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Alsselya's Heir

Page 15

by Rick Brown

  The king, Merret, and Stiven returned to their rooms while Ryan and Barad stopped at mine. “Well that went well,” Barad stated as he grabbed a bottle of wine and poured three glasses.

  “If nothing else, it was entertaining,” added Ryan as he took a glass. “I had no idea that Francis was in Lord Hannen’s pocket. I’ll have to tell father.”

  "Well, Kendrick put him in his place. Hopefully, he'll just run home and try to fix all the issues he has caused. I don't think he was one of the lord's that the king was counting on anyway," I said as Barad passed me my glass.

  “I hope not, as I had a powerful urge to run him through. Talking about Captain Hannen. The way he described it made it sound like it was Hannen who was wronged,” Barad said, his face reddening.

  “I fear this is just something we will have to get used to as we wade into politics. As distasteful as it is, that’s how things are done.”

  "Well, Lee," Ryan stated. "You are building your kingdom from scratch. With luck, you can build a system to avoid such pettiness."

  “Well then, I’ll be counting on people like yourself to help design such a system. To be honest, I have the same urge to run Francis through that Barad has.”

  “The night’s still young Lee,” Barad said with a smile.

  I waved him off. “As fun as it sounds, I fear the political ramifications would spoil it.”

  “Shame. I’ve got the feeling I won’t like politics.”

  “Oh, it’s a sport just like the fighting you enjoy,” Ryan said with a smile. “If anything it’s more violent. Instead of just killing the person you ruin their life and the lives of their descendants.”

  “Ooh, Vicious! That does sound interesting,” responded Barad.

  “So long as you are on the winning side,” I added. “All right gentlemen, let’s call it a night. We have a long ride back tomorrow.”

  “Which you will just sleep through,” added Ryan.

  “Privileges of being King.” I retorted, escorting everyone out of my room.

  Chapter 22


  Brianna and I left after the excitement of the Kings' departure. We determined the Dommerian's were shipping their materials from a trading house in town. Arthur had given us money to rent a room across from it. In the afternoons after our morning workouts, we camped out there making notes on the comings and goings from the building. It was the same system we had used in Coneer. We made our way through town to our rented room.

  “We should buy some provisions if we are going to spend the night in the room,” I said as we walked along.

  "Well, none of that fried pork stuff you like so much. It stinks!" Brianna argued. Brianna always argued. It's what she does. I've come to accept it as part of her. We had worked together so long we behaved like siblings now.

  “Fine, but I want to find that hard candy sweets maker again. Those were good.”

  “That’s not a meal, but fine. We can grab a couple of sandwiches in the bazaar and your candies.”

  We changed course to the bazaar and picked up our snacks, then went to our rented room. I glanced at the building across the street and didn't see anyone. That wasn't unusual. These were not morning people. The place we used had an outside staircase that led up to the second-floor entrance. I went inside and went straight to my seat at the table. It was spaced back from the window just far enough not to be obvious, but I could still see the street in front of the merchant building.

  I looked at the notes that Bri made yesterday. Many of the comings and goings were from the staff of Lord Hannen. It seemed he lead the group shipping the Dommerians the supplies out of Vennean. We figured if there were anything underhanded that Hannen was planning, it would be out of here.

  Brianna came up behind me and handed me my sandwich and candies before going to the bed and laying down. We took turns watching and resting as we spied across the street. All the more important now that we would be staying the night. With the others gone there was no reason to return. We had our black sneak clothes and our weapons stashed here, just in case.

  I sat watching as the usual cast of characters came in and out of the office. For the most part, it had been easy to determine their names since they were all high-ranking individuals in Lord Hannen's staff.

  The visitors to the office slowed down then came to a stop when it started to get dark. I looked over my list. There were a few new faces I had not seen before, probably because we aren’t usually here this late. I would need to describe them to Arthur to see if he recognized them.

  As it started getting late, I went to the bed and woke Bri. She grumbled as usual but finally got up. I had to wonder if Barad knew what he was asking for, I guess it took all kinds. I took her spot and was quickly asleep.

  It felt like minutes later when Brianna shook me awake. “It’s after midnight, your turn.”

  I painfully pulled myself out of bed and back to the table. Bri was snoring before I even sat down. Looking at her notes, she had marked only one person as leaving since we last switched. Sometimes spy work can be very dull. It was a cold night, so I got an extra blanket to wrap around myself as I sat. I returned to my seat in a bundle and looked for any signs of life across the street. No lights were showing at all. If our records were correct, the building was empty. The streets were mostly quiet other than the occasional drunkard that was finally kicked out of whatever bar he was in.

  It was about three o’clock when there was suddenly some activity across the street. Five men came riding up to the building and unlocked the door. There was no light down there so I couldn’t see who it was. A few moments later one of the men came rushing out. He quickly mounted and sped away. I was filling in my notes when two more men arrived. Pelen’s red hair made him instantly recognizable. The other one next to him must be the one that stabbed Bri. I watched as they entered the office. I could see lamps being lit as the building came to life.

