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Alsselya's Heir

Page 14

by Rick Brown

  An Hour later Ryan returned with his bundle and Stiven Waith in tow. “I ran into Mr. Waith on my way here. He was sent to collect us.”

  “Good morning, your Highness,” Stiven said with a smile. “It is good to see you again. Are you ready for our little trip?”

  "Hello, Stiven, Now that Ryan is here we are," I said while shaking the man's hand.

  “Excellent. The King has given me the pleasurable duty of being your escort.”

  "I'll have to thank his Majesty for such good company. I plan to bring Barad and Ryan. Is that acceptable?"

  "Yes, that would be most appropriate," He said. "Let me bring in the porters from the hall." He opened the door and signaled the men who had been waiting. "Please bring the king and his attendant's luggage to the wagons." He stated signaling to our bags. "Shall we go, Your Majesty?"

  Chapter 21


  Outside the palace, there was a large circle drive. Awaiting us were two carriages and two wagons. Kendrick's plan is to keep it small so Lord Hannen could not sneak any spies into the party. The chill of winter was pushing out the cool air of fall. It was definitely cooler in Vennean than when we arrived. I smiled as I saw a familiar squad of men checking their horses. Sergeant Whilhoit was directing them while waiting for the trip to begin. Standing Next to Sergeant Whilhoit was Captain Trigg. I walked over to join them.

  “Gentlemen, will you be providing our escort?” I asked, shaking their hands.

  After greeting, Captain Trigg gave me a bow. “Your Majesty. It will be our honor to do so. It seems after working in the exercise area with your people, Sergeant Whilhoit here has the best-trained squad we could find. That and they share a love of both you and our own good King. There is no doubt of their loyalty.”

  “I would concur on their abilities, but Sergeant Whilhoit seems just as willing to toss me over his shoulder as he is his own men,” I said with a laugh.

  Captain Trigg looked appalled, but Whilhoit just smiled. “All in the name of better protecting you, Your Highness.”

  “Don’t give him any trouble Captain. We all use each other as practice dummies. He did so under orders.”

  “I see sire, Thank you,” Trigg replied looking relieved.

  “Have either of you heard anything about Captain Hannen?”

  “No Sire, not since he was moved to the jail. It’s been blissfully quiet.” Trigg replied.

  “Very good. Well, I hope you gentlemen will keep me from embarrassing myself on this trip. I’m more familiar with guarding a carriage than riding in one.”

  "It's very simple, Your Majesty. Step one is not to sit around speaking to the guards when the king is approaching," Whilhoit said, pointing behind me.

  I turned to see the king leaving the palace. "Worthy advice, thank you, Sergeant." I turned and walked over to intercept King Kendrick.

  “King Eberon, It is good to see you again. I hope your stay has been comfortable.”

  “Quite so, Your Majesty. Thank you.”

  “It is I who should be thanking you. Today we begin the process of removing weeds from my garden,” he stated gesturing to the palace.

  “I look forward to assisting in any way I can.”

  “Excellent, well, let us get moving then,” he said climbing into his carriage, followed by his Chamberlain Merret. I walked back to the other carriage that Stiven was standing beside.

  "Shall we, Your Majesty?" he asked while holding the door open. Ryan had already found a place inside. I stepped in, and Stiven followed me. Barad climbed up and set next to the driver. After a few moments, the wagon started forward. Captain Trigg and his men mounted and fell in on either side of the wagons.

  “How long is the trip?” I asked.

  "About four hours. This Lord enjoys his privacy," Stiven answered. I smiled to myself thinking of how, not long ago, I dreamed of being a house guard on such an estate. After enjoying my time at the palace, being a king now sounds better.

  I looked out the window as we rode through the city, the morning sun glistening off the white buildings. Even with guards, it was slow moving, clearing a path for the carriages. I watched as the people went about their business. Merchants were wheeling their wagons into place for the day. We were stuck for a while as the road cleared right next to a baker. I sent Ryan in to quickly buy us some sweetbreads. He sprinted out just as we started moving again. We all laughed as we hauled him into the moving wagon. A trip like this would be all the better with the treats. Barad banged on the roof, so we passed two up for himself and the driver.

