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Take My Hand: BWWM Romance

Page 12

by Shanade White

  But only seconds later, she felt Scott grab her hips and slide slowly inside her and she bent forward more to let him in further. He bent over her back, his muscular chest pressed against her back and said, “I’ve been thinking about making love to you in this kitchen since it was finished.” Then thrust into her several times, making her cry out with pleasure.

  Scott set a steady rhythm, filling her with his throbbing length over and over again until she was close to orgasm, then he pulled out of her and spun her around. Wrapping her in his arms, he pushed her over to the kitchen counter and lifted her up, stepping between her legs and reaching down to find her clit with his finger. His mouth found a hard nipple and began to suck, making her arch her back and grab his head, the ripples of pleasure his mouth was causing turning into a torrent when he slid a finger inside her.

  He pushed her down on the counter, releasing her nipple but quickly replacing it with his hand. With his finger still deep inside her, he used his tongue on her clit, the feel of him lapping at her most sensitive spot caused an immediate orgasm. It rocked through her, stealing her breath as Scott’s name escaped her lips. He continued to use his tongue and finger, bringing her over the brink again before he finally found her mouth with his, kissing her until the tremors ceased.

  Scott pulled her off the counter and laid her down on the kitchen table, stepped between her legs and drove himself into her, holding on to her hips to keep her from sliding across the table. When she would have put her legs up on his shoulders, he pulled her legs open as wide as he could, then grabbed her hips again, driving himself into her with long powerful strokes.

  With each powerful stroke, Marissa could feel a pressure building deep inside her, deeper than she’d ever felt before. Scott’s eyes were locked on hers, the love in his eyes, stirring her even further. “Touch yourself, sweetheart,” he said, licking his lips, his face a fierce mask of concentration.

  Marissa reached down between them and rubbed her clit, Scott groaning when he felt her fingers brush against him. Her orgasm came sweeping through her, crashing like waves against a cliff as her fingers slid across her slippery clit. As soon as the last wave had passed, Scott pulled her off the table and sat down in one of the chairs, pulling her onto his lap.

  She straddled him, sliding down his length until he was buried deep inside of her. Feet braced on the floor, his hands on her hips, she rode him. His throbbing penis rubbing against some primal spot deep inside her, her body began spinning in an entirely new web of pleasure much deeper and stronger than anything she’d ever felt.

  The feeling of being out of control only intensified as Scott ground his hips into hers each time they came together. Marissa ground her hips into him, rotating her hips when she did, that tight little core of pleasure began to spread through her in undulating waves that only intensified when Scott clamped his mouth on one of her breasts.

  Reaching between them, he used his thumb to rub her clit in circles, Marissa now completely unable to control her body as it slammed down on Scott’s over and over. When the dam finally burst, Marissa could do nothing more than hang on to Scott, her body no longer under her control. Her muscles clamped tightly around Scott making him call out her name, then he too let the pleasure take him.

  Thrusting into her as she trembled and shook, he let himself go, his orgasm so powerful he left marks on Marissa’s skin where he gripped her hips. She collapsed on top of him completely spent, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Scott used the last of his strength to carry them back to the family room where he laid her down on the couch then joined her, pulling a blanket over them both. They fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, Marissa happy to be home, Scott happy that she’d come home to him.

  Birds singing outside the window woke Marissa the next morning. Before she even opened her eyes, she smiled, loving the feel of Scott wrapped around her. But then she realized where they were and sat up. It wouldn’t be long before the crew showed up and the last place she wanted to be was naked on the couch.

  “Scott, we have to get up. The crew will be here soon,” she said, nudging him.

  “Hm, I gave them the day off,” he mumbled. “Go back to sleep.”

  Marissa settled back down on the couch, letting Scott wrap his arms around her again, but she couldn’t get back to sleep. After she wiggled around trying to get comfortable for the fourth time, Scott sighed and said, “You’re not going to go back to sleep, are you?”

  “No, probably not,” she admitted. “But you can sleep, I’m going to go make some coffee.”

  Scott groaned but got up with her, only coming awake when she set a big breakfast in front of him. After he’d finished his breakfast and a second cup of coffee, he smiled and said, “I knew there was a reason I missed you.”

  “Oh, yeah. You could easily hire someone to cook for you,” she said. “And they wouldn’t even make you do the dishes like I’m going to.”

  “Well, that might be true, but I don’t think the cook would look like you,” he said, getting to his feet and coming over to where she was standing at the sink. “And I couldn’t do this to a cook.”

  He threw her over his shoulder and carried her to the family room and dropped her on the couch. Marissa screamed but then laughed when he began tickling her, that laughter fading to a moan of pleasure when Scott spread her legs and dipped his head between her legs. An hour later, they were cuddled on the couch wrapped in a blanket again.

  “I’m glad you gave everyone the day off,” she said, pulling his arm tighter around her.

  “It was that or take you off into the woods for the day. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to keep my hands off you,” he said, his hand cupping her breast.