  I hurried over to Bri. “Wakey wakey. You’ll want to see this.”

  “I doubt it,” she mumbled.

  “Pelen and the man that stabbed you just went into the office across the street.”

  She didn’t move for a moment then shot straight up and ran over to the window.

  “Tell me exactly what happened.” I recited to her the comings and goings of the last two hours.

  “I want to take a closer look,” she said.

  “Nah-uh, it’s my turn. You raided the house in Coneer.”

  “And I got stabbed by a man in that house!”

  “And were brought back to life by a god. That ought to count as two turns.” I went to our pile of things and started pulling on my night gear. It would still be another four hours before daylight.

  “Fine, but be careful. Lee isn’t around this time.”

  I left down the stairs and waited by the street to be sure no one was coming. Just before I could move a carriage came roaring around the corner so fast it almost lifted onto two wheels. I pulled back into the shadows. It came to a stop across the street from me. Two people got out and went inside the office. There was just too much going on for me just to sit here. I crossed the street using the carriage as cover. Looking around the side, I could see the driver return to his seat. Taking another gamble, I ran from the protection of the carriage to the side of the building. I waited a moment but heard no alarm. Moving through the dark alley, I came to the closest window. Inside I could see the men gathered. I used my knife to gently ease open the window enough to hear clearly.

  “How dare you take this action without talking with me first!” said the man from the carriage. “They hold my son!”

  “Relax my lord Hannen,” Pelen replied. “There is nothing to tie you to the attack if it fails. The only person exposed is Lord Francis, and he snuck out of the house overnight and requested the attack.”

  "It is still a stupid risk. All we had to do is assassinate the new king and their whole rationale for attacking Dommeran would crumble. Then we could continue with the
plan to undermine Kendrick. Right now he is still too popular."

  Then you can memorialize him when he's dead, if he's not already. I understood the plan was to attack the house around now. Ravner, how many men did you send?"

  “One hundred, sir,” The ugly man replied. “They have but fifteen guards. Lord Faluth doesn’t keep any guards at the house. There is nothing foolish in this attack. Odds are you will be interim king by the end of day.”

  “They really have so few men?” Lord Hannen asked.

  “Apparently he fears you so much he left with just a skeleton guard to avoid you planting a spy.”

  Hannen laughed. “And I would have too. I didn’t imagine when you sent word that things were so much in our favor. I could be king by tonight!”

  “Do not get used to it,” Pelen warned. “You’ve agreed to aid in making Vaelin part of Dommeran.”

  "And you've agreed that I will be suitably rewarded. I think the control of a large portion of Vaelin would be suitable."

  “Perhaps, but that is not for me to promise.”

  The men continued talking, but I couldn’t waste any more time. I waved to the window that I knew Bri was watching from and pointed to the end of the street.

  I waited until I saw her leave the house and start down the street then I sprinted through the alley and down the next street to meet her. We ran through the town as I tried to explain to her what I had overheard.

  “Lee and Barad are under attack right now?” she asked as we approached the palace gates.

  “That’s what I heard.”

  The guards recognized us and opened the gates. We ran to the military wing of the palace. Where’s a guard when you need one? I wondered. We finally came across a guard in the hall. “Soldier, we need Colonel Smith.”

  “He’s not awake yet, sir.”

  “Then wake him, the king is in danger.” The soldier hesitated then ran down the hall waving us to follow. He stopped and banged on a door. “Colonel Smith, It’s an emergency.”

  “It damn well better be,” The colonel said as he opened the door. He was still dressed in his military slacks and a nightshirt.

  “Colonel, we are King Eberon’s people. We have uncovered a conspiracy that the Kings are under attack right now.”

  He paused a moment as he considered. "Dammit! Do you know where the attack is taking place?"

  “Lord Faluth’s house. It was ordered by Lord Francis.”

  “At Lord Faluth’s? Dammit, that is hours away. Private,” he said turning to the guard. “Bang on doors, all of them. Tell everyone to mount up immediately. You two,” he said turning to us. “In here, now.”

  We followed him into the room. “Luckily I recognize you from being with your king. Now tell me what happened,” he said as he started getting dressed.

  "We were spying on a trading house we've identified as working with the Dommerians. Around three o'clock men started gathering at the house, including two men we know are Dommeran agents. As I was sneaking to the house, a carriage arrived carrying Lord Hannen."

  “Hannen? Damn him. Go ahead.”

  "I went to a window to eavesdrop. At first, Hannen was upset about the attack, worrying about his son. After he heard that Lord Francis had ordered it and one hundred men were attacking just fifteen guards, he quickly became very pleased. He was talking about being king by tonight. I knew I couldn't wait anymore sir and we sprinted back here."

  “Yes, you made the right decision. I told him he needed more men, but he insisted he was safe while in Vaelin. I suppose you two want to come with us.”

  “Yes sir,” Bri responded.

  “Good people, ok follow me.”

  Chapter 23


  Wake! You are under attack!