  As we rolled along, I saw a boy covered in dirt walking along the street. Leaning out, I tossed him a sweetbread. He waved in thanks as we passed. Once we left the city, the road was less crowded, and the carriage took on a wobbling rhythm. It didn't take long before I was fast asleep.

  Around four hours later we arrived at Lord Faluth's estate. The Lord was an avid hunter and kept the land looking natural, other than his house lawn, which was manicured. The House itself was two stories and looked like it could house maybe twenty people. It would be considered small by many standards, but this was just where he stayed while visiting Vennean. The land that he was lord over was to the north. The Lord and his staff waited on the porch. Lord Faluth himself was a tall man. He had his gray hair combed over to hide his balding head and a big bushy gray mustache. He wore his Vaelin-red jack with gold buttons up the front. His chest was puffed out with a military bearing.

  He and his head servant slowly walked up to the first carriage, the servant opening it for him. “Your Majesty, we are honored by your visit.” The gruff Lord Faluth stated as he bowed.

  "Thank you, Faluth, it has been too long.” After the first carriage was emptied, ours came to the front. Once again the servant stepped forward and opened our door. "Allow me to introduce King Eberon of Alsselya," said King Kendrick.

  Lord Faluth bowed again. “It is truly an honor, getting to host two kings.”

  “I thank you, Lord Faluth,” I replied. “For you graciously opening your doors to us.”

  “Shall we go inside?” said Faluth, our host motioning to the doors. I followed Kendrick inside. The interior was much as I suspected. Lord Faluth carried his love of hunting into his décor. Hanging from the walls were numerous stags and other mounted heads. Some I didn’t even recognize.

  "Allow me to guide you to the sitting room," the Lord said as he took the lead. King Kendrick, Merret, Stiven, Ryan, and myself followed him. The sitting room was just off the main hall. It had more mounted animals, including a giant bear that was up on its hind legs with a ferocious roaring expression on its face. The long teeth exposed for intimidation.

  We made our way around the beast to the seats arranged around the fire. A bear rug laid out in the middle of the chairs. "Phelen, please bring some wine." The older servant toddled over to the wine cart and brought it forward. He studiously poured as his hands shook about. We patiently waited as he handed out our half filled goblets. "Thank you Phelen," the Lord said the servant finished. The servant bowed, almost falling over, then slowly made his way out of the room. As he was leaving, I saw Captain Trigg and Barad enter the room and stand on either side of the door.

  "Phelen has been with me for years," Faluth said, as he started his explanation. "He refuses to retire. Still, it only costs me some spilled wine and a lot of patience. Well worth the years of loyalty." He said as he stared fondly at the doorway as his servant.

  “I appreciate your own loyalty to a servant,” I said with a smile. It was good to see a man return that ideal.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. King Kendrick here says we hope to retake your lands for you, and about time too. I’ve traveled much over my life, and the world seems in a worse state every year that passes. I’ve heard about what the priests say. About the need for balance, and I believe it. Gods, It’s before everyone’s eyes if they were just willing to see.”

  “Well said, Faluth,” the king agreed. “That’s just the spirit we will need

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. How was the trip from the city?”

  “Refreshing. It’s good to get out of the palace every now and then.”

  “And young Ryan Albright too. Are you in the service of the king now?”

  “To King Eberon, my Lord. Thank you.”

  “Ah, excellent work, Your Majesty,” Faluth said as he turned to me. “The Albrights are all good men, but I always thought Ryan here was the best of the lot.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, my lord. Thank you.” I took some pleasure hearing Ryan bragged upon. He deserved it.

  We stopped as we heard a long squeaking sound. Each of us turned to the door as Phelen slowly guided a cart into the room, past the two guards. We sat back and relaxed as the elderly servant rolled it over to our chairs. Each turn of its wheel gave a low, slow squeal. He finally arrived and started passing around sweetbreads. We each graciously thanked him as he handed us our plates. Once again we watched as the servant left, squeaking his way across the room. Barad and Trigg smiled as they held the door open for him.

