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Death's Dirty Demands

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Licking her lips, she lifted her head up to the spray of water. Her heart was racing as she touched her lips once again. What was it about Death that had her body going crazy?

  She glided a hand down, feeling the sensitiveness of her breasts. Going further down, she ran her fingers over her quivering stomach until she touched herself. Sliding a finger through her slit she was shocked by the wetness she discovered. The heat wasn’t from the water but her own body.

  Pressing a finger to her cunt, she slid a digit inside, biting down on her lip as the sudden onslaught of pleasure took her by surprise. Unable to stop herself, she pressed a thumb to her clit, groaning out.

  “Brianna, are you okay?”

  She didn’t answer the question, sure that she was hearing things. Drawing her fingers up from her pussy, she began to work her clit.

  “What the fuck?” Death said.

  Gasping, she turned pressing her back against the shower. The doors were steamy, but she could make out his outline. What the hell had just happened? She tried to cover up her body as Death opened the stall.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I heard you groan. I didn’t know what caused it.”

  “Nothing.” She crossed her legs, desperate for some release. It was insane to think she’d never felt like this before.

  Death didn’t walk away. He stepped into the shower even though he was wearing some boxer briefs. He’d obviously gotten undressed while she was in the shower.

  “You’re getting wet,” she said, daring to chance a look at him. In one quick movement, he closed the door, locking them both into the shower.

  He stared down at her. The heat in his gaze made her shiver. Death didn’t say anything as he grabbed her hands and slowly drew them away from her body, leaving her exposed to his gaze.

  She didn’t fight him.

  The arousal coursing through her was on the verge of pain. Nothing felt like her own. She was used to not feeling or caring. This was new for her, and she knew it was all because of him that she was feeling this way.

  With her hands by her side, she jerked as his fingers glided across her stomach. He didn’t go down but worked his way up her body to cup her breasts. His thumb stroked across her nipple.

  She released a moan, arching up against his hands.

  No words were spoken. He played with her tits bringing her more pleasure. When she thought she was on the point of release, he stopped, sliding his hands down her stomach.

  Each second that passed with his light touches only served to arouse her more. Brianna couldn’t look away from him. She was hypnotized by the way he touched her. The gentle touches were not enough, but she saw he was holding back. Death was in complete control of his actions. She couldn’t stop him, didn’t want to stop him.

  His fingers slid through her pubic hair. Death teased the strands of her hair moving down to finger her slit. One finger went between the lips of her pussy, opening her up. He stroked her clit as he moved down to touch her pussy. With only his one finger, he pressed inside her, and Brianna couldn’t hold on anymore.

  She gripped his arms as her legs almost gave out. Death moved her back until she pressed against the tiles that had warmed up from the heat of the shower. He kept her on her feet between the wall and his hard body. She’d closed her eyes for a split second, and when she opened them she saw he was close.

  There was no fear, no pain, only pleasure and anticipation. She was in his arms, and there was nowhere else she wanted to go.

  He added a second finger inside her, thrusting the two digits high inside her.

  “Do you want more?” he asked.

  It was the first time he’d spoken since joining her in the shower. Brianna simply nodded.

  Yes, she wanted more. Whatever was happening to her body needed a hell of a lot more of what he could give her.

  Death pressed his thumb against her clit, moving it back and forth. With his fingers inside her and his thumb on her nub, a mass of sensation exploded inside her. He kept her locked in place as he played with her body. She loved every second.

  “You need release next time, Brianna, you come to me. I don’t share what’s mine and that includes your hand. I’ll give you everything you need. I’ll never force you. You want me to fuck you, ask, and I’ll fuck you. I’ll wipe every single fucking memory out of your mind of what that bastard did to you. When you’re in my bed you’ll scream in pleasure, not in pain. I will give you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

  She stared into his eyes as he spoke, knowing he said nothing but the truth. This was what she wanted. When she’d been alone at night after she’d been used, she would think about a man who’d want only her. She’d wished for a man who wouldn’t share her, who’d be possessive, and who wouldn’t hurt her.

  Could Death be the very man she’d been hoping for all along?

  Chapter Six

  Brianna gripped his shoulders. Death watched her reactions, making sure she was with him the whole way. The water fell down around them getting his boxers wet, and he didn’t care. Hearing her groan, he’d thought she’d hurt herself. He’d called her name several times trying to get her attention. Each time had been a failure. She wasn’t answering him. He’d become worried. When he opened the door, the last thing he expected to see was Brianna playing with herself. The wonder he’d witnessed on her face would stay with him forever.

  He released her pussy and took her lips in another searing kiss. When he went to touch her again he was stopped by her tugging on his briefs.

  Within seconds he stood within the shower butt ass naked, like she was.

  She reached out, running her fingers along the ink displayed on his abdomen. He didn’t reach out to touch her. Death placed his hands on either side of her head against the wall, giving her free rein to touch his body. He was hers for the taking.

  Staring down into her green eyes, he saw her gaze was on his body. He had the Chaos Bleeds symbol decorating his left hip. His body was a canvas for tribal tattoos, and whatever took his fancy. Death liked to get inked. When her hands moved from his abdomen to grip his cock, he let out a hiss.