  I woke to see nothing but darkness in my room. I sat up wondering if I had dreamed the warning. Then I felt the coldness of Alynon's coin on my chest. Jumping from bed, I pulled on my pants and grabbed my sword and dagger. Carefully opening my door, I listened to the house. There was no sound. Casting a quick elf hearing spell, I paused again and listened. This time I could hear movement downstairs. I might have disregarded it if not for Alynon's warning. I went down the hall and pounded on Barad and Ryan's door.

  “Up! We are under attack!” I ran down the stairs and started to search the house. It was all quiet as I started looking around. The night was too cold to be walking around with no shirt or boots. I could see my breath as I crept along. Once again, I started to doubt Alynon’s warning until I looked into an open door and spied two bodies lying on the floor. Looking closely, I recognized one as Phelen. The other was one of Whilhoit’s men. There was no time to mourn for them.

  "Everyone awake! We are under attack!" I yelled as I returned to the bottom of the stairs, banging on the soldiers' doors as I passed.

  Barad came running down the stairs behind me. “Who’s attacking?”

  "I don't know, but two men are dead." We stood there as the soldiers from Whilhoit’s unit started coming out of their rooms. The sergeant pushed his way to the front. He too was just wearing pants. His held up by suspenders. "Your Highness, what's going on?"

  "We are under attack, Sergeant. Phelen and your guard have been murdered. Hold these stairs while I wake the others." He nodded and started ordering his men into position. As I turned to go up the stairs, I heard the first shout as a man attacked from one of the side room. There would be no time for me to warn the king. I looked up the stairs to see Ryan standing there. "Ryan, wake the others. Warn them of the attack, then stay with the king."

  He nodded and ran down the hall banging on doors. I turned to see a group of men pushing through the front doors. They were dressed all in black for their nighttime raid. Looking around for something useful I spotted a massive chandelier hanging over the entrance. With a thought, I broke one of the chain links sending it crashing onto the men and temporarily blocking the door. In the tight quarters of the hallway, only a few men could attack at one time. That was in favor of Whilhoit and his men. With our daily training, I didn't think anyone could match them man-to-man.

  I threw my dagger at one of the enemy. As it spun around, I gave it a magical push, cracking the skull of the man. Fearing the blade might get stuck in one of the enemy, I pushed it magically hitting each man in the back of the head with the butt of the dagger. Working with Whilhoit and his men we quickly cleared the hall of enemies. I then magically recalled the dagger to me, catching it as it returned.

  “Whilhoit, hold the stairs!”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  I ran up the stairs to the King’s bedroom. Captain Trigg stood outside the door, sword at ready. “Do we know how many?”

  “No, we killed maybe twelve attackers downstairs. I doubt that this was anything more than a force sent in to secure the entrance. Whilhoit and his men are holding the stairs now.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. You should stay inside with King Kendrick.”

  “Ha,” Ryan said overhearing the conversation as I opened the door. “Good luck with that.”

  “Ryan is right. I can protect us better by fighting than hiding.”

  I closed the door and looked around the room. King Kendrick, Merret, Lord Faluth, Stiven, and Ryan were in the room. “Lord Francis?” I asked.

  “His room is empty, his bags are gone,” Stiven responded.

  “That explains who organized this attack,” The King said pacing the floor. “The dirty traitor! He’ll be hung and his lands confiscated for this.”

  I went to the window and looked outside. I could see men moving around in the shadowed tree line. There was no easy access to the king's windows, but if they had ladders, we would be in trouble. An arrow was shot that I quickly swatted away with my magic. It was followed by a flurry of arrows that forced me to use a shield to deflect them. I closed the shutters quickly as more arrows peppered against it.

  "Damn," I said, mostly to myself. "There are thirty or more men in the back alone. Let's assume somewhere between se
venty-five to one hundred men in total." I turned to the king, "Your revenge will have to wait, your highness. We are greatly outnumbered."

  “So many?” the king asked as he sat down. “I never thought they could send a force like this against me in my own kingdom.”

  Mr Waith walked over and put a hand on the King’s shoulder. “I suspect these are Dommerian’s, Your Majesty. They’ve probably been sending them over in small groups for years. Just waiting for an opportunity like this.”

  This was not good. I started looking around the room for inspiration. There was a vase of flowers and gravel sitting on the table. I pulled out the flowers and grabbed two handfuls of gravel.

  “What are you doing,” Merret asked curiously.

  "I'm not sure. Just making this up as I go." I went back to the window and quickly opened the shutters. I immediately spotted three archers watching from the tree line. I threw the gravel at them then accelerated it magically until it hit the group. Gore sprayed as they died. Another group of men rushed out to see what happened. I sent the other handful at them killing five.

  I quickly knocked down two arrows that had been shot at me and closed the window. It was then I could hear shouting again downstairs. I grabbed more gravel and rushed back downstairs. Barad, Whilhoit, and his men were valiantly holding the stairs, but the house entrance was filling with enemy troops. I threw my gravel down the stairs and guided it into the enemy. The gravel exploded into the men killing a dozen at once. I threw my other handful hitting another ten.


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