  Once he left the room, Kendrick turned to Lord Faluth. "So Kendrick, There is another issue we must resolve before we can deal with Dommeran."

  “You mean Lord Hannen,” the astute lord predicted, leaning back in his chair.

  "Precisely, and it's more imperative than you know. King Eberon has brought evidence of treachery by Hannen and some others. They have dealings with Dommeran with the intent of a coup."

  “The bastards. What are we going to do?”

  “How many men can you muster?”

  “With a full call of the men? I would think eight hundred.”

  "Excellent, I wish you to call them to the city under the guise of a military operation against Dommeran. I plan to call out Lord Hannen for his treason, and I will need military support."

  “That you will,” Lord Faluth sighed. “Lord Hannen and his son will not go down quietly.”

  “Even more so since our ties to the treason and Hannen are only circumstantial,” Stiven added. “Still, we can ruin his power base in the kingdom.”

  Faluth Nodded lighting his pipe, “Humph, as good as gutted then.”

  "That's our intent," said the king, relaxing in his chair. Getting Faluth was a significant part of the plan. He could muster the largest number soldiers, apart from the king and Lord Hannen.

  “Of course, my king. My men are yours. When do you plan to do this?”

  “In the spring. It will give us an opportunity to prepare over the winter.”

  “Then I will issue an order to send our men to this estate over the winter. That way we will be in place when the time comes.”

  “Excellent. That will work out nicely.”

  “Lord Francis’ estate is only an hour away. Maybe we should invite him to dinner?”

  The king took a thoughtful expression, “It was my understanding he wasn’t here.”

  “He arrived yesterday from his holdings. We were going to go hunting tomorrow. I can invite him to stay the night here.”

  “Yes, by all means. That is fortuitous. I didn’t think I would be able to talk to him until the winter ball we have arranged for King Eberon.”

  Faluth stood and pulled a servants cord on the wall. A few minutes later Phelen's head leaned through the door. "Phelen, send someone with a message to Lord Francis inviting him to join the kings and me for dinner." The servant nodded and pulled his head back out of the door."

  "Do not worry," Faluth said with a laugh. "He will not go himself. In the meantime, why don't I show you to your rooms? You can rest and prepare yourself for dinner. We will have some venison that I just shot yesterday."

  Barad and Ryan were given rooms next to me and joined me in my room once we settled in. “Well, This all seems to be going swimmingly.” Ryan started.

  “No less than you would expect from a loyal lord, “ Barad countered.

  “Those aren’t as common as you think. Especially one as dedicated as Faluth.”

  “I have to agree,” I added as I pulled off my boots. “I did a lot of research on politics while at the temple. It’s not the friendly homogenous world it appears from the outside.”

  Just then there was a knock at the door. Ryan let in Stiven. "Your Highness, would you and your men mind joining King Kendrick in his quarters?"

  “Of course,” I stated, sliding my boots back on. A good thing I napped on the way here.

  We followed Stiven down the hall to the king's room. It was far nicer than mine I noticed when I entered. Still, beggars can't be choosers. And in this kingdom, I was very much a beggar.

  "Lee, please come in," the king requested. "I wanted to talk to you before tonight. I am unsure of Lord Francis' loyalty. I ask that you do not talk of our plans against Lord Hannen. I will try to get a feel for him tonight. In the meanwhile, we will just talk about action against Dommeran. I've already made this same request of Faluth."

  I nodded, “I will follow your lead.”

  “How goes your kingdom building?”

  “Slowly,” I sighed. “I have a couple of pokers in the fire, but even with the generosity of Vaelin there is only so much I can do.”

  The king smiled as he poured a drink and handed to me. "Merret and Arthur continue to check the records. I understand more funds are coming."

  “That will help,” I said with a smile.

  “I can’t pretend to know what is ahead of you, trying to build a kingdom from scratch. It hasn’t been done in over a millennium. In a few months, we will have resolved this issue. We will need to start building allies for the war. I request you go with my people when we try to gain their aid. You have an appealing charisma about you that people will like. We will need all the help we can get.”

  “I would have requested to go if you had not recommended,” I said with a smile. “This inactivity is wearing on me.”