  “Your insatiable, Mr. Terrell. You should have warned me before I married you how much work you were going to be,” she said, remembering that Sabrina had used those exact words to her on their wedding night, then wondered if this had been what she meant.

  “Would you still have married me, Mrs. Terrell?” he asked, liking the sound of his words more than he’d realized he would.

  “Hm, let me think about that,” she said, pausing as if she was seriously considering her answer.

  When she’d waited too long, Scott nuzzled her neck and slid his hand down between her legs. “Oh,” Marissa breathed, then said, “I definitely would have married you.”

  As summer turned to fall, Scott and Marissa settled into life together. The issue of her visits around the country had been pushed to the back burner, neither wanting to have the confrontation that they knew was coming. Marissa spent most of her time promoting the fall and winter line for Marissa’s Fashions, the spring and summer line slowly falling into place in the background.

  Scott had his hands full with the renovations. The house was old and problems seemed to creep up at every turn. It was much more difficult to take the old house into the future than he’d thought. They had a few stressful days when a forest fire broke out in the mountains of Montana where his father was staying with Marc and Michael, but they breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that everyone had made it safely out.

  Marissa always hosted a fashion show for the release of a new line. In the morning and afternoon, the more moderately priced clothing would be shown followed by the formal line that night. Marissa had rented a suite at the hotel where the show would be held for the week leading up to the premiere but had only managed to convince Scott to come for the last day. She couldn’t blame him, he would have been left on his own for most of the time anyway.

  When he arrived the night before the big day, it was to find Marissa pacing the suite nervously. She greeted him by throwing her arms around him and burring her face in his chest. “I’m so glad you’re here. I’m so nervous, I’ve never been this nervous before.”

  Without letting go of her, he walked them across the room and pulled her down onto the couch. “What’s making you so nervous? Is it something specific?”

  “No, not really, although this ye
ar could be the year I either stay small or make it big, so I guess that could be part of it,” she said, taking a deep breath, Scott’s presence calming her.

  “It’s also the first time we’re going to be seen in public as a married couple,” he said, tipping her chin up. “Are you worried about that?”

  She thought about his words for a minute. “I guess maybe a little. I’ve heard that there are lot of rumors floating around, some of them sweet and romantic like we’d planned, but a few are rather nasty.”

  “Exactly the reason I avoided all these people for so long. But, it will be fine. The line is going to be wildly popular and no one will even be able to question our relationship after tomorrow night,” he said, his voice full of reassurance.

  “I hope you’re right. Sometimes I wish we didn’t have to do these premieres, but they’re part of the business and I don’t really have any choice,” she said, resting her head against his chest.

  Scott would have been perfectly happy to skip the entire day, but he wanted to support Marissa, so he’d put up with the stares and gossip that would follow them all day. But it was time that society knew that they were united and would stay that way, and anyone who even tried to make what they had anything but what it was would have to deal with him.

  “I don’t know about you, but I could use some Mexican food. What do you say?” he asked.

  “That sounds like one of the best ideas I’ve heard in a long time,” she said, getting to her feet.

  Scott got up and pulled her into his arms. “And then back here to test that big bed I saw in the bedroom,” he said, kissing her just to remind her what she had to look forward to.

  Dinner took longer than they’d expected since there was great celebration when the owner discovered that they’d gotten married. By the time the owner had whipped up a special wedding meal, most of the neighborhood had heard about the news and the little restaurant was packed with well-wishers. It was impossible not to get caught up in the celebration and it was late by the time they got back to the hotel, both exhausted from hours of dancing and eating.

  “I didn’t expect that when I suggested we go down there,” Scott said, “I thought it would be relaxing.”

  Marissa climbed into the big bed next to him and cuddled up to him. “I should have known, but I’ve been so distracted I didn’t think,” she said, running her hands over her chest.

  Scott thought about the woman he’d married and realized that she had an amazing ability to touch people, it was obvious any time he saw her with the people she cared about. “You’ve obviously made quite an impression on the people in that neighborhood.”

  “That’s because instead of telling them what they needed to do to make their lives better, I listened to them and what they had to say. It’s a much more effective way of helping, I can’t possible know what it’s like to live their lives,” she explained. “So, I’ve been able to make a difference, one that will last even when the money is gone.”

  “You’re making a sustainable difference,” he mused. “That’s a new approach.”

  “The idea is to give the people the tools they need to maintain and grow the community. Schools play a big role in that, but it’s more than just that. Sometimes all it takes is just a little nudge to help people succeed, a small loan or a new job. They just need someone to take a risk on them.”

  Scott sat up and ran his thumb down her cheek. “I’m a lucky man to have you in my life. As strange as it is, you’re the complete opposite of what I used to be. I spent so many years tearing down those same people and you’ve spent all these years building them back up. I’d like to be on your side from now on, it’s a much more pleasant side,” he said, kissing her with a sweet passion that she felt wash over her in gentle waves.