  “You don’t have to do that.” He covered her hand with his, intending to stop her.

  “I want to. I want to give you pleasure.” She gripped his cock a little harder.

  Cupping her cheek, he slid his thumb across, touching her. “Only if you want to.”

  “I do.”

  He glided his hand down her body, touching her soft skin. She was so beautiful. From the moment he first saw her when they pulled her out of the strip club, he’d felt like he’d been punched in the gut. Her beauty was all natural. Nothing about her body was fake. Her tits were large, full, and spilled over his hand when he cupped them. She had nice wide hips, a rounded stomach, and an ass he could grip. The clothes she wore were in a larger size. He knew she was between a size sixteen to eighteen. Death couldn’t be more accurate as he’d never paid much attention to the tag within the clothes he bought for her.

  Yes, he’d been a fucking sucker and started to buy her clothes. Feeling like a pussy for buying feminine clothes, he’d kept them locked up within his closet. No one knew about them, and that was the way he liked it. Whatever took his fancy, he bought. There was a deep green summer dress in there to match her eyes.


  He cupped her pussy within his palm. “If you’re going to play then so am I.” Pressing two fingers inside her cunt, he groaned as she started to work his cock. Her hand went from the base of his cock up to the tip. Brianna pulled his foreskin back, sliding a finger over the tiny slit at the top.

  She didn’t look away from him and neither did he with her.

  Death intended for her to know at every turn the person she was with.

  “Your hand feels so good, Brianna,” he said.

  With his fingers well lubricated from her cunt, he drew them up her slit to touch her clit. Her nub was swollen, and he slowly stroked her. He watched her eyes
dilate, and her cheeks got flushed as he stroked her clit.

  It was hard to concentrate with her hands on his cock, but he did it. Pressing his advantage, he moved his fingers down to her cunt. He took his time teasing her clit before going back to her pussy. Death kept his other hand beside her head.

  Neither of them looked away. Something passed between them. He didn’t know what, but he wasn’t about to stop to analyze it.

  She used her other hand to cup his balls as she worked his cock.

  “I want you to come on my fingers, Brianna. I’m going to watch as you come apart in my arms. I’ll be here to hold you like always.”

  Keeping his fingers inside her, he caressed her clit with his thumb, watching her start to pant. Her chest heaved with each deep inhalation. The walls of her pussy tightened around his fingers. Leaning down, he claimed her lips, sliding his tongue inside her.

  She didn’t stop playing with his cock. The pleasure built inside him. His cock was so hard it was on the verge of pain. Death didn’t stop her. He wasn’t ready to stop her.

  Nipping at her lips, Death plunged his fingers in as he pressed his thumb hard against her clit. Brianna cried out, breaking from the kiss as she came. She screamed out her release and worked her hand faster over his cock. Death dropped his head to the curve of her neck as his own release exploded out of him. He watched the white strands of his cum shoot onto her stomach. With the way he was standing, he stopped any water from washing his cum away. He liked seeing his seed on her body.

  Death hoped soon he’d be climaxing inside her tight cunt and watching his seed slide from the lips of her pussy. He’d never taken a woman without a rubber, but with Brianna he was going to make an exception. She was going to be filled with his cum, and he’d be more than happy to keep on doing it.

  They were both panting, and he removed his fingers from her tight heat. He pulled away and watched as the water washed down her body. His gaze was caught by the fine hairs of her pussy, which were a lighter red than the hair on her head. He’d not taken the time to actually look at the hairs of her pussy.

  He wanted to taste her but knew that would come in time.

  Taking a kiss, he plunged his tongue inside her mouth then withdrew.

  “Thank you.”

  Death moved her away from the wall, and picked up the soap. Without saying a word, he lathered his hands and started to clean her body. She didn’t fight him or tell him to stop.

  When she was cleaned, he quickly washed his own body. He’d been outside, waiting for her to finish. That one groan had smashed all of his good intentions to smithereens.

  Finished with his own body, he grabbed the soap, using it on her head first. He was surprised when she didn’t try to take over. Brianna let him clean her, washing the shampoo from her hair before going onto the conditioner. She moved out of his way as he worked the soap into his own hair.

  He turned off the shower, opened the door, and climbed out. Death gave Brianna a towel watching as she covered herself up in the grey towel. Her body was amazing. Death couldn’t wait to have more time to explore what now belonged to him.

  She climbed out of the stall, and stood off to the side.

  Death leaned down, wringing out his clothes.

  “I don’t know what came over me,” she said.

  He glanced at her over his shoulder.

  “One moment I didn’t know what was happening, the next moment, I wanted you naked.”

  Death smiled. “You’re attracted to me, Brianna.” He was downright smitten with her. “When we’re together I want you to understand that you can talk to me. Don’t be afraid of me.”

  He didn’t want her to be scared. Throughout his life he’d scared both men and women. Scaring men didn’t bother him, but he didn’t like the thought of women being scared of him, especially this woman.

  “I’m not afraid of you.”

