and tormented, she saw Death was serious all the time. He rarely let down his guard. The whole time she’d known him, apart from when she saw him getting a blow job, she’d never seen him with another woman.

  The simple memory of seeing the blonde taking his cock twisted her gut. She was jealous of a woman she didn’t know. Death wasn’t hers.

  He could be.

  Death could be yours if you let him.

  Give in, Brianna.

  Judi’s words from earlier came back to haunt her. She was giving her old master more power than he deserved. At twenty years old she’d not lived life or even known what she was missing out on. She didn’t want to get to an age in life where she had nothing but constant regrets. That would be no life at all.

  She stared at Death’s lips remembering how amazing they felt on hers.

  He’s not
like the others. This is what you want.

  He’d not thrown her to the bed and fucked her. Death was going to give her time.

  Stepping closer to him, she held her bundle of clothes in one hand while staring at him.

  Do it.

  Reaching out with her free hand, she ran her fingers up the front of his leather cut. He was strong, muscular. There was no doubt in her mind that Death could handle himself. She didn’t know his real name, and if she was honest with herself, she didn’t care. The last two years had taught her there was a hell of a lot more to people than their goddamn name.

  She went on her toes while wrapping her arms around his neck. Pressing her lips to his, she was surprised when he didn’t respond at first. Brianna pulled back to look into his eyes. He stared right back without even blinking.

  Mean it.

  Licking her lips, she returned to kissing him, sliding her tongue along his lips. The passion she’d kept buried for so long, she released for him to feel. Regardless of what she tried to show everyone, she wasn’t dead inside, far from it.

  Passion, desire, need, want, hope—it was all in there waiting to be thrust out on the one man she wanted.

  Dropping the clothes she held, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her whole body against him. She craved the close contact with him.

  The hard ridge of his cock pressed against her abdomen, letting her know exactly what he wanted from her. She wouldn’t be ready tonight, but as she deepened the kiss something awakened inside her.

  He didn’t take advantage, giving her time to adjust to him.

  When she would have continued, he grabbed her arms and held her away from him.

  “Go and shower.”


  “No, not tonight. I’m not going to do this with you.” He cupped her cheek, dropping a kiss to her lips before finally stepping back.

  She watched him turn and walk away.

  Confusion hit her all at once. Why didn’t he want to kiss her back?

  He promised you time. Stop moaning about it and go shower.

  Brianna closed the shower door. She saw the lock but didn’t bother to use it. Dropping the clothes on the toilet seat, she stripped off and turned the shower on. She waited for the water to heat before climbing into the stall.


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