  Chapter 12

  Marissa had Scott out of bed at the crack of dawn the next morning, but she was smart enough to have a huge breakfast complete with two carafes of coffee delivered before she woke him up. When he grumbled about the early hour, she handed him a cup of coffee and got in the shower, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to resist. After nearly an hour in the shower, they emerged. Scott in a much better mood, and Marissa was proud that she’d learned to handle her husband so well already.

  There wasn’t nearly as much grumbling when she made him try on his clothes for the day, which was good since she’d had three new outfits made for him. They were the first in her new line of men’s clothing inspired by Scott and her brother Matt. She’d been working on the concept for a long time, but now that Scott was in her life, she had a real life model to experiment with. A few kisses and whispered promises got them through the fitting, leaving her favorite seamstress embarrassed but laughing.

  By the time they walked through the doors of the ballroom, they made a striking pair. Both dressed casually in clothes from the line, Scott looked especially attractive in a jeans and a green shirt that matched the color of his eyes. Marissa, in jeans and a flowing shirt in the palest shade of peach, looked cool and refreshing. All eyes turned to them when they came through the door. The news of their marriage had spread like wildfire through the event, thanks in part to the seamstress who’d witnessed their bargaining that morning.

  Marissa couldn’t blame her, their relationship had been the subject of much discussion all week. Some thought it was telling that Scott wasn’t with her the whole week, pushing the rumor that they’d married for some unknown reason besides love. She couldn’t help but hear the whispered conversations before she walked into a room, so she was happy to have any question about them settled. Walking into that room on Scott’s arm, she knew that there was no question in her mind about them. She loved Scott more than she’d ever loved anyone.

  As they were swamped by well-wishers and even some press, he took her hand and gave it a squeeze then never let go. It was clear to anyone watching them that there was more than genuine affection between them; the way they looked at each other was enough to make anyone jealous. Just standing near them it was possible to feel the electricity that flowed between them, the happiness they felt contagious.

  Most people were happy to see them so in love, but there was one person who’d had other plans. Misty didn’t usually attend anything but the evening show, but she’d shown up today to see what she could do to mess with Marissa’s life. She truly hadn’t believed the rumors she heard about Scott actually marrying Marissa, but even from across the room she could see the rings on their fingers. Jealousy shot through her like a bolt of lightning, her determination to do something to ruin Marissa’s happiness a sharp pain in her stomach.

  There was no way she was going to let Marissa keep Scott, he was the best thing that shown up in a long time around here. She’d grown bored with the men around her, there was no challenge to it anymore since she’d slept with any of them who were worth it already. Scott was the man of her dreams; not only was he gorgeous, but he had a huge bank account to with those good looks. Watching him caress Marissa’s back from across the room, she knew that he’d be good in bed too.

  Deciding to abandon the rest of her plans for the day, she left the show and headed home. Instead of trying to derail Marissa’s fashion business today, she’d derail her marriage tonight. The perfect dress was hanging in her closet, a daring black thing that was just big enough to cover the important places. Scott had been attracted to her the last time they’d met, that had been clear from his reaction when she’d grabbed him under the table, the way he’d stiffened then shifted around in his seat had told her all she needed to know.

  Assured of her success in her mind, she slipped out the back door, she had some heavy duty preparations to make. Wearing that dress required a few special treatments that would take the rest of the day. But she wanted to look perfect for the night of her biggest triumph. Hailing a cab, she gave the driver the address of her salon, then got on the phone to call her stylist.

  Over lunch in the suite, Marissa trolled social media for response to the show, pleased to fin
d that the reviews were all positive. But most telling of all was the influx of orders that were pouring into the website. For all intents and purposes, the morning could be considered a success. Her phone wouldn’t stop ringing, so she finally shut it off just to get a few minutes peace and quiet.

  She’d been pacing nervously around the suite, but Scott finally pulled her down next to him on the couch. “You should be happy, but I sense something’s bothering you,” he said, putting his arm around her and pulling her close.

  “I know it sounds crazy, but I can’t help but worry that Misty hasn’t shown her face yet. By now she’d have already posted as many bad things as she could have about the line,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “I keep getting this feeling that she’s planning something.”

  “This woman really hates you, doesn’t she?” Scott said.

  “The feeling is mutual, created over years of animosity that started when we were just kids. I’d love to give it up, but Misty has little to keep her occupied and she’s one of those people who like drama in their lives. The more negative the better.”

  “She sounds like a wonderful woman, but really she can’t do that much to you. Some bad reviews won’t kill the line, not with the response you’ve had so far. I’ll be right by your side the whole time,” he said, kissing her until her breath was coming in short little gasps.

  It was then that Marissa knew how Misty was going to try and strike out against her. She could have shared her suspicions with Scott, but she didn’t want to seem jealous so she kept her thoughts to herself. They managed to get their clothes changed for the afternoon show without ending up in the bed, but there were a lot of close calls. When they emerged from the bedroom in matching navy blue suits, Marissa couldn’t have been happier, all thoughts of Misty gone from her mind.


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