  Standing back up, he threw the clothes into the trash. His jacket he draped over the radiator by the toilet. She held the towel against her chest tight. Her knuckles were white with how tight she held it.

  “Are you sure about that?” he asked, staring at her hands.

  She glanced down at her hands then back up at him. “I’ve never done anything like this. I mean, I’ve had sex. I’ve had a lot of sex.”

  “It’s not sex that you’ve wanted.” He stared at her. Death was a good foot taller than she was. He held a towel wrapped around his waist.

  Brianna’s hair was wet from the shower. She looked so tempting standing by the door waiting for him. “No, I didn’t want it,” she said, shaking her head.

  He had to remind himself of what he said.

  “With me you’ll only ever do what you want. I meant what I said in the shower. You want an orgasm, come to me. Until you’re ready, you’ll start everything.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “I get that you’ve probably done everything. You’ve fucked for survival, sucked cock, probably even taken it up the ass to survive.” The way her cheeks heated, he got his answer. “What I’m saying to you is forget all of it. It happened, and I’m not going to pretend it didn’t. Your first sexual experience was about being used. You don’t know what it’s like to want someone. What I mean is, if you want me to touch you, I won’t until you ask me to. You’ll tell me every single step of the way what you want me to do to you.” If her cheeks got any redder she’d be on fucking fire. He took a step closer to her. “You want me to touch your pussy, tell me. You want to suck my cock, tell me. You want me to take you out some place, tell me.” He stopped when he was right in front of her. “If you want me to bend you over the bed and fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before, tell me. Until you’re ready, you control everything that happens to you.”

  “If I don’t want any of that?”

  Death smiled. The passion inside her glowed brighter than ever before, and it was so damn easy to see.

  “You’ll want it, Brianna.” He leaned in close. “I know exactly how to make sure you do want it without taking anything from you.” Again, he dropped a kiss to her lips, before making his way into his bedroom.

  He dropped the towel before climbing into bed.

  “You’re not going to put any clothes on?” she asked.

  “No, you don’t have to either. I won’t touch you, Brianna. I’m not some little schoolboy who doesn’t understand what no means.” He placed the blanket over his crotch, looking back at her. She seemed so unsure of herself. “I’m not going to kick you out of my room or my bed if you wear a shirt. Damn, wear a coat, hat, gloves, and scarf if it’ll make you feel comfortable.”

  She quickly wriggled into a shirt, pulling on a pair of shorts to go underneath. It was such a shame for her to go clothed. In time he’d have her naked and waiting for him.

  Brianna moved to the bed. He watched her hands open and close, staring down at the blanket with him inside it.

  Come on, baby, get inside.

  He didn’t say a word aloud, waiting for her to climb into bed.

  Grabbing the remote from his drawer, he pointed it at the television and started to flick through the channels. He wasn’t going to rush her.


  Get in the bed.

  Death paid her no attention as Brianna stared at the bed. He would be the first man she’d ever shared a bed with. She cut off her other thoughts as Master tried to invade her mind. He was the last person she was going to think of. Death flicked through channels giving her space.

  He didn’t look in her direction.

  Feeling like a total idiot, she lifted the covers and climbed into bed. Turning onto her side, she stayed as far away from him as possible.

  Seriously? You’ve had his cock in your hand. You’ve given him an orgasm and you’re going to lie there?

  “Remember what I said, Brianna?”

  She glanced over her shoulder to see him still looking at the television screen.

  “The only way something is going to happen
between us is if you initiate it. You’ve got nothing to be afraid of.”

  Brianna nodded then turned so that she faced the screen. Slowly, she began to move her pillow to get more comfortable. When she was in a better position she sat and watched the movie.

  “I’ll be back in a minute,” Death said, climbing out of bed. She watched him pull on a pair of sweats before leaving the room. Brianna pressed a hand to her chest. His ass was nice and firm. She imagined gripping the flesh and pulling him deeper inside her as she got closer to orgasm.

  Get your thoughts out of the gutter.

  She watched the horror movie playing on the screen. It was about a clown terrorizing a group of children. Clowns didn’t scare her.

  Death returned minutes later with his arms full with food. He dropped the bags of chips, candy, and chocolate onto the bed.

  “Here, I got this for you.” He handed her a soda then placed his on the drawer beside his bed. She held the cold can in her hands. Out of the corner of her eye she watched him drop his pants before getting back into bed.

  “Why don’t you keep your pants on?” she asked.

  “I can’t sleep with them on.”

  He opened a bag of cheesy flavored chips, offering some up to her. She took some of the chips, drinking soda as she watched the movie. When he opened the candy along with the chocolate, she took some of what he offered.

  She moaned around the caramel covered chocolate at the same time Death did. Brianna smiled at him, and he smiled back at her.

  It was … nice. There were no expectations of her or demand that she do anything. They were simply sharing treats while also watching a movie together. Any tension she had left began to fade away with the movie.

  “I like seeing you smile,” Death said.

  She turned her head to look at him to see him staring back at her. Brianna didn’t even realize she was smiling.

  “I’m not a freak or anything. I wasn’t smiling at the film.”

  He began to laugh. “What were you smiling at?”


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