  “Inactivity! From what I hear you are wearing out my soldiers using them for practice every day.”

  “Ah, Sergeant Whilhoit. A good man.”

  "A better man, now that he has been working with you all season. Normally I would have brought my regular guards, but he volunteered for this mission. Apparently he feels some respect towards you." I was about to defend Whilhoit, but the king raised his hand. "I do not doubt his loyalty, and I trust his taste in character. It shows you are a good man."

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  After some pleasant conversation with Kendrick, my friends and I returned to our rooms. It felt good to relax. Before I knew it, I was awoken by a knock on the door. Phelen announced that dinner would be served in fifteen minutes. I cleaned myself up and left to gather Barad and Ryan then proceeded downstairs.

  Phelen met us at the bottom of the stairs and guided us to the dining room. I fought the urge to pass him but behaved myself. Eventually, we made it to the dining room. The room had a large rectangular table with yet more trophies lining the room. Lord Faluth and another man were seated at the table. Lord Faluth rose from his seat at the head of the table and bowed as I approached. "Your Majesty," he said as he bowed. "I hope you found your rooms satisfactory."

  “Absolutely, thank you for your hospitality.”

  My eyes fell to the man next to Faluth who was just starting to rise. "May I introduce Lord Francis," Faluth said motioning to Francis.

  The man was middle-aged and tall. He had dark hair and grayed temples. He wore his hair long, and it hung loosely down his back.

  “Your, Majesty. I have looked forward to meeting you,” he said with a smile.

  "Thank you, my lord," I said as Ryan, and I took our seats. Barad took his position by the door. Lord's Faluth and Francis sat once we took our seats.

  “Such unpleasantness with Young Captain Hannen,” Lord Francis started. “It’s the impetuousness of youth, of course. I would hate to see the poor lad lose everything because of a silly mistake.” Well, there it is, I thought to myself. He was Hannen’s man, might as well go home.

bsp; Just then king Kendrick walked in with Merret and Stiven. We all rose as he entered. I caught the king’s eye and gave a slight shake of my head. His eyes narrowed in understanding as he took his seat opposite Faluth.

  “Everyone sit.” The king stated. We all returned to our seats.

  “Francis, it’s been years since the crown has seen you. How are you doing?”

  “Well, Your Majesty. I was just speaking to King Eberon about the future of poor young Hannen. It seems a silly mistake. Not something to ruin a man’s life over.”

  “Well, I will let the courts deal with that. I’m sure they will take that all into account.”

  “But it would just take an amnesty from you to free him. It would be such a relief to your loyal lords.”

  “Loyal lords? I haven’t seen you in years, and your tithe to the kingdom has shrunk considerably. I am unconvinced of your loyalty, Lord Francis,” the king said with poorly concealed anger.

  "My King," Lord Francis said in a pacifying manner. "My land has struggled in previous years. In fact, that is why I haven't visited the capital. I was working for the benefit of our people."

  “From what I’ve heard your people are overtaxed,” Merret added. “I find it strange that you struggle to make your tithe.”

  Lord Francis turned his irritated gaze to him. “I had to reinvest it. Trying to revive the economy.”

  “Well,” the king answered. “I will send you some aide. Maybe some accountants and advisors that can assist you. It is the responsibility of the king to see to the welfare of the kingdom, after all.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. I believe we have righted our ship now. There is no need to waste the kingdom’s resources on us.” Francis said, taking on a worried expression. Oh, this is entertaining, I thought to myself, far better than any minstrel. Lord Francis has obviously been hoarding the money.

  “Nonsense, we have plenty of people ready to help. I will send them this spring,” the king said leaving no room for argument.

  “Of course, your highness. I look forward to their assistance.”

  Lord Francis sat quietly after that. He must figure the hole he dug for himself was deep enough without further attempts to save Captain Hannen. Our meal was served, and the discussions were kept to more civil topics. It became rather uncomfortable as Francis sat in his seat sulking. We all felt relieved as the king rose from his seat and wished us all goodnight. The rest of us followed him up the stairs. All thankful the evening was